parseParams($tokens); if(isset($p[0])) { $file_name = $p[0]; } elseif (isset($p["file"])) { $file_name = $p["file"]; } else { throw new ImproperUseException("The tag {include} requires 'file' parameter"); } unset($p["file"], $p[0]); if($p) { return '$tpl->getStorage()->getTemplate('.$file_name.')->display('.self::_toArray($p).'+(array)$tpl);'; } else { return '$tpl->getStorage()->getTemplate('.$file_name.')->display((array)$tpl);'; } } /** * Open tag {if ...} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function ifOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["else"] = false; return 'if('.$scope->tpl->parseExp($tokens, true).') {'; } /** * Tag {elseif ...} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @throws ImproperUseException * @return string */ public static function tagElseIf(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { if($scope["else"]) { throw new ImproperUseException('Incorrect use of the tag {elseif}'); } return '} elseif('.$scope->tpl->parseExp($tokens, true).') {'; } /** * Tag {else} * * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @internal param $ * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function tagElse(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["else"] = true; return '} else {'; } /** * Open tag {foreach ...} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @throws ImproperUseException * @return string */ public static function foreachOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $p = array("index" => false, "first" => false, "last" => false); $key = null; $before = $body = array(); if($tokens->is(T_VARIABLE)) { $from = $scope->tpl->parseVar($tokens, Template::DENY_MODS); $prepend = ""; } elseif($tokens->is('[')) { $from = $scope->tpl->parseArray($tokens); $uid = '$v'.$scope->tpl->i++; $prepend = $uid.' = '.$from.';'; $from = $uid; } else { throw new UnexpectedException($tokens, null, "tag {foreach}"); } $tokens->get(T_AS); $tokens->next(); $value = $scope->tpl->parseVar($tokens, Template::DENY_MODS | Template::DENY_ARRAY); if($tokens->is(T_DOUBLE_ARROW)) { $tokens->next(); $key = $value; $value = $scope->tpl->parseVar($tokens, Template::DENY_MODS | Template::DENY_ARRAY); } $scope["after"] = array(); $scope["else"] = false; while($token = $tokens->key()) { $param = $tokens->get(T_STRING); if(!isset($p[ $param ])) { throw new ImproperUseException("Unknown parameter '$param' in {foreach}"); } $tokens->getNext("="); $tokens->next(); $p[ $param ] = $scope->tpl->parseVar($tokens, Template::DENY_MODS | Template::DENY_ARRAY); } if($p["index"]) { $before[] = $p["index"].' = 0'; $scope["after"][] = $p["index"].'++'; } if($p["first"]) { $before[] = $p["first"].' = true'; $scope["after"][] = $p["first"] .' && ('. $p["first"].' = false )'; } if($p["last"]) { $before[] = $p["last"].' = false'; $scope["uid"] = "v".$scope->tpl->i++; $before[] = '$'.$scope["uid"]." = count($from)"; $body[] = 'if(!--$'.$scope["uid"].') '.$p["last"].' = true'; } $before = $before ? implode("; ", $before).";" : ""; $body = $body ? implode("; ", $body).";" : ""; $scope["after"] = $scope["after"] ? implode("; ", $scope["after"]).";" : ""; if($key) { return "$prepend if($from) { $before foreach($from as $key => $value) { $body"; } else { return "$prepend if($from) { $before foreach($from as $value) { $body"; } } /** * Tag {foreachelse} * * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @internal param $ * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function foreachElse($tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["no-break"] = $scope["no-continue"] = $scope["else"] = true; return " {$scope['after']} } } else {"; } /** * Close tag {/foreach} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function foreachClose($tokens, Scope $scope) { if($scope["else"]) { return '}'; } else { return " {$scope['after']} } }"; } } /** * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string * @throws ImproperUseException */ public static function forOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $p = array("index" => false, "first" => false, "last" => false, "step" => 1, "to" => false, "max" => false, "min" => false); $scope["after"] = $before = $body = array(); $i = array('', ''); $c = ""; $var = $scope->tpl->parseVar($tokens, Template::DENY_MODS); $tokens->get("="); $tokens->next(); $val = $scope->tpl->parseExp($tokens, true); $p = $scope->tpl->parseParams($tokens, $p); if(is_numeric($p["step"])) { if($p["step"] > 0) { $condition = "$var <= {$p['to']}"; if($p["last"]) $c = "($var + {$p['step']}) > {$p['to']}"; } elseif($p["step"] < 0) { $condition = "$var >= {$p['to']}"; if($p["last"]) $c = "($var + {$p['step']}) < {$p['to']}"; } else { throw new ImproperUseException("Invalid step value if {for}"); } } else { $condition = "({$p['step']} > 0 && $var <= {$p['to']} || {$p['step']} < 0 && $var >= {$p['to']})"; if($p["last"]) $c = "({$p['step']} > 0 && ($var + {$p['step']}) <= {$p['to']} || {$p['step']} < 0 && ($var + {$p['step']}) >= {$p['to']})"; } if($p["first"]) { $before[] = $p["first"].' = true'; $scope["after"][] = $p["first"] .' && ('. $p["first"].' = false )'; } if($p["last"]) { $before[] = $p["last"].' = false'; $body[] = "if($c) {$p['last']} = true"; } if($p["index"]) { $i[0] .