| proxy | `null` | Url to the [proxy](/proxy/) which is to be used for loading cross-origin images. If left empty, cross-origin images won't be loaded.
| removeContainer | `true` | Whether to cleanup the cloned DOM elements html2canvas creates temporarily
| scale | `window.devicePixelRatio` | The scale to use for rendering. Defaults to the browsers device pixel ratio.
| width | `Element` width | The width of the `canvas`
| height | `Element` height | The height of the `canvas`
| x | `Element` x-offset | Crop canvas x-coordinate
| y | `Element` y-offset| Crop canvas y-coordinate
| scrollX | `Element` scrollX | The x-scroll position to used when rendering element, (for example if the Element uses `position: fixed`)
| scrollY | `Element` scrollY | The y-scroll position to used when rendering element, (for example if the Element uses `position: fixed`)
| windowWidth | `Window.innerWidth` | Window width to use when rendering `Element`, which may affect things like Media queries
| windowHeight | `Window.innerHeight` | Window height to use when rendering `Element`, which may affect things like Media queries