
633 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of Fenom.
* (c) 2013 Ivan Shalganov
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the license.md
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Fenom;
use Fenom\Error\UnexpectedTokenException;
* for PHP <5.4 compatible
defined('T_INSTEADOF') || define('T_INSTEADOF', 341);
defined('T_TRAIT') || define('T_TRAIT', 355);
defined('T_TRAIT_C') || define('T_TRAIT_C', 365);
* for PHP <5.5 compatible
defined('T_YIELD') || define('T_YIELD', 267);
* Each token have structure
* - Token (constant T_* or text)
* - Token name (textual representation of the token)
* - Whitespace (whitespace symbols after token)
* - Line number of the token
* @see http://php.net/tokenizer
* @property array $prev the previous token
* @property array $curr the current token
* @property array $next the next token
* @package Fenom
* @author Ivan Shalganov <a.cobest@gmail.com>
class Tokenizer
const TOKEN = 0;
const TEXT = 1;
const WHITESPACE = 2;
const LINE = 3;
* Some text value: foo, bar, new, class ...
const MACRO_STRING = 1000;
* Unary operation: ~, !, ^
const MACRO_UNARY = 1001;
* Binary operation (operation between two values): +, -, *, /, &&, or , ||, >=, !=, ...
const MACRO_BINARY = 1002;
* Equal operation
const MACRO_EQUALS = 1003;
* Scalar values (such as int, float, escaped strings): 2, 0.5, "foo", 'bar\'s'
const MACRO_SCALAR = 1004;
* Increment or decrement: ++ --
const MACRO_INCDEC = 1005;
* Boolean operations: &&, ||, or, xor, and
const MACRO_BOOLEAN = 1006;
* Math operation
const MACRO_MATH = 1007;
* Condition operation
const MACRO_COND = 1008;
public $tokens;
public $p = 0;
public $quotes = 0;
private $_max = 0;
private $_last_no = 0;
* @see http://docs.php.net/manual/en/tokens.php
* @var array groups of tokens
public static $macros = array(
self::MACRO_STRING => array(
\T_ABSTRACT => 1, \T_ARRAY => 1, \T_AS => 1, \T_BREAK => 1, \T_BREAK => 1, \T_CASE => 1,
\T_CATCH => 1, \T_CLASS => 1, \T_CLASS_C => 1, \T_CLONE => 1, \T_CONST => 1, \T_CONTINUE => 1,
\T_DECLARE => 1, \T_DEFAULT => 1, \T_DIR => 1, \T_DO => 1, \T_ECHO => 1, \T_ELSE => 1,
\T_ELSEIF => 1, \T_EMPTY => 1, \T_ENDDECLARE => 1, \T_ENDFOR => 1, \T_ENDFOREACH => 1, \T_ENDIF => 1,
\T_ENDSWITCH => 1, \T_ENDWHILE => 1, \T_EVAL => 1, \T_EXIT => 1, \T_EXTENDS => 1, \T_FILE => 1,
\T_FINAL => 1, \T_FOR => 1, \T_FOREACH => 1, \T_FUNCTION => 1, \T_FUNC_C => 1, \T_GLOBAL => 1,
\T_GOTO => 1, \T_HALT_COMPILER => 1, \T_IF => 1, \T_IMPLEMENTS => 1, \T_INCLUDE => 1, \T_INCLUDE_ONCE => 1,
\T_INSTANCEOF => 1, \T_INSTEADOF => 1, \T_INTERFACE => 1, \T_ISSET => 1, \T_LINE => 1, \T_LIST => 1,
\T_LOGICAL_AND => 1, \T_LOGICAL_OR => 1, \T_LOGICAL_XOR => 1, \T_METHOD_C => 1, \T_NAMESPACE => 1, \T_NS_C => 1,
\T_NEW => 1, \T_PRINT => 1, \T_PRIVATE => 1, \T_PUBLIC => 1, \T_PROTECTED => 1, \T_REQUIRE => 1,
\T_REQUIRE_ONCE => 1, \T_RETURN => 1, \T_RETURN => 1, \T_STRING => 1, \T_SWITCH => 1, \T_THROW => 1,
\T_TRAIT => 1, \T_TRAIT_C => 1, \T_TRY => 1, \T_UNSET => 1, \T_USE => 1, \T_VAR => 1,
\T_WHILE => 1, \T_YIELD => 1
self::MACRO_INCDEC => array(
\T_INC => 1, \T_DEC => 1
self::MACRO_UNARY => array(
"!" => 1, "~" => 1, "-" => 1
self::MACRO_BINARY => array(
\T_LOGICAL_OR => 1, \T_LOGICAL_XOR => 1, \T_SL => 1, \T_SR => 1,
"+" => 1, "-" => 1, "*" => 1, "/" => 1, ">" => 1, "<" => 1, "^" => 1, "%" => 1, "&" => 1
self::MACRO_BOOLEAN => array(
self::MACRO_MATH => array(
"+" => 1, "-" => 1, "*" => 1, "/" => 1, "^" => 1, "%" => 1, "&" => 1, "|" => 1
self::MACRO_COND => array(
\T_IS_EQUAL => 1, \T_IS_IDENTICAL => 1, ">" => 1, "<" => 1, \T_SL => 1, \T_SR => 1,
self::MACRO_EQUALS => array(