= $p["index"].' = 0,'; $i[1] .= $p["index"].'++,'; } $scope["else"] = false; $scope["else_cond"] = "$var==$val"; $before = $before ? implode("; ", $before).";" : ""; $body = $body ? implode("; ", $body).";" : ""; $scope["after"] = $scope["after"] ? implode("; ", $scope["after"]).";" : ""; return "$before for({$i[0]} $var=$val; $condition;{$i[1]} $var+={$p['step']}) { $body"; } /** * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function forElse(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["no-break"] = $scope["no-continue"] = true; $scope["else"] = true; return " } if({$scope['else_cond']}) {"; } /** * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function forClose($tokens, Scope $scope) { if($scope["else"]) { return '}'; } else { return " {$scope['after']} }"; } } /** * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function whileOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { return 'while('.$scope->tpl->parseExp($tokens, true).') {'; } /** * Open tag {switch} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function switchOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["no-break"] = $scope["no-continue"] = true; $scope["switch"] = 'switch('.$scope->tpl->parseExp($tokens, true).') {'; // lazy switch init return ''; } /** * Tag {case ...} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function tagCase(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $code = 'case '.$scope->tpl->parseExp($tokens, true).': '; if($scope["switch"]) { unset($scope["no-break"], $scope["no-continue"]); $code = $scope["switch"]."\n".$code; $scope["switch"] = ""; } return $code; } /** * Tag {continue} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @throws ImproperUseException * @return string */ public static function tagContinue($tokens, Scope $scope) { if(empty($scope["no-continue"])) { return 'continue;'; } else { throw new ImproperUseException("Improper usage of the tag {continue}"); } } /** * Tag {default} * * @static * @return string */ public static function tagDefault($tokens, Scope $scope) { $code = 'default: '; if($scope["switch"]) { unset($scope["no-break"], $scope["no-continue"]); $code = $scope["switch"]."\n".$code; $scope["switch"] = ""; } return $code; } /** * Tag {break} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @throws ImproperUseException * @return string */ public static function tagBreak($tokens, Scope $scope) { if(empty($scope["no-break"])) { return 'break;'; } else { throw new ImproperUseException("Improper usage of the tag {break}"); } } /** * Dispatch {extends} tag * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Template $tpl * @throws ImproperUseException * @return string */ public static function tagExtends(Tokenizer $tokens, Template $tpl) { if(!empty($tpl->_extends)) { throw new ImproperUseException("Only one {extends} allowed"); } $tpl_name = $tpl->parseFirstArg($tokens, $name); $tpl->addPostCompile(__CLASS__."::extendBody"); if($name) { // static extends $tpl->_extends = $tpl->getStorage()->getRawTemplate()->load($name, false); $tpl->addDepend($tpl->_extends); // for valid compile-time need take template from storage return "/* Static extends */"; } else { // dynamic extends $tpl->_extends = $tpl_name; return '/* Dynamic extends */'."\n".'$parent = $tpl->getStorage()->getTemplate('.$tpl_name.');'; } } /** * Post compile method for {extends ...} tag * @param $body * @param Template $tpl */ public static function extendBody(&$body, $tpl) { if(isset($tpl->_extends)) { // is child if(is_object($tpl->_extends)) { // static extends $t = $tpl->_extends; /* @var Template $t */ do { $t->_blocks = &$tpl->_blocks; $t->compile(); $tpl->addDepend($t); } while(isset($t->_extends) && $t = $t->_extends); $body = $t->_body; } else { // dynamic extends $body .= 'blocks = &$tpl->blocks; $parent->display((array)$tpl); unset($tpl->blocks, $parent->blocks); ?>'; } } } public static function tagUse(Tokenizer $tokens, Template $tpl) { } /** * Tag {block ...} * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string * @throws ImproperUseException */ public static function tagBlockOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $p = $scope->tpl->parseFirstArg($tokens, $name); if ($name) { $scope["static"] = true; $scope["name"] = $name; $scope["cname"] = '"'.addslashes($name).'"'; } else { $scope["static"] = false; $scope["name"] = $scope["cname"] = $p; } if(isset($scope->tpl->_extends)) { // is child if(is_object($scope->tpl->_extends) && $scope["static"]) { // static extends $code = ""; } else { // dynamic extends $code = 'if(empty($tpl->blocks['.$scope["cname"].'])) { $tpl->blocks['.$scope["cname"].'] = function($tpl) {'; } } else { // is parent if(isset($scope->tpl->_blocks)) { // has blocks from child if(isset($scope->tpl->_blocks[ $scope["name"] ])) { // skip own block and insert child's block after $scope["body"] = $scope->tpl->_body; $scope->tpl->_body = ""; } // else just put block content as is return ''; } else { $code = 'if(isset($tpl->blocks['.$scope["cname"].'])) { echo $tpl->blocks['.$scope["cname"].']->__invoke($tpl); } else {'; } } $scope["offset"] = strlen($scope->tpl->getBody()) + strlen($code); return $code; } /** * Close tag {/block} * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function tagBlockClose($tokens, Scope $scope) { if(isset($scope->tpl->_extends)) { // is child if(is_object($scope->tpl->_extends) && $scope["static"]) { // static extends if(!isset($scope->tpl->_blocks[ $scope["name"] ])) { $scope->tpl->_blocks[ $scope["name"] ] = substr($scope->tpl->getBody(), $scope["offset"]); } return ""; } else { // dynamic extends return '} }'; } } else { // is parent if(isset($scope->tpl->_blocks)) { if(isset($scope["body"])) { $scope->tpl->_body = $scope["body"].$scope->tpl->_blocks[ $scope["name"] ]; } return ""; } else { return '}'; } } } /** * Standard close tag {/...} * * @static * @return string */ public static function stdClose() { return '}'; } /** * Standard function parser * * @static * @param $function * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Template $tpl * @return string */ public static function stdFuncParser($function, Tokenizer $tokens, Template $tpl) { return "echo $function(".self::_toArray($tpl->parseParams($tokens)).', $tpl);'; } /** * Smart function parser * * @static * @param $function * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Template $tpl * @return string */ public static function smartFuncParser($function, Tokenizer $tokens, Template $tpl) { if(strpos($function, "::")) { $ref = new \ReflectionMethod($function); } else { $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($function); } $args = array(); $params = $tpl->parseParams($tokens); foreach($ref->getParameters() as $param) { if(isset($params[ $param->getName() ])) { $args[] = $params[ $param->getName() ]; } elseif(isset($params[ $param->getPosition() ])) { $args[] = $params[ $param->getPosition() ]; } elseif($param->isOptional()) { $args[] = $param->getDefaultValue(); } } return "echo $function(".implode(", ", $args).');'; } /** * Standard function open tag parser * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function stdFuncOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["params"] = self::_toArray($scope->tpl->parseParams($tokens)); return 'ob_start();'; } /** * Standard function close tag parser * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Scope $scope * @return string */ public static function stdFuncClose($tokens, Scope $scope) { return "echo ".$scope["function"].'('.$scope["params"].', ob_get_clean(), $tpl);'; } private static function _toArray($params) { $_code = array(); foreach($params as $k => $v) { $_code[] = '"'.$k.'" => '.$v; } return 'array('.implode(",", $_code).')'; } /** * Tag {var ...} * * @static * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Template $tpl * @return string */ public static function assign(Tokenizer $tokens, Template $tpl) { return self::setVar($tokens, $tpl).';'; } /** * Set variable expression parser * @param Tokenizer $tokens * @param Template $tpl * @param bool $allow_array * @return string */ public static function setVar(Tokenizer $tokens, Template $tpl, $allow_array = true) { $var = $tpl->parseVar($tokens, $tpl::DENY_MODS); $tokens->get('='); $tokens->next(); if($tokens->is("[") && $allow_array) { return $var.'='.$tpl->parseArray($tokens); } else { return $var.'='.$tpl->parseExp($tokens, true); } } public static function tagModifyOpen(Tokenizer $tokens, Scope $scope) { $scope["modifiers"] = $scope->tpl->parseModifier($tokens, "ob_get_clean()"); return "ob_start();"; } public static function tagModifyClose($tokens, Scope $scope) { return "echo ".$scope["modifiers"].";"; } }