Beging implementing reftests

This commit is contained in:
Niklas von Hertzen 2017-08-09 00:50:31 +08:00
parent 93f08c7547
commit 58d1bef3b6
163 changed files with 15221 additions and 14371 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
/dist /dist
/nbproject/ /nbproject/
image.jpg image.jpg
/.project /.project
@ -11,3 +12,5 @@ node_modules/
.idea/ .idea/
.DS_Store .DS_Store
npm-debug.log npm-debug.log

karma.conf.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// Karma configuration
// Generated on Sat Aug 05 2017 23:42:26 GMT+0800 (Malay Peninsula Standard Time)
const port = 9876;
module.exports = function(config) {
// base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
basePath: '',
// frameworks to use
// available frameworks:
frameworks: ['mocha'],
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
{ pattern: './tests/**/*', 'watched': true, 'included': false, 'served': true},
{ pattern: './dist/**/*', 'watched': true, 'included': false, 'served': true},
{ pattern: './node_modules/**/*', 'watched': true, 'included': false, 'served': true}
// list of files to exclude
exclude: [
// preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
// available preprocessors:
preprocessors: {
// test results reporter to use
// possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
// available reporters:
reporters: ['progress'],
// web server port
// enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
colors: true,
// level of logging
// possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
// enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
autoWatch: true,
// start these browsers
// available browser launchers:
browsers: [
customLaunchers: {
IE9: {
base: 'IE',
'x-ua-compatible': 'IE=EmulateIE9'
IE10: {
base: 'IE',
'x-ua-compatible': 'IE=EmulateIE10'
IE11: {
base: 'IE'
// Continuous Integration mode
// if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
singleRun: false,
// Concurrency level
// how many browser should be started simultaneous
concurrency: Infinity,
proxies: {
'/dist': `http://localhost:${port}/base/dist`,
'/node_modules': `http://localhost:${port}/base/node_modules`,
'/tests': `http://localhost:${port}/base/tests`,
'/assets': `http://localhost:${port}/base/tests/assets`,
client: {
mocha: {
// change Karma's debug.html to the mocha web reporter
reporter: 'html'
browserNoActivityTimeout: 30000

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"author": { "author": {
"name": "Niklas von Hertzen", "name": "Niklas von Hertzen",
"email": "", "email": "",
"url": "" "url": ""
}, },
"engines": { "engines": {
"node": ">=4.0.0" "node": ">=4.0.0"
@ -28,24 +28,40 @@
"babel-preset-es2015": "6.24.1", "babel-preset-es2015": "6.24.1",
"babel-preset-flow": "6.23.0", "babel-preset-flow": "6.23.0",
"base64-arraybuffer": "0.1.5", "base64-arraybuffer": "0.1.5",
"chai": "4.1.1",
"chromeless": "^1.2.0",
"eslint": "4.2.0", "eslint": "4.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-flowtype": "2.35.0", "eslint-plugin-flowtype": "2.35.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "2.1.2", "eslint-plugin-prettier": "2.1.2",
"express": "4.15.4",
"flow-bin": "0.50.0", "flow-bin": "0.50.0",
"glob": "7.1.2",
"jquery": "3.2.1",
"karma": "1.7.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "2.2.0",
"karma-edge-launcher": "0.4.1",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "1.0.1",
"karma-ie-launcher": "1.0.0",
"karma-mocha": "1.3.0",
"mocha": "3.5.0",
"prettier": "1.5.3", "prettier": "1.5.3",
"promise-polyfill": "6.0.2",
"rimraf": "2.6.1", "rimraf": "2.6.1",
"slash": "1.0.0",
"webpack": "3.4.1" "webpack": "3.4.1"
}, },
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"build": "rimraf dist/ && npm run build:npm && npm run build:browser", "build": "rimraf dist/ && npm run build:npm && npm run build:browser",
"build:npm": "babel src/ -d dist/npm/", "build:npm": "babel src/ -d dist/npm/",
"build:browser": "webpack", "build:browser": "webpack",
"format": "prettier --single-quote --no-bracket-spacing --tab-width 4 --print-width 100 --write \"src/**/*.js\"", "format": "prettier --single-quote --no-bracket-spacing --tab-width 4 --print-width 100 --write \"{src,tests,scripts}/**/*.js\"",
"flow": "flow", "flow": "flow",
"lint": "eslint src/**", "lint": "eslint src/**",
"test": "npm run flow && npm run lint" "test": "npm run flow && npm run lint",
"karma": "karma start karma.conf.js",
"watch": "webpack --progress --colors --watch"
}, },
"homepage": "", "homepage": "",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"punycode": "2.1.0" "punycode": "2.1.0"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const glob = require('glob');
const fs = require('fs');
const slash = require('slash');
const parseRefTest = require('./parse-reftest');
const outputPath = 'tests/reftests.js';
cwd: __dirname,
root: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../')
(err, files) => {
if (err) {
const testList = files.reduce((acc, filename) => {
const refTestFilename = path.resolve(__dirname, filename.replace(/\.html$/, '.txt'));
acc[`/${slash(path.relative('../', filename))}`] = fs.existsSync(refTestFilename)
? parseRefTest(fs.readFileSync(refTestFilename).toString())
: null;
return acc;
}, {});
path.resolve(__dirname, `../${outputPath}`),
`module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(testList, null, 4)};`
console.log(`${outputPath} updated`);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
const {Chromeless} = require('chromeless');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const express = require('express');
const reftests = require('../tests/reftests');
const app = express();
app.use('/', express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, '../')));
const listener = app.listen(0, () => {
async function run() {
const chromeless = new Chromeless();
const tests = Object.keys(reftests);
let i = 0;
while (tests[i]) {
const filename = tests[i];
const reftest = await chromeless
.evaluate(() =>
html2canvas(document.documentElement, {
windowWidth: 800,
windowHeight: 600,
target: new RefTestRenderer()
path.resolve(__dirname, `..${filename.replace(/\.html$/i, '.txt')}`),
await chromeless.end();
run().catch(console.error.bind(console)).then(() => process.exit(0));

scripts/parse-reftest.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
const ACTION = /^\s*(\w+ ?\w*):\s+(.+)$/;
const TEXT = /^\s*\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]:\s+(.+)$/;
const WINDOW_SIZE = /^\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]$/;
const RECTANGLE = /^\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\s+(.+)$/;
const REPEAT = /^Image\s+\("(.+)"\)\s+\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\s+Size\s+\((-?\d+), (-?\d+)\)\s+(.+)$/;
const PATH = /^Path \((.+)\)$/;
const VECTOR = /^Vector\(x: (-?\d+), y: (-?\d+)\)$/;
const BEZIER_CURVE = /^BezierCurve\(x0: (-?\d+), y0: (-?\d+), x1: (-?\d+), y1: (-?\d+), cx0: (-?\d+), cy0: (-?\d+), cx1: (-?\d+), cy1: (-?\d+)\)$/;
const SHAPE = /^(rgba?\((:?.+)\)) (Path .+)$/;
const CIRCLE = /^(rgba?\((:?.+)\)) Circle\(x: (-?\d+), y: (-?\d+), r: (-?\d+)\)$/;
const IMAGE = /^Image\s+\("(.+)"\)\s+\(source:\s+\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\)\s+\(destination:\s+\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\)$/;
const CANVAS = /^(Canvas)\s+\(source:\s+\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\)\s+\(destination:\s+\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\)$/;
const GRADIENT = /^\[(-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+), (-?\d+)\]\s+linear-gradient\(x0: (-?\d+), x1: (-?\d+), y0: (-?\d+), y1: (-?\d+) (.+)\)$/;
const TRANSFORM = /^\((-?\d+), (-?\d+)\) \[(.+)\]$/;
function parsePath(path) {
const parts = path.match(PATH)[1];
return parts.split(' > ').map(p => {
const vector = p.match(VECTOR);
if (vector) {
return {
type: 'Vector',
x: parseInt(vector[1], 10),
y: parseInt(vector[2], 10)
} else {
const bezier = p.match(BEZIER_CURVE);
return {
type: 'BezierCurve',
x0: parseInt(bezier[1], 10),
y0: parseInt(bezier[2], 10),
x1: parseInt(bezier[3], 10),
y1: parseInt(bezier[4], 10),
cx0: parseInt(bezier[5], 10),
cy0: parseInt(bezier[6], 10),
cx1: parseInt(bezier[7], 10),
cy1: parseInt(bezier[8], 10)
function parseRefTest(txt) {
return txt.split(/\n/g).filter(l => l.length > 0).map((l, i) => {
const parseAction = l.match(ACTION);
if (!parseAction) {
const text = l.match(TEXT);
return {
action: 'T',
x: parseInt(text[1], 10),
y: parseInt(text[2], 10),
text: text[3]
const args = parseAction[2];
const data = {
action: parseAction[1],
line: i + 1
switch (data.action) {
case 'Opacity':
data.opacity = parseFloat(args);
case 'Fill':
data.color = args;
case 'Clip':
data.path = args.split(' | ').map(path => parsePath(path));
case 'Window':
const windowSize = args.match(WINDOW_SIZE);
data.width = parseInt(windowSize[1], 10);
data.height = parseInt(windowSize[2], 10);
case 'Rectangle':
const rectangle = args.match(RECTANGLE);
data.x = parseInt(rectangle[1], 10);
data.y = parseInt(rectangle[2], 10);
data.width = parseInt(rectangle[3], 10);
data.height = parseInt(rectangle[4], 10);
data.color = rectangle[5];
case 'Repeat':
const repeat = args.match(REPEAT);
data.imageSrc = repeat[1];
data.x = parseInt(repeat[2], 10);
data.y = parseInt(repeat[3], 10);
data.width = parseInt(repeat[4], 10);
data.height = parseInt(repeat[5], 10);
data.path = parsePath(repeat[6]);
case 'Shape':
const shape = args.match(SHAPE);
if (!shape) {
const circle = args.match(CIRCLE);
data.color = circle[1];
data.path = [
type: 'Circle',
x: parseInt(circle[2], 10),
y: parseInt(circle[3], 10),
r: parseInt(circle[4], 10)
} else {
data.color = shape[1];
data.path = parsePath(shape[3]);
case 'Text':
data.font = args;
case 'Draw image':
const image = args.match(IMAGE) ? args.match(IMAGE) : args.match(CANVAS);
data.imageSrc = image[1]; = parseInt(image[2], 10);
data.xy = parseInt(image[3], 10);
data.sw = parseInt(image[4], 10); = parseInt(image[5], 10);
data.dx = parseInt(image[6], 10);
data.dy = parseInt(image[7], 10);
data.dw = parseInt(image[8], 10);
data.dh = parseInt(image[9], 10);
case 'Gradient':
const gradient = args.match(GRADIENT);
data.x = parseInt(gradient[1], 10);
data.y = parseInt(gradient[2], 10);
data.width = parseInt(gradient[3], 10);
data.height = parseInt(gradient[4], 10);
data.x0 = parseInt(gradient[5], 10);
data.x1 = parseInt(gradient[6], 10);
data.y0 = parseInt(gradient[7], 10);
data.y1 = parseInt(gradient[8], 10);
data.stops = gradient[9];
case 'Transform':
const transform = args.match(TRANSFORM);
data.x = parseInt(transform[1], 10);
data.y = parseInt(transform[2], 10);
data.matrix = transform[3];
throw new Error('Unhandled action ' + data.action);
return data;
module.exports = parseRefTest;

View File

@ -247,3 +247,5 @@ const NAMED_COLORS = {
yellow: [255, 255, 0, null], yellow: [255, 255, 0, null],
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50, null] yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50, null]
}; };
export const TRANSPARENT = new Color([0, 0, 0, 0]);

View File

@ -151,34 +151,48 @@ export default class Renderer {
} }
renderNodeBackgroundAndBorders(container: NodeContainer) { renderNodeBackgroundAndBorders(container: NodeContainer) {
! ||;
const renderableBorders =
border =>
border.borderStyle !== BORDER_STYLE.NONE && !border.borderColor.isTransparent()
const callback = () => { const callback = () => {
const backgroundPaintingArea = calculateBackgroungPaintingArea( const backgroundPaintingArea = calculateBackgroungPaintingArea(
container.curvedBounds, container.curvedBounds,
); );[backgroundPaintingArea], () => {
if (! {;
this.renderBackgroundImage(container); if (HAS_BACKGROUND) {
});[backgroundPaintingArea], () => {
if (! {;
}, side) => { this.renderBackgroundImage(container);
renderableBorders.forEach((border, side) => {
this.renderBorder(border, side, container.curvedBounds); this.renderBorder(border, side, container.curvedBounds);
}); });
}; };
const paths = container.parent ? container.parent.getClipPaths() : []; if (HAS_BACKGROUND || renderableBorders.length) {
if (paths.length) { const paths = container.parent ? container.parent.getClipPaths() : [];, callback); if (paths.length) {
} else {, callback);
callback(); } else {
} }
} }
renderBackgroundImage(container: NodeContainer) { renderBackgroundImage(container: NodeContainer) { => { => {
if (backgroundImage.source.method === 'url' && backgroundImage.source.args.length) { if (backgroundImage.source.method === 'url' && backgroundImage.source.args.length) {
this.renderBackgroundRepeat(container, backgroundImage); this.renderBackgroundRepeat(container, backgroundImage);
} else { } else {
@ -224,9 +238,7 @@ export default class Renderer {
} }
renderBorder(border: Border, side: BorderSide, curvePoints: BoundCurves) { renderBorder(border: Border, side: BorderSide, curvePoints: BoundCurves) {
if (border.borderStyle !== BORDER_STYLE.NONE && !border.borderColor.isTransparent()) {, side), border.borderColor);, side), border.borderColor);
} }
renderStack(stack: StackingContext) { renderStack(stack: StackingContext) {

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Logger from './Logger';
import ImageLoader from './ImageLoader'; import ImageLoader from './ImageLoader';
import {Bounds, parseDocumentSize} from './Bounds'; import {Bounds, parseDocumentSize} from './Bounds';
import {cloneWindow} from './Clone'; import {cloneWindow} from './Clone';
import Color from './Color'; import Color, {TRANSPARENT} from './Color';
import {FontMetrics} from './Font'; import {FontMetrics} from './Font';
export type Options = { export type Options = {
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ export type Options = {
target: RenderTarget<*> | Array<RenderTarget<*>>, target: RenderTarget<*> | Array<RenderTarget<*>>,
type: ?string, type: ?string,
windowWidth: number, windowWidth: number,
windowHeight: number windowHeight: number,
offsetX: number,
offsetY: number
}; };
const html2canvas = (element: HTMLElement, config: Options): Promise<*> => { const html2canvas = (element: HTMLElement, config: Options): Promise<*> => {
@ -47,14 +49,16 @@ const html2canvas = (element: HTMLElement, config: Options): Promise<*> => {
target: new CanvasRenderer(config.canvas), target: new CanvasRenderer(config.canvas),
type: null, type: null,
windowWidth: defaultView.innerWidth, windowWidth: defaultView.innerWidth,
windowHeight: defaultView.innerHeight windowHeight: defaultView.innerHeight,
offsetX: defaultView.pageXOffset,
offsetY: defaultView.pageYOffset
}; };
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...config}; const options = {...defaultOptions, ...config};
const windowBounds = new Bounds( const windowBounds = new Bounds(
defaultView.pageXOffset, options.offsetX,
defaultView.pageYOffset, options.offsetY,
options.windowWidth, options.windowWidth,
options.windowHeight options.windowHeight
); );
@ -91,6 +95,10 @@ const html2canvas = (element: HTMLElement, config: Options): Promise<*> => {
: :
: null; : null;
if (backgroundColor === { = TRANSPARENT;
return imageLoader.ready().then(imageStore => { return imageLoader.ready().then(imageStore => {
if (options.removeContainer === true) { if (options.removeContainer === true) {
if (container.parentNode) { if (container.parentNode) {

View File

@ -350,11 +350,13 @@ const parseBackgroundImage = (image: string, imageLoader: ImageLoader): Array<Ba
const key = imageLoader.loadImage(args[0]); const key = imageLoader.loadImage(args[0]);
args = key ? [key] : []; args = key ? [key] : [];
} }
results.push({ if (method !== 'none') {
prefix, results.push({
method, prefix,
args method,
}); args
} }
args = []; args = [];
method = definition = ''; method = definition = '';

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export const parseBorder = (style: CSSStyleDeclaration): Array<Border> => {
return => { return => {
const borderColor = new Color(style.getPropertyValue(`border-${side}-color`)); const borderColor = new Color(style.getPropertyValue(`border-${side}-color`));
const borderStyle = parseBorderStyle(style.getPropertyValue(`border-${side}-style`)); const borderStyle = parseBorderStyle(style.getPropertyValue(`border-${side}-style`));
const borderWidth = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue(`border-${side}-width`), 10); const borderWidth = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(`border-${side}-width`));
return { return {
borderColor, borderColor,
borderStyle, borderStyle,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
/* @flow */ /* @flow */
'use strict'; 'use strict';
import {parse} from 'url';
import type {RenderTarget, RenderOptions} from '../Renderer'; import type {RenderTarget, RenderOptions} from '../Renderer';
import type Color from '../Color'; import type Color from '../Color';
@ -33,10 +34,11 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
this.indent = 0; this.indent = 0;
this.lines = []; this.lines = [];
options.logger.log(`RefTest renderer initialized`); options.logger.log(`RefTest renderer initialized`);
this.writeLine(`Window: [${options.width}, ${options.height}]`);
} }
clip(clipPaths: Array<Path>, callback: () => void) { clip(clipPaths: Array<Path>, callback: () => void) {
this.writeLine(`Clip ${, this).join(', ')}`); this.writeLine(`Clip: ${, this).join(' | ')}`);
this.indent += 2; this.indent += 2;
callback(); callback();
this.indent -= 2; this.indent -= 2;
@ -44,18 +46,18 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
drawImage(image: ImageElement, source: Bounds, destination: Bounds) { drawImage(image: ImageElement, source: Bounds, destination: Bounds) {
this.writeLine( this.writeLine(
`Draw image ${this.formatImage(image)} (source: ${this.formatBounds( `Draw image: ${this.formatImage(image)} (source: ${this.formatBounds(
source source
)} (destination: ${this.formatBounds(source)})` )}) (destination: ${this.formatBounds(source)})`
); );
} }
drawShape(path: Path, color: Color) { drawShape(path: Path, color: Color) {
this.writeLine(`Shape ${color.toString()} ${this.formatPath(path)}`); this.writeLine(`Shape: ${color.toString()} ${this.formatPath(path)}`);
} }
fill(color: Color) { fill(color: Color) {
this.writeLine(`Fill ${color.toString()}`); this.writeLine(`Fill: ${color.toString()}`);
} }
getTarget(): Promise<string> { getTarget(): Promise<string> {
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
rectangle(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: Color) { rectangle(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: Color) {
const list = [x, y, width, height].map(v => Math.round(v)).join(', '); const list = [x, y, width, height].map(v => Math.round(v)).join(', ');
this.writeLine(`Rectangle [${list}] ${color.toString()}`); this.writeLine(`Rectangle: [${list}] ${color.toString()}`);
} }
formatBounds(bounds: Bounds): string { formatBounds(bounds: Bounds): string {
@ -73,8 +75,10 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
} }
formatImage(image: ImageElement): string { formatImage(image: ImageElement): string {
// $FlowFixMe return image.tagName === 'CANVAS'
return image.tagName === 'CANVAS' ? 'Canvas' : `Image src="${image.src}"`; ? 'Canvas'
: // $FlowFixMe
`Image ("${parse(image.src).pathname.substring(0, 100)}")`;
} }
formatPath(path: Path): string { formatPath(path: Path): string {
@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
const string = path const string = path
.map(v => { .map(v => {
if (v.type === PATH.VECTOR) { if (v.type === PATH.VECTOR) {
return `Vector(x: ${Math.round(v.x)}, y: ${Math.round(v.y)}))`; return `Vector(x: ${Math.round(v.x)}, y: ${Math.round(v.y)})`;
} }
if (v.type === PATH.BEZIER_CURVE) { if (v.type === PATH.BEZIER_CURVE) {
const values = [ const values = [
@ -102,7 +106,7 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
return `BezierCurve(${values.join(', ')})`; return `BezierCurve(${values.join(', ')})`;
} }
}) })
.join(', '); .join(' > ');
return `Path (${string})`; return `Path (${string})`;
} }
@ -114,12 +118,14 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
`y1: ${Math.round(gradient.direction.y1)}` `y1: ${Math.round(gradient.direction.y1)}`
]; ];
const stops = => `${stop.color.toString()} ${stop.stop}px`); const stops =
stop => `${stop.color.toString()} ${Math.round(stop.stop * 100) / 100}`
this.writeLine( this.writeLine(
`${this.formatBounds(bounds)} linear-gradient(${direction.join(', ')} ${stops.join( `Gradient: ${this.formatBounds(bounds)} linear-gradient(${direction.join(
', ' ', '
)})` )} ${stops.join(', ')})`
); );
} }
@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
offsetY: number offsetY: number
) { ) {
this.writeLine( this.writeLine(
`Repeat ${this.formatImage( `Repeat: ${this.formatImage(
image image
)} [${offsetX}, ${offsetY}] Size (${imageSize.width}, ${imageSize.height}) ${this.formatPath( )} [${offsetX}, ${offsetY}] Size (${imageSize.width}, ${imageSize.height}) ${this.formatPath(
path path
@ -151,7 +157,7 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
font.fontVariant, font.fontVariant,
font.fontWeight, font.fontWeight,
font.fontSize, font.fontSize,
font.fontFamily font.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, '')
] ]
.join(' ') .join(' ')
.split(',')[0]; .split(',')[0];
@ -167,7 +173,7 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
: ''; : '';
this.writeLine( this.writeLine(
`Text ${color.toString()} ${fontString}${shadowString}${textDecorationString}` `Text: ${color.toString()} ${fontString}${shadowString}${textDecorationString}`
); );
this.indent += 2; this.indent += 2;
@ -231,18 +237,22 @@ class RefTestRenderer implements RenderTarget<string> {
} }
setOpacity(opacity: number) { setOpacity(opacity: number) {
this.writeLine(`Opacity ${opacity}`); this.writeLine(`Opacity: ${opacity}`);
} }
transform(offsetX: number, offsetY: number, matrix: Matrix, callback: () => void) { transform(offsetX: number, offsetY: number, matrix: Matrix, callback: () => void) {
this.writeLine(`Transform (${offsetX}, ${offsetY}) [${matrix.join(', ')}]`); this.writeLine(
`Transform: (${Math.round(offsetX)}, ${Math.round(offsetY)}) [${matrix
.map(v => Math.round(v * 100) / 100)
.join(', ')}]`
this.indent += 2; this.indent += 2;
callback(); callback();
this.indent -= 2; this.indent -= 2;
} }
writeLine(text: string) { writeLine(text: string) {
this.lines.push(`${new Array(this.indent).join(' ')}${text}`); this.lines.push(`${new Array(this.indent + 1).join(' ')}${text}`);
} }
} }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>google maps</title>
var dontRun = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="../test.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
#map {
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
body, html {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<h2>Google maps</h2>
<div id="map"></div>
var mapOptions = { zoom: 13, center: new google.maps.LatLng(60.1656623, 24.9477731) };
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.querySelector('#map'), mapOptions);
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(){
if (typeof( === "function") {;
} else {
dontRun = undefined;

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
document.querySelector("#block").className += "class"; document.querySelector('#block').className += 'class';

View File

@ -3,15 +3,20 @@ var NodeContainer = html2canvas.NodeContainer;
describe('Borders', function() { describe('Borders', function() {
$('#borders div').each(function(i, node) { $('#borders div').each(function(i, node) {
it($(this).attr('style'), function() { it($(this).attr('style'), function() {
["borderTopWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftWidth"].forEach(function(prop) { [
].forEach(function(prop) {
var result = $(node).css(prop); var result = $(node).css(prop);
// older IE's don't necessarily return px even with jQuery // older IE's don't necessarily return px even with jQuery
if (result === "thin") { if (result === 'thin') {
result = "1px"; result = '1px';
} else if (result === "medium") { } else if (result === 'medium') {
result = "3px"; result = '3px';
} else if (result === "thick") { } else if (result === 'thick') {
result = "5px"; result = '5px';
} }
var container = new NodeContainer(node, null); var container = new NodeContainer(node, null);
expect(container.css(prop)); expect(container.css(prop));
@ -23,10 +28,10 @@ describe('Borders', function() {
describe('Padding', function() { describe('Padding', function() {
$('#padding div').each(function(i, node) { $('#padding div').each(function(i, node) {
it($(this).attr('style'), function() { it($(this).attr('style'), function() {
["paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft"].forEach(function(prop) { ['paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft'].forEach(function(prop) {
var container = new NodeContainer(node, null); var container = new NodeContainer(node, null);
var result = container.css(prop); var result = container.css(prop);
expect(result).to.contain("px"); expect(result).to.contain('px');
expect(result, $(node).css(prop)); expect(result, $(node).css(prop));
}); });
}); });
@ -36,20 +41,25 @@ describe('Padding', function() {
describe('Background-position', function() { describe('Background-position', function() {
$('#backgroundPosition div').each(function(i, node) { $('#backgroundPosition div').each(function(i, node) {
it($(this).attr('style'), function() { it($(this).attr('style'), function() {
var prop = "backgroundPosition"; var prop = 'backgroundPosition';
var img = new Image(); var img = new Image();
img.width = 50; img.width = 50;
img.height = 50; img.height = 50;
var container = new NodeContainer(node, null); var container = new NodeContainer(node, null);
var item = container.css(prop), var item = container.css(prop),
backgroundPosition = container.parseBackgroundPosition(html2canvas.utils.getBounds(node), img), backgroundPosition = container.parseBackgroundPosition(
split = (window.getComputedStyle) ? $(node).css(prop).split(" ") : [$(node).css(prop+"X"), $(node).css(prop+"Y")]; html2canvas.utils.getBounds(node),
split = window.getComputedStyle
? $(node).css(prop).split(' ')
: [$(node).css(prop + 'X'), $(node).css(prop + 'Y')];
var testEl = $('<div />').css({ var testEl = $('<div />').css({
'position': 'absolute', position: 'absolute',
'left': split[0], left: split[0],
'top': split[1] top: split[1]
}); });
testEl.appendTo(node); testEl.appendTo(node);
@ -158,8 +168,11 @@ describe('Background-image', function() {
{ {
prefix: '', prefix: '',
method: 'url', method: 'url',
value: 'url()', value:
args: [
image: null image: null
}, },
'data url' 'data url'
@ -171,7 +184,7 @@ describe('Background-image', function() {
prefix: '', prefix: '',
method: 'linear-gradient', method: 'linear-gradient',
value: 'linear-gradient(red,black)', value: 'linear-gradient(red,black)',
args: ['red','black'], args: ['red', 'black'],
image: null image: null
}, },
'linear-gradient' 'linear-gradient'
@ -195,26 +208,34 @@ describe('Background-image', function() {
prefix: '-webkit-', prefix: '-webkit-',
method: 'linear-gradient', method: 'linear-gradient',
value: '-webkit-linear-gradient(red,black)', value: '-webkit-linear-gradient(red,black)',
args: ['red','black'], args: ['red', 'black'],
image: null image: null
}, },
'prefixed linear-gradient' 'prefixed linear-gradient'
); );
test_parse_background_image( test_parse_background_image(
'linear-gradient(red,black), url(test), url("test"),\n none, ', [ 'linear-gradient(red,black), url(test), url("test"),\n none, ',
{ prefix: '', method: 'linear-gradient', value: 'linear-gradient(red,black)', args: ['red','black'], image: null }, [
{ prefix: '', method: 'url', value: 'url(test)', args: ['test'], image: null }, {
{ prefix: '', method: 'url', value: 'url("test")', args: ['test'], image: null }, prefix: '',
{ prefix: '', method: 'none', value: 'none', args: [], image: null } method: 'linear-gradient',
value: 'linear-gradient(red,black)',
args: ['red', 'black'],
image: null
{prefix: '', method: 'url', value: 'url(test)', args: ['test'], image: null},
{prefix: '', method: 'url', value: 'url("test")', args: ['test'], image: null},
{prefix: '', method: 'none', value: 'none', args: [], image: null}
], ],
'multiple backgrounds' 'multiple backgrounds'
); );
function test_parse_background_image(value, expected, name) { function test_parse_background_image(value, expected, name) {
it(name, function() { it(name, function() {
expect(html2canvas.utils.parseBackgrounds(value)).to.eql(Array.isArray(expected) ? expected : [expected]); expect(html2canvas.utils.parseBackgrounds(value)).to.eql(
Array.isArray(expected) ? expected : [expected]
}); });
} }
}); });