\T_AND_EQUAL => 1, \T_DIV_EQUAL => 1, \T_MINUS_EQUAL => 1, \T_MOD_EQUAL => 1,
\T_MUL_EQUAL => 1, \T_OR_EQUAL => 1, \T_PLUS_EQUAL => 1, \T_SL_EQUAL => 1, \T_SR_EQUAL => 1,
\T_XOR_EQUAL => 1, '=' => 1,
// \T_CONCAT_EQUAL => 1,
self::MACRO_SCALAR => array(
public static $description = array(
self::MACRO_STRING => 'string',
self::MACRO_INCDEC => 'increment/decrement operator',
self::MACRO_UNARY => 'unary operator',
self::MACRO_BINARY => 'binary operator',
self::MACRO_BOOLEAN => 'boolean operator',
self::MACRO_MATH => 'math operator',
self::MACRO_COND => 'conditional operator',
self::MACRO_EQUALS => 'equal operator',
self::MACRO_SCALAR => 'scalar value'
* Special tokens
* @var array
private static $spec = array(
'true' => 1, 'false' => 1, 'null' => 1, 'TRUE' => 1, 'FALSE' => 1, 'NULL' => 1
* @param $query
public function __construct($query)
$tokens = array(-1 => array(\T_WHITESPACE, '', '', 1));
$_tokens = token_get_all("<?php " . $query);
$line = 1;
$i = 0;
foreach ($_tokens as $token) {
if (is_string($token)) {
if ($token === '"' || $token === "'" || $token === "`") {
$tokens[] = array(
} elseif ($token[0] === \T_WHITESPACE) {
$tokens[$i - 1][2] = $token[1];
} else {
$tokens[] = array(
$line = $token[2],
token_name($token[0]) // debug
$this->tokens = $tokens;
$this->_max = count($this->tokens) - 1;
$this->_last_no = $this->tokens[$this->_max][3];
* Is incomplete mean some string not closed
* @return int
public function isIncomplete()
return ($this->quotes % 2) || ($this->tokens[$this->_max][0] === T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE);
* Return the current element
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php
* @return mixed Can return any type.
public function current()
return $this->curr[1];
* Move forward to next element
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.next.php
* @return Tokenizer
public function next()
if ($this->p > $this->_max) {
return $this;
unset($this->prev, $this->curr, $this->next);
return $this;
* Check token type. If token type is one of expected types return true. Otherwise return false
* @param array $expects
* @param string|int $token
* @return bool
private function _valid($expects, $token)
foreach ($expects as $expect) {
if (is_string($expect) || $expect < 1000) {
if ($expect === $token) {
return true;
} else {
if (isset(self::$macros[$expect][$token])) {
return true;
return false;
* If the next token is a valid one, move the position of cursor one step forward. Otherwise throws an exception.
* @param array $tokens
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
* @return mixed
public function _next($tokens)
if (!$this->curr) {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($this, $tokens);
if ($tokens) {
if ($this->_valid($tokens, $this->key())) {
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($this, $tokens);
* Fetch next specified token or throw an exception
* @return mixed
public function getNext( /*int|string $token1, int|string $token2, ... */)
return $this->current();
* @param $token
* @return bool
public function isNextToken($token)
return $this->next ? $this->next[1] == $token : false;
* Return token and move pointer
* @return mixed
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
public function getAndNext( /* $token1, ... */)
if ($this->curr) {
$cur = $this->curr[1];
return $cur;
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($this, func_get_args());
* Check if the next token is one of the specified.
* @param $token1
* @return bool
public function isNext($token1 /*, ...*/)
return $this->next && $this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->next[0]);
* Check if the current token is one of the specified.
