Basic usage =========== ## Install Fenom ### Composer Add package Fenom in your require-list in `composer.json`: ```json { "require": { "fenom/fenom": "2.*" } } ``` and update project's dependencies: `composer update`. ### Custom loader Clone Fenom to any directory: `git clone`. Recommended use latest tag. Fenom use [psr-0]( autoloading standard. Therefore you can * use `psr-0` format in your project loader for loading Fenom's classes * or register Fenom's autoloader: `Fenom::registerAutoload();` for loading itself. Also you can use this autoloader for loading any library with `psr-0` file naming: ```php Fenom::registerAutoload(PROJECT_DIR."/src"); ``` ## Setup Fenom Create an object via factory method ```php $fenom = Fenom::factory('/path/to/templates', '/path/to/compiled/template', $options); ``` Create an object via `new` operator ```php $fenom = new Fenom(new Provider('/path/to/templates')); $fenom->setCompileDir('/path/to/template/cache'); $fenom->setOptions($options); ``` * `/path/to/templates` — directory, where stores your templates. * `/path/to/template/cache` — directory, where stores compiled templates in PHP files. * `$options` - bit-mask or array of [Fenom settings](./docs/ ### Use Fenom Output template ```php $fenom->display("template/name.tpl", $vars); ``` Get the result of rendering the template ```php $result = $fenom->fetch("template/name.tpl", $vars); ``` Create the pipeline of rendering into callback ```php $fenom->pipe( "template/sitemap.tpl", $vars, $callback = [new SplFileObject("/tmp/sitemap.xml", "w"), "fwrite"], // pipe to file /tmp/sitemap.xml $chunk_size = 1e6 // chunk size for callback ); ```