View File

@ -1,158 +1,145 @@
describe("Gradients", function() { describe('Gradients', function() {
var expected = [ var expected = [
{ {
method: "linear-gradient", method: 'linear-gradient',
args: [ args: ['left', ' rgb(255, 0, 0)', ' rgb(255, 255, 0)', ' rgb(0, 255, 0)']
" rgb(255, 0, 0)",
" rgb(255, 255, 0)",
" rgb(0, 255, 0)"
}, },
{ {
method: "linear-gradient", method: 'linear-gradient',
args: ['left', ' red', ' rgb(255, 255, 0)', ' rgb(0, 255, 0)']
method: 'linear-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"left", 'left',
" red", ' rgb(206, 219, 233) 0%',
" rgb(255, 255, 0)", ' rgb(170, 197, 222) 17%',
" rgb(0, 255, 0)" ' rgb(97, 153, 199) 50%',
' rgb(58, 132, 195) 51%',
' rgb(65, 154, 214) 59%',
' rgb(75, 184, 240) 71%',
' rgb(58, 139, 194) 84%',
' rgb(38, 85, 139) 100%'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: 'linear-gradient', method: 'linear-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"left", 'left',
" rgb(206, 219, 233) 0%", ' rgb(206, 219, 233) 0%',
" rgb(170, 197, 222) 17%", ' rgb(170, 197, 222) 17px',
" rgb(97, 153, 199) 50%", ' rgb(97, 153, 199) 50%',
" rgb(58, 132, 195) 51%", ' rgb(58, 132, 195) 51px',
" rgb(65, 154, 214) 59%", ' rgb(65, 154, 214) 59%',
" rgb(75, 184, 240) 71%", ' rgb(75, 184, 240) 71px',
" rgb(58, 139, 194) 84%", ' rgb(58, 139, 194) 84%',
" rgb(38, 85, 139) 100%" ' rgb(38, 85, 139) 100px'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: 'linear-gradient', method: 'gradient',
args: [ args: [
"left", 'linear',
" rgb(206, 219, 233) 0%", ' 50% 0%',
" rgb(170, 197, 222) 17px", ' 50% 100%',
" rgb(97, 153, 199) 50%", ' from(rgb(240, 183, 161))',
" rgb(58, 132, 195) 51px", ' color-stop(0.5, rgb(140, 51, 16))',
" rgb(65, 154, 214) 59%", ' color-stop(0.51, rgb(117, 34, 1))',
" rgb(75, 184, 240) 71px", ' to(rgb(191, 110, 78))'
" rgb(58, 139, 194) 84%",
" rgb(38, 85, 139) 100px"
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: "gradient", method: 'gradient',
args: [ args: [
"linear", 'linear',
" 50% 0%", ' 50% 0%',
" 50% 100%", ' 50% 100%',
" from(rgb(240, 183, 161))", ' from(rgb(255, 0, 0))',
" color-stop(0.5, rgb(140, 51, 16))", ' color-stop(0.314159, green)',
" color-stop(0.51, rgb(117, 34, 1))", ' color-stop(0.51, rgb(0, 0, 255))',
" to(rgb(191, 110, 78))"
method: "gradient",
args: [
" 50% 0%",
" 50% 100%",
" from(rgb(255, 0, 0))",
" color-stop(0.314159, green)",
" color-stop(0.51, rgb(0, 0, 255))",
// temporary workaround for Blink/WebKit bug: // temporary workaround for Blink/WebKit bug:
//" to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))" //" to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5))"
" to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))" ' to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: 'linear-gradient', method: 'linear-gradient',
args: ['0deg', ' rgb(221, 221, 221)', ' rgb(221, 221, 221) 50%', ' transparent 50%']
method: 'radial-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"0deg", '75% 19%',
" rgb(221, 221, 221)", ' ellipse closest-side',
" rgb(221, 221, 221) 50%", ' rgb(171, 171, 171)',
" transparent 50%" ' rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%',
' rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: "radial-gradient", method: 'radial-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"75% 19%", '75% 19%',
" ellipse closest-side", ' ellipse closest-corner',
" rgb(171, 171, 171)", ' rgb(171, 171, 171)',
" rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%", ' rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%',
" rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%" ' rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: "radial-gradient", method: 'radial-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"75% 19%", '75% 19%',
" ellipse closest-corner", ' ellipse farthest-side',
" rgb(171, 171, 171)", ' rgb(171, 171, 171)',
" rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%", ' rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%',
" rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%" ' rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: "radial-gradient", method: 'radial-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"75% 19%", '75% 19%',
" ellipse farthest-side", ' ellipse farthest-corner',
" rgb(171, 171, 171)", ' rgb(171, 171, 171)',
" rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%", ' rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%',
" rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%" ' rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: "radial-gradient", method: 'radial-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"75% 19%", '75% 19%',
" ellipse farthest-corner", ' ellipse contain',
" rgb(171, 171, 171)", ' rgb(171, 171, 171)',
" rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%", ' rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%',
" rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%" ' rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%'
] ]
}, },
{ {
method: "radial-gradient", method: 'radial-gradient',
args: [ args: [
"75% 19%", '75% 19%',
" ellipse contain", ' ellipse cover',
" rgb(171, 171, 171)", ' rgb(171, 171, 171)',
" rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%", ' rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%',
" rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%" ' rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%'
method: "radial-gradient",
args: [
"75% 19%",
" ellipse cover",
" rgb(171, 171, 171)",
" rgb(0, 0, 255) 33%",
" rgb(153, 31, 31) 100%"
] ]
} }
]; ];
[]'#backgroundGradients div'), 0).forEach(function(node, i) { [].slice
var container = new html2canvas.NodeContainer(node, null); .call(document.querySelectorAll('#backgroundGradients div'), 0)
var value = container.css("backgroundImage"); .forEach(function(node, i) {
it(value, function() { var container = new html2canvas.NodeContainer(node, null);
var parsedBackground = html2canvas.utils.parseBackgrounds(value); var value = container.css('backgroundImage');
if (parsedBackground[0].args[0] === "0% 50%") { it(value, function() {
parsedBackground[0].args[0] = 'left'; var parsedBackground = html2canvas.utils.parseBackgrounds(value);
} if (parsedBackground[0].args[0] === '0% 50%') {
expect(parsedBackground[0].args).to.eql(expected[i].args); parsedBackground[0].args[0] = 'left';
expect(parsedBackground[0].method).to.eql(expected[i].method); }
}); });
}); });

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,73 +1,99 @@
var wd = require('wd'); var wd = require('wd');
var http = require("http"); var http = require('http');
var https = require("https"); var https = require('https');
var url = require("url"); var url = require('url');
var path = require("path"); var path = require('path');
var Promise = require('bluebird'); var Promise = require('bluebird');
var _ = require('lodash'); var _ = require('lodash');
var humanizeDuration = require("humanize-duration"); var humanizeDuration = require('humanize-duration');
var utils = require('../utils'); var utils = require('../utils');
var colors = utils.colors; var colors = utils.colors;
var port = 8080; var port = 8080;
function runTestWithRetries(browser, test, retries) { function runTestWithRetries(browser, test, retries) {
retries = retries || 0; retries = retries || 0;
return runTest(browser, test) return runTest(browser, test).timeout(30000).catch(Promise.TimeoutError, function() {
.timeout(30000) if (retries < 3) {
.catch(Promise.TimeoutError, function() { console.log(colors.violet, 'Retry', retries + 1, test);
if (retries < 3) { return runTestWithRetries(browser, test, retries + 1);
console.log(colors.violet, "Retry", (retries + 1), test); } else {
return runTestWithRetries(browser, test, retries + 1); throw new Error("Couldn't run test after 3 retries");
} else { }
throw new Error("Couldn't run test after 3 retries"); });
} }
function getResults(browser) { function getResults(browser) {
return function() { return function() {
return Promise.props({ return Promise.props({
dataUrl: browser.waitForElementByCss("body[data-complete='true']", 90000).then(function() { dataUrl: browser
return browser.elementsByCssSelector(''); .waitForElementByCss("body[data-complete='true']", 90000)
}).then(function(nodes) { .then(function() {
return Array.isArray(nodes) ?, function(node) { return browser.elementsByCssSelector('');
return browser.text(node).then(function(error) { })
return Promise.reject(error); .then(function(nodes) {
}); return Array.isArray(nodes)
}) : Promise.resolve([]); ?, function(node) {
}) return browser.text(node).then(function(error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
: Promise.resolve([]);
}); });
}; };
} }
function runTest(browser, test) { function runTest(browser, test) {
return Promise.resolve(browser return Promise.resolve(
.then(utils.loadTestPage(browser, test, port)) browser.then(utils.loadTestPage(browser, test, port)).then(getResults(browser))
).cancellable(); ).cancellable();
} }
exports.tests = function(browsers, singleTest) { exports.tests = function(browsers, singleTest) {
var path = "tests/mocha"; var path = 'tests/mocha';
return (singleTest ? Promise.resolve([singleTest]) : utils.getTests(path)).then(function(tests) { return (singleTest ? Promise.resolve([singleTest]) : utils.getTests(path)).then(function(
return, function(settings) { tests
var name = [settings.browserName, settings.version, settings.platform].join("-"); ) {
var count = 0; return
var browser = utils.initBrowser(settings); browsers,
return Promise.using(browser, function() { function(settings) {
return, function(test, index, total) { var name = [settings.browserName, settings.version, settings.platform].join('-');
console.log(, "STARTING", "(" + (++count) + "/" + total + ")", name, test, colors.clear); var count = 0;
var start =; var browser = utils.initBrowser(settings);
return runTestWithRetries(browser, test).then(function() { return Promise.using(browser, function() {
console.log(, "COMPLETE", humanizeDuration( - start), "(" + count + "/" + total + ")", name, colors.clear); return
}); tests,
}, {concurrency: 1}) function(test, index, total) {
.settle() console.log(
.catch(function(error) {,
console.error(, "ERROR", name, error); 'STARTING',
throw error; '(' + ++count + '/' + total + ')',
}); name,
}); test,
}, {concurrency: 3}); colors.clear
var start =;
return runTestWithRetries(browser, test).then(function() {
humanizeDuration( - start),
'(' + count + '/' + total + ')',
{concurrency: 1}
.catch(function(error) {
console.error(, 'ERROR', name, error);
throw error;
{concurrency: 3}
}); });
}; };

View File

@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
var Color = require('../../src/color'); var Color = require('../../src/color');
var assert = require('assert'); var assert = require('assert');
describe("Colors", function() { describe('Colors', function() {
describe("named colors", function() { describe('named colors', function() {
it("bisque", function () { it('bisque', function() {
var c = new Color("bisque"); var c = new Color('bisque');
assertColor(c, 255, 228, 196, null); assertColor(c, 255, 228, 196, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("BLUE", function () { it('BLUE', function() {
var c = new Color("BLUE"); var c = new Color('BLUE');
assertColor(c, 0, 0, 255, null); assertColor(c, 0, 0, 255, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
}); });
describe("rgb()", function() { describe('rgb()', function() {
it("rgb(1,3,5)", function () { it('rgb(1,3,5)', function() {
var c = new Color("rgb(1,3,5)"); var c = new Color('rgb(1,3,5)');
assertColor(c, 1, 3, 5, null); assertColor(c, 1, 3, 5, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("rgb(222, 111, 50)", function () { it('rgb(222, 111, 50)', function() {
var c = new Color("rgb(222, 111, 50)"); var c = new Color('rgb(222, 111, 50)');
assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, null); assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("rgb( 222, 111 , 50)", function () { it('rgb( 222, 111 , 50)', function() {
var c = new Color("rgb(222 , 111 , 50)"); var c = new Color('rgb(222 , 111 , 50)');
assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, null); assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
}); });
describe("rgba()", function() { describe('rgba()', function() {
it("rgba(200,3,5,1)", function () { it('rgba(200,3,5,1)', function() {
var c = new Color("rgba(200,3,5,1)"); var c = new Color('rgba(200,3,5,1)');
assertColor(c, 200, 3, 5, 1); assertColor(c, 200, 3, 5, 1);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("rgba(222, 111, 50, 0.22)", function () { it('rgba(222, 111, 50, 0.22)', function() {
var c = new Color("rgba(222, 111, 50, 0.22)"); var c = new Color('rgba(222, 111, 50, 0.22)');
assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, 0.22); assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, 0.22);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("rgba( 222, 111 , 50, 0.123 )", function () { it('rgba( 222, 111 , 50, 0.123 )', function() {
var c = new Color("rgba(222 , 111 , 50, 0.123)"); var c = new Color('rgba(222 , 111 , 50, 0.123)');
assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, 0.123); assertColor(c, 222, 111, 50, 0.123);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
}); });
describe("hex", function() { describe('hex', function() {
it("#7FFFD4", function () { it('#7FFFD4', function() {
var c = new Color("#7FFFD4"); var c = new Color('#7FFFD4');
assertColor(c, 127, 255, 212, null); assertColor(c, 127, 255, 212, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("#f0ffff", function () { it('#f0ffff', function() {
var c = new Color("#f0ffff"); var c = new Color('#f0ffff');
assertColor(c, 240, 255, 255, null); assertColor(c, 240, 255, 255, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("#fff", function () { it('#fff', function() {
var c = new Color("#fff"); var c = new Color('#fff');
assertColor(c, 255, 255, 255, null); assertColor(c, 255, 255, 255, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
}); });
describe("from array", function() { describe('from array', function() {
it("[1,2,3]", function () { it('[1,2,3]', function() {
var c = new Color([1,2,3]); var c = new Color([1, 2, 3]);
assertColor(c, 1, 2, 3, null); assertColor(c, 1, 2, 3, null);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("[5,6,7,1]", function () { it('[5,6,7,1]', function() {
var c = new Color([5,6,7, 1]); var c = new Color([5, 6, 7, 1]);
assertColor(c, 5, 6, 7, 1); assertColor(c, 5, 6, 7, 1);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), false);
}); });
it("[5,6,7,0]", function () { it('[5,6,7,0]', function() {
var c = new Color([5,6,7, 0]); var c = new Color([5, 6, 7, 0]);
assertColor(c, 5, 6, 7, 0); assertColor(c, 5, 6, 7, 0);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), true); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), true);
}); });
}); });
describe("transparency", function() { describe('transparency', function() {
it("transparent", function () { it('transparent', function() {
var c = new Color("transparent"); var c = new Color('transparent');
assertColor(c, 0, 0, 0, 0); assertColor(c, 0, 0, 0, 0);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), true); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), true);
}); });
it("rgba(255,255,255,0)", function () { it('rgba(255,255,255,0)', function() {
var c = new Color("rgba(255,255,255,0)"); var c = new Color('rgba(255,255,255,0)');
assertColor(c, 255, 255, 255, 0); assertColor(c, 255, 255, 255, 0);
assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), true); assert.equal(c.isTransparent(), true);
}); });

View File

@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ var assert = require('assert');
var path = require('path'); var path = require('path');
var html2canvas = require('../../'); var html2canvas = require('../../');
describe("Package", function() { describe('Package', function() {
it("should have html2canvas defined", function() { it('should have html2canvas defined', function() {
assert.equal(typeof(html2canvas), "function"); assert.equal(typeof html2canvas, 'function');
}); });
}); });
describe.only("requirejs", function() { describe.only('requirejs', function() {
var requirejs = require('requirejs'); var requirejs = require('requirejs');
requirejs.config({ requirejs.config({
baseUrl: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../dist') baseUrl: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../dist')
}); });
it("should have html2canvas defined", function(done) { it('should have html2canvas defined', function(done) {
requirejs(['html2canvas'], function(h2c) { requirejs(['html2canvas'], function(h2c) {
assert.equal(typeof(h2c), "function"); assert.equal(typeof h2c, 'function');
done(); done();
}); });
}); });