* @param $token1
* @return bool
public function is($token1 /*, ...*/)
return $this->curr && $this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->curr[0]);
* Check if the previous token is one of the specified.
* @param $token1
* @return bool
public function isPrev($token1 /*, ...*/)
return $this->prev && $this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->prev[0]);
* Get specified token
* @param string|int $token1
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
* @return mixed
public function get($token1 /*, $token2 ...*/)
if ($this->curr && $this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->curr[0])) {
return $this->curr[1];
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($this, func_get_args());
* Step back
* @return Tokenizer
public function back()
if ($this->p === 0) {
return $this;
unset($this->prev, $this->curr, $this->next);
return $this;
* @param $token1
* @return bool
public function hasBackList($token1 /*, $token2 ...*/)
$tokens = func_get_args();
$c = $this->p;
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if ($c < 0 || $this->tokens[$c][0] !== $token) {
return false;
return true;
* Lazy load properties
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function __get($key)
switch ($key) {
case 'curr':
return $this->curr = ($this->p <= $this->_max) ? $this->tokens[$this->p] : null;
case 'next':
return $this->next = ($this->p + 1 <= $this->_max) ? $this->tokens[$this->p + 1] : null;
case 'prev':
return $this->prev = $this->p ? $this->tokens[$this->p - 1] : null;
return $this->$key = null;
public function count()
return $this->_max;
* Return the key of the current element
* @return mixed scalar on success, or null on failure.
public function key()
return $this->curr ? $this->curr[0] : null;
* Checks if current position is valid
* @return boolean The return value will be casted to boolean and then evaluated.
* Returns true on success or false on failure.
public function valid()
return (bool)$this->curr;
* Get token name
* @static
* @param int|string $token
* @return string
public static function getName($token)
if (is_string($token)) {
return $token;
} elseif (is_integer($token)) {
return token_name($token);
} elseif (is_array($token)) {
return token_name($token[0]);
} else {
return null;
* Skip specific token or throw an exception
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
* @return Tokenizer
public function skip( /*$token1, $token2, ...*/)
if (func_num_args()) {
if ($this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->curr[0])) {
return $this;
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($this, func_get_args());
} else {
return $this;
* Skip specific token or do nothing
* @param int|string $token1
* @return Tokenizer
public function skipIf($token1 /*, $token2, ...*/)
if ($this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->curr[0])) {
return $this;
* Check current token's type
* @param int|string $token1
* @return Tokenizer
* @throws UnexpectedTokenException
public function need($token1 /*, $token2, ...*/)
if ($this->_valid(func_get_args(), $this->curr[0])) {
return $this;
} else {
throw new UnexpectedTokenException($this, func_get_args());
* Get tokens near current position
* @param int $before count tokens before current token
* @param int $after count tokens after current token
* @return array
public function getSnippet($before = 0, $after = 0)
$from = 0;
$to = $this->p;
if ($before > 0) {
if ($before > $this->p) {
$from = $this->p;
} else {
$from = $before;
} elseif ($before < 0) {
$from = $this->p + $before;
if ($from < 0) {
$from = 0;
if ($after > 0) {
$to = $this->p + $after;
if ($to > $this->_max) {
$to = $this->_max;
} elseif ($after < 0) {
$to = $this->_max + $after;
if ($to < $this->p) {
$to = $this->p;
} elseif ($this->p > $this->_max) {
$to = $this->_max;
$code = array();
for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) {
$code[] = $this->tokens[$i];
return $code;
* Return snippet as string
* @param int $before
* @param int $after
* @return string
public function getSnippetAsString($before = 0, $after = 0)
$str = "";
foreach ($this->getSnippet($before, $after) as $token) {
$str .= $token[1] . $token[2];
return trim(str_replace("\n", '↵', $str));
* Check if current is special value: true, TRUE, false, FALSE, null, NULL
* @return bool
public function isSpecialVal()
return isset(self::$spec[$this->current()]);
* Check if the token is last
* @return bool
public function isLast()
return $this->p === $this->_max;
* Move pointer to the end
public function end()
$this->p = $this->_max;
* Return line number of the current token
* @return mixed
public function getLine()
return $this->curr ? $this->curr[3] : $this->_last_no;
* Is current token whitespaced, means previous token has whitespace characters
* @return bool
public function isWhiteSpaced()
return $this->prev ? (bool)$this->prev[2] : false;
public function getWhitespace()
return $this->curr ? $this->curr[2] : false;
* Seek to custom element
* @param int $p
* @return $this
public function seek($p)
$this->p = $p;
unset($this->prev, $this->curr, $this->next);
return $this;