Syntax ====== Fenom implements [Smarty]( syntax with some improvements. All Fenom tags enclosed in the delimiters `{` and `}`, for example `{var $five = 5}`. If you wanna leave delimiters as is in the template use [special statements or tags](#ignoring-delimiters). **Note** Fenom implements [Smarty]( syntax but not implements Smarty tags, however, some tags very similar. But not so bad, Fenom has the [extras]( that make Fenom like Smarty. ## Variable Variables in Fenom can be either displayed directly or used as arguments for functions, attributes and modifiers, inside conditional expressions, etc. ### Use variables Next example uses simple variables `$user_id` ans `$user_name` ```smarty
Hello, {$user_name}.
``` Example outputs next HTML code: ```html
Hello, Bzick.
``` You can also reference associative array variables by specifying the key after a dot `.` symbol or paste key name into square brackets, as in PHP. ```smarty
Hello, {$}.
``` `{$}` and `{$user['id']}` are same: ```smarty
Hello, {$user['name']}.
``` Properties of objects assigned from PHP can be referenced by specifying the property name after the `->` symbol: ```smarty
Hello, {$user->name}.
``` Methods of objects defined in PHP can be invoked by specifying the method name after the `->` symbol and use parenthesis with arguments: ```smarty
Hello, {$user->getName()}.
``` *Note* Be careful, Fenom do not checks existence of the method before invoke. To avoid the problem class of the object have to define method `__call`, which throws an exception, etc. Also you can prohibit method call in [settings](./docs/ Below is complex example: ```smarty {$} {$foo.$bar.$baz} {$foo[5].baz} {$foo[5].$baz} {$[4]} {$foo[ $bar.baz ]} {$foo[5]} {$foo.5} {$} {$foo.'bar'} {$foo."bar"} {$foo['bar']} {$foo["bar"]} {$foo.$bar} {$foo[$bar]} {$foo->bar} {$foo->bar.buz} {$foo->bar.buz[ $bar->getId("user") ]} {$foo->bar(5)->buz(5.5)} ``` ### System variable Unnamed system variable starts with `$.` and allows access to global variables and template information: * `$.get` is `$_GET`. * `$.post` is `$_POST`. * `$.cookie` is `$_COOKIE`. * `$.session` is `$_SESSION`. * `$.globals` is `$GLOBALS`. * `$.request` is `$_REQUEST`. * `$.files` is `$_FILES`. * `$.server` is `$_SERVER`. * `$.env` is `$_ENV`. * `$` returns current template name. * `$.tpl.schema` returns current schema of the template. * `$.version` returns version of the Fenom. * `$.const` paste constant. ```smarty {if $.get.debug? && $.const.DEBUG} ... {/if} ``` ### Variable operations Fenom supports math, logic, comparison, containment, test, concatenation operators... todo See all [operators](./ ### Set variable ```smarty {var $foo = "bar"} {var $foo = "bar"|upper} {* apply modifier *} {var $foo = 5} {var $foo = $x + $y} {var $foo = $x.y[z] + $y} {var $foo = strlen($a)} {* work with functions *} {var $foo = myfunct( ($x+$y)*3 )} {var $ = 1} {* multidimensional value support *} {var $foo = $object->item->method($y, 'named')} {* work with object fine *} ``` Using block tag ```smarty {var $foo} content {$text|truncate:30} {/var} {var $foo|truncate:50} {* apply modifier to content *} content {$text} {/var} ``` Set array ```smarty {var $foo = [1, 2, 3]} numeric array {var $foo = ['y' => 'yellow', 'b' => 'blue']} associative array {var $foo = [1, [9, 8], 3]} can be nested {var $foo = [1, $two, $three * 3 + 9]} {var $foo = [$a, $d.c, $a + $f]} {var $foo = ['y' => 'yellow', $color|upper => $colors[ $color ]} {var $foo = [1, [$parent, $a->method()], 3]} ``` See also [{var}](./tags/ documentation. ## Scalar values ### Strings When the string in double quotation marks, all the expressions in the string will be run. The result of expressions will be inserted into the string instead it. ```smarty {var $foo="Username"} {var $"Username"} {"Hi, $foo"} outputs "Hi, Username" {"Hi, {$foo}"} outputs "Hi, Username" {"Hi, {$}"} outputs "Hi, Username" {"Hi, {$|up}"} outputs "Hi, USERNAME" {"Hi, {$user->getName(true)}"} outputs Hi, Username {var $message = "Hi, {$}"} ``` but if use single quote any template expressions will be on display as it is ```smarty {'Hi, $foo'} outputs 'Hi, $foo' {'Hi, {$foo}'} outputs 'Hi, {$foo}' {'Hi, {$}'} outputs 'Hi, {$}' {'Hi, {$|up}'} outputs "Hi, {$|up}" ``` ### Integers Integers can be specified in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base 