tests/reftests/acid2.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
Window: [800, 1496]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 1496] rgb(255,255,255)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 130) > Vector(x: 216, y: 130) > Vector(x: 216, y: 142) > Vector(x: 96, y: 142))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Repeat: Image ("/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAIAAACQd1PeAAAADElEQVR42mP4%2F58BAAT%2FAf9jgNErAAAAAElF") [108, 130] Size (1, 1) Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 130) > Vector(x: 216, y: 130) > Vector(x: 216, y: 142) > Vector(x: 96, y: 142))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 130) > Vector(x: 216, y: 130) > Vector(x: 204, y: 130) > Vector(x: 108, y: 130))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 216, y: 130) > Vector(x: 216, y: 142) > Vector(x: 204, y: 142) > Vector(x: 204, y: 130))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 238) > Vector(x: 216, y: 238) > Vector(x: 216, y: 250) > Vector(x: 96, y: 250))
Fill: rgb(255,255,0)
Repeat: Image ("/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABACAIAAAFSDNYfAAAAaklEQVR42u3XQQrAIAwAQeP%2F%2F6wf8CJBJTK9") [108, 238] Size (64, 64) Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 238) > Vector(x: 172, y: 238) > Vector(x: 172, y: 302) > Vector(x: 108, y: 302))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 238) > Vector(x: 216, y: 238) > Vector(x: 204, y: 238) > Vector(x: 108, y: 238))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 216, y: 238) > Vector(x: 216, y: 250) > Vector(x: 204, y: 250) > Vector(x: 204, y: 238))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 250) > Vector(x: 204, y: 250) > Vector(x: 204, y: 262) > Vector(x: 108, y: 262))
Fill: rgb(255,255,0)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 250) > Vector(x: 204, y: 250) > Vector(x: 180, y: 250) > Vector(x: 132, y: 250))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 204, y: 250) > Vector(x: 204, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 250))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 204, y: 262) > Vector(x: 108, y: 262) > Vector(x: 132, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 262))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 262) > Vector(x: 108, y: 250) > Vector(x: 132, y: 250) > Vector(x: 132, y: 262))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 274) > Vector(x: 132, y: 274))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 262) > Vector(x: 144, y: 262) > Vector(x: 144, y: 274) > Vector(x: 132, y: 274))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 262) > Vector(x: 156, y: 262) > Vector(x: 156, y: 274) > Vector(x: 144, y: 274))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 156, y: 262) > Vector(x: 168, y: 262) > Vector(x: 168, y: 274) > Vector(x: 156, y: 274))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 168, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 262) > Vector(x: 180, y: 274) > Vector(x: 168, y: 274))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496)) | Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 284))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496)) | Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 284))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496)) | Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 284))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496)) | Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 284))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496)) | Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 284))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 72, y: 166) > Vector(x: 240, y: 166) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 84, y: 166))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 166) > Vector(x: 240, y: 214) > Vector(x: 228, y: 202) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 214) > Vector(x: 72, y: 214) > Vector(x: 84, y: 202) > Vector(x: 228, y: 202))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 166) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 228, y: 214) > Vector(x: 84, y: 214))
Fill: rgb(255,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 178) > Vector(x: 168, y: 178) > Vector(x: 168, y: 202) > Vector(x: 144, y: 202))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 178) > Vector(x: 168, y: 178) > Vector(x: 156, y: 178) > Vector(x: 156, y: 178))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 168, y: 178) > Vector(x: 168, y: 190) > Vector(x: 156, y: 178) > Vector(x: 156, y: 178))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 168, y: 190) > Vector(x: 144, y: 190) > Vector(x: 156, y: 178) > Vector(x: 156, y: 178))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 190) > Vector(x: 168, y: 190) > Vector(x: 156, y: 202) > Vector(x: 156, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 168, y: 190) > Vector(x: 168, y: 202) > Vector(x: 156, y: 202) > Vector(x: 156, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 168, y: 202) > Vector(x: 144, y: 202) > Vector(x: 156, y: 202) > Vector(x: 156, y: 202))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496)) | Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 274) > Vector(x: 788, y: 284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 284))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 429) > Vector(x: 112, y: 429) > Vector(x: 112, y: 493) > Vector(x: 48, y: 493))
Draw image: Image ("/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABACAIAAAFSDNYfAAAAaklEQVR42u3XQQrAIAwAQeP%2F%2F6wf8CJBJTK9") (source: [0, 0, 64, 64]) (destination: [0, 0, 64, 64])
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 108) > Vector(x: 180, y: 108) > Vector(x: 180, y: 126) > Vector(x: 132, y: 126))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 108) > Vector(x: 180, y: 108) > Vector(x: 180, y: 108) > Vector(x: 132, y: 108))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 144) > Vector(x: 180, y: 144) > Vector(x: 180, y: 157) > Vector(x: 132, y: 157))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 144) > Vector(x: 180, y: 144) > Vector(x: 180, y: 144) > Vector(x: 132, y: 144))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 118) > Vector(x: 204, y: 118) > Vector(x: 180, y: 118) > Vector(x: 132, y: 118))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 204, y: 118) > Vector(x: 204, y: 130) > Vector(x: 180, y: 130) > Vector(x: 180, y: 118))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 132, y: 118) > Vector(x: 180, y: 118) > Vector(x: 180, y: 130) > Vector(x: 132, y: 130))
Fill: rgb(255,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 84, y: 166))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 84, y: 166))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 108, y: 142))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 84, y: 166))
Repeat: Image ("/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAIAAAACCAIAAAD91JpzAAAABnRSTlMAAAAAAABupgeRAAAABmJLR0QA%2FwD%2F") [96, 142] Size (2, 2) Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 84, y: 166))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 216, y: 142) > Vector(x: 96, y: 142))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 228, y: 142) > Vector(x: 228, y: 166) > Vector(x: 216, y: 166) > Vector(x: 216, y: 142))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 84, y: 214) > Vector(x: 228, y: 214) > Vector(x: 228, y: 238) > Vector(x: 84, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 214) > Vector(x: 216, y: 214) > Vector(x: 216, y: 238) > Vector(x: 96, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 214) > Vector(x: 216, y: 214) > Vector(x: 204, y: 226) > Vector(x: 108, y: 226))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 216, y: 214) > Vector(x: 216, y: 238) > Vector(x: 204, y: 226) > Vector(x: 204, y: 226))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 216, y: 238) > Vector(x: 96, y: 238) > Vector(x: 108, y: 226) > Vector(x: 204, y: 226))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 96, y: 238) > Vector(x: 96, y: 214) > Vector(x: 108, y: 226) > Vector(x: 108, y: 226))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 214) > Vector(x: 204, y: 214) > Vector(x: 204, y: 226) > Vector(x: 108, y: 226))
Fill: rgb(0,0,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Shape: rgb(255,255,0) Path (Vector(x: 120, y: 214) > Vector(x: 192, y: 214) > Vector(x: 192, y: 226) > Vector(x: 120, y: 226))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 192, y: 214) > Vector(x: 192, y: 238) > Vector(x: 192, y: 226) > Vector(x: 192, y: 226))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 0, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 0) > Vector(x: 800, y: 1496) > Vector(x: 0, y: 1496))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Window: [800, 1568]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 1568] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 8, y: 1048))
Fill: rgb(0,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 278, y: 18) > Vector(x: 278, y: 258) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [58, 28] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 278, y: 18) > Vector(x: 278, y: 258) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 338, y: 28) > Vector(x: 538, y: 28) > Vector(x: 538, y: 228) > Vector(x: 338, y: 228))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [338, 28] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 298, y: 18) > Vector(x: 558, y: 18) > Vector(x: 558, y: 258) > Vector(x: 298, y: 258))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 58, y: 288) > Vector(x: 258, y: 288) > Vector(x: 258, y: 488) > Vector(x: 58, y: 488))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [58, 288] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 278) > Vector(x: 278, y: 278) > Vector(x: 278, y: 518) > Vector(x: 18, y: 518))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 298, y: 278) > Vector(x: 558, y: 278) > Vector(x: 558, y: 518) > Vector(x: 298, y: 518))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [338, 288] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 298, y: 278) > Vector(x: 558, y: 278) > Vector(x: 558, y: 518) > Vector(x: 298, y: 518))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 538) > Vector(x: 278, y: 538) > Vector(x: 278, y: 778) > Vector(x: 18, y: 778))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [58, 548] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 58, y: 548) > Vector(x: 133, y: 548) > Vector(x: 133, y: 623) > Vector(x: 58, y: 623))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 338, y: 548) > Vector(x: 538, y: 548) > Vector(x: 538, y: 748) > Vector(x: 338, y: 748))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [338, 548] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 338, y: 538) > Vector(x: 413, y: 538) > Vector(x: 413, y: 778) > Vector(x: 338, y: 778))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 58, y: 808) > Vector(x: 258, y: 808) > Vector(x: 258, y: 1008) > Vector(x: 58, y: 1008))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [58, 808] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 808) > Vector(x: 278, y: 808) > Vector(x: 278, y: 883) > Vector(x: 18, y: 883))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 298, y: 798) > Vector(x: 558, y: 798) > Vector(x: 558, y: 1038) > Vector(x: 298, y: 1038))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [338, 808] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 338, y: 808) > Vector(x: 413, y: 808) > Vector(x: 413, y: 883) > Vector(x: 338, y: 883))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1058) > Vector(x: 278, y: 1058) > Vector(x: 278, y: 1298) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1298))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 338, y: 1068) > Vector(x: 538, y: 1068) > Vector(x: 538, y: 1268) > Vector(x: 338, y: 1268))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 58, y: 1328) > Vector(x: 258, y: 1328) > Vector(x: 258, y: 1528) > Vector(x: 58, y: 1528))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 298, y: 1318) > Vector(x: 558, y: 1318) > Vector(x: 558, y: 1558) > Vector(x: 298, y: 1558))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8))
Fill: rgb(0,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4") [19, 19] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
Window: [820, 1828]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 820, 1828] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 230, y: 18) > Vector(x: 230, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Gradient: [18, 18, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 207, x1: 5, y0: 207, y1: -5 rgb(255,0,0) 0, rgb(0,0,255) 0.33, rgb(186,218,85) 0.67, rgba(0,0,255,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 230, y: 18) > Vector(x: 229, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 18) > Vector(x: 230, y: 220) > Vector(x: 229, y: 219) > Vector(x: 229, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219) > Vector(x: 229, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 18) > Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 250, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 18) > Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 461, y: 19) > Vector(x: 251, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 461, y: 219) > Vector(x: 461, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 250, y: 220) > Vector(x: 251, y: 219) > Vector(x: 461, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 220) > Vector(x: 250, y: 18) > Vector(x: 251, y: 19) > Vector(x: 251, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 220) > Vector(x: 482, y: 220))
Gradient: [482, 18, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 212, x1: 0, y0: 101, y1: 101 rgb(255,0,0) 0, rgb(255,255,0) 0.5, rgb(0,255,0) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 693, y: 19) > Vector(x: 483, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 220) > Vector(x: 693, y: 219) > Vector(x: 693, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 220) > Vector(x: 482, y: 220) > Vector(x: 483, y: 219) > Vector(x: 693, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 220) > Vector(x: 482, y: 18) > Vector(x: 483, y: 19) > Vector(x: 483, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 230, y: 240) > Vector(x: 230, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442))
Gradient: [18, 240, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 212, x1: 0, y0: 101, y1: 101 rgb(206,219,233) 0, rgb(170,197,222) 0.17, rgb(97,153,199) 0.5, rgb(58,132,195) 0.51, rgb(65,154,214) 0.59, rgb(75,184,240) 0.71, rgb(58,139,194) 0.84, rgb(38,85,139) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 230, y: 240) > Vector(x: 229, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 240) > Vector(x: 230, y: 442) > Vector(x: 229, y: 441) > Vector(x: 229, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441) > Vector(x: 229, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 240) > Vector(x: 462, y: 240) > Vector(x: 462, y: 442) > Vector(x: 250, y: 442))
Gradient: [250, 240, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 106, x1: 106, y0: 202, y1: 0 rgb(240,183,161) 0, rgb(140,51,16) 0.5, rgb(117,34,1) 0.51, rgb(191,110,78) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 240) > Vector(x: 462, y: 240) > Vector(x: 461, y: 241) > Vector(x: 251, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 240) > Vector(x: 462, y: 442) > Vector(x: 461, y: 441) > Vector(x: 461, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 442) > Vector(x: 250, y: 442) > Vector(x: 251, y: 441) > Vector(x: 461, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 442) > Vector(x: 250, y: 240) > Vector(x: 251, y: 241) > Vector(x: 251, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 240) > Vector(x: 694, y: 240) > Vector(x: 694, y: 442) > Vector(x: 482, y: 442))
Gradient: [482, 240, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 212, x1: 0, y0: 101, y1: 101 rgb(206,219,233) 0, rgb(170,197,222) 0.17, rgb(97,153,199) 0.5, rgb(58,132,195) 0.51, rgb(65,154,214) 0.76, rgb(38,85,139) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 240) > Vector(x: 694, y: 240) > Vector(x: 693, y: 241) > Vector(x: 483, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 240) > Vector(x: 694, y: 442) > Vector(x: 693, y: 441) > Vector(x: 693, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 442) > Vector(x: 482, y: 442) > Vector(x: 483, y: 441) > Vector(x: 693, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 442) > Vector(x: 482, y: 240) > Vector(x: 483, y: 241) > Vector(x: 483, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 230, y: 462) > Vector(x: 230, y: 664) > Vector(x: 18, y: 664))
Gradient: [18, 462, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 106, x1: 106, y0: 202, y1: 0 rgb(204,229,244) 0, rgb(0,38,60) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 230, y: 462) > Vector(x: 229, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 462) > Vector(x: 230, y: 664) > Vector(x: 229, y: 663) > Vector(x: 229, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 664) > Vector(x: 18, y: 664) > Vector(x: 19, y: 663) > Vector(x: 229, y: 663))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 664) > Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 663))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 462) > Vector(x: 462, y: 462) > Vector(x: 462, y: 664) > Vector(x: 250, y: 664))
Gradient: [250, 462, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 5, x1: 207, y0: 207, y1: -5 rgb(255,255,255) 0, rgb(0,38,60) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 462) > Vector(x: 462, y: 462) > Vector(x: 461, y: 463) > Vector(x: 251, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 462) > Vector(x: 462, y: 664) > Vector(x: 461, y: 663) > Vector(x: 461, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 664) > Vector(x: 250, y: 664) > Vector(x: 251, y: 663) > Vector(x: 461, y: 663))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 664) > Vector(x: 250, y: 462) > Vector(x: 251, y: 463) > Vector(x: 251, y: 663))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 462) > Vector(x: 694, y: 462) > Vector(x: 694, y: 664) > Vector(x: 482, y: 664))
Gradient: [482, 462, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 5, x1: 207, y0: 207, y1: -5 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.17, rgb(0,128,0) 0.66, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 462) > Vector(x: 694, y: 462) > Vector(x: 693, y: 463) > Vector(x: 483, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 462) > Vector(x: 694, y: 664) > Vector(x: 693, y: 663) > Vector(x: 693, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 664) > Vector(x: 482, y: 664) > Vector(x: 483, y: 663) > Vector(x: 693, y: 663))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 664) > Vector(x: 482, y: 462) > Vector(x: 483, y: 463) > Vector(x: 483, y: 663))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 684) > Vector(x: 230, y: 684) > Vector(x: 230, y: 886) > Vector(x: 18, y: 886))
Gradient: [18, 684, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 5, x1: 207, y0: -5, y1: 207 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.17, rgb(0,128,0) 0.66, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 684) > Vector(x: 230, y: 684) > Vector(x: 229, y: 685) > Vector(x: 19, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 684) > Vector(x: 230, y: 886) > Vector(x: 229, y: 885) > Vector(x: 229, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 886) > Vector(x: 18, y: 886) > Vector(x: 19, y: 885) > Vector(x: 229, y: 885))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 886) > Vector(x: 18, y: 684) > Vector(x: 19, y: 685) > Vector(x: 19, y: 885))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 684) > Vector(x: 462, y: 684) > Vector(x: 462, y: 886) > Vector(x: 250, y: 886))
Gradient: [250, 684, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 207, x1: 5, y0: 207, y1: -5 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.17, rgb(0,128,0) 0.66, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 684) > Vector(x: 462, y: 684) > Vector(x: 461, y: 685) > Vector(x: 251, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 684) > Vector(x: 462, y: 886) > Vector(x: 461, y: 885) > Vector(x: 461, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 886) > Vector(x: 250, y: 886) > Vector(x: 251, y: 885) > Vector(x: 461, y: 885))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 886) > Vector(x: 250, y: 684) > Vector(x: 251, y: 685) > Vector(x: 251, y: 885))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 684) > Vector(x: 694, y: 684) > Vector(x: 694, y: 886) > Vector(x: 482, y: 886))
Gradient: [482, 684, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 207, x1: 5, y0: -5, y1: 207 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.17, rgb(0,128,0) 0.66, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 684) > Vector(x: 694, y: 684) > Vector(x: 693, y: 685) > Vector(x: 483, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 684) > Vector(x: 694, y: 886) > Vector(x: 693, y: 885) > Vector(x: 693, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 886) > Vector(x: 482, y: 886) > Vector(x: 483, y: 885) > Vector(x: 693, y: 885))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 886) > Vector(x: 482, y: 684) > Vector(x: 483, y: 685) > Vector(x: 483, y: 885))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 906) > Vector(x: 782, y: 906) > Vector(x: 781, y: 907) > Vector(x: 19, y: 907))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 782, y: 906) > Vector(x: 782, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 781, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 781, y: 907))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 782, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 781, y: 1151))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 18, y: 906) > Vector(x: 19, y: 907) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1151))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 29, y: 917) > Vector(x: 231, y: 917) > Vector(x: 231, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 29, y: 1019))
Gradient: [29, 917, 202, 102] linear-gradient(x0: 60, x1: 142, y0: 132, y1: -30 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.25, rgb(0,128,0) 0.98, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 29, y: 917) > Vector(x: 231, y: 917) > Vector(x: 230, y: 918) > Vector(x: 30, y: 918))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 231, y: 917) > Vector(x: 231, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1018) > Vector(x: 230, y: 918))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 231, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 29, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 30, y: 1018) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1018))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 29, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 29, y: 917) > Vector(x: 30, y: 918) > Vector(x: 30, y: 1018))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 251, y: 917) > Vector(x: 453, y: 917) > Vector(x: 453, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 251, y: 1019))
Gradient: [251, 917, 202, 102] linear-gradient(x0: 60, x1: 142, y0: -30, y1: 132 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.25, rgb(0,128,0) 0.98, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 251, y: 917) > Vector(x: 453, y: 917) > Vector(x: 452, y: 918) > Vector(x: 252, y: 918))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 453, y: 917) > Vector(x: 453, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 452, y: 1018) > Vector(x: 452, y: 918))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 453, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 251, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 252, y: 1018) > Vector(x: 452, y: 1018))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 251, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 251, y: 917) > Vector(x: 252, y: 918) > Vector(x: 252, y: 1018))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 473, y: 917) > Vector(x: 675, y: 917) > Vector(x: 675, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 473, y: 1019))
Gradient: [473, 917, 202, 102] linear-gradient(x0: 142, x1: 60, y0: 132, y1: -30 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.25, rgb(0,128,0) 0.98, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 473, y: 917) > Vector(x: 675, y: 917) > Vector(x: 674, y: 918) > Vector(x: 474, y: 918))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 675, y: 917) > Vector(x: 675, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 674, y: 1018) > Vector(x: 674, y: 918))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 675, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 473, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 474, y: 1018) > Vector(x: 674, y: 1018))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 473, y: 1019) > Vector(x: 473, y: 917) > Vector(x: 474, y: 918) > Vector(x: 474, y: 1018))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 29, y: 1039) > Vector(x: 231, y: 1039) > Vector(x: 231, y: 1141) > Vector(x: 29, y: 1141))
Gradient: [29, 1039, 202, 102] linear-gradient(x0: 142, x1: 60, y0: -30, y1: 132 rgb(0,0,255) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.25, rgb(0,128,0) 0.98, rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 29, y: 1039) > Vector(x: 231, y: 1039) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1040) > Vector(x: 30, y: 1040))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 231, y: 1039) > Vector(x: 231, y: 1141) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1140) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1040))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 231, y: 1141) > Vector(x: 29, y: 1141) > Vector(x: 30, y: 1140) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1140))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 29, y: 1141) > Vector(x: 29, y: 1039) > Vector(x: 30, y: 1040) > Vector(x: 30, y: 1140))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1374))
Gradient: [18, 1172, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 5, x1: 207, y0: -5, y1: 207 rgb(255,255,255) 0, rgb(0,0,0) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1173) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1173))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1373) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1173))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1373) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1173) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1373))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 462, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 462, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 250, y: 1374))
Gradient: [250, 1172, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 156, x1: 56, y0: -23, y1: 225 rgb(255,255,0) 0, rgb(0,0,255) 0.3, rgb(255,0,0) 0.6, rgb(0,0,255) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 462, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 461, y: 1173) > Vector(x: 251, y: 1173))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 462, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 461, y: 1373) > Vector(x: 461, y: 1173))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 250, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 251, y: 1373) > Vector(x: 461, y: 1373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 250, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 250, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 251, y: 1173) > Vector(x: 251, y: 1373))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 694, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 694, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 482, y: 1374))
Gradient: [482, 1172, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 106, x1: 106, y0: 202, y1: 0 rgb(255,255,0) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.6, rgb(0,0,255) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 694, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 693, y: 1173) > Vector(x: 483, y: 1173))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 694, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 693, y: 1373) > Vector(x: 693, y: 1173))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 482, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 483, y: 1373) > Vector(x: 693, y: 1373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 482, y: 1374) > Vector(x: 482, y: 1172) > Vector(x: 483, y: 1173) > Vector(x: 483, y: 1373))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1394) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1394) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1596) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1596))
Gradient: [18, 1394, 212, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 219, x1: -7, y0: 92, y1: 110 rgb(255,255,0) 0, rgb(255,165,0) 0.3, rgb(255,0,0) 0.6, rgb(0,0,255) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1394) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1394) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1395) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1395))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 1394) > Vector(x: 230, y: 1596) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1595) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1395))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 230, y: 1596) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1596) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1595) > Vector(x: 229, y: 1595))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1596) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1394) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1395) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1595))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1616) > Vector(x: 820, y: 1616) > Vector(x: 820, y: 1818) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1818))
Gradient: [18, 1616, 802, 202] linear-gradient(x0: 346, x1: 456, y0: -96, y1: 298 rgb(255,255,0) 0, rgb(255,0,0) 0.6, rgb(0,0,255) 1)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1616) > Vector(x: 820, y: 1616) > Vector(x: 819, y: 1617) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1617))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 820, y: 1616) > Vector(x: 820, y: 1818) > Vector(x: 819, y: 1817) > Vector(x: 819, y: 1617))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 820, y: 1818) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1818) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1817) > Vector(x: 819, y: 1817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1818) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1616) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1617) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1817))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8))
Fill: rgb(0,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image2.jpg") [119, 149] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 148) > Vector(x: 220, y: 148) > Vector(x: 220, y: 223) > Vector(x: 18, y: 223))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [69, 69] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 68) > Vector(x: 220, y: 68) > Vector(x: 220, y: 143) > Vector(x: 18, y: 143))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image2.jpg") [261, -1] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: -2) > Vector(x: 442, y: -2) > Vector(x: 442, y: 73) > Vector(x: 240, y: 73))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [291, 69] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 68) > Vector(x: 442, y: 68) > Vector(x: 442, y: 143) > Vector(x: 240, y: 143))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image2.jpg") [913, 119] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 118) > Vector(x: 664, y: 118) > Vector(x: 664, y: 193) > Vector(x: 462, y: 193))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [513, 69] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 68) > Vector(x: 664, y: 68) > Vector(x: 664, y: 143) > Vector(x: 462, y: 143))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Window: [800, 1018]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 1018] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 574) > Vector(x: 8, y: 574))
Fill: rgb(0,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [82, 82] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [304, 82] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 82) > Vector(x: 442, y: 82) > Vector(x: 442, y: 157) > Vector(x: 240, y: 157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [526, 82] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 526, y: 18) > Vector(x: 601, y: 18) > Vector(x: 601, y: 220) > Vector(x: 526, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [82, 304] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 82, y: 304) > Vector(x: 157, y: 304) > Vector(x: 157, y: 379) > Vector(x: 82, y: 379))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 219, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 219, y: 441) > Vector(x: 219, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441) > Vector(x: 219, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [32, 476] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 564))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 119, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 119, y: 563) > Vector(x: 119, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 564) > Vector(x: 19, y: 563) > Vector(x: 119, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 564) > Vector(x: 140, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [154, 476] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 476) > Vector(x: 242, y: 476) > Vector(x: 242, y: 551) > Vector(x: 140, y: 551))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 462) > Vector(x: 241, y: 463) > Vector(x: 141, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 242, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 564) > Vector(x: 241, y: 563) > Vector(x: 241, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 242, y: 564) > Vector(x: 140, y: 564) > Vector(x: 141, y: 563) > Vector(x: 241, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 564) > Vector(x: 140, y: 462) > Vector(x: 141, y: 463) > Vector(x: 141, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 262, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 564) > Vector(x: 262, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [276, 476] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 276, y: 462) > Vector(x: 351, y: 462) > Vector(x: 351, y: 564) > Vector(x: 276, y: 564))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 262, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 462) > Vector(x: 363, y: 463) > Vector(x: 263, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 364, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 564) > Vector(x: 363, y: 563) > Vector(x: 363, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 364, y: 564) > Vector(x: 262, y: 564) > Vector(x: 263, y: 563) > Vector(x: 363, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 262, y: 564) > Vector(x: 262, y: 462) > Vector(x: 263, y: 463) > Vector(x: 263, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 384, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 564) > Vector(x: 384, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [398, 476] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 398, y: 476) > Vector(x: 473, y: 476) > Vector(x: 473, y: 551) > Vector(x: 398, y: 551))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 384, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 462) > Vector(x: 485, y: 463) > Vector(x: 385, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 486, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 564) > Vector(x: 485, y: 563) > Vector(x: 485, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 486, y: 564) > Vector(x: 384, y: 564) > Vector(x: 385, y: 563) > Vector(x: 485, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 384, y: 564) > Vector(x: 384, y: 462) > Vector(x: 385, y: 463) > Vector(x: 385, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 584) > Vector(x: 220, y: 584) > Vector(x: 220, y: 786) > Vector(x: 18, y: 786))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [0, 610] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 584) > Vector(x: 220, y: 584) > Vector(x: 220, y: 786) > Vector(x: 18, y: 786))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 584) > Vector(x: 220, y: 584) > Vector(x: 219, y: 585) > Vector(x: 19, y: 585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 584) > Vector(x: 220, y: 786) > Vector(x: 219, y: 785) > Vector(x: 219, y: 585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 786) > Vector(x: 18, y: 786) > Vector(x: 19, y: 785) > Vector(x: 219, y: 785))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 786) > Vector(x: 18, y: 584) > Vector(x: 19, y: 585) > Vector(x: 19, y: 785))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 584) > Vector(x: 442, y: 584) > Vector(x: 442, y: 786) > Vector(x: 240, y: 786))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [291, 635] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 635) > Vector(x: 442, y: 635) > Vector(x: 442, y: 710) > Vector(x: 240, y: 710))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 584) > Vector(x: 442, y: 584) > Vector(x: 441, y: 585) > Vector(x: 241, y: 585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 584) > Vector(x: 442, y: 786) > Vector(x: 441, y: 785) > Vector(x: 441, y: 585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 786) > Vector(x: 240, y: 786) > Vector(x: 241, y: 785) > Vector(x: 441, y: 785))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 786) > Vector(x: 240, y: 584) > Vector(x: 241, y: 585) > Vector(x: 241, y: 785))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 584) > Vector(x: 664, y: 584) > Vector(x: 664, y: 786) > Vector(x: 462, y: 786))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [513, 635] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 513, y: 584) > Vector(x: 588, y: 584) > Vector(x: 588, y: 786) > Vector(x: 513, y: 786))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 584) > Vector(x: 664, y: 584) > Vector(x: 663, y: 585) > Vector(x: 463, y: 585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 584) > Vector(x: 664, y: 786) > Vector(x: 663, y: 785) > Vector(x: 663, y: 585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 786) > Vector(x: 462, y: 786) > Vector(x: 463, y: 785) > Vector(x: 663, y: 785))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 786) > Vector(x: 462, y: 584) > Vector(x: 463, y: 585) > Vector(x: 463, y: 785))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 806) > Vector(x: 220, y: 806) > Vector(x: 220, y: 1008) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1008))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [69, 857] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 69, y: 857) > Vector(x: 144, y: 857) > Vector(x: 144, y: 932) > Vector(x: 69, y: 932))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 806) > Vector(x: 220, y: 806) > Vector(x: 219, y: 807) > Vector(x: 19, y: 807))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 806) > Vector(x: 220, y: 1008) > Vector(x: 219, y: 1007) > Vector(x: 219, y: 807))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 1008) > Vector(x: 18, y: 1008) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1007) > Vector(x: 219, y: 1007))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 1008) > Vector(x: 18, y: 806) > Vector(x: 19, y: 807) > Vector(x: 19, y: 1007))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
Window: [800, 896]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 896] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8))
Fill: rgb(0,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 219, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 219, y: 441) > Vector(x: 219, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441) > Vector(x: 219, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 240) > Vector(x: 442, y: 240) > Vector(x: 442, y: 442) > Vector(x: 240, y: 442))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 240) > Vector(x: 442, y: 240) > Vector(x: 441, y: 241) > Vector(x: 241, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 240) > Vector(x: 442, y: 442) > Vector(x: 441, y: 441) > Vector(x: 441, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 442) > Vector(x: 240, y: 442) > Vector(x: 241, y: 441) > Vector(x: 441, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 442) > Vector(x: 240, y: 240) > Vector(x: 241, y: 241) > Vector(x: 241, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 240) > Vector(x: 664, y: 240) > Vector(x: 664, y: 442) > Vector(x: 462, y: 442))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 240) > Vector(x: 664, y: 240) > Vector(x: 663, y: 241) > Vector(x: 463, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 240) > Vector(x: 664, y: 442) > Vector(x: 663, y: 441) > Vector(x: 663, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 442) > Vector(x: 462, y: 442) > Vector(x: 463, y: 441) > Vector(x: 663, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 442) > Vector(x: 462, y: 240) > Vector(x: 463, y: 241) > Vector(x: 463, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 220, y: 462) > Vector(x: 220, y: 664) > Vector(x: 18, y: 664))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 220, y: 462) > Vector(x: 219, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 462) > Vector(x: 220, y: 664) > Vector(x: 219, y: 663) > Vector(x: 219, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 664) > Vector(x: 18, y: 664) > Vector(x: 19, y: 663) > Vector(x: 219, y: 663))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 664) > Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 663))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 462) > Vector(x: 442, y: 462) > Vector(x: 442, y: 664) > Vector(x: 240, y: 664))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 462) > Vector(x: 442, y: 462) > Vector(x: 441, y: 463) > Vector(x: 241, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 462) > Vector(x: 442, y: 664) > Vector(x: 441, y: 663) > Vector(x: 441, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 664) > Vector(x: 240, y: 664) > Vector(x: 241, y: 663) > Vector(x: 441, y: 663))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 664) > Vector(x: 240, y: 462) > Vector(x: 241, y: 463) > Vector(x: 241, y: 663))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 462) > Vector(x: 664, y: 462) > Vector(x: 664, y: 664) > Vector(x: 462, y: 664))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 462) > Vector(x: 664, y: 462) > Vector(x: 663, y: 463) > Vector(x: 463, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 462) > Vector(x: 664, y: 664) > Vector(x: 663, y: 663) > Vector(x: 663, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 664) > Vector(x: 462, y: 664) > Vector(x: 463, y: 663) > Vector(x: 663, y: 663))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 664) > Vector(x: 462, y: 462) > Vector(x: 463, y: 463) > Vector(x: 463, y: 663))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 684) > Vector(x: 220, y: 684) > Vector(x: 220, y: 886) > Vector(x: 18, y: 886))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 684) > Vector(x: 220, y: 684) > Vector(x: 219, y: 685) > Vector(x: 19, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 684) > Vector(x: 220, y: 886) > Vector(x: 219, y: 885) > Vector(x: 219, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 886) > Vector(x: 18, y: 886) > Vector(x: 19, y: 885) > Vector(x: 219, y: 885))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 886) > Vector(x: 18, y: 684) > Vector(x: 19, y: 685) > Vector(x: 19, y: 885))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 684) > Vector(x: 442, y: 684) > Vector(x: 442, y: 886) > Vector(x: 240, y: 886))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 684) > Vector(x: 442, y: 684) > Vector(x: 441, y: 685) > Vector(x: 241, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 684) > Vector(x: 442, y: 886) > Vector(x: 441, y: 885) > Vector(x: 441, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 886) > Vector(x: 240, y: 886) > Vector(x: 241, y: 885) > Vector(x: 441, y: 885))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 886) > Vector(x: 240, y: 684) > Vector(x: 241, y: 685) > Vector(x: 241, y: 885))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(255,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 452) > Vector(x: 8, y: 452))
Fill: rgb(0,255,0)
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [19, 19] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 18) > Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219) > Vector(x: 219, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 220) > Vector(x: 18, y: 18) > Vector(x: 19, y: 19) > Vector(x: 19, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [241, 19] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 19) > Vector(x: 442, y: 19) > Vector(x: 442, y: 94) > Vector(x: 240, y: 94))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 18) > Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 442, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219) > Vector(x: 441, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 240, y: 220) > Vector(x: 240, y: 18) > Vector(x: 241, y: 19) > Vector(x: 241, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [463, 19] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 463, y: 18) > Vector(x: 538, y: 18) > Vector(x: 538, y: 220) > Vector(x: 463, y: 220))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 18) > Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 19))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 664, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219) > Vector(x: 663, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 462, y: 220) > Vector(x: 462, y: 18) > Vector(x: 463, y: 19) > Vector(x: 463, y: 219))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [19, 241] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 19, y: 241) > Vector(x: 94, y: 241) > Vector(x: 94, y: 316) > Vector(x: 19, y: 316))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 219, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 240) > Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 219, y: 441) > Vector(x: 219, y: 241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441) > Vector(x: 219, y: 441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 442) > Vector(x: 18, y: 240) > Vector(x: 19, y: 241) > Vector(x: 19, y: 441))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [19, 463] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 564))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 119, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 120, y: 462) > Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 119, y: 563) > Vector(x: 119, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 120, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 564) > Vector(x: 19, y: 563) > Vector(x: 119, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 564) > Vector(x: 18, y: 462) > Vector(x: 19, y: 463) > Vector(x: 19, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 564) > Vector(x: 140, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [141, 463] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 463) > Vector(x: 242, y: 463) > Vector(x: 242, y: 538) > Vector(x: 140, y: 538))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 462) > Vector(x: 241, y: 463) > Vector(x: 141, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 242, y: 462) > Vector(x: 242, y: 564) > Vector(x: 241, y: 563) > Vector(x: 241, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 242, y: 564) > Vector(x: 140, y: 564) > Vector(x: 141, y: 563) > Vector(x: 241, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 564) > Vector(x: 140, y: 462) > Vector(x: 141, y: 463) > Vector(x: 141, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 262, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 564) > Vector(x: 262, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [263, 463] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 263, y: 462) > Vector(x: 338, y: 462) > Vector(x: 338, y: 564) > Vector(x: 263, y: 564))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 262, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 462) > Vector(x: 363, y: 463) > Vector(x: 263, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 364, y: 462) > Vector(x: 364, y: 564) > Vector(x: 363, y: 563) > Vector(x: 363, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 364, y: 564) > Vector(x: 262, y: 564) > Vector(x: 263, y: 563) > Vector(x: 363, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 262, y: 564) > Vector(x: 262, y: 462) > Vector(x: 263, y: 463) > Vector(x: 263, y: 563))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 384, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 564) > Vector(x: 384, y: 564))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [385, 463] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 385, y: 463) > Vector(x: 460, y: 463) > Vector(x: 460, y: 538) > Vector(x: 385, y: 538))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 384, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 462) > Vector(x: 485, y: 463) > Vector(x: 385, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 486, y: 462) > Vector(x: 486, y: 564) > Vector(x: 485, y: 563) > Vector(x: 485, y: 463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 486, y: 564) > Vector(x: 384, y: 564) > Vector(x: 385, y: 563) > Vector(x: 485, y: 563))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 384, y: 564) > Vector(x: 384, y: 462) > Vector(x: 385, y: 463) > Vector(x: 385, y: 563))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Window: [800, 1010]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 1010] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 160, y: 8) > Vector(x: 160, y: 210) > Vector(x: 8, y: 210))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [67, 92] Size (34, 34) Path (Vector(x: 67, y: 92) > Vector(x: 101, y: 92) > Vector(x: 101, y: 126) > Vector(x: 67, y: 126))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 160, y: 8) > Vector(x: 159, y: 9) > Vector(x: 9, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 160, y: 8) > Vector(x: 160, y: 210) > Vector(x: 159, y: 209) > Vector(x: 159, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 160, y: 210) > Vector(x: 8, y: 210) > Vector(x: 9, y: 209) > Vector(x: 159, y: 209))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 210) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 9, y: 9) > Vector(x: 9, y: 209))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 160, y: 8) > Vector(x: 312, y: 8) > Vector(x: 312, y: 210) > Vector(x: 160, y: 210))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [219, 92] Size (34, 34) Path (Vector(x: 219, y: 8) > Vector(x: 253, y: 8) > Vector(x: 253, y: 210) > Vector(x: 219, y: 210))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 160, y: 8) > Vector(x: 312, y: 8) > Vector(x: 311, y: 9) > Vector(x: 161, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 312, y: 8) > Vector(x: 312, y: 210) > Vector(x: 311, y: 209) > Vector(x: 311, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 312, y: 210) > Vector(x: 160, y: 210) > Vector(x: 161, y: 209) > Vector(x: 311, y: 209))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 160, y: 210) > Vector(x: 160, y: 8) > Vector(x: 161, y: 9) > Vector(x: 161, y: 209))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 312, y: 8) > Vector(x: 464, y: 8) > Vector(x: 464, y: 210) > Vector(x: 312, y: 210))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [371, 92] Size (34, 34) Path (Vector(x: 312, y: 92) > Vector(x: 464, y: 92) > Vector(x: 464, y: 126) > Vector(x: 312, y: 126))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 312, y: 8) > Vector(x: 464, y: 8) > Vector(x: 463, y: 9) > Vector(x: 313, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 464, y: 8) > Vector(x: 464, y: 210) > Vector(x: 463, y: 209) > Vector(x: 463, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 464, y: 210) > Vector(x: 312, y: 210) > Vector(x: 313, y: 209) > Vector(x: 463, y: 209))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 312, y: 210) > Vector(x: 312, y: 8) > Vector(x: 313, y: 9) > Vector(x: 313, y: 209))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 464, y: 8) > Vector(x: 616, y: 8) > Vector(x: 616, y: 210) > Vector(x: 464, y: 210))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [426, -5] Size (228, 228) Path (Vector(x: 426, y: -5) > Vector(x: 654, y: -5) > Vector(x: 654, y: 223) > Vector(x: 426, y: 223))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 464, y: 8) > Vector(x: 616, y: 8) > Vector(x: 615, y: 9) > Vector(x: 465, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 616, y: 8) > Vector(x: 616, y: 210) > Vector(x: 615, y: 209) > Vector(x: 615, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 616, y: 210) > Vector(x: 464, y: 210) > Vector(x: 465, y: 209) > Vector(x: 615, y: 209))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 464, y: 210) > Vector(x: 464, y: 8) > Vector(x: 465, y: 9) > Vector(x: 465, y: 209))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 210) > Vector(x: 408, y: 210) > Vector(x: 408, y: 310) > Vector(x: 8, y: 310))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [8, 60] Size (400, 400) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 210) > Vector(x: 408, y: 210) > Vector(x: 408, y: 310) > Vector(x: 8, y: 310))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 310) > Vector(x: 408, y: 310) > Vector(x: 408, y: 410) > Vector(x: 8, y: 410))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [158, 310] Size (100, 100) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 310) > Vector(x: 408, y: 310) > Vector(x: 408, y: 410) > Vector(x: 8, y: 410))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 410) > Vector(x: 408, y: 410) > Vector(x: 408, y: 510) > Vector(x: 8, y: 510))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [158, 410] Size (100, 100) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 410) > Vector(x: 408, y: 410) > Vector(x: 408, y: 510) > Vector(x: 8, y: 510))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 510) > Vector(x: 408, y: 510) > Vector(x: 408, y: 610) > Vector(x: 8, y: 610))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [171, 523] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 510) > Vector(x: 408, y: 510) > Vector(x: 408, y: 610) > Vector(x: 8, y: 610))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 210) > Vector(x: 792, y: 210) > Vector(x: 792, y: 410) > Vector(x: 592, y: 410))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [592, 210] Size (200, 200) Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 210) > Vector(x: 792, y: 210) > Vector(x: 792, y: 410) > Vector(x: 592, y: 410))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 410) > Vector(x: 792, y: 410) > Vector(x: 792, y: 610) > Vector(x: 592, y: 610))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [592, 410] Size (200, 200) Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 410) > Vector(x: 792, y: 410) > Vector(x: 792, y: 610) > Vector(x: 592, y: 610))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 610) > Vector(x: 792, y: 610) > Vector(x: 792, y: 810) > Vector(x: 592, y: 810))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [592, 610] Size (200, 200) Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 610) > Vector(x: 792, y: 610) > Vector(x: 792, y: 810) > Vector(x: 592, y: 810))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 810) > Vector(x: 792, y: 810) > Vector(x: 792, y: 1010) > Vector(x: 592, y: 1010))
Repeat: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") [655, 873] Size (75, 75) Path (Vector(x: 592, y: 810) > Vector(x: 792, y: 810) > Vector(x: 792, y: 1010) > Vector(x: 592, y: 1010))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(58,132,195)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(58,132,195)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(58,132,195)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Window: [800, 693]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 693] rgb(58,132,195)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 342, y: 258) > Vector(x: 642, y: 258) > Vector(x: 642, y: 558) > Vector(x: 342, y: 558))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 342, y: 258) > Vector(x: 642, y: 258) > Vector(x: 592, y: 308) > Vector(x: 392, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 642, y: 258) > Vector(x: 642, y: 558) > Vector(x: 592, y: 508) > Vector(x: 592, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 642, y: 558) > Vector(x: 342, y: 558) > Vector(x: 392, y: 508) > Vector(x: 592, y: 508))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 342, y: 558) > Vector(x: 342, y: 258) > Vector(x: 392, y: 308) > Vector(x: 392, y: 508))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 568) > Vector(x: 273, y: 568) > Vector(x: 273, y: 685) > Vector(x: 8, y: 685))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 568) > Vector(x: 273, y: 568) > Vector(x: 223, y: 618) > Vector(x: 58, y: 618))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 273, y: 568) > Vector(x: 273, y: 685) > Vector(x: 223, y: 635) > Vector(x: 223, y: 618))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 273, y: 685) > Vector(x: 8, y: 685) > Vector(x: 58, y: 635) > Vector(x: 223, y: 635))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 685) > Vector(x: 8, y: 568) > Vector(x: 58, y: 618) > Vector(x: 58, y: 635))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Window: [800, 996]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 996] rgb(58,132,195)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 77, x1: 68, y1: 27, cx0: 18, cy0: 49, cx1: 40, cy1: 27) > BezierCurve(x0: 170, y0: 27, x1: 220, y1: 77, cx0: 198, cy0: 27, cx1: 220, cy1: 49) > BezierCurve(x0: 220, y0: 179, x1: 170, y1: 229, cx0: 220, cy0: 206, cx1: 198, cy1: 229) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 229, x1: 18, y1: 179, cx0: 40, cy0: 229, cx1: 18, cy1: 206))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 33, y0: 41, x1: 68, y1: 27, cx0: 42, cy0: 32, cx1: 54, cy1: 27) > BezierCurve(x0: 170, y0: 27, x1: 205, y1: 41, cx0: 184, cy0: 27, cx1: 196, cy1: 32) > BezierCurve(x0: 205, y0: 42, x1: 170, y1: 28, cx0: 196, cy0: 33, cx1: 184, cy1: 28) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 28, x1: 33, y1: 42, cx0: 54, cy0: 28, cx1: 42, cy1: 33))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 205, y0: 41, x1: 220, y1: 77, cx0: 214, cy0: 50, cx1: 220, cy1: 63) > BezierCurve(x0: 220, y0: 179, x1: 205, y1: 214, cx0: 220, cy0: 193, cx1: 214, cy1: 205) > BezierCurve(x0: 205, y0: 213, x1: 219, y1: 179, cx0: 214, cy0: 205, cx1: 219, cy1: 192) > BezierCurve(x0: 219, y0: 77, x1: 205, y1: 42, cx0: 219, cy0: 63, cx1: 214, cy1: 51))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 205, y0: 214, x1: 170, y1: 229, cx0: 196, cy0: 223, cx1: 184, cy1: 229) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 229, x1: 33, y1: 214, cx0: 54, cy0: 229, cx1: 42, cy1: 223) > BezierCurve(x0: 33, y0: 213, x1: 68, y1: 228, cx0: 42, cy0: 222, cx1: 54, cy1: 228) > BezierCurve(x0: 170, y0: 228, x1: 205, y1: 213, cx0: 184, cy0: 228, cx1: 196, cy1: 222))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 33, y0: 214, x1: 18, y1: 179, cx0: 24, cy0: 205, cx1: 18, cy1: 193) > BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 77, x1: 33, y1: 41, cx0: 18, cy0: 63, cx1: 24, cy1: 50) > BezierCurve(x0: 33, y0: 42, x1: 19, y1: 77, cx0: 24, cy0: 51, cx1: 19, cy1: 63) > BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 179, x1: 33, y1: 213, cx0: 19, cy0: 192, cx1: 24, cy1: 205))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 244, y0: 75, x1: 294, y1: 25, cx0: 244, cy0: 47, cx1: 266, cy1: 25) > BezierCurve(x0: 400, y0: 25, x1: 450, y1: 75, cx0: 428, cy0: 25, cx1: 450, cy1: 47) > BezierCurve(x0: 450, y0: 181, x1: 400, y1: 231, cx0: 450, cy0: 208, cx1: 428, cy1: 231) > BezierCurve(x0: 294, y0: 231, x1: 244, y1: 181, cx0: 266, cy0: 231, cx1: 244, cy1: 208))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 259, y0: 39, x1: 294, y1: 25, cx0: 268, cy0: 30, cx1: 280, cy1: 25) > BezierCurve(x0: 400, y0: 25, x1: 435, y1: 39, cx0: 414, cy0: 25, cx1: 426, cy1: 30) > BezierCurve(x0: 433, y0: 42, x1: 400, y1: 28, cx0: 425, cy0: 33, cx1: 413, cy1: 28) > BezierCurve(x0: 294, y0: 28, x1: 261, y1: 42, cx0: 281, cy0: 28, cx1: 269, cy1: 33))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 435, y0: 39, x1: 450, y1: 75, cx0: 444, cy0: 48, cx1: 450, cy1: 61) > BezierCurve(x0: 450, y0: 181, x1: 435, y1: 216, cx0: 450, cy0: 195, cx1: 444, cy1: 207) > BezierCurve(x0: 433, y0: 214, x1: 447, y1: 181, cx0: 442, cy0: 206, cx1: 447, cy1: 194) > BezierCurve(x0: 447, y0: 75, x1: 433, y1: 42, cx0: 447, cy0: 62, cx1: 442, cy1: 50))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 435, y0: 216, x1: 400, y1: 231, cx0: 426, cy0: 225, cx1: 414, cy1: 231) > BezierCurve(x0: 294, y0: 231, x1: 259, y1: 216, cx0: 280, cy0: 231, cx1: 268, cy1: 225) > BezierCurve(x0: 261, y0: 214, x1: 294, y1: 228, cx0: 269, cy0: 223, cx1: 281, cy1: 228) > BezierCurve(x0: 400, y0: 228, x1: 433, y1: 214, cx0: 413, cy0: 228, cx1: 425, cy1: 223))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 259, y0: 216, x1: 244, y1: 181, cx0: 250, cy0: 207, cx1: 244, cy1: 195) > BezierCurve(x0: 244, y0: 75, x1: 259, y1: 39, cx0: 244, cy0: 61, cx1: 250, cy1: 48) > BezierCurve(x0: 261, y0: 42, x1: 247, y1: 75, cx0: 252, cy0: 50, cx1: 247, cy1: 62) > BezierCurve(x0: 247, y0: 181, x1: 261, y1: 214, cx0: 247, cy0: 194, cx1: 252, cy1: 206))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 474, y0: 68, x1: 524, y1: 18, cx0: 474, cy0: 40, cx1: 496, cy1: 18) > BezierCurve(x0: 644, y0: 18, x1: 694, y1: 68, cx0: 672, cy0: 18, cx1: 694, cy1: 40) > BezierCurve(x0: 694, y0: 188, x1: 644, y1: 238, cx0: 694, cy0: 216, cx1: 672, cy1: 238) > BezierCurve(x0: 524, y0: 238, x1: 474, y1: 188, cx0: 496, cy0: 238, cx1: 474, cy1: 216))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 489, y0: 33, x1: 524, y1: 18, cx0: 498, cy0: 24, cx1: 510, cy1: 18) > BezierCurve(x0: 644, y0: 18, x1: 679, y1: 33, cx0: 658, cy0: 18, cx1: 670, cy1: 24) > BezierCurve(x0: 672, y0: 40, x1: 644, y1: 28, cx0: 665, cy0: 32, cx1: 655, cy1: 28) > BezierCurve(x0: 524, y0: 28, x1: 496, y1: 40, cx0: 513, cy0: 28, cx1: 503, cy1: 32))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 679, y0: 33, x1: 694, y1: 68, cx0: 688, cy0: 42, cx1: 694, cy1: 54) > BezierCurve(x0: 694, y0: 188, x1: 679, y1: 223, cx0: 694, cy0: 202, cx1: 688, cy1: 214) > BezierCurve(x0: 672, y0: 216, x1: 684, y1: 188, cx0: 680, cy0: 209, cx1: 684, cy1: 199) > BezierCurve(x0: 684, y0: 68, x1: 672, y1: 40, cx0: 684, cy0: 57, cx1: 680, cy1: 47))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 679, y0: 223, x1: 644, y1: 238, cx0: 670, cy0: 232, cx1: 658, cy1: 238) > BezierCurve(x0: 524, y0: 238, x1: 489, y1: 223, cx0: 510, cy0: 238, cx1: 498, cy1: 232) > BezierCurve(x0: 496, y0: 216, x1: 524, y1: 228, cx0: 503, cy0: 224, cx1: 513, cy1: 228) > BezierCurve(x0: 644, y0: 228, x1: 672, y1: 216, cx0: 655, cy0: 228, cx1: 665, cy1: 224))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 308, x1: 68, y1: 268, cx0: 68, cy0: 286, cx1: 68, cy1: 268) > BezierCurve(x0: 268, y0: 268, x1: 268, y1: 308, cx0: 268, cy0: 268, cx1: 268, cy1: 286) > BezierCurve(x0: 268, y0: 388, x1: 168, y1: 468, cx0: 268, cy0: 432, cx1: 223, cy1: 468) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 468, x1: 68, y1: 468, cx0: 68, cy0: 468, cx1: 68, cy1: 468))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 33, y0: 273, x1: 68, y1: 258, cx0: 42, cy0: 264, cx1: 54, cy1: 258) > BezierCurve(x0: 268, y0: 258, x1: 303, y1: 273, cx0: 282, cy0: 258, cx1: 294, cy1: 264) > BezierCurve(x0: 268, y0: 280, x1: 268, y1: 268, cx0: 268, cy0: 272, cx1: 268, cy1: 268) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 268, x1: 68, y1: 280, cx0: 68, cy0: 268, cx1: 68, cy1: 272))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 303, y0: 273, x1: 318, y1: 308, cx0: 312, cy0: 282, cx1: 318, cy1: 294) > BezierCurve(x0: 318, y0: 388, x1: 274, y1: 480, cx0: 318, cy0: 424, cx1: 301, cy1: 456) > BezierCurve(x0: 239, y0: 445, x1: 268, y1: 388, cx0: 257, cy0: 430, cx1: 268, cy1: 410) > BezierCurve(x0: 268, y0: 308, x1: 268, y1: 280, cx0: 268, cy0: 297, cx1: 268, cy1: 287))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 274, y0: 480, x1: 168, y1: 518, cx0: 247, cy0: 503, cx1: 209, cy1: 518) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 518, x1: 33, y1: 503, cx0: 54, cy0: 518, cx1: 42, cy1: 512) > BezierCurve(x0: 68, y0: 468, x1: 68, y1: 468, cx0: 68, cy0: 468, cx1: 68, cy1: 468) > BezierCurve(x0: 168, y0: 468, x1: 239, y1: 445, cx0: 196, cy0: 468, cx1: 221, cy1: 459))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 158, y0: 653, x1: 158, y1: 638, cx0: 158, cy0: 645, cx1: 158, cy1: 638) > BezierCurve(x0: 383, y0: 638, x1: 358, y1: 653, cx0: 369, cy0: 638, cx1: 358, cy1: 645) > BezierCurve(x0: 358, y0: 863, x1: 358, y1: 838, cx0: 358, cy0: 849, cx1: 358, cy1: 838) > BezierCurve(x0: 158, y0: 838, x1: 158, y1: 863, cx0: 158, cy0: 838, cx1: 158, cy1: 849))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 115, y0: 635, x1: 133, y1: 628, cx0: 120, cy0: 631, cx1: 126, cy1: 628) > BezierCurve(x0: 383, y0: 628, x1: 401, y1: 635, cx0: 390, cy0: 628, cx1: 396, cy1: 631) > BezierCurve(x0: 365, y0: 642, x1: 383, y1: 638, cx0: 370, cy0: 640, cx1: 376, cy1: 638) > BezierCurve(x0: 158, y0: 638, x1: 158, y1: 642, cx0: 158, cy0: 638, cx1: 158, cy1: 640))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 401, y0: 635, x1: 408, y1: 653, cx0: 405, cy0: 640, cx1: 408, cy1: 646) > BezierCurve(x0: 408, y0: 863, x1: 401, y1: 881, cx0: 408, cy0: 870, cx1: 405, cy1: 876) > BezierCurve(x0: 358, y0: 845, x1: 358, y1: 863, cx0: 358, cy0: 850, cx1: 358, cy1: 856) > BezierCurve(x0: 358, y0: 653, x1: 365, y1: 642, cx0: 358, cy0: 649, cx1: 361, cy1: 645))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 401, y0: 881, x1: 383, y1: 888, cx0: 396, cy0: 885, cx1: 390, cy1: 888) > BezierCurve(x0: 133, y0: 888, x1: 115, y1: 881, cx0: 126, cy0: 888, cx1: 120, cy1: 885) > BezierCurve(x0: 158, y0: 845, x1: 158, y1: 838, cx0: 158, cy0: 841, cx1: 158, cy1: 838) > BezierCurve(x0: 358, y0: 838, x1: 358, y1: 845, cx0: 358, cy0: 838, cx1: 358, cy1: 841))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 522, y0: 738, x1: 623, y1: 637, cx0: 522, cy0: 682, cx1: 567, cy1: 637) > BezierCurve(x0: 623, y0: 637, x1: 724, y1: 738, cx0: 679, cy0: 637, cx1: 724, cy1: 682) > BezierCurve(x0: 724, y0: 738, x1: 623, y1: 839, cx0: 724, cy0: 794, cx1: 679, cy1: 839) > BezierCurve(x0: 623, y0: 839, x1: 522, y1: 738, cx0: 567, cy0: 839, cx1: 522, cy1: 794))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 552, y0: 666, x1: 623, y1: 637, cx0: 570, cy0: 648, cx1: 595, cy1: 637) > BezierCurve(x0: 623, y0: 637, x1: 695, y1: 666, cx0: 651, cy0: 637, cx1: 676, cy1: 648) > BezierCurve(x0: 694, y0: 667, x1: 623, y1: 638, cx0: 676, cy0: 649, cx1: 651, cy1: 638) > BezierCurve(x0: 623, y0: 638, x1: 552, y1: 667, cx0: 596, cy0: 638, cx1: 570, cy1: 649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 695, y0: 666, x1: 724, y1: 738, cx0: 713, cy0: 685, cx1: 724, cy1: 710) > BezierCurve(x0: 724, y0: 738, x1: 695, y1: 810, cx0: 724, cy0: 766, cx1: 713, cy1: 791) > BezierCurve(x0: 694, y0: 809, x1: 723, y1: 738, cx0: 712, cy0: 791, cx1: 723, cy1: 766) > BezierCurve(x0: 723, y0: 738, x1: 694, y1: 667, cx0: 723, cy0: 710, cx1: 712, cy1: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 695, y0: 810, x1: 623, y1: 839, cx0: 676, cy0: 828, cx1: 651, cy1: 839) > BezierCurve(x0: 623, y0: 839, x1: 552, y1: 810, cx0: 595, cy0: 839, cx1: 570, cy1: 828) > BezierCurve(x0: 552, y0: 809, x1: 623, y1: 838, cx0: 570, cy0: 827, cx1: 596, cy1: 838) > BezierCurve(x0: 623, y0: 838, x1: 694, y1: 809, cx0: 651, cy0: 838, cx1: 676, cy1: 827))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 552, y0: 810, x1: 522, y1: 738, cx0: 533, cy0: 791, cx1: 522, cy1: 766) > BezierCurve(x0: 522, y0: 738, x1: 552, y1: 666, cx0: 522, cy0: 710, cx1: 533, cy1: 685) > BezierCurve(x0: 552, y0: 667, x1: 523, y1: 738, cx0: 534, cy0: 685, cx1: 523, cy1: 710) > BezierCurve(x0: 523, y0: 738, x1: 552, y1: 809, cx0: 523, cy0: 766, cx1: 534, cy1: 791))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgb(58,132,195)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 27) > Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 220, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228) > Vector(x: 219, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,181,226) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 229) > Vector(x: 18, y: 27) > Vector(x: 19, y: 28) > Vector(x: 19, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 25) > Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 450, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228) > Vector(x: 447, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 244, y: 231) > Vector(x: 244, y: 25) > Vector(x: 247, y: 28) > Vector(x: 247, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 18) > Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 28))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 694, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228) > Vector(x: 684, y: 228))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 474, y: 238) > Vector(x: 474, y: 18) > Vector(x: 484, y: 28) > Vector(x: 484, y: 228))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558))
Fill: rgb(111,66,140)
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 258) > Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 318, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508) > Vector(x: 268, y: 508))
Shape: rgb(0,128,0) Path (Vector(x: 18, y: 558) > Vector(x: 18, y: 258) > Vector(x: 68, y: 308) > Vector(x: 68, y: 508))

