Modifier match ============== Match string against a pattern. The average user may be used to shell patterns or at least in their simplest form to `?` and `*` wildcards so using `match` instead of `ematch` for frontend search expression input may be way more convenient for non-programming users. ``` {$string|match:$pattern} ``` Special pattern symbols: * `?` — match one or zero unknown characters. `?at` matches `Cat`, `cat`, `Bat` or `bat`, `but` not `at`. * `*` — match any number of unknown characters. `Law*` matches `Law`, `Laws`, or `Lawyer`. * `[characters]` — Match a character as part of a group of characters. `[CB]at` matches `Cat` or `Bat` but not `cat`, `rat` or `bat`. * `\` - Escape character. `Law\*` will only match `Law*` ```smarty {if $color|match:"*gr[ae]y"} some form of gray ... {/if} ```