8) or binary (base 2) notation, optionally preceded by a sign (- or +). To use octal notation, precede the number with a 0 (zero). To use hexadecimal notation precede the number with 0x. To use binary notation precede the number with 0b. ```smarty {var $a = 1234} decimal number {var $a = -123} a negative number {var $a = 0123} octal number (equivalent to 83 decimal) {var $a = 0x1A} hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal) {var $a = 0b11111111} binary number (equivalent to 255 decimal) ``` **Note** The size of an integer is platform-dependent, although a maximum value of about two billion is the usual value (that's 32 bits signed). 64-bit platforms usually have a maximum value of about 9223372036854775807 **Warning** If an invalid digit is given in an octal integer (i.e. 8 or 9), the rest of the number is ignored. ### Floating point numbers Floating point numbers (also known as "floats", "doubles", or "real numbers") can be specified using any of the following syntaxes: ```smarty {var $a = 1.234} {var $b = 1.2e3} {var $c = 7E-10} ``` ## Modifiers Variable modifiers can be applied to variables, custom functions or strings. To apply a modifier, specify the value followed by a | (pipe) and the modifier name. A modifier may accept additional parameters that affect its behavior. These parameters follow the modifier name and are separated by a : (colon). ```smarty {var $foo="User"} {$foo|upper} outputs "USER" {$foo|lower} outputs "user" {"{$foo|lower}"} outputs "user" {"User"|lower}} outputs "user" {$looong_text|truncate:80:"..."} truncate the text to 80 symbols and append symbols, like "..." {$looong_text|lower|truncate:$settings.count:$settings.etc} {var $foo="Ivan"|upper} sets $foo value "USER" ``` [List of modifiers](./ ## Tags Basically, tag seems like ```smarty {FUNCNAME attr1 = "val1" attr2 = $val2} ``` Tags starts with name and may have attributes Это общий формат функций, но могут быть исключения, например функция [{var}](./tags/, использованная выше. ```smarty {include file="my.tpl"} {var $foo=5} {if $user.loggined} Welcome, {$}! {else} Who are you? {/if} ``` В общем случае аргументы принимают любой формат переменных, в том числе результаты арифметических операций и модификаторов. ```smarty {funct arg=true} {funct arg=5} {funct arg=1.2} {funct arg='string'} {funct arg="string this {$var}"} {funct arg=[1,2,34]} {funct arg=$x} {funct arg=$x.c} ``` ```smarty {funct arg="ivan"|upper} {funct arg=$a.d.c|lower} ``` ```smarty {funct arg=1+2} {funct arg=$a.d.c+4} {funct arg=($a.d.c|count+4)/3} ``` ## Static method support By default static methods are allowed in templates ```smarty {Lib\Math::multiple x=3 y=4} static method as tag {Lib\Math::multiple(3,4)} inline static method {12 + Lib\Math::multiple(3,4)} {12 + 3|Lib\Math::multiple:4} static method as modifier ``` You may disable call static methods in template, see in [security options](./ option `deny_static` ## Ignoring template code It is sometimes desirable or even necessary to have ignore sections it would otherwise parse. A classic example is embedding Javascript or CSS code in a template. The problem arises as those languages use the `{` and `}` characters which are also the default delimiters for Fenom. Fenom has several solutions: 1. Uses block tag `{ignore} {/ignore}`. Anything within `{ignore} {/ignore}` tags is not interpreted, but displayed as-is. 2. The `{` and `}` braces will be ignored so long as they are surrounded by white space. 3. Uses tag option `:ignore` for block tag. Все Fenom теги внутри блока будут проигнорированны Example: ```smarty {ignore} {/ignore} ``` Outputs ```html ``` ### Whitespaces Tags to allow any number of spaces ```smarty {include 'control.tpl' $options = $list $name = $ $type = 'select' isolate = true disable_static = true } {foreach [ "one" => 1, "two" => 2, "three" => 3 ] as $key => $val} {$key}: {$val} {/foreach} ``` ### Tag options TODO | name | code | type | description | | ------- | ---- | ----- | ------------ | | strip | s | block | enable `strip` option for a block of the template | | raw | a | any | ignore escape option | | escape | e | any | force escape | | ignore | i | block | ignore Fenom syntax | ```smarty {script:ignore} ... {/script} {foreach:ignore:strip ...} ... {/foreach} ```