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
background: red; background: red;
border: 5px solid blue; border: 5px solid blue;
} }
body {
font-family: Arial;
</style> </style>
</head> </head>

tests/reftests/clip.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 104) > Vector(x: 8, y: 104))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 787, y: 13) > Vector(x: 13, y: 13))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 8) > Vector(x: 792, y: 104) > Vector(x: 787, y: 99) > Vector(x: 787, y: 13))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 104) > Vector(x: 8, y: 104) > Vector(x: 13, y: 99) > Vector(x: 787, y: 99))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 104) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 13, y: 13) > Vector(x: 13, y: 99))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 13]: Some
[59, 13]: inline
[101, 13]: text
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[302, 13]: followed
[365, 13]: by
[387, 13]: more
[427, 13]: inline
[469, 13]: text.
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 81]: Then
[54, 81]: more
[95, 81]: inline
[137, 81]: text.
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 13, y: 47) > Vector(x: 787, y: 47) > Vector(x: 787, y: 65) > Vector(x: 13, y: 65))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 47]: Then
[54, 47]: a
[67, 47]: block
[109, 47]: level
[147, 47]: element.
Text: rgb(0,0,255) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[131, 13]: followed
[195, 13]: by
[216, 13]: text
[246, 13]: in
[263, 13]: span
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 104) > Vector(x: 792, y: 104) > Vector(x: 792, y: 200) > Vector(x: 8, y: 200))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 104) > Vector(x: 792, y: 104) > Vector(x: 787, y: 109) > Vector(x: 13, y: 109))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 104) > Vector(x: 792, y: 200) > Vector(x: 787, y: 195) > Vector(x: 787, y: 109))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 200) > Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 13, y: 195) > Vector(x: 787, y: 195))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 8, y: 104) > Vector(x: 13, y: 109) > Vector(x: 13, y: 195))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 109]: Some
[59, 109]: inline
[101, 109]: text
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[302, 109]: followed
[365, 109]: by
[387, 109]: more
[427, 109]: inline
[469, 109]: text.
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 177]: Then
[54, 177]: more
[95, 177]: inline
[137, 177]: text.
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 13, y: 143) > Vector(x: 787, y: 143) > Vector(x: 787, y: 161) > Vector(x: 13, y: 161))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 143]: Then
[54, 143]: a
[67, 143]: block
[109, 143]: level
[147, 143]: element.
Text: rgb(0,0,255) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[131, 109]: followed
[195, 109]: by
[216, 109]: text
[246, 109]: in
[263, 109]: span
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 504, y: 200) > Vector(x: 504, y: 296) > Vector(x: 8, y: 296))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 504, y: 200) > Vector(x: 499, y: 205) > Vector(x: 13, y: 205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 504, y: 200) > Vector(x: 504, y: 296) > Vector(x: 499, y: 291) > Vector(x: 499, y: 205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 504, y: 296) > Vector(x: 8, y: 296) > Vector(x: 13, y: 291) > Vector(x: 499, y: 291))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 296) > Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 13, y: 205) > Vector(x: 13, y: 291))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 205]: Some
[59, 205]: inline
[101, 205]: text
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[302, 205]: followed
[365, 205]: by
[387, 205]: more
[427, 205]: inline
[469, 205]: text.
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 273]: Then
[54, 273]: more
[95, 273]: inline
[137, 273]: text.
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 13, y: 239) > Vector(x: 499, y: 239) > Vector(x: 499, y: 257) > Vector(x: 13, y: 257))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 239]: Then
[54, 239]: a
[67, 239]: block
[109, 239]: level
[147, 239]: element.
Text: rgb(0,0,255) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[131, 205]: followed
[195, 205]: by
[216, 205]: text
[246, 205]: in
[263, 205]: span
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 500, y: 250) > Vector(x: 800, y: 250) > Vector(x: 800, y: 364) > Vector(x: 500, y: 364))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 500, y: 250) > Vector(x: 800, y: 250) > Vector(x: 795, y: 255) > Vector(x: 505, y: 255))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 800, y: 250) > Vector(x: 800, y: 364) > Vector(x: 795, y: 359) > Vector(x: 795, y: 255))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 800, y: 364) > Vector(x: 500, y: 364) > Vector(x: 505, y: 359) > Vector(x: 795, y: 359))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 500, y: 364) > Vector(x: 500, y: 250) > Vector(x: 505, y: 255) > Vector(x: 505, y: 359))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[505, 255]: Some
[551, 255]: inline
[593, 255]: text
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[505, 273]: followed
[568, 273]: by
[589, 273]: more
[630, 273]: inline
[672, 273]: text.
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[505, 341]: Then
[546, 341]: more
[587, 341]: inline
[629, 341]: text.
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 505, y: 307) > Vector(x: 795, y: 307) > Vector(x: 795, y: 325) > Vector(x: 505, y: 325))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[505, 307]: Then
[546, 307]: a
[559, 307]: block
[601, 307]: level
[639, 307]: element.
Text: rgb(0,0,255) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[623, 255]: followed
[687, 255]: by
[708, 255]: text
[738, 255]: in
[755, 255]: span
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 500) > Vector(x: 504, y: 500) > Vector(x: 504, y: 596) > Vector(x: 8, y: 596))
Fill: rgb(255,0,0)
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 500) > Vector(x: 504, y: 500) > Vector(x: 499, y: 505) > Vector(x: 13, y: 505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 504, y: 500) > Vector(x: 504, y: 596) > Vector(x: 499, y: 591) > Vector(x: 499, y: 505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 504, y: 596) > Vector(x: 8, y: 596) > Vector(x: 13, y: 591) > Vector(x: 499, y: 591))
Shape: rgb(0,0,255) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 596) > Vector(x: 8, y: 500) > Vector(x: 13, y: 505) > Vector(x: 13, y: 591))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 505]: Some
[59, 505]: inline
[101, 505]: text
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[302, 505]: followed
[365, 505]: by
[387, 505]: more
[427, 505]: inline
[469, 505]: text.
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 573]: Then
[54, 573]: more
[95, 573]: inline
[137, 573]: text.
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 13, y: 539) > Vector(x: 499, y: 539) > Vector(x: 499, y: 557) > Vector(x: 13, y: 557))
Fill: rgb(0,128,0)
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[13, 539]: Then
[54, 539]: a
[67, 539]: block
[109, 539]: level
[147, 539]: element.
Text: rgb(0,0,255) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[131, 505]: followed
[195, 505]: by
[216, 505]: text
[246, 505]: in
[263, 505]: span

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Window: [812, 824]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 812, 824] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 812, y: 8) > Vector(x: 810, y: 10) > Vector(x: 10, y: 10))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 812, y: 8) > Vector(x: 812, y: 812) > Vector(x: 810, y: 810) > Vector(x: 810, y: 10))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 812, y: 812) > Vector(x: 8, y: 812) > Vector(x: 10, y: 810) > Vector(x: 810, y: 810))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 812) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 10, y: 10) > Vector(x: 10, y: 810))

tests/reftests/forms.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
Window: [800, 1003]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 1003] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 138) > Vector(x: 792, y: 138) > Vector(x: 791, y: 139) > Vector(x: 9, y: 139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 138) > Vector(x: 792, y: 140) > Vector(x: 791, y: 139) > Vector(x: 791, y: 139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 140) > Vector(x: 8, y: 140) > Vector(x: 9, y: 139) > Vector(x: 791, y: 139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 140) > Vector(x: 8, y: 138) > Vector(x: 9, y: 139) > Vector(x: 9, y: 139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 176) > Vector(x: 792, y: 176) > Vector(x: 791, y: 177) > Vector(x: 9, y: 177))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 176) > Vector(x: 792, y: 178) > Vector(x: 791, y: 177) > Vector(x: 791, y: 177))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 178) > Vector(x: 8, y: 178) > Vector(x: 9, y: 177) > Vector(x: 791, y: 177))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 178) > Vector(x: 8, y: 176) > Vector(x: 9, y: 177) > Vector(x: 9, y: 177))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 244) > Vector(x: 792, y: 244) > Vector(x: 791, y: 245) > Vector(x: 9, y: 245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 244) > Vector(x: 792, y: 246) > Vector(x: 791, y: 245) > Vector(x: 791, y: 245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 246) > Vector(x: 8, y: 246) > Vector(x: 9, y: 245) > Vector(x: 791, y: 245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 246) > Vector(x: 8, y: 244) > Vector(x: 9, y: 245) > Vector(x: 9, y: 245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 321) > Vector(x: 792, y: 321) > Vector(x: 791, y: 322) > Vector(x: 9, y: 322))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 321) > Vector(x: 792, y: 323) > Vector(x: 791, y: 322) > Vector(x: 791, y: 322))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 323) > Vector(x: 8, y: 323) > Vector(x: 9, y: 322) > Vector(x: 791, y: 322))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 323) > Vector(x: 8, y: 321) > Vector(x: 9, y: 322) > Vector(x: 9, y: 322))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 24) > Vector(x: 177, y: 24) > Vector(x: 177, y: 45) > Vector(x: 8, y: 45))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 24) > Vector(x: 177, y: 24) > Vector(x: 175, y: 26) > Vector(x: 10, y: 26))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 177, y: 24) > Vector(x: 177, y: 45) > Vector(x: 175, y: 43) > Vector(x: 175, y: 26))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 177, y: 45) > Vector(x: 8, y: 45) > Vector(x: 10, y: 43) > Vector(x: 175, y: 43))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 45) > Vector(x: 8, y: 24) > Vector(x: 10, y: 26) > Vector(x: 10, y: 43))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[10, 27]: textbox
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 181, y: 24) > Vector(x: 350, y: 24) > Vector(x: 350, y: 45) > Vector(x: 181, y: 45))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 181, y: 24) > Vector(x: 350, y: 24) > Vector(x: 348, y: 26) > Vector(x: 183, y: 26))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 350, y: 24) > Vector(x: 350, y: 45) > Vector(x: 348, y: 43) > Vector(x: 348, y: 26))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 350, y: 45) > Vector(x: 181, y: 45) > Vector(x: 183, y: 43) > Vector(x: 348, y: 43))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 181, y: 45) > Vector(x: 181, y: 24) > Vector(x: 183, y: 26) > Vector(x: 183, y: 43))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[183, 27]: •
[188, 27]: •
[192, 27]: •
[197, 27]: •
[202, 27]: •
[206, 27]: •
[211, 27]: •
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 354, y: 20) > Vector(x: 528, y: 20) > Vector(x: 528, y: 48) > Vector(x: 354, y: 48))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 354, y: 20) > Vector(x: 528, y: 20) > Vector(x: 523, y: 25) > Vector(x: 359, y: 25))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 528, y: 20) > Vector(x: 528, y: 48) > Vector(x: 523, y: 43) > Vector(x: 523, y: 25))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 528, y: 48) > Vector(x: 354, y: 48) > Vector(x: 359, y: 43) > Vector(x: 523, y: 43))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 354, y: 48) > Vector(x: 354, y: 20) > Vector(x: 359, y: 25) > Vector(x: 359, y: 43))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[359, 26]: textbox
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 532, y: 8) > Vector(x: 707, y: 8) > Vector(x: 707, y: 60) > Vector(x: 532, y: 60))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 532, y: 8) > Vector(x: 707, y: 8) > Vector(x: 702, y: 13) > Vector(x: 537, y: 13))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 707, y: 8) > Vector(x: 707, y: 60) > Vector(x: 702, y: 55) > Vector(x: 702, y: 13))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 707, y: 60) > Vector(x: 532, y: 60) > Vector(x: 537, y: 55) > Vector(x: 702, y: 55))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 532, y: 60) > Vector(x: 532, y: 8) > Vector(x: 537, y: 13) > Vector(x: 537, y: 55))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[537, 14]: textbox
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 60) > Vector(x: 203, y: 60) > Vector(x: 203, y: 130) > Vector(x: 8, y: 130))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 60) > Vector(x: 203, y: 60) > Vector(x: 198, y: 65) > Vector(x: 13, y: 65))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 203, y: 60) > Vector(x: 203, y: 130) > Vector(x: 198, y: 125) > Vector(x: 198, y: 65))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 203, y: 130) > Vector(x: 8, y: 130) > Vector(x: 13, y: 125) > Vector(x: 198, y: 125))
Shape: rgb(0,0,128) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 130) > Vector(x: 8, y: 60) > Vector(x: 13, y: 65) > Vector(x: 13, y: 125))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[23, 75]: textbox
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 207, y: 75) > Vector(x: 396, y: 75) > Vector(x: 396, y: 114) > Vector(x: 207, y: 114))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 207, y: 75) > Vector(x: 396, y: 75) > Vector(x: 394, y: 77) > Vector(x: 209, y: 77))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 396, y: 75) > Vector(x: 396, y: 114) > Vector(x: 394, y: 112) > Vector(x: 394, y: 77))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 396, y: 114) > Vector(x: 207, y: 114) > Vector(x: 209, y: 112) > Vector(x: 394, y: 112))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 207, y: 114) > Vector(x: 207, y: 75) > Vector(x: 209, y: 77) > Vector(x: 209, y: 112))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[219, 87]: textbox
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 400, y: 75) > Vector(x: 588, y: 75) > Vector(x: 588, y: 114) > Vector(x: 400, y: 114))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 400, y: 75) > Vector(x: 588, y: 75) > Vector(x: 586, y: 77) > Vector(x: 402, y: 77))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 588, y: 75) > Vector(x: 588, y: 114) > Vector(x: 586, y: 112) > Vector(x: 586, y: 77))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 588, y: 114) > Vector(x: 400, y: 114) > Vector(x: 402, y: 112) > Vector(x: 586, y: 112))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 400, y: 114) > Vector(x: 400, y: 75) > Vector(x: 402, y: 77) > Vector(x: 402, y: 112))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[533, 87]: textbox
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 149) > Vector(x: 76, y: 149) > Vector(x: 76, y: 168) > Vector(x: 8, y: 168))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 149) > Vector(x: 76, y: 149) > Vector(x: 75, y: 150) > Vector(x: 9, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 76, y: 149) > Vector(x: 76, y: 168) > Vector(x: 75, y: 167) > Vector(x: 75, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 76, y: 168) > Vector(x: 8, y: 168) > Vector(x: 9, y: 167) > Vector(x: 75, y: 167))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 168) > Vector(x: 8, y: 149) > Vector(x: 9, y: 150) > Vector(x: 9, y: 167))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[9, 150]: Value
[46, 150]: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 80, y: 149) > Vector(x: 104, y: 149) > Vector(x: 104, y: 168) > Vector(x: 80, y: 168))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 80, y: 149) > Vector(x: 104, y: 149) > Vector(x: 103, y: 150) > Vector(x: 81, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 104, y: 149) > Vector(x: 104, y: 168) > Vector(x: 103, y: 167) > Vector(x: 103, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 104, y: 168) > Vector(x: 80, y: 168) > Vector(x: 81, y: 167) > Vector(x: 103, y: 167))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 80, y: 168) > Vector(x: 80, y: 149) > Vector(x: 81, y: 150) > Vector(x: 81, y: 167))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 149) > Vector(x: 140, y: 149) > Vector(x: 140, y: 168) > Vector(x: 108, y: 168))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 149) > Vector(x: 140, y: 149) > Vector(x: 139, y: 150) > Vector(x: 109, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 149) > Vector(x: 140, y: 168) > Vector(x: 139, y: 167) > Vector(x: 139, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 140, y: 168) > Vector(x: 108, y: 168) > Vector(x: 109, y: 167) > Vector(x: 139, y: 167))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 108, y: 168) > Vector(x: 108, y: 149) > Vector(x: 109, y: 150) > Vector(x: 109, y: 167))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[109, 150]: 2
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 149) > Vector(x: 333, y: 149) > Vector(x: 333, y: 168) > Vector(x: 144, y: 168))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 149) > Vector(x: 333, y: 149) > Vector(x: 332, y: 150) > Vector(x: 145, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 333, y: 149) > Vector(x: 333, y: 168) > Vector(x: 332, y: 167) > Vector(x: 332, y: 150))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 333, y: 168) > Vector(x: 144, y: 168) > Vector(x: 145, y: 167) > Vector(x: 332, y: 167))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 144, y: 168) > Vector(x: 144, y: 149) > Vector(x: 145, y: 150) > Vector(x: 145, y: 167))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[145, 150]: Value
[182, 150]: 2
[193, 150]: with
[220, 150]: something
[286, 150]: else
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 65, y: 200) > Vector(x: 65, y: 221) > Vector(x: 8, y: 221))
Fill: rgb(221,221,221)
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 65, y: 200) > Vector(x: 63, y: 202) > Vector(x: 10, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 65, y: 200) > Vector(x: 65, y: 221) > Vector(x: 63, y: 219) > Vector(x: 63, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 65, y: 221) > Vector(x: 8, y: 221) > Vector(x: 10, y: 219) > Vector(x: 63, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 221) > Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 10, y: 202) > Vector(x: 10, y: 219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[16, 203]: Submit
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 69, y: 200) > Vector(x: 124, y: 200) > Vector(x: 124, y: 221) > Vector(x: 69, y: 221))
Fill: rgb(221,221,221)
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 69, y: 200) > Vector(x: 124, y: 200) > Vector(x: 122, y: 202) > Vector(x: 71, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 124, y: 200) > Vector(x: 124, y: 221) > Vector(x: 122, y: 219) > Vector(x: 122, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 124, y: 221) > Vector(x: 69, y: 221) > Vector(x: 71, y: 219) > Vector(x: 122, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 69, y: 221) > Vector(x: 69, y: 200) > Vector(x: 71, y: 202) > Vector(x: 71, y: 219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[77, 203]: Button
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 128, y: 200) > Vector(x: 179, y: 200) > Vector(x: 179, y: 221) > Vector(x: 128, y: 221))
Fill: rgb(221,221,221)
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 128, y: 200) > Vector(x: 179, y: 200) > Vector(x: 177, y: 202) > Vector(x: 130, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 179, y: 200) > Vector(x: 179, y: 221) > Vector(x: 177, y: 219) > Vector(x: 177, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 179, y: 221) > Vector(x: 128, y: 221) > Vector(x: 130, y: 219) > Vector(x: 177, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 128, y: 221) > Vector(x: 128, y: 200) > Vector(x: 130, y: 202) > Vector(x: 130, y: 219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[136, 203]: Reset
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 183, y: 200) > Vector(x: 383, y: 200) > Vector(x: 383, y: 221) > Vector(x: 183, y: 221))
Fill: rgb(221,221,221)
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 183, y: 200) > Vector(x: 383, y: 200) > Vector(x: 381, y: 202) > Vector(x: 185, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 383, y: 200) > Vector(x: 383, y: 221) > Vector(x: 381, y: 219) > Vector(x: 381, y: 202))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 383, y: 221) > Vector(x: 183, y: 221) > Vector(x: 185, y: 219) > Vector(x: 381, y: 219))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 183, y: 221) > Vector(x: 183, y: 200) > Vector(x: 185, y: 202) > Vector(x: 185, y: 219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[262, 203]: Submit
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 387, y: 186) > Vector(x: 587, y: 186) > Vector(x: 587, y: 236) > Vector(x: 387, y: 236))
Fill: rgb(221,221,221)
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 387, y: 186) > Vector(x: 587, y: 186) > Vector(x: 585, y: 188) > Vector(x: 389, y: 188))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 587, y: 186) > Vector(x: 587, y: 236) > Vector(x: 585, y: 234) > Vector(x: 585, y: 188))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 587, y: 236) > Vector(x: 387, y: 236) > Vector(x: 389, y: 234) > Vector(x: 585, y: 234))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 387, y: 236) > Vector(x: 387, y: 186) > Vector(x: 389, y: 188) > Vector(x: 389, y: 234))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[468, 189]: Button
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 591, y: 186) > Vector(x: 791, y: 186) > Vector(x: 791, y: 236) > Vector(x: 591, y: 236))
Fill: rgb(221,221,221)
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 591, y: 186) > Vector(x: 791, y: 186) > Vector(x: 789, y: 188) > Vector(x: 593, y: 188))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 791, y: 186) > Vector(x: 791, y: 236) > Vector(x: 789, y: 234) > Vector(x: 789, y: 188))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 791, y: 236) > Vector(x: 591, y: 236) > Vector(x: 593, y: 234) > Vector(x: 789, y: 234))
Shape: rgb(221,221,221) Path (Vector(x: 591, y: 236) > Vector(x: 591, y: 186) > Vector(x: 593, y: 188) > Vector(x: 593, y: 234))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px Arial
[599, 189]: Reset
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 272) > Vector(x: 165, y: 272) > Vector(x: 165, y: 309) > Vector(x: 8, y: 309))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 272) > Vector(x: 165, y: 272) > Vector(x: 164, y: 273) > Vector(x: 9, y: 273))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 165, y: 272) > Vector(x: 165, y: 309) > Vector(x: 164, y: 308) > Vector(x: 164, y: 273))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 165, y: 309) > Vector(x: 8, y: 309) > Vector(x: 9, y: 308) > Vector(x: 164, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 309) > Vector(x: 8, y: 272) > Vector(x: 9, y: 273) > Vector(x: 9, y: 308))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px monospace
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 169, y: 254) > Vector(x: 344, y: 254) > Vector(x: 344, y: 309) > Vector(x: 169, y: 309))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 169, y: 254) > Vector(x: 344, y: 254) > Vector(x: 334, y: 264) > Vector(x: 179, y: 264))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 344, y: 254) > Vector(x: 344, y: 309) > Vector(x: 334, y: 299) > Vector(x: 334, y: 264))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 344, y: 309) > Vector(x: 169, y: 309) > Vector(x: 179, y: 299) > Vector(x: 334, y: 299))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 169, y: 309) > Vector(x: 169, y: 254) > Vector(x: 179, y: 264) > Vector(x: 179, y: 299))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 348, y: 272) > Vector(x: 504, y: 272) > Vector(x: 504, y: 309) > Vector(x: 348, y: 309))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 348, y: 272) > Vector(x: 504, y: 272) > Vector(x: 503, y: 273) > Vector(x: 349, y: 273))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 504, y: 272) > Vector(x: 504, y: 309) > Vector(x: 503, y: 308) > Vector(x: 503, y: 273))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 504, y: 309) > Vector(x: 348, y: 309) > Vector(x: 349, y: 308) > Vector(x: 503, y: 308))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 348, y: 309) > Vector(x: 348, y: 272) > Vector(x: 349, y: 273) > Vector(x: 349, y: 308))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px monospace
[358, 275]: text
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 508, y: 254) > Vector(x: 683, y: 254) > Vector(x: 683, y: 309) > Vector(x: 508, y: 309))
Fill: rgb(255,255,255)
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 508, y: 254) > Vector(x: 683, y: 254) > Vector(x: 673, y: 264) > Vector(x: 518, y: 264))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 683, y: 254) > Vector(x: 683, y: 309) > Vector(x: 673, y: 299) > Vector(x: 673, y: 264))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 683, y: 309) > Vector(x: 508, y: 309) > Vector(x: 518, y: 299) > Vector(x: 673, y: 299))
Shape: rgb(169,169,169) Path (Vector(x: 508, y: 309) > Vector(x: 508, y: 254) > Vector(x: 518, y: 264) > Vector(x: 518, y: 299))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 13.3333px monospace
[520, 266]: text
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 534, x1: 24, y1: 529, cx0: 19, cy0: 531, cx1: 21, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 24, y0: 529, x1: 30, y1: 534, cx0: 27, cy0: 529, cx1: 30, cy1: 531) > BezierCurve(x0: 30, y0: 534, x1: 24, y1: 540, cx0: 30, cy0: 537, cx1: 27, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 24, y0: 540, x1: 19, y1: 534, cx0: 21, cy0: 540, cx1: 19, cy1: 537))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 20, y0: 530, x1: 24, y1: 528, cx0: 21, cy0: 529, cx1: 23, cy1: 528) > BezierCurve(x0: 24, y0: 528, x1: 29, y1: 530, cx0: 26, cy0: 528, cx1: 28, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 28, y0: 531, x1: 24, y1: 529, cx0: 27, cy0: 530, cx1: 26, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 24, y0: 529, x1: 21, y1: 531, cx0: 23, cy0: 529, cx1: 22, cy1: 530))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 29, y0: 530, x1: 31, y1: 534, cx0: 30, cy0: 531, cx1: 31, cy1: 533) > BezierCurve(x0: 31, y0: 534, x1: 29, y1: 539, cx0: 31, cy0: 536, cx1: 30, cy1: 538) > BezierCurve(x0: 28, y0: 538, x1: 30, y1: 534, cx0: 29, cy0: 537, cx1: 30, cy1: 536) > BezierCurve(x0: 30, y0: 534, x1: 28, y1: 531, cx0: 30, cy0: 533, cx1: 29, cy1: 532))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 29, y0: 539, x1: 24, y1: 541, cx0: 28, cy0: 540, cx1: 26, cy1: 541) > BezierCurve(x0: 24, y0: 541, x1: 20, y1: 539, cx0: 23, cy0: 541, cx1: 21, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 21, y0: 538, x1: 24, y1: 540, cx0: 22, cy0: 539, cx1: 23, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 24, y0: 540, x1: 28, y1: 538, cx0: 26, cy0: 540, cx1: 27, cy1: 539))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 20, y0: 539, x1: 18, y1: 534, cx0: 19, cy0: 538, cx1: 18, cy1: 536) > BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 534, x1: 20, y1: 530, cx0: 18, cy0: 533, cx1: 19, cy1: 531) > BezierCurve(x0: 21, y0: 531, x1: 19, y1: 534, cx0: 20, cy0: 532, cx1: 19, cy1: 533) > BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 534, x1: 21, y1: 538, cx0: 19, cy0: 536, cx1: 20, cy1: 537))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 93, y0: 534, x1: 98, y1: 529, cx0: 93, cy0: 531, cx1: 95, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 98, y0: 529, x1: 103, y1: 534, cx0: 101, cy0: 529, cx1: 103, cy1: 531) > BezierCurve(x0: 103, y0: 534, x1: 98, y1: 540, cx0: 103, cy0: 537, cx1: 101, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 98, y0: 540, x1: 93, y1: 534, cx0: 95, cy0: 540, cx1: 93, cy1: 537))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 93, y0: 530, x1: 98, y1: 528, cx0: 95, cy0: 529, cx1: 96, cy1: 528) > BezierCurve(x0: 98, y0: 528, x1: 103, y1: 530, cx0: 100, cy0: 528, cx1: 101, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 102, y0: 531, x1: 98, y1: 529, cx0: 101, cy0: 530, cx1: 99, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 98, y0: 529, x1: 94, y1: 531, cx0: 97, cy0: 529, cx1: 95, cy1: 530))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 103, y0: 530, x1: 104, y1: 534, cx0: 104, cy0: 531, cx1: 104, cy1: 533) > BezierCurve(x0: 104, y0: 534, x1: 103, y1: 539, cx0: 104, cy0: 536, cx1: 104, cy1: 538) > BezierCurve(x0: 102, y0: 538, x1: 103, y1: 534, cx0: 103, cy0: 537, cx1: 103, cy1: 536) > BezierCurve(x0: 103, y0: 534, x1: 102, y1: 531, cx0: 103, cy0: 533, cx1: 103, cy1: 532))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 103, y0: 539, x1: 98, y1: 541, cx0: 101, cy0: 540, cx1: 100, cy1: 541) > BezierCurve(x0: 98, y0: 541, x1: 93, y1: 539, cx0: 96, cy0: 541, cx1: 95, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 94, y0: 538, x1: 98, y1: 540, cx0: 95, cy0: 539, cx1: 97, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 98, y0: 540, x1: 102, y1: 538, cx0: 99, cy0: 540, cx1: 101, cy1: 539))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 93, y0: 539, x1: 92, y1: 534, cx0: 92, cy0: 538, cx1: 92, cy1: 536) > BezierCurve(x0: 92, y0: 534, x1: 93, y1: 530, cx0: 92, cy0: 533, cx1: 92, cy1: 531) > BezierCurve(x0: 94, y0: 531, x1: 93, y1: 534, cx0: 93, cy0: 532, cx1: 93, cy1: 533) > BezierCurve(x0: 93, y0: 534, x1: 94, y1: 538, cx0: 93, cy0: 536, cx1: 93, cy1: 537))
Shape: rgb(42,42,42) Circle(x: 95, y: 531, r: 3)
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 297, y0: 534, x1: 302, y1: 529, cx0: 297, cy0: 531, cx1: 299, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 302, y0: 529, x1: 307, y1: 534, cx0: 305, cy0: 529, cx1: 307, cy1: 531) > BezierCurve(x0: 307, y0: 534, x1: 302, y1: 540, cx0: 307, cy0: 537, cx1: 305, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 302, y0: 540, x1: 297, y1: 534, cx0: 299, cy0: 540, cx1: 297, cy1: 537))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 297, y0: 530, x1: 302, y1: 528, cx0: 299, cy0: 529, cx1: 300, cy1: 528) > BezierCurve(x0: 302, y0: 528, x1: 307, y1: 530, cx0: 304, cy0: 528, cx1: 305, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 306, y0: 531, x1: 302, y1: 529, cx0: 305, cy0: 530, cx1: 303, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 302, y0: 529, x1: 298, y1: 531, cx0: 301, cy0: 529, cx1: 299, cy1: 530))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 307, y0: 530, x1: 308, y1: 534, cx0: 308, cy0: 531, cx1: 308, cy1: 533) > BezierCurve(x0: 308, y0: 534, x1: 307, y1: 539, cx0: 308, cy0: 536, cx1: 308, cy1: 538) > BezierCurve(x0: 306, y0: 538, x1: 307, y1: 534, cx0: 307, cy0: 537, cx1: 307, cy1: 536) > BezierCurve(x0: 307, y0: 534, x1: 306, y1: 531, cx0: 307, cy0: 533, cx1: 307, cy1: 532))
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Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 427, y0: 441, x1: 526, y1: 342, cx0: 427, cy0: 386, cx1: 471, cy1: 342) > BezierCurve(x0: 526, y0: 342, x1: 625, y1: 441, cx0: 581, cy0: 342, cx1: 625, cy1: 386) > BezierCurve(x0: 625, y0: 441, x1: 526, y1: 540, cx0: 625, cy0: 495, cx1: 581, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 526, y0: 540, x1: 427, y1: 441, cx0: 471, cy0: 540, cx1: 427, cy1: 495))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 455, y0: 370, x1: 526, y1: 341, cx0: 473, cy0: 352, cx1: 498, cy1: 341) > BezierCurve(x0: 526, y0: 341, x1: 597, y1: 370, cx0: 554, cy0: 341, cx1: 579, cy1: 352) > BezierCurve(x0: 596, y0: 371, x1: 526, y1: 342, cx0: 578, cy0: 353, cx1: 553, cy1: 342) > BezierCurve(x0: 526, y0: 342, x1: 456, y1: 371, cx0: 499, cy0: 342, cx1: 474, cy1: 353))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 597, y0: 370, x1: 626, y1: 441, cx0: 615, cy0: 388, cx1: 626, cy1: 413) > BezierCurve(x0: 626, y0: 441, x1: 597, y1: 512, cx0: 626, cy0: 468, cx1: 615, cy1: 493) > BezierCurve(x0: 596, y0: 511, x1: 625, y1: 441, cx0: 614, cy0: 493, cx1: 625, cy1: 468) > BezierCurve(x0: 625, y0: 441, x1: 596, y1: 371, cx0: 625, cy0: 413, cx1: 614, cy1: 389))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 597, y0: 512, x1: 526, y1: 541, cx0: 579, cy0: 530, cx1: 554, cy1: 541) > BezierCurve(x0: 526, y0: 541, x1: 455, y1: 512, cx0: 498, cy0: 541, cx1: 473, cy1: 530) > BezierCurve(x0: 456, y0: 511, x1: 526, y1: 540, cx0: 474, cy0: 529, cx1: 499, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 526, y0: 540, x1: 596, y1: 511, cx0: 553, cy0: 540, cx1: 578, cy1: 529))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 455, y0: 512, x1: 426, y1: 441, cx0: 437, cy0: 493, cx1: 426, cy1: 468) > BezierCurve(x0: 426, y0: 441, x1: 455, y1: 370, cx0: 426, cy0: 413, cx1: 437, cy1: 388) > BezierCurve(x0: 456, y0: 371, x1: 427, y1: 441, cx0: 438, cy0: 389, cx1: 427, cy1: 413) > BezierCurve(x0: 427, y0: 441, x1: 456, y1: 511, cx0: 427, cy0: 468, cx1: 438, cy1: 493))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 661, x1: 118, y1: 562, cx0: 19, cy0: 606, cx1: 63, cy1: 562) > BezierCurve(x0: 118, y0: 562, x1: 217, y1: 661, cx0: 173, cy0: 562, cx1: 217, cy1: 606) > BezierCurve(x0: 217, y0: 661, x1: 118, y1: 760, cx0: 217, cy0: 715, cx1: 173, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 118, y0: 760, x1: 19, y1: 661, cx0: 63, cy0: 760, cx1: 19, cy1: 715))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 47, y0: 590, x1: 118, y1: 561, cx0: 65, cy0: 572, cx1: 90, cy1: 561) > BezierCurve(x0: 118, y0: 561, x1: 189, y1: 590, cx0: 146, cy0: 561, cx1: 171, cy1: 572) > BezierCurve(x0: 188, y0: 591, x1: 118, y1: 562, cx0: 170, cy0: 573, cx1: 145, cy1: 562) > BezierCurve(x0: 118, y0: 562, x1: 48, y1: 591, cx0: 91, cy0: 562, cx1: 66, cy1: 573))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 189, y0: 590, x1: 218, y1: 661, cx0: 207, cy0: 608, cx1: 218, cy1: 633) > BezierCurve(x0: 218, y0: 661, x1: 189, y1: 732, cx0: 218, cy0: 688, cx1: 207, cy1: 713) > BezierCurve(x0: 188, y0: 731, x1: 217, y1: 661, cx0: 206, cy0: 713, cx1: 217, cy1: 688) > BezierCurve(x0: 217, y0: 661, x1: 188, y1: 591, cx0: 217, cy0: 633, cx1: 206, cy1: 609))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 47, y0: 732, x1: 18, y1: 661, cx0: 29, cy0: 713, cx1: 18, cy1: 688) > BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 661, x1: 47, y1: 590, cx0: 18, cy0: 633, cx1: 29, cy1: 608) > BezierCurve(x0: 48, y0: 591, x1: 19, y1: 661, cx0: 30, cy0: 609, cx1: 19, cy1: 633) > BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 661, x1: 48, y1: 731, cx0: 19, cy0: 688, cx1: 30, cy1: 713))
Shape: rgb(42,42,42) Circle(x: 68, y: 611, r: 50)
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 243, y0: 751, x1: 245, y1: 749, cx0: 243, cy0: 750, cx1: 244, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 252, y0: 749, x1: 254, y1: 751, cx0: 253, cy0: 749, cx1: 254, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 254, y0: 758, x1: 252, y1: 760, cx0: 254, cy0: 759, cx1: 253, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 245, y0: 760, x1: 243, y1: 758, cx0: 244, cy0: 760, cx1: 243, cy1: 759))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 243, y0: 749, x1: 245, y1: 748, cx0: 243, cy0: 748, cx1: 244, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 252, y0: 748, x1: 254, y1: 749, cx0: 253, cy0: 748, cx1: 253, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 253, y0: 750, x1: 252, y1: 749, cx0: 253, cy0: 749, cx1: 252, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 245, y0: 749, x1: 244, y1: 750, cx0: 244, cy0: 749, cx1: 244, cy1: 749))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 254, y0: 749, x1: 255, y1: 751, cx0: 254, cy0: 749, cx1: 255, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 255, y0: 758, x1: 254, y1: 760, cx0: 255, cy0: 759, cx1: 254, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 253, y0: 759, x1: 254, y1: 758, cx0: 254, cy0: 759, cx1: 254, cy1: 758) > BezierCurve(x0: 254, y0: 751, x1: 253, y1: 750, cx0: 254, cy0: 750, cx1: 254, cy1: 750))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 254, y0: 760, x1: 252, y1: 761, cx0: 253, cy0: 760, cx1: 253, cy1: 761) > BezierCurve(x0: 245, y0: 761, x1: 243, y1: 760, cx0: 244, cy0: 761, cx1: 243, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 244, y0: 759, x1: 245, y1: 760, cx0: 244, cy0: 760, cx1: 244, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 252, y0: 760, x1: 253, y1: 759, cx0: 252, cy0: 760, cx1: 253, cy1: 760))
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Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 317, y0: 751, x1: 319, y1: 749, cx0: 317, cy0: 750, cx1: 317, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 325, y0: 749, x1: 327, y1: 751, cx0: 327, cy0: 749, cx1: 327, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 327, y0: 758, x1: 325, y1: 760, cx0: 327, cy0: 759, cx1: 327, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 319, y0: 760, x1: 317, y1: 758, cx0: 317, cy0: 760, cx1: 317, cy1: 759))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 316, y0: 749, x1: 319, y1: 748, cx0: 317, cy0: 748, cx1: 318, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 325, y0: 748, x1: 328, y1: 749, cx0: 326, cy0: 748, cx1: 327, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 327, y0: 750, x1: 325, y1: 749, cx0: 326, cy0: 749, cx1: 326, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 319, y0: 749, x1: 317, y1: 750, cx0: 318, cy0: 749, cx1: 318, cy1: 749))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 328, y0: 749, x1: 328, y1: 751, cx0: 328, cy0: 749, cx1: 328, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 328, y0: 758, x1: 328, y1: 760, cx0: 328, cy0: 759, cx1: 328, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 327, y0: 759, x1: 327, y1: 758, cx0: 327, cy0: 759, cx1: 327, cy1: 758) > BezierCurve(x0: 327, y0: 751, x1: 327, y1: 750, cx0: 327, cy0: 750, cx1: 327, cy1: 750))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 328, y0: 760, x1: 325, y1: 761, cx0: 327, cy0: 760, cx1: 326, cy1: 761) > BezierCurve(x0: 319, y0: 761, x1: 316, y1: 760, cx0: 318, cy0: 761, cx1: 317, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 317, y0: 759, x1: 319, y1: 760, cx0: 318, cy0: 760, cx1: 318, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 325, y0: 760, x1: 327, y1: 759, cx0: 326, cy0: 760, cx1: 326, cy1: 760))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 316, y0: 760, x1: 316, y1: 758, cx0: 316, cy0: 759, cx1: 316, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 316, y0: 751, x1: 316, y1: 749, cx0: 316, cy0: 750, cx1: 316, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 317, y0: 750, x1: 317, y1: 751, cx0: 317, cy0: 750, cx1: 317, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 317, y0: 758, x1: 317, y1: 759, cx0: 317, cy0: 758, cx1: 317, cy1: 759))
Text: rgb(42,42,42) normal normal 400 9.800000190734863px Arial
[318, 760]: ✔
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 521, y0: 751, x1: 523, y1: 749, cx0: 521, cy0: 750, cx1: 521, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 529, y0: 749, x1: 531, y1: 751, cx0: 531, cy0: 749, cx1: 531, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 531, y0: 758, x1: 529, y1: 760, cx0: 531, cy0: 759, cx1: 531, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 523, y0: 760, x1: 521, y1: 758, cx0: 521, cy0: 760, cx1: 521, cy1: 759))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 520, y0: 749, x1: 523, y1: 748, cx0: 521, cy0: 748, cx1: 522, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 529, y0: 748, x1: 532, y1: 749, cx0: 530, cy0: 748, cx1: 531, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 531, y0: 750, x1: 529, y1: 749, cx0: 530, cy0: 749, cx1: 530, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 523, y0: 749, x1: 521, y1: 750, cx0: 522, cy0: 749, cx1: 522, cy1: 749))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 532, y0: 760, x1: 529, y1: 761, cx0: 531, cy0: 760, cx1: 530, cy1: 761) > BezierCurve(x0: 523, y0: 761, x1: 520, y1: 760, cx0: 522, cy0: 761, cx1: 521, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 521, y0: 759, x1: 523, y1: 760, cx0: 522, cy0: 760, cx1: 522, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 529, y0: 760, x1: 531, y1: 759, cx0: 530, cy0: 760, cx1: 530, cy1: 760))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 520, y0: 760, x1: 520, y1: 758, cx0: 520, cy0: 759, cx1: 520, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 520, y0: 751, x1: 520, y1: 749, cx0: 520, cy0: 750, cx1: 520, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 521, y0: 750, x1: 521, y1: 751, cx0: 521, cy0: 750, cx1: 521, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 521, y0: 758, x1: 521, y1: 759, cx0: 521, cy0: 758, cx1: 521, cy1: 759))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 784, x1: 21, y1: 782, cx0: 19, cy0: 783, cx1: 20, cy1: 782) > BezierCurve(x0: 215, y0: 782, x1: 217, y1: 784, cx0: 216, cy0: 782, cx1: 217, cy1: 783) > BezierCurve(x0: 217, y0: 978, x1: 215, y1: 980, cx0: 217, cy0: 979, cx1: 216, cy1: 980) > BezierCurve(x0: 21, y0: 980, x1: 19, y1: 978, cx0: 20, cy0: 980, cx1: 19, cy1: 979))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 217, y0: 980, x1: 215, y1: 981, cx0: 217, cy0: 980, cx1: 216, cy1: 981) > BezierCurve(x0: 21, y0: 981, x1: 19, y1: 980, cx0: 20, cy0: 981, cx1: 19, cy1: 980) > BezierCurve(x0: 20, y0: 979, x1: 21, y1: 980, cx0: 20, cy0: 980, cx1: 20, cy1: 980) > BezierCurve(x0: 215, y0: 980, x1: 216, y1: 979, cx0: 216, cy0: 980, cx1: 216, cy1: 980))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 980, x1: 18, y1: 978, cx0: 18, cy0: 979, cx1: 18, cy1: 979) > BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 784, x1: 19, y1: 782, cx0: 18, cy0: 783, cx1: 18, cy1: 782) > BezierCurve(x0: 20, y0: 782, x1: 19, y1: 784, cx0: 19, cy0: 783, cx1: 19, cy1: 783) > BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 978, x1: 20, y1: 979, cx0: 19, cy0: 978, cx1: 19, cy1: 979))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 243, y0: 784, x1: 245, y1: 782, cx0: 243, cy0: 783, cx1: 244, cy1: 782) > BezierCurve(x0: 439, y0: 782, x1: 441, y1: 784, cx0: 440, cy0: 782, cx1: 441, cy1: 783) > BezierCurve(x0: 441, y0: 978, x1: 439, y1: 980, cx0: 441, cy0: 979, cx1: 440, cy1: 980) > BezierCurve(x0: 245, y0: 980, x1: 243, y1: 978, cx0: 244, cy0: 980, cx1: 243, cy1: 979))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 243, y0: 782, x1: 245, y1: 781, cx0: 243, cy0: 781, cx1: 244, cy1: 781) > BezierCurve(x0: 439, y0: 781, x1: 441, y1: 782, cx0: 440, cy0: 781, cx1: 441, cy1: 781) > BezierCurve(x0: 440, y0: 782, x1: 439, y1: 782, cx0: 440, cy0: 782, cx1: 440, cy1: 782) > BezierCurve(x0: 245, y0: 782, x1: 244, y1: 782, cx0: 244, cy0: 782, cx1: 244, cy1: 782))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 441, y0: 980, x1: 439, y1: 981, cx0: 441, cy0: 980, cx1: 440, cy1: 981) > BezierCurve(x0: 245, y0: 981, x1: 243, y1: 980, cx0: 244, cy0: 981, cx1: 243, cy1: 980) > BezierCurve(x0: 244, y0: 979, x1: 245, y1: 980, cx0: 244, cy0: 980, cx1: 244, cy1: 980) > BezierCurve(x0: 439, y0: 980, x1: 440, y1: 979, cx0: 440, cy0: 980, cx1: 440, cy1: 980))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 243, y0: 980, x1: 242, y1: 978, cx0: 242, cy0: 979, cx1: 242, cy1: 979) > BezierCurve(x0: 242, y0: 784, x1: 243, y1: 782, cx0: 242, cy0: 783, cx1: 242, cy1: 782) > BezierCurve(x0: 244, y0: 782, x1: 243, y1: 784, cx0: 243, cy0: 783, cx1: 243, cy1: 783) > BezierCurve(x0: 243, y0: 978, x1: 244, y1: 979, cx0: 243, cy0: 978, cx1: 243, cy1: 979))
Text: rgb(42,42,42) normal normal 400 197px Arial
[275, 980]: ✔
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 57, y0: 530, x1: 61, y1: 528, cx0: 58, cy0: 529, cx1: 59, cy1: 528) > BezierCurve(x0: 61, y0: 528, x1: 66, y1: 530, cx0: 63, cy0: 528, cx1: 65, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 65, y0: 531, x1: 61, y1: 529, cx0: 64, cy0: 530, cx1: 63, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 61, y0: 529, x1: 57, y1: 531, cx0: 60, cy0: 529, cx1: 58, cy1: 530))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 130, y0: 530, x1: 135, y1: 528, cx0: 131, cy0: 529, cx1: 133, cy1: 528) > BezierCurve(x0: 135, y0: 528, x1: 139, y1: 530, cx0: 137, cy0: 528, cx1: 138, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 139, y0: 531, x1: 135, y1: 529, cx0: 138, cy0: 530, cx1: 136, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 135, y0: 529, x1: 131, y1: 531, cx0: 133, cy0: 529, cx1: 132, cy1: 530))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 139, y0: 539, x1: 135, y1: 541, cx0: 138, cy0: 540, cx1: 137, cy1: 541) > BezierCurve(x0: 135, y0: 541, x1: 130, y1: 539, cx0: 133, cy0: 541, cx1: 131, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 131, y0: 538, x1: 135, y1: 540, cx0: 132, cy0: 539, cx1: 133, cy1: 540) > BezierCurve(x0: 135, y0: 540, x1: 139, y1: 538, cx0: 136, cy0: 540, cx1: 138, cy1: 539))
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 167, y0: 530, x1: 172, y1: 528, cx0: 168, cy0: 529, cx1: 170, cy1: 528) > BezierCurve(x0: 172, y0: 528, x1: 176, y1: 530, cx0: 173, cy0: 528, cx1: 175, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 175, y0: 531, x1: 172, y1: 529, cx0: 174, cy0: 530, cx1: 173, cy1: 529) > BezierCurve(x0: 172, y0: 529, x1: 168, y1: 531, cx0: 170, cy0: 529, cx1: 169, cy1: 530))
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Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 280, y0: 749, x1: 282, y1: 748, cx0: 280, cy0: 748, cx1: 281, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 289, y0: 748, x1: 291, y1: 749, cx0: 289, cy0: 748, cx1: 290, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 290, y0: 750, x1: 289, y1: 749, cx0: 290, cy0: 749, cx1: 289, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 282, y0: 749, x1: 280, y1: 750, cx0: 281, cy0: 749, cx1: 281, cy1: 749))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 291, y0: 749, x1: 292, y1: 751, cx0: 291, cy0: 749, cx1: 292, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 292, y0: 758, x1: 291, y1: 760, cx0: 292, cy0: 759, cx1: 291, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 290, y0: 759, x1: 291, y1: 758, cx0: 290, cy0: 759, cx1: 291, cy1: 758) > BezierCurve(x0: 291, y0: 751, x1: 290, y1: 750, cx0: 291, cy0: 750, cx1: 290, cy1: 750))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 291, y0: 760, x1: 289, y1: 761, cx0: 290, cy0: 760, cx1: 289, cy1: 761) > BezierCurve(x0: 282, y0: 761, x1: 280, y1: 760, cx0: 281, cy0: 761, cx1: 280, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 280, y0: 759, x1: 282, y1: 760, cx0: 281, cy0: 760, cx1: 281, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 289, y0: 760, x1: 290, y1: 759, cx0: 289, cy0: 760, cx1: 290, cy1: 760))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 280, y0: 760, x1: 279, y1: 758, cx0: 279, cy0: 759, cx1: 279, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 279, y0: 751, x1: 280, y1: 749, cx0: 279, cy0: 750, cx1: 279, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 280, y0: 750, x1: 280, y1: 751, cx0: 280, cy0: 750, cx1: 280, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 280, y0: 758, x1: 280, y1: 759, cx0: 280, cy0: 758, cx1: 280, cy1: 759))
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Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 353, y0: 751, x1: 355, y1: 749, cx0: 353, cy0: 750, cx1: 354, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 362, y0: 749, x1: 364, y1: 751, cx0: 363, cy0: 749, cx1: 364, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 364, y0: 758, x1: 362, y1: 760, cx0: 364, cy0: 759, cx1: 363, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 355, y0: 760, x1: 353, y1: 758, cx0: 354, cy0: 760, cx1: 353, cy1: 759))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 353, y0: 749, x1: 355, y1: 748, cx0: 354, cy0: 748, cx1: 355, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 362, y0: 748, x1: 364, y1: 749, cx0: 363, cy0: 748, cx1: 364, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 364, y0: 750, x1: 362, y1: 749, cx0: 363, cy0: 749, cx1: 363, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 355, y0: 749, x1: 354, y1: 750, cx0: 355, cy0: 749, cx1: 354, cy1: 749))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 364, y0: 749, x1: 365, y1: 751, cx0: 365, cy0: 749, cx1: 365, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 365, y0: 758, x1: 364, y1: 760, cx0: 365, cy0: 759, cx1: 365, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 364, y0: 759, x1: 364, y1: 758, cx0: 364, cy0: 759, cx1: 364, cy1: 758) > BezierCurve(x0: 364, y0: 751, x1: 364, y1: 750, cx0: 364, cy0: 750, cx1: 364, cy1: 750))
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Text: rgb(42,42,42) normal normal 400 9.800000190734863px Arial
[355, 760]: ✔
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Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 390, y0: 749, x1: 392, y1: 748, cx0: 391, cy0: 748, cx1: 391, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 399, y0: 748, x1: 401, y1: 749, cx0: 400, cy0: 748, cx1: 401, cy1: 748) > BezierCurve(x0: 400, y0: 750, x1: 399, y1: 749, cx0: 400, cy0: 749, cx1: 400, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 392, y0: 749, x1: 391, y1: 750, cx0: 392, cy0: 749, cx1: 391, cy1: 749))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 401, y0: 749, x1: 402, y1: 751, cx0: 402, cy0: 749, cx1: 402, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 402, y0: 758, x1: 401, y1: 760, cx0: 402, cy0: 759, cx1: 402, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 400, y0: 759, x1: 401, y1: 758, cx0: 401, cy0: 759, cx1: 401, cy1: 758) > BezierCurve(x0: 401, y0: 751, x1: 400, y1: 750, cx0: 401, cy0: 750, cx1: 401, cy1: 750))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 401, y0: 760, x1: 399, y1: 761, cx0: 401, cy0: 760, cx1: 400, cy1: 761) > BezierCurve(x0: 392, y0: 761, x1: 390, y1: 760, cx0: 391, cy0: 761, cx1: 391, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 391, y0: 759, x1: 392, y1: 760, cx0: 391, cy0: 760, cx1: 392, cy1: 760) > BezierCurve(x0: 399, y0: 760, x1: 400, y1: 759, cx0: 400, cy0: 760, cx1: 400, cy1: 760))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 390, y0: 760, x1: 389, y1: 758, cx0: 390, cy0: 759, cx1: 389, cy1: 759) > BezierCurve(x0: 389, y0: 751, x1: 390, y1: 749, cx0: 389, cy0: 750, cx1: 390, cy1: 749) > BezierCurve(x0: 391, y0: 750, x1: 390, y1: 751, cx0: 390, cy0: 750, cx1: 390, cy1: 750) > BezierCurve(x0: 390, y0: 758, x1: 391, y1: 759, cx0: 390, cy0: 758, cx1: 390, cy1: 759))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 8, y0: 994, x1: 11, y1: 991, cx0: 8, cy0: 992, cx1: 9, cy1: 991) > BezierCurve(x0: 17, y0: 991, x1: 20, y1: 994, cx0: 19, cy0: 991, cx1: 20, cy1: 992) > BezierCurve(x0: 20, y0: 1000, x1: 17, y1: 1003, cx0: 20, cy0: 1001, cx1: 19, cy1: 1003) > BezierCurve(x0: 11, y0: 1003, x1: 8, y1: 1000, cx0: 9, cy0: 1003, cx1: 8, cy1: 1001))
Fill: rgb(222,222,222)
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 9, y0: 992, x1: 11, y1: 991, cx0: 9, cy0: 991, cx1: 10, cy1: 991) > BezierCurve(x0: 17, y0: 991, x1: 19, y1: 992, cx0: 18, cy0: 991, cx1: 19, cy1: 991) > BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 992, x1: 17, y1: 992, cx0: 18, cy0: 992, cx1: 18, cy1: 992) > BezierCurve(x0: 11, y0: 992, x1: 10, y1: 992, cx0: 10, cy0: 992, cx1: 10, cy1: 992))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 992, x1: 20, y1: 994, cx0: 20, cy0: 992, cx1: 20, cy1: 993) > BezierCurve(x0: 20, y0: 1000, x1: 19, y1: 1002, cx0: 20, cy0: 1001, cx1: 20, cy1: 1001) > BezierCurve(x0: 18, y0: 1001, x1: 19, y1: 1000, cx0: 19, cy0: 1001, cx1: 19, cy1: 1000) > BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 994, x1: 18, y1: 992, cx0: 19, cy0: 993, cx1: 19, cy1: 993))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 19, y0: 1002, x1: 17, y1: 1003, cx0: 19, cy0: 1002, cx1: 18, cy1: 1003) > BezierCurve(x0: 11, y0: 1003, x1: 9, y1: 1002, cx0: 10, cy0: 1003, cx1: 9, cy1: 1002) > BezierCurve(x0: 10, y0: 1001, x1: 11, y1: 1002, cx0: 10, cy0: 1002, cx1: 10, cy1: 1002) > BezierCurve(x0: 17, y0: 1002, x1: 18, y1: 1001, cx0: 18, cy0: 1002, cx1: 18, cy1: 1002))
Shape: rgb(165,165,165) Path (BezierCurve(x0: 9, y0: 1002, x1: 8, y1: 1000, cx0: 8, cy0: 1001, cx1: 8, cy1: 1001) > BezierCurve(x0: 8, y0: 994, x1: 9, y1: 992, cx0: 8, cy0: 993, cx1: 8, cy1: 992) > BezierCurve(x0: 10, y0: 992, x1: 9, y1: 994, cx0: 9, cy0: 993, cx1: 9, cy1: 993) > BezierCurve(x0: 9, y0: 1000, x1: 10, y1: 1001, cx0: 9, cy0: 1000, cx1: 9, cy1: 1001))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 512, y: 8) > Vector(x: 510, y: 10) > Vector(x: 10, y: 10))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 512, y: 8) > Vector(x: 512, y: 512) > Vector(x: 510, y: 510) > Vector(x: 510, y: 10))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 512, y: 512) > Vector(x: 8, y: 512) > Vector(x: 10, y: 510) > Vector(x: 510, y: 510))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 512) > Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 10, y: 10) > Vector(x: 10, y: 510))

View File

@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
<title>External content tests</title> <title>External content tests</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
<base href="" /> <base href="" />
</head> </head>
<body> <body>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 700 32px Arial
[8, 22]: External
[143, 22]: image
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 700 32px Arial
[8, 278]: External
[143, 278]: image
[244, 278]: (using
[350, 278]: <base>
[469, 278]: href)
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 80) > Vector(x: 439, y: 80) > Vector(x: 434, y: 85) > Vector(x: 13, y: 85))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 439, y: 80) > Vector(x: 439, y: 253) > Vector(x: 434, y: 248) > Vector(x: 434, y: 85))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 439, y: 253) > Vector(x: 8, y: 253) > Vector(x: 13, y: 248) > Vector(x: 434, y: 248))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 253) > Vector(x: 8, y: 80) > Vector(x: 13, y: 85) > Vector(x: 13, y: 248))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 708, y: 8) > Vector(x: 708, y: 308) > Vector(x: 8, y: 308))
Draw image: Canvas (source: [0, 0, 300, 150]) (destination: [0, 0, 300, 150])

View File

@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
h2cOptions = {useCORS: true, proxy: null}; h2cOptions = {useCORS: true, proxy: null};
</script> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
<h1>External image (CORS)</h1> <h1>External image (CORS)</h1>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 700 32px Arial
[8, 22]: External
[143, 22]: image
[244, 22]: (CORS)

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
<title>Image tests</title> <title>Image tests</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
Image without src attribute, should not crash: Image without src attribute, should not crash:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[8, 8]: Image
[57, 8]: without
[112, 8]: src
[138, 8]: attribute,
[204, 8]: should
[256, 8]: not
[283, 8]: crash:
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[8, 78]: Image
[57, 78]: with
[90, 78]: broken
[143, 78]: src
[169, 78]: attribute,
[236, 78]: should
[287, 78]: not
[314, 78]: crash:
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 26) > Vector(x: 60, y: 26) > Vector(x: 59, y: 27) > Vector(x: 9, y: 27))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 60, y: 26) > Vector(x: 60, y: 78) > Vector(x: 59, y: 77) > Vector(x: 59, y: 27))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 60, y: 78) > Vector(x: 8, y: 78) > Vector(x: 9, y: 77) > Vector(x: 59, y: 77))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 78) > Vector(x: 8, y: 26) > Vector(x: 9, y: 27) > Vector(x: 9, y: 77))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 96) > Vector(x: 60, y: 96) > Vector(x: 59, y: 97) > Vector(x: 9, y: 97))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 60, y: 96) > Vector(x: 60, y: 148) > Vector(x: 59, y: 147) > Vector(x: 59, y: 97))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 60, y: 148) > Vector(x: 8, y: 148) > Vector(x: 9, y: 147) > Vector(x: 59, y: 147))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 148) > Vector(x: 8, y: 96) > Vector(x: 9, y: 97) > Vector(x: 9, y: 147))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 148) > Vector(x: 60, y: 148) > Vector(x: 59, y: 149) > Vector(x: 9, y: 149))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 60, y: 148) > Vector(x: 60, y: 200) > Vector(x: 59, y: 199) > Vector(x: 59, y: 149))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 60, y: 200) > Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 9, y: 199) > Vector(x: 59, y: 199))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 200) > Vector(x: 8, y: 148) > Vector(x: 9, y: 149) > Vector(x: 9, y: 199))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
Window: [800, 703]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 703] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 433) > Vector(x: 83, y: 433) > Vector(x: 83, y: 508) > Vector(x: 8, y: 508))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 87, y: 108) > Vector(x: 137, y: 108) > Vector(x: 137, y: 508) > Vector(x: 87, y: 508))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 141, y: 8) > Vector(x: 641, y: 8) > Vector(x: 641, y: 508) > Vector(x: 141, y: 508))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 645, y0: 458, x1: 695, y1: 408, cx0: 645, cy0: 430, cx1: 667, cy1: 408) > BezierCurve(x0: 695, y0: 408, x1: 745, y1: 458, cx0: 723, cy0: 408, cx1: 745, cy1: 430) > BezierCurve(x0: 745, y0: 458, x1: 695, y1: 508, cx0: 745, cy0: 486, cx1: 723, cy1: 508) > BezierCurve(x0: 695, y0: 508, x1: 645, y1: 458, cx0: 667, cy0: 508, cx1: 645, cy1: 486))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 597) > Vector(x: 508, y: 597) > Vector(x: 508, y: 637) > Vector(x: 8, y: 637))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 512, y: 512) > Vector(x: 637, y: 512) > Vector(x: 632, y: 517) > Vector(x: 517, y: 517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 637, y: 512) > Vector(x: 637, y: 637) > Vector(x: 632, y: 632) > Vector(x: 632, y: 517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 637, y: 637) > Vector(x: 512, y: 637) > Vector(x: 517, y: 632) > Vector(x: 632, y: 632))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 512, y: 637) > Vector(x: 512, y: 512) > Vector(x: 517, y: 517) > Vector(x: 517, y: 632))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 517, y: 517) > Vector(x: 632, y: 517) > Vector(x: 632, y: 632) > Vector(x: 517, y: 632))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 641, y: 537) > Vector(x: 716, y: 537) > Vector(x: 716, y: 542) > Vector(x: 641, y: 542))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 641, y: 542) > Vector(x: 716, y: 542) > Vector(x: 716, y: 637) > Vector(x: 641, y: 637))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 720, y: 562) > Vector(x: 770, y: 562) > Vector(x: 770, y: 567) > Vector(x: 720, y: 567))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 720, y: 567) > Vector(x: 770, y: 567) > Vector(x: 770, y: 637) > Vector(x: 720, y: 637))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 641) > Vector(x: 58, y: 641) > Vector(x: 58, y: 646) > Vector(x: 8, y: 646))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 646) > Vector(x: 58, y: 646) > Vector(x: 58, y: 691) > Vector(x: 8, y: 691))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 62, y: 689) > Vector(x: 64, y: 689) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 64, y: 689) > Vector(x: 64, y: 691) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 64, y: 691) > Vector(x: 62, y: 691) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 62, y: 691) > Vector(x: 62, y: 689) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690) > Vector(x: 63, y: 690))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 68, y: 691) > Vector(x: 68, y: 691) > Vector(x: 68, y: 691) > Vector(x: 68, y: 691))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.jpg") (source: [0, 0, 75, 75]) (destination: [0, 0, 75, 75])

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
<title>Base64 svg</title> <title>Base64 svg</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
<div> <div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[8, 8]: Inline
[51, 8]: svg
[80, 8]: image:
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 26) > Vector(x: 208, y: 26) > Vector(x: 208, y: 226) > Vector(x: 8, y: 226))
Draw image: Image ("/svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxuczpzdmc9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53") (source: [0, 0, 306, 296]) (destination: [0, 0, 306, 296])

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
<title>Image tests</title> <title>Image tests</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
SVG taints image:<br /> <!-- --> SVG taints image:<br /> <!-- -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[8, 8]: SVG
[46, 8]: taints
[89, 8]: image:
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 26) > Vector(x: 666, y: 26) > Vector(x: 666, y: 363) > Vector(x: 8, y: 363))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.svg") (source: [0, 0, 658, 337]) (destination: [0, 0, 658, 337])

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
<title>Inline svg</title> <title>Inline svg</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
<div> <div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[8, 8]: Inline
[51, 8]: svg
[80, 8]: image:

View File

@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
var noFabric = true; var noFabric = true;
</script> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
<div> <div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Window: [800, 656]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 656] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 8) > Vector(x: 666, y: 8) > Vector(x: 666, y: 345) > Vector(x: 8, y: 345))
Draw image: Image ("/tests/assets/image.svg") (source: [0, 0, 658, 337]) (destination: [0, 0, 658, 337])
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 523, y: 445) > Vector(x: 723, y: 445) > Vector(x: 723, y: 645) > Vector(x: 523, y: 645))
Draw image: Image ("/svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxuczpzdmc9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53") (source: [0, 0, 306, 296]) (destination: [0, 0, 306, 296])

View File

@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
<title>SVG node</title> <title>SVG node</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../test.js"></script>
body {
font-family: Arial;
</head> </head>
<body><div> <body><div>
SVG node image: <br/> SVG node image: <br/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Window: [800, 600]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 600] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[8, 8]: SVG
[46, 8]: node
[86, 8]: image:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
Window: [800, 5216]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 5216] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 23]: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 75]: 2
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 127]: 3
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 179]: 4
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 231]: 5
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 283]: 6
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 335]: 7
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 387]: 8
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 439]: 9
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 491]: 10
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 543]: 11
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 595]: 12
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 647]: 13
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 699]: 14
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 751]: 15
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 803]: 16
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 855]: 17
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 907]: 18
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 959]: 19
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1011]: 20
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1063]: 21
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1115]: 22
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1167]: 23
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1219]: 24
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1271]: 25
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1323]: 26
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1375]: 27
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1427]: 28
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1479]: 29
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1531]: 30
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1583]: 31
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1635]: 32
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1687]: 33
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1739]: 34
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1791]: 35
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1843]: 36
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1931) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1931) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1931))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1931))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1895]: 37
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1933) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1933))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1933))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1933) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1947]: 38
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2035) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2035) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2035))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2035))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1999]: 39
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2037) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2037))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2087) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2037))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2087) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2087))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2037) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2087))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2051]: 40
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2089) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2089))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2139) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2089))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2139) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2089) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2139))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2103]: 41
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2141) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2141))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2191) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2141))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2191) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2191))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2141) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2191))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2155]: 42
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2193) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2193))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2243) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2193))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2243) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2243))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2193) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2243))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2207]: 43
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2245) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2295) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2295) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2295))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2245) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2295))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2259]: 44
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2297) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2297))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2347) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2297))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2347) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2347))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2297) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2347))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2311]: 45
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2349) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2349))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2399) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2349))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2399) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2399))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2349) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2399))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2363]: 46
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2401) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2401))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2451) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2401))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2451) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2451))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2401) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2451))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2415]: 47
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2453) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2453))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2503) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2453))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2503) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2503))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2453) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2503))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2467]: 48
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2505) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2555) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2555) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2555))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2505) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2555))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2519]: 49
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2557) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2557))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2607) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2557))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2607) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2607))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2557) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2607))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2571]: 50
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2609) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2609))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2659) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2609))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2659) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2659))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2609) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2659))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2623]: 51
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2661) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2661))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2711) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2661))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2711) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2711))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2661) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2711))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2675]: 52
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2713) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2713))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2763) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2713))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2763) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2763))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2713) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2763))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2727]: 53
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2765) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2765))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2815) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2765))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2815) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2815))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2765) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2815))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2779]: 54
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2817) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2867) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2867) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2867))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2817) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2867))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2831]: 55
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2869) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2869))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2919) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2869))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2919) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2919))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2869) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2919))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2883]: 56
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2921) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2921))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2971) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2921))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2971) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2971))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2921) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2971))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2935]: 57
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2973) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2973))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3023) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2973))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3023) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3023))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2973) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3023))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2987]: 58
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3025) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3025))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3075) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3025))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3075) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3075))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3025) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3075))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3039]: 59
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3077) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3077))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3127) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3077))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3127) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3127))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3077) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3127))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3091]: 60
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3129) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3129))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3179) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3129))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3179) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3179))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3129) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3179))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3143]: 61
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3181) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3181))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3231) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3181))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3231) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3231))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3181) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3231))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3195]: 62
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3233) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3233))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3283) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3233))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3283) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3283))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3233) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3283))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3247]: 63
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3285) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3285))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3335) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3285))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3335) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3335))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3285) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3335))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3299]: 64
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3337) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3337))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3387) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3337))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3387) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3387))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3337) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3387))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3351]: 65
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3389) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3389))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3439) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3389))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3439) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3439))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3389) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3439))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3403]: 66
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3441) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3491) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3491) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3491))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3441) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3491))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3455]: 67
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3493) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3493))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3543) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3493))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3543) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3543))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3493) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3543))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3507]: 68
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3545) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3545))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3595) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3545))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3595) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3595))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3545) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3595))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3559]: 69
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3597) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3597))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3647) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3597))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3647) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3647))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3597) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3647))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3611]: 70
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3649) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3699) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3699) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3699))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3649) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3699))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3663]: 71
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3701) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3701))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3751) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3701))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3751) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3751))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3701) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3751))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3715]: 72
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3753) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3753))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3803) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3753))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3803) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3803))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3753) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3803))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3767]: 73
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3805) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3805))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3855) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3805))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3855) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3855))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3805) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3855))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3819]: 74
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3857) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3857))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3907) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3857))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3907) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3907))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3857) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3907))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3871]: 75
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3909) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3909))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3959) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3909))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3959) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3959))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3909) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3959))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3923]: 76
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3961) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3961))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4011) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3961))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4011) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4011))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3961) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4011))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3975]: 77
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4013) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4013))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4063) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4013))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4063) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4063))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4013) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4063))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4027]: 78
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4065) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4065))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4115) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4065))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4115) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4115))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4065) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4115))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4079]: 79
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4117) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4117))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4167) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4117))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4167) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4167))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4117) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4167))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4131]: 80
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4169) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4169))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4219) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4169))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4219) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4169) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4183]: 81
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4221) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4221))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4271) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4221))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4271) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4271))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4221) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4271))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4235]: 82
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4273) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4273))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4323) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4273))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4323) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4323))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4273) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4323))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4287]: 83
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4325) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4325))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4375) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4325))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4375) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4375))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4325) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4375))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4339]: 84
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4377) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4377))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4427) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4377))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4427) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4427))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4377) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4427))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4391]: 85
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4429) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4429))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4479) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4429))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4479) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4479))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4429) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4479))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4443]: 86
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4481) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4481))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4531) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4481))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4531) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4531))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4481) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4531))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4495]: 87
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4533) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4533))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4583) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4533))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4583) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4583))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4533) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4583))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4547]: 88
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4585) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4635) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4635) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4635))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4585) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4635))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4599]: 89
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4637) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4637))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4687) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4637))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4687) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4687))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4637) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4687))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4651]: 90
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4689) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4689))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4739) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4689))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4739) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4739))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4689) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4739))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4703]: 91
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4741) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4741))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4791) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4741))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4791) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4791))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4741) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4791))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4755]: 92
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4793) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4793))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4843) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4793))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4843) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4843))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4793) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4843))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4807]: 93
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4845) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4845))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4895) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4845))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4895) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4895))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4845) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4895))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4859]: 94
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4897) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4897))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4947) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4897))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4947) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4947))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4897) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4947))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4911]: 95
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4949) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4949))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4999) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4949))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4999) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4999))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4949) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4999))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4963]: 96
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5001) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5001))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5051) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5001))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5051) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5051))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5001) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5051))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 5015]: 97
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5053) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5053))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5103) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5053))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5103) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5103))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5053) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5103))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 5067]: 98
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5105) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5105))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5155) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5105))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5155) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5155))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5105) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5155))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 5119]: 99
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5157) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5207) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5207) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5207))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5157) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5207))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[89, 5171]: 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
Window: [800, 5216]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 5216] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 23]: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 75]: 2
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 127]: 3
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 179]: 4
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 231]: 5
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 283]: 6
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 335]: 7
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 387]: 8
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 439]: 9
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 491]: 10
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 543]: 11
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 595]: 12
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 647]: 13
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 699]: 14
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 751]: 15
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 803]: 16
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 855]: 17
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 907]: 18
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 959]: 19
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1011]: 20
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1063]: 21
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1115]: 22
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1167]: 23
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1219]: 24
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1271]: 25
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1323]: 26
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1375]: 27
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1427]: 28
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1479]: 29
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1531]: 30
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1583]: 31
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1635]: 32
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1687]: 33
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1739]: 34
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1791]: 35
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1843]: 36
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1931) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1931) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1931))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1931))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1895]: 37
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1933) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1933))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1933))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1933) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1947]: 38
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2035) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2035) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2035))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2035))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 1999]: 39
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2037) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2037))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2087) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2037))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2087) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2087))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2037) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2087))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2051]: 40
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2089) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2089))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2139) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2089))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2139) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2089) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2139))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2103]: 41
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2141) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2141))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2191) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2141))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2191) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2191))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2141) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2191))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2155]: 42
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2193) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2193))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2243) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2193))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2243) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2243))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2193) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2243))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2207]: 43
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2245) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2295) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2295) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2295))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2245) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2295))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2259]: 44
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2297) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2297))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2347) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2297))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2347) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2347))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2297) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2347))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2311]: 45
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2349) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2349))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2399) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2349))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2399) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2399))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2349) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2399))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2363]: 46
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2401) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2401))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2451) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2401))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2451) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2451))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2401) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2451))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2415]: 47
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2453) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2453))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2503) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2453))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2503) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2503))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2453) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2503))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2467]: 48
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2505) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2555) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2555) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2555))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2505) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2555))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2519]: 49
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2557) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2557))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2607) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2557))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2607) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2607))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2557) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2607))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2571]: 50
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2609) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2609))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2659) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2609))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2659) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2659))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2609) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2659))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2623]: 51
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2661) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2661))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2711) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2661))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2711) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2711))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2661) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2711))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2675]: 52
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2713) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2713))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2763) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2713))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2763) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2763))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2713) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2763))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2727]: 53
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2765) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2765))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2815) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2765))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2815) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2815))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2765) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2815))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2779]: 54
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2817) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2867) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2867) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2867))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2817) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2867))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2831]: 55
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2869) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2869))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2919) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2869))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2919) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2919))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2869) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2919))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2883]: 56
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2921) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2921))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2971) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2921))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2971) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2971))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2921) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2971))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2935]: 57
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2973) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2973))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3023) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2973))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3023) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3023))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2973) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3023))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2987]: 58
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3025) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3025))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3075) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3025))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3075) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3075))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3025) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3075))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3039]: 59
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3077) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3077))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3127) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3077))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3127) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3127))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3077) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3127))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3091]: 60
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3129) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3129))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3179) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3129))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3179) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3179))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3129) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3179))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3143]: 61
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3181) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3181))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3231) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3181))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3231) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3231))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3181) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3231))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3195]: 62
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3233) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3233))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3283) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3233))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3283) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3283))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3233) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3283))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3247]: 63
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3285) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3285))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3335) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3285))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3335) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3335))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3285) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3335))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3299]: 64
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3337) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3337))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3387) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3337))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3387) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3387))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3337) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3387))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3351]: 65
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3389) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3389))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3439) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3389))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3439) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3439))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3389) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3439))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3403]: 66
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3441) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3491) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3491) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3491))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3441) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3491))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3455]: 67
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3493) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3493))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3543) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3493))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3543) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3543))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3493) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3543))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3507]: 68
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3545) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3545))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3595) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3545))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3595) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3595))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3545) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3595))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3559]: 69
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3597) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3597))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3647) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3597))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3647) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3647))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3597) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3647))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3611]: 70
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3649) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3699) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3699) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3699))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3649) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3699))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3663]: 71
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3701) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3701))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3751) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3701))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3751) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3751))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3701) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3751))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3715]: 72
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3753) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3753))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3803) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3753))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3803) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3803))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3753) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3803))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3767]: 73
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3805) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3805))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3855) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3805))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3855) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3855))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3805) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3855))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3819]: 74
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3857) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3857))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3907) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3857))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3907) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3907))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3857) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3907))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3871]: 75
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3909) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3909))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3959) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3909))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3959) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3959))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3909) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3959))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3923]: 76
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3961) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3961))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4011) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3961))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4011) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4011))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3961) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4011))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3975]: 77
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4013) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4013))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4063) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4013))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4063) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4063))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4013) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4063))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4027]: 78
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4065) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4065))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4115) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4065))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4115) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4115))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4065) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4115))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4079]: 79
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4117) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4117))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4167) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4117))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4167) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4167))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4117) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4167))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4131]: 80
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4169) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4169))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4219) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4169))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4219) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4169) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4183]: 81
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4221) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4221))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4271) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4221))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4271) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4271))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4221) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4271))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4235]: 82
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4273) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4273))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4323) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4273))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4323) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4323))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4273) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4323))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4287]: 83
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4325) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4325))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4375) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4325))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4375) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4375))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4325) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4375))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4339]: 84
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4377) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4377))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4427) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4377))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4427) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4427))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4377) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4427))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4391]: 85
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4429) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4429))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4479) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4429))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4479) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4479))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4429) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4479))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4443]: 86
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4481) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4481))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4531) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4481))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4531) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4531))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4481) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4531))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4495]: 87
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4533) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4533))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4583) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4533))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4583) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4583))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4533) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4583))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4547]: 88
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4585) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4635) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4635) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4635))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4585) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4635))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4599]: 89
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4637) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4637))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4687) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4637))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4687) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4687))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4637) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4687))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4651]: 90
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4689) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4689))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4739) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4689))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4739) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4739))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4689) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4739))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4703]: 91
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4741) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4741))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4791) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4741))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4791) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4791))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4741) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4791))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4755]: 92
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4793) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4793))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4843) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4793))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4843) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4843))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4793) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4843))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4807]: 93
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4845) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4845))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4895) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4845))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4895) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4895))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4845) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4895))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4859]: 94
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4897) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4897))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4947) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4897))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4947) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4947))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4897) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4947))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4911]: 95
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4949) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4949))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4999) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4949))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4999) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4999))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4949) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4999))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 4963]: 96
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5001) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5001))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5051) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5001))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5051) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5051))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5001) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5051))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 5015]: 97
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5053) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5053))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5103) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5053))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5103) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5103))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5053) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5103))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 5067]: 98
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5105) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5105))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5155) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5105))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5155) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5155))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5105) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5155))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 5119]: 99
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5157) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5207) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5207) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5207))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5157) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5207))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[89, 5171]: 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
Window: [800, 5216]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 5216] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[68, 23]: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 75]: 2
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[68, 127]: 3
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 179]: 4
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[68, 231]: 5
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[66, 283]: 6
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 335]: 7
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 387]: 8
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[65, 439]: 9
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[65, 491]: 10
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 543]: 11
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[65, 595]: 12
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 647]: 13
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 699]: 14
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 751]: 15
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 803]: 16
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 855]: 17
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[66, 907]: 18
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[67, 959]: 19
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[65, 1011]: 20
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 1063]: 21
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 1115]: 22
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 1167]: 23
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 1219]: 24
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[69, 1271]: 25
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[68, 1323]: 26
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 1375]: 27
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 1427]: 28
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 1479]: 29
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 1531]: 30
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 1583]: 31
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 1635]: 32
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 1687]: 33
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 1739]: 34
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 1791]: 35
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 1843]: 36
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1931) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1931) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1931))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1931))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 1895]: 37
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1933) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1933))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1933))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1932) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1933) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 1947]: 38
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2035) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2035) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2035))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2035))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[83, 1999]: 39
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2037) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2037))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2087) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2037))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2087) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2087))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2036) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2037) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2087))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2051]: 40
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2089) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2089))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2139) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2089))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2139) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2088) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2089) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2139))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2103]: 41
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2141) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2141))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2191) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2141))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2191) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2191))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2140) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2141) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2191))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2155]: 42
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2193) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2193))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2243) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2193))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2243) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2243))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2192) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2193) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2243))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2207]: 43
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2245) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2295) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2245))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2295) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2295))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2244) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2245) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2295))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 2259]: 44
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2297) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2297))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2347) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2297))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2347) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2347))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2296) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2297) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2347))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[76, 2311]: 45
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2349) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2349))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2399) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2349))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2399) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2399))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2348) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2349) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2399))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 2363]: 46
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2401) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2401))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2451) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2401))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2451) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2451))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2400) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2401) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2451))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2415]: 47
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2453) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2453))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2503) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2453))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2503) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2503))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2452) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2453) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2503))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2467]: 48
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2505) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2555) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2505))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2555) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2555))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2504) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2505) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2555))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[82, 2519]: 49
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2557) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2557))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2607) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2557))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2607) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2607))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2556) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2557) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2607))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2571]: 50
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2609) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2609))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2659) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2609))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2659) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2659))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2608) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2609) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2659))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2623]: 51
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2661) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2661))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2711) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2661))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2711) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2711))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2660) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2661) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2711))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 2675]: 52
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2713) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2713))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2763) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2713))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2763) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2763))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2712) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2713) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2763))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2727]: 53
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2765) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2765))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2815) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2765))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2815) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2815))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2764) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2765) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2815))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2779]: 54
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2817) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2867) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2817))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2867) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2867))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2816) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2817) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2867))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2831]: 55
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2869) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2869))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2919) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2869))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2919) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2919))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2868) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2869) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2919))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 2883]: 56
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2921) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2921))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2971) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2921))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2971) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2971))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2920) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2921) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2971))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2935]: 57
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2973) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2973))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3023) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2973))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3023) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3023))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2972) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2973) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3023))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[76, 2987]: 58
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3025) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3025))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3075) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3025))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3075) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3075))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3024) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3025) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3075))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3039]: 59
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3077) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3077))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3127) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3077))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3127) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3127))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3076) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3077) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3127))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3091]: 60
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3129) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3129))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3179) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3129))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3179) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3179))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3128) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3129) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3179))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 3143]: 61
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3181) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3181))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3231) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3181))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3231) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3231))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3180) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3181) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3231))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 3195]: 62
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3233) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3233))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3283) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3233))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3283) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3283))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3232) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3233) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3283))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3247]: 63
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3285) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3285))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3335) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3285))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3335) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3335))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3284) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3285) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3335))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 3299]: 64
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3337) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3337))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3387) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3337))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3387) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3387))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3336) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3337) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3387))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[85, 3351]: 65
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3389) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3389))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3439) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3389))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3439) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3439))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3388) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3389) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3439))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3403]: 66
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3441) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3491) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3441))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3491) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3491))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3440) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3441) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3491))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3455]: 67
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3493) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3493))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3543) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3493))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3543) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3543))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3492) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3493) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3543))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3507]: 68
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3545) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3545))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3595) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3545))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3595) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3595))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3544) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3545) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3595))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3559]: 69
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3597) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3597))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3647) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3597))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3647) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3647))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3596) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3597) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3647))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[76, 3611]: 70
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3649) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3699) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3649))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3699) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3699))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3648) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3649) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3699))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 3663]: 71
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3701) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3701))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3751) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3701))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3751) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3751))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3700) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3701) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3751))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 3715]: 72
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3753) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3753))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3803) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3753))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3803) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3803))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3752) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3753) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3803))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3767]: 73
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3805) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3805))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3855) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3805))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3855) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3855))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3804) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3805) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3855))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3819]: 74
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3857) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3857))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3907) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3857))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3907) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3907))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3856) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3857) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3907))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[83, 3871]: 75
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3909) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3909))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3959) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3909))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3959) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3959))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3908) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3909) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3959))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3923]: 76
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3961) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3961))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4011) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3961))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4011) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4011))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3960) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3961) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4011))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 3975]: 77
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4013) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4013))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4063) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4013))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4063) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4063))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4012) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4013) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4063))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4027]: 78
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4065) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4065))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4115) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4065))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4115) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4115))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4064) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4065) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4115))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 4079]: 79
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4117) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4117))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4167) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4117))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4167) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4167))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4116) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4117) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4167))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4131]: 80
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4169) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4169))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4219) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4169))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4219) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4219))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4168) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4169) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4219))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 4183]: 81
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4221) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4221))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4271) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4221))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4271) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4271))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4220) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4221) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4271))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4235]: 82
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4273) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4273))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4323) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4273))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4323) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4323))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4272) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4273) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4323))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[77, 4287]: 83
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4325) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4325))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4375) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4325))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4375) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4375))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4324) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4325) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4375))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 4339]: 84
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4377) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4377))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4427) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4377))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4427) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4427))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4376) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4377) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4427))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4391]: 85
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4429) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4429))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4479) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4429))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4479) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4479))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4428) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4429) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4479))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4443]: 86
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4481) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4481))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4531) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4481))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4531) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4531))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4480) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4481) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4531))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 4495]: 87
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4533) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4533))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4583) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4533))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4583) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4583))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4532) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4533) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4583))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 4547]: 88
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4585) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4635) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4585))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4635) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4635))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4584) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4585) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4635))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4599]: 89
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4637) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4637))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4687) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4637))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4687) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4687))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4636) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4637) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4687))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 4651]: 90
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4689) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4689))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4739) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4689))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4739) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4739))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4688) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4689) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4739))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[83, 4703]: 91
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4741) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4741))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4791) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4741))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4791) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4791))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4740) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4741) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4791))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4755]: 92
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4793) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4793))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4843) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4793))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4843) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4843))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4792) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4793) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4843))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4807]: 93
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4845) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4845))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4895) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4845))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4895) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4895))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4844) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4845) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4895))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4859]: 94
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4897) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4897))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4947) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4897))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4947) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4947))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4896) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4897) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4947))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 4911]: 95
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4949) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4949))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4999) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4949))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4999) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4999))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4948) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4949) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4999))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[75, 4963]: 96
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5001) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5001))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5051) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5001))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5051) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5051))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5000) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5001) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5051))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[76, 5015]: 97
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5053) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5053))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5103) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5053))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5103) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5103))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5052) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5053) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5103))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 5067]: 98
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5105) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5105))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5155) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5105))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5155) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5155))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5104) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5105) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5155))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 5119]: 99
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5157) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5207) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5157))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5207) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5207))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5208) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5156) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5157) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5207))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 5171]: 100

View File

@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
Window: [800, 5666]
Rectangle: [0, 0, 800, 5666] rgba(0,0,0,0)
Opacity: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 8) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 9))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59) > Vector(x: 149, y: 59))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 48, y: 8) > Vector(x: 49, y: 9) > Vector(x: 49, y: 59))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[66, 23]: 1
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 60) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 61))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 111))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 60) > Vector(x: 49, y: 61) > Vector(x: 49, y: 111))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[72, 75]: 2
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163) > Vector(x: 149, y: 163))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 48, y: 112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 163))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[79, 127]: 3
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 164) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 165))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215) > Vector(x: 149, y: 215))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 48, y: 164) > Vector(x: 49, y: 165) > Vector(x: 49, y: 215))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[80, 179]: 4
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 216) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 217))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267) > Vector(x: 149, y: 267))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 48, y: 216) > Vector(x: 49, y: 217) > Vector(x: 49, y: 267))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 231]: 5
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 268) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 269))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319) > Vector(x: 149, y: 319))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 48, y: 268) > Vector(x: 49, y: 269) > Vector(x: 49, y: 319))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[80, 283]: 6
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 320) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 321))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371) > Vector(x: 149, y: 371))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 48, y: 320) > Vector(x: 49, y: 321) > Vector(x: 49, y: 371))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[87, 335]: 7
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 372) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 373))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423) > Vector(x: 149, y: 423))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 48, y: 372) > Vector(x: 49, y: 373) > Vector(x: 49, y: 423))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[93, 387]: 8
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 424) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 425))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475) > Vector(x: 149, y: 475))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 48, y: 424) > Vector(x: 49, y: 425) > Vector(x: 49, y: 475))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[80, 439]: 9
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 476) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 477))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527) > Vector(x: 149, y: 527))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 48, y: 476) > Vector(x: 49, y: 477) > Vector(x: 49, y: 527))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[73, 491]: 10
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 528) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 529))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579) > Vector(x: 149, y: 579))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 48, y: 528) > Vector(x: 49, y: 529) > Vector(x: 49, y: 579))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[80, 543]: 11
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 580) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 581))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631) > Vector(x: 149, y: 631))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 48, y: 580) > Vector(x: 49, y: 581) > Vector(x: 49, y: 631))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[87, 595]: 12
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 632) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 633))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683) > Vector(x: 149, y: 683))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 48, y: 632) > Vector(x: 49, y: 633) > Vector(x: 49, y: 683))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[93, 647]: 13
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 684) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 685))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735) > Vector(x: 149, y: 735))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 48, y: 684) > Vector(x: 49, y: 685) > Vector(x: 49, y: 735))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[95, 699]: 14
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 736) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 737))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787) > Vector(x: 149, y: 787))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 48, y: 736) > Vector(x: 49, y: 737) > Vector(x: 49, y: 787))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[88, 751]: 15
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 788) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 789))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839) > Vector(x: 149, y: 839))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 48, y: 788) > Vector(x: 49, y: 789) > Vector(x: 49, y: 839))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[95, 803]: 16
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 840) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 841))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891) > Vector(x: 149, y: 891))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 48, y: 840) > Vector(x: 49, y: 841) > Vector(x: 49, y: 891))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[101, 855]: 17
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 892) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 893))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943) > Vector(x: 149, y: 943))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 48, y: 892) > Vector(x: 49, y: 893) > Vector(x: 49, y: 943))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[108, 907]: 18
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 944) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 945))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995) > Vector(x: 149, y: 995))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 48, y: 944) > Vector(x: 49, y: 945) > Vector(x: 49, y: 995))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[95, 959]: 19
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 996) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 997))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1047))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 48, y: 996) > Vector(x: 49, y: 997) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1047))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[88, 1011]: 20
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1049))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1099))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1048) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1049) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1099))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[95, 1063]: 21
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1101))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1151))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1100) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1101) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1151))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[101, 1115]: 22
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1153))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1203))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1152) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1153) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1203))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[108, 1167]: 23
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1205))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1255))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1204) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1205) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1255))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[109, 1219]: 24
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1257))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1307))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1256) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1257) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1307))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[102, 1271]: 25
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1309))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1359))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1308) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1309) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1359))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[109, 1323]: 26
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1361))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1411))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1360) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1361) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1411))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[116, 1375]: 27
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1413))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1463))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1412) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1413) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1463))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[122, 1427]: 28
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1465))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1515))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1464) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1465) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1515))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[109, 1479]: 29
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1517))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1567))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1516) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1517) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1567))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[102, 1531]: 30
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1569))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1619))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1568) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1569) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1619))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[109, 1583]: 31
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1621))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1671))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1620) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1621) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1671))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[116, 1635]: 32
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1673))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1723))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1672) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1673) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1723))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[122, 1687]: 33
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1725))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1775))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1724) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1725) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1775))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[123, 1739]: 34
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1777))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1827))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1776) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1777) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1827))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[117, 1791]: 35
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1829))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1879))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1828) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1829) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1879))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[123, 1843]: 36
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1981) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1981) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1981))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1880) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1881) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1981))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 1945]: 37
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 150, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2083) > Vector(x: 149, y: 1983))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2083) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2083))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 48, y: 1982) > Vector(x: 49, y: 1983) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2083))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 2047]: 38
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2085) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2085))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2135) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2085))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2135) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2135))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2084) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2085) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2135))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[123, 2099]: 39
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2137) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2137))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2187) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2137))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2187) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2187))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2136) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2137) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2187))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[86, 2151]: 40
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2189) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2189))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2239) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2189))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2239) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2239))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2188) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2189) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2239))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[92, 2203]: 41
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2241) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2291) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2241))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2291) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2291))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2240) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2241) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2291))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[99, 2255]: 42
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2293) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2293))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2343) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2293))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2343) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2343))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2292) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2293) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2343))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[106, 2307]: 43
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2345) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2345))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2395) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2345))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2395) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2395))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2344) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2345) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2395))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[107, 2359]: 44
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2397) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2397))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2447) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2397))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2447) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2447))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2396) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2397) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2447))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[98, 2411]: 45
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2449) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2449))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2499) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2449))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2499) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2499))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2448) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2449) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2499))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[105, 2463]: 46
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2501) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2501))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2551) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2501))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2551) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2551))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2500) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2501) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2551))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[112, 2515]: 47
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2553) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2553))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2603) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2553))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2603) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2603))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2552) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2553) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2603))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[118, 2567]: 48
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2605) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2605))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2655) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2605))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2655) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2655))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2604) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2605) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2655))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[107, 2619]: 49
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2657) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2657))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2707) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2657))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2707) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2707))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2656) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2657) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2707))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[71, 2671]: 50
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2709) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2709))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2759) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2709))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2759) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2759))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2708) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2709) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2759))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[78, 2723]: 51
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2761) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2761))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2811) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2761))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2811) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2811))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2760) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2761) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2811))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[85, 2775]: 52
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2813) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2813))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2863) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2813))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2863) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2863))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2812) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2813) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2863))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[91, 2827]: 53
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2865) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2865))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2915) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2865))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2915) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2915))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2864) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2865) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2915))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[92, 2879]: 54
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2917) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2917))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2967) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2917))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2967) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2967))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2916) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2917) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2967))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[84, 2931]: 55
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 150, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2969) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2969))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3019) > Vector(x: 149, y: 2969))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3019) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3019))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 48, y: 2968) > Vector(x: 49, y: 2969) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3019))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[90, 2983]: 56
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3021) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3021))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3071) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3021))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3071) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3071))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3020) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3021) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3071))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[97, 3035]: 57
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3073) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3073))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3123) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3073))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3123) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3123))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3072) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3073) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3123))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[104, 3087]: 58
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3125) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3125))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3175) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3125))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3175) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3175))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3124) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3125) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3175))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[92, 3139]: 59
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3177) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3177))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3227) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3177))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3227) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3227))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3176) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3177) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3227))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[86, 3191]: 60
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3229) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3229))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3279) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3229))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3279) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3279))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3228) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3229) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3279))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[92, 3243]: 61
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3281) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3281))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3331) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3281))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3331) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3331))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3280) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3281) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3331))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[99, 3295]: 62
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3333) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3333))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3383) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3333))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3383) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3383))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3332) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3333) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3383))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[106, 3347]: 63
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3385) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3385))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3435) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3385))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3435) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3435))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3384) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3385) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3435))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[107, 3399]: 64
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3437) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3437))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3487) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3437))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3487) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3487))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3436) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3437) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3487))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[100, 3451]: 65
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3489) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3489))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3539) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3489))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3539) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3539))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3488) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3489) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3539))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[107, 3503]: 66
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3541) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3541))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3591) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3541))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3591) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3591))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3540) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3541) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3591))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[113, 3555]: 67
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3593) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3593))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3643) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3593))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3643) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3643))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3592) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3593) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3643))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[120, 3607]: 68
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3645) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3645))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3695) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3645))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3695) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3695))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3644) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3645) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3695))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[107, 3659]: 69
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3697) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3697))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3747) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3697))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3747) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3747))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3696) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3697) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3747))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[100, 3711]: 70
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3749) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3749))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3799) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3749))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3799) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3799))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3748) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3749) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3799))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[107, 3763]: 71
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3801) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3801))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3851) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3801))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3851) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3851))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3800) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3801) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3851))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[113, 3815]: 72
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3853) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3853))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3903) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3853))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3903) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3903))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3852) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3853) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3903))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[120, 3867]: 73
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3905) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3905))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3955) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3905))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3955) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3955))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3904) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3905) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3955))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[121, 3919]: 74
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 150, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3957) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3957))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4007) > Vector(x: 149, y: 3957))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4007) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4007))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 48, y: 3956) > Vector(x: 49, y: 3957) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4007))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[115, 3971]: 75
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4009) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4009))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4059) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4009))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4059) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4059))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4008) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4009) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4059))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[121, 4023]: 76
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4061) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4061))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4061))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4111) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4111))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4060) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4061) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4111))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[128, 4075]: 77
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4213) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4113))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4213) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4213))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4112) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4113) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4213))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 4177]: 78
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4215) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4215))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4265) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4215))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4265) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4265))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4214) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4215) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4265))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[121, 4229]: 79
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4267) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4267))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4317) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4267))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4317) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4317))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4266) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4267) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4317))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[115, 4281]: 80
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4319) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4319))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4369) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4319))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4369) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4369))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4318) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4319) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4369))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[121, 4333]: 81
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4371) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4371))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4421) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4371))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4421) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4421))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4370) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4371) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4421))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[128, 4385]: 82
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4423) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4423))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4523) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4423))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4523) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4523))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4422) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4423) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4523))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 4487]: 83
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4525) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4525))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4625) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4525))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4625) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4625))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4524) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4525) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4625))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 4589]: 84
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4627) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4627))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4677) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4627))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4677) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4677))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4626) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4627) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4677))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[129, 4641]: 85
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4679) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4679))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4779) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4679))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4779) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4779))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4678) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4679) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4779))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 4743]: 86
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4781) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4781))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4881) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4781))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4881) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4881))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4780) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4781) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4881))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 4845]: 87
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4883) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4883))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4883))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4983) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4983))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4882) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4883) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4983))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 4947]: 88
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5085) > Vector(x: 149, y: 4985))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5085) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5085))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 48, y: 4984) > Vector(x: 49, y: 4985) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5085))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 20px Times New Roman
[49, 5049]: 89
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5087) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5087))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5138) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5137) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5087))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5138) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5138) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5137) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5137))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5138) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5086) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5087) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5137))
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[87, 5101]: 90
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5138) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5190) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5189) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5139))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5190) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5190) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5189) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5189))
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[93, 5153]: 91
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[100, 5205]: 92
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5294) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5294) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5293) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5293))
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[107, 5257]: 93
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5294) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5346) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5345) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5295))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5346) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5346) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5345) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5345))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5346) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5294) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5295) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5345))
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[108, 5309]: 94
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5346) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5398) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5397) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5347))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5398) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5398) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5397) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5397))
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[101, 5361]: 95
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5398) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5450) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5449) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5399))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5450) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5450) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5449) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5449))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5450) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5398) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5399) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5449))
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[108, 5413]: 96
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5450) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5502) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5501) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5451))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5502) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5502) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5501) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5501))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5502) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5450) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5451) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5501))
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[115, 5465]: 97
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5502) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5554) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5553) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5503))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5554) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5554) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5553) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5553))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5554) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5502) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5503) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5553))
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[121, 5517]: 98
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5554) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5606) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5605) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5555))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5606) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5606) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5605) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5605))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 48, y: 5606) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5554) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5555) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5605))
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[108, 5569]: 99
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5606) > Vector(x: 150, y: 5658) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5657) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5607))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 150, y: 5658) > Vector(x: 48, y: 5658) > Vector(x: 49, y: 5657) > Vector(x: 149, y: 5657))
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[72, 5621]: 100

View File

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[10, 26]: Le
[32, 26]: Lorem
[82, 26]: Ipsum
[130, 26]: est
[156, 26]: simplement
[242, 26]: du
[264, 26]: faux
[10, 44]: texte
[49, 44]: employé
[114, 44]: dans
[153, 44]: la
[170, 44]: composition
[260, 44]: et
[278, 44]: la
[10, 62]: mise
[48, 62]: en
[70, 62]: page
[110, 62]: avant
[154, 62]: impression.
[240, 62]: Le
[262, 62]: Lorem
[10, 80]: Ipsum
[58, 80]: est
[84, 80]: le
[101, 80]: faux
[135, 80]: texte
[174, 80]: standard
[241, 80]: de
[10, 98]: l'imprimerie
[96, 98]: depuis
[147, 98]: les
[172, 98]: années
[229, 98]: 1500,
[10, 116]: quand
[59, 116]: un
[81, 116]: peintre
[134, 116]: anonyme
[205, 116]: assembla
[10, 134]: ensemble
[84, 134]: des
[114, 134]: morceaux
[189, 134]: de
[211, 134]: texte
[250, 134]: pour
[10, 152]: réaliser
[67, 152]: un
[89, 152]: livre
[123, 152]: spécimen
[196, 152]: de
[218, 152]: polices
[272, 152]: de
[10, 170]: texte.
[54, 170]: Il
[66, 170]: n'a
[91, 170]: pas
[122, 170]: fait
[147, 170]: que
[178, 170]: survivre
[239, 170]: cinq
[10, 188]: siècles,
[68, 188]: mais
[106, 188]: s'est
[143, 188]: aussi
[185, 188]: adapté
[238, 188]: à
[251, 188]: la
[10, 206]: bureautique
[99, 206]: informatique,
[196, 206]: sans
[234, 206]: que
[265, 206]: son
[10, 224]: contenu
[71, 224]: n'en
[106, 224]: soit
[135, 224]: modifié.
[195, 224]: Il
[208, 224]: a
[221, 224]: été
[10, 242]: popularisé
[88, 242]: dans
[128, 242]: les
[152, 242]: années
[209, 242]: 1960
[249, 242]: grâce
[294, 242]: à
[10, 260]: la
[27, 260]: vente
[70, 260]: de
[93, 260]: feuilles
[147, 260]: Letraset
[209, 260]: contenant
[284, 260]: des
[10, 278]: passages
[83, 278]: du
[105, 278]: Lorem
[155, 278]: Ipsum,
[208, 278]: et,
[230, 278]: plus
[10, 296]: récemment,
[99, 296]: par
[126, 296]: son
[157, 296]: inclusion
[224, 296]: dans
[262, 296]: des
[10, 314]: applications
[99, 314]: de
[121, 314]: mise
[160, 314]: en
[182, 314]: page
[222, 314]: de
[244, 314]: texte,
[10, 332]: comme
[67, 332]: Aldus
[111, 332]: PageMaker.
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View File

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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 257) > Vector(x: 8, y: 45) > Vector(x: 14, y: 51) > Vector(x: 14, y: 251))
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[14, 51]: Lorem
[64, 51]: Ipsum
[112, 51]: is
[128, 51]: simply
[178, 51]: dummy
[234, 51]: text
[265, 51]: of
[282, 51]: the
[14, 69]: printing
[71, 69]: and
[102, 69]: typesetting
[184, 69]: industry.
[248, 69]: Lorem
[14, 87]: Ipsum
[62, 87]: has
[92, 87]: been
[132, 87]: the
[159, 87]: industry's
[230, 87]: standard
[14, 105]: dummy
[71, 105]: text
[101, 105]: ever
[137, 105]: since
[178, 105]: the
[205, 105]: 1500s,
[258, 105]: when
[14, 123]: an
[36, 123]: unknown
[105, 123]: printer
[154, 123]: took
[189, 123]: a
[202, 123]: galley
[249, 123]: of
[267, 123]: type
[14, 141]: and
[45, 141]: scrambled
[123, 141]: it
[136, 141]: to
[154, 141]: make
[197, 141]: a
[210, 141]: type
[245, 141]: specimen
[14, 159]: book.
[58, 159]: It
[71, 159]: has
[101, 159]: survived
[165, 159]: not
[192, 159]: only
[226, 159]: five
[14, 177]: centuries,
[88, 177]: but
[114, 177]: also
[148, 177]: the
[175, 177]: leap
[210, 177]: into
[240, 177]: electronic
[14, 195]: typesetting,
[100, 195]: remaining
[175, 195]: essentially
[14, 213]: unchanged.
[102, 213]: It
[116, 213]: was
[148, 213]: popularised
[236, 213]: in
[252, 213]: the
[14, 231]: 1960s
[62, 231]: with
[95, 231]: the
[122, 231]: release
[178, 231]: of
[196, 231]: Letraset
[258, 231]: sheets
[14, 249]: containing
[91, 249]: Lorem
[141, 249]: Ipsum
[189, 249]: passages,
[266, 249]: and
[14, 267]: more
[55, 267]: recently
[115, 267]: with
[148, 267]: desktop
[209, 267]: publishing
[14, 285]: software
[79, 285]: like
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[245, 285]: including
[14, 303]: versions
[78, 303]: of
[96, 303]: Lorem
[146, 303]: Ipsum.
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[8, 317]: Overflow:
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 566) > Vector(x: 8, y: 354) > Vector(x: 14, y: 360) > Vector(x: 14, y: 560))
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[14, 360]: Lorem
[64, 360]: Ipsum
[112, 360]: is
[128, 360]: simply
[178, 360]: dummy
[234, 360]: text
[265, 360]: of
[282, 360]: the
[14, 378]: printing
[71, 378]: and
[102, 378]: typesetting
[184, 378]: industry.
[248, 378]: Lorem
[14, 396]: Ipsum
[62, 396]: has
[92, 396]: been
[132, 396]: the
[159, 396]: industry's
[230, 396]: standard
[14, 414]: dummy
[71, 414]: text
[101, 414]: ever
[137, 414]: since
[178, 414]: the
[205, 414]: 1500s,
[258, 414]: when
[14, 432]: an
[36, 432]: unknown
[105, 432]: printer
[154, 432]: took
[189, 432]: a
[202, 432]: galley
[249, 432]: of
[267, 432]: type
[14, 450]: and
[45, 450]: scrambled
[123, 450]: it
[136, 450]: to
[154, 450]: make
[197, 450]: a
[210, 450]: type
[245, 450]: specimen
[14, 468]: book.
[58, 468]: It
[71, 468]: has
[101, 468]: survived
[165, 468]: not
[192, 468]: only
[226, 468]: five
[14, 486]: centuries,
[88, 486]: but
[114, 486]: also
[148, 486]: the
[175, 486]: leap
[210, 486]: into
[240, 486]: electronic
[14, 504]: typesetting,
[100, 504]: remaining
[175, 504]: essentially
[14, 522]: unchanged.
[102, 522]: It
[116, 522]: was
[148, 522]: popularised
[236, 522]: in
[252, 522]: the
[14, 540]: 1960s
[62, 540]: with
[95, 540]: the
[122, 540]: release
[178, 540]: of
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[14, 833]: Letraset
[76, 833]: sheets
[128, 833]: containing
[205, 833]: Lorem
[255, 833]: Ipsum
[14, 911]: passages,
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[171, 911]: and
[202, 911]: more
[243, 911]: recently
[14, 929]: with
[47, 929]: desktop
[107, 929]: publishing
[184, 929]: software
[249, 929]: like
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[152, 947]: including
[220, 947]: versions
[284, 947]: of
[14, 965]: Lorem
[64, 965]: Ipsum.
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Clip: Path (Vector(x: 14, y: 558) > Vector(x: 314, y: 558) > Vector(x: 314, y: 773) > Vector(x: 14, y: 773))
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[14, 568]: a
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[486, 360]: Lorem
[536, 360]: Ipsum
[584, 360]: is
[600, 360]: simply
[650, 360]: dummy
[706, 360]: text
[737, 360]: of
[754, 360]: the
[486, 378]: printing
[543, 378]: and
[574, 378]: typesetting
[656, 378]: industry.
[720, 378]: Lorem
[486, 396]: Ipsum
[534, 396]: has
[564, 396]: been
[604, 396]: the
[631, 396]: industry's
[702, 396]: standard
[486, 414]: dummy
[543, 414]: text
[573, 414]: ever
[609, 414]: since
[650, 414]: the
[677, 414]: 1500s,
[730, 414]: when
[486, 432]: an
[508, 432]: unknown
[577, 432]: printer
[626, 432]: took
[661, 432]: a
[674, 432]: galley
[721, 432]: of
[739, 432]: type
[486, 450]: and
[517, 450]: scrambled
[595, 450]: it
[608, 450]: to
[626, 450]: make
[669, 450]: a
[682, 450]: type
[717, 450]: specimen
[486, 468]: book.
[530, 468]: It
[543, 468]: has
[573, 468]: survived
[637, 468]: not
[664, 468]: only
[698, 468]: five
[486, 486]: centuries,
[560, 486]: but
[586, 486]: also
[620, 486]: the
[647, 486]: leap
[682, 486]: into
[712, 486]: electronic
[486, 504]: typesetting,
[572, 504]: remaining
[647, 504]: essentially
[486, 522]: unchanged.
[574, 522]: It
[588, 522]: was
[620, 522]: popularised
[708, 522]: in
[724, 522]: the
[486, 540]: 1960s
[534, 540]: with
[567, 540]: the
[594, 540]: release
[650, 540]: of
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[486, 833]: Letraset
[548, 833]: sheets
[600, 833]: containing
[677, 833]: Lorem
[727, 833]: Ipsum
[486, 911]: passages,
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[643, 911]: and
[674, 911]: more
[715, 911]: recently
[486, 929]: with
[519, 929]: desktop
[579, 929]: publishing
[656, 929]: software
[721, 929]: like
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[624, 947]: including
[692, 947]: versions
[756, 947]: of
[486, 965]: Lorem
[536, 965]: Ipsum.
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[486, 568]: a
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 700 16px Arial
[107, 285]: Aldus
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 700 16px Arial
[14, 947]: Aldus
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Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 486, y0: 410, x1: 636, y1: 360, cx0: 486, cy0: 382, cx1: 553, cy1: 360) > BezierCurve(x0: 636, y0: 360, x1: 786, y1: 410, cx0: 719, cy0: 360, cx1: 786, cy1: 382) > BezierCurve(x0: 786, y0: 410, x1: 636, y1: 460, cx0: 786, cy0: 437, cx1: 719, cy1: 460) > BezierCurve(x0: 636, y0: 460, x1: 486, y1: 410, cx0: 553, cy0: 460, cx1: 486, cy1: 437))
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 486, y: 983) > Vector(x: 798, y: 983) > Vector(x: 798, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 486, y: 1195))
Fill: rgb(204,204,204)
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 798, y: 983) > Vector(x: 798, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 792, y: 1189) > Vector(x: 792, y: 989))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 798, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 486, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 492, y: 1189) > Vector(x: 792, y: 1189))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 486, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 486, y: 983) > Vector(x: 492, y: 989) > Vector(x: 492, y: 1189))
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 486, y0: 410, x1: 636, y1: 360, cx0: 486, cy0: 382, cx1: 553, cy1: 360) > BezierCurve(x0: 636, y0: 360, x1: 786, y1: 410, cx0: 719, cy0: 360, cx1: 786, cy1: 382) > BezierCurve(x0: 786, y0: 410, x1: 636, y1: 460, cx0: 786, cy0: 437, cx1: 719, cy1: 460) > BezierCurve(x0: 636, y0: 460, x1: 486, y1: 410, cx0: 553, cy0: 460, cx1: 486, cy1: 437))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[492, 1043]: Lorem
[542, 1043]: Ipsum
[590, 1043]: is
[606, 1043]: simply
[656, 1043]: dummy
[712, 1043]: text
[743, 1043]: of
[760, 1043]: the
[492, 1061]: printing
[549, 1061]: and
[580, 1061]: typesetting
[662, 1061]: industry.
[726, 1061]: Lorem
[492, 1079]: Ipsum
[540, 1079]: has
[570, 1079]: been
[610, 1079]: the
[637, 1079]: industry's
[708, 1079]: standard
[492, 1097]: dummy
[549, 1097]: text
[579, 1097]: ever
[615, 1097]: since
[656, 1097]: the
[683, 1097]: 1500s,
[736, 1097]: when
[492, 1115]: an
[514, 1115]: unknown
[583, 1115]: printer
[632, 1115]: took
[667, 1115]: a
[680, 1115]: galley
[727, 1115]: of
[745, 1115]: type
[492, 1133]: and
[523, 1133]: scrambled
[601, 1133]: it
[614, 1133]: to
[632, 1133]: make
[675, 1133]: a
[688, 1133]: type
[723, 1133]: specimen
[492, 1151]: book.
[536, 1151]: It
[549, 1151]: has
[579, 1151]: survived
[643, 1151]: not
[670, 1151]: only
[704, 1151]: five
[492, 1169]: centuries,
[566, 1169]: but
[592, 1169]: also
[626, 1169]: the
[653, 1169]: leap
[688, 1169]: into
[718, 1169]: electronic
[492, 1187]: typesetting,
[578, 1187]: remaining
[653, 1187]: essentially
[492, 1205]: unchanged.
[580, 1205]: It
[594, 1205]: was
[626, 1205]: popularised
[714, 1205]: in
[730, 1205]: the
[492, 1223]: 1960s
[540, 1223]: with
[573, 1223]: the
[600, 1223]: release
[656, 1223]: of
[674, 1223]: Letraset
[736, 1223]: sheets
[492, 1241]: containing
[569, 1241]: Lorem
[619, 1241]: Ipsum
[667, 1241]: passages,
[744, 1241]: and
[492, 1259]: more
[533, 1259]: recently
[593, 1259]: with
[626, 1259]: desktop
[687, 1259]: publishing
[492, 1277]: software
[557, 1277]: like
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[723, 1277]: including
[492, 1295]: versions
[556, 1295]: of
[574, 1295]: Lorem
[624, 1295]: Ipsum.
Clip: Path (BezierCurve(x0: 486, y0: 410, x1: 636, y1: 360, cx0: 486, cy0: 382, cx1: 553, cy1: 360) > BezierCurve(x0: 636, y0: 360, x1: 786, y1: 410, cx0: 719, cy0: 360, cx1: 786, cy1: 382) > BezierCurve(x0: 786, y0: 410, x1: 636, y1: 460, cx0: 786, cy0: 437, cx1: 719, cy1: 460) > BezierCurve(x0: 636, y0: 460, x1: 486, y1: 410, cx0: 553, cy0: 460, cx1: 486, cy1: 437))
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[492, 989]: position:relative
[603, 989]:
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[648, 989]:
[653, 989]: a
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[666, 989]: overflow:hidden
[778, 989]:
[492, 1007]: element
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[585, 1277]: Aldus
[634, 1277]: PageMaker
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 14, y: 983) > Vector(x: 326, y: 983) > Vector(x: 320, y: 989) > Vector(x: 20, y: 989))
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 326, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 14, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 20, y: 1189) > Vector(x: 320, y: 1189))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 14, y: 1195) > Vector(x: 14, y: 983) > Vector(x: 20, y: 989) > Vector(x: 20, y: 1189))
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[20, 1043]: Lorem
[70, 1043]: Ipsum
[118, 1043]: is
[134, 1043]: simply
[184, 1043]: dummy
[240, 1043]: text
[271, 1043]: of
[288, 1043]: the
[20, 1061]: printing
[77, 1061]: and
[108, 1061]: typesetting
[190, 1061]: industry.
[254, 1061]: Lorem
[20, 1079]: Ipsum
[68, 1079]: has
[98, 1079]: been
[138, 1079]: the
[165, 1079]: industry's
[236, 1079]: standard
[20, 1097]: dummy
[77, 1097]: text
[107, 1097]: ever
[143, 1097]: since
[184, 1097]: the
[211, 1097]: 1500s,
[264, 1097]: when
[20, 1115]: an
[42, 1115]: unknown
[111, 1115]: printer
[160, 1115]: took
[195, 1115]: a
[208, 1115]: galley
[255, 1115]: of
[273, 1115]: type
[20, 1133]: and
[51, 1133]: scrambled
[129, 1133]: it
[142, 1133]: to
[160, 1133]: make
[203, 1133]: a
[216, 1133]: type
[251, 1133]: specimen
[20, 1151]: book.
[64, 1151]: It
[77, 1151]: has
[107, 1151]: survived
[171, 1151]: not
[198, 1151]: only
[232, 1151]: five
[20, 1169]: centuries,
[94, 1169]: but
[120, 1169]: also
[154, 1169]: the
[181, 1169]: leap
[216, 1169]: into
[246, 1169]: electronic
[20, 1187]: typesetting,
[106, 1187]: remaining
[181, 1187]: essentially
[20, 1205]: unchanged.
[108, 1205]: It
[122, 1205]: was
[154, 1205]: popularised
[242, 1205]: in
[258, 1205]: the
[20, 1223]: 1960s
[68, 1223]: with
[101, 1223]: the
[128, 1223]: release
[184, 1223]: of
[202, 1223]: Letraset
[264, 1223]: sheets
[20, 1241]: containing
[97, 1241]: Lorem
[147, 1241]: Ipsum
[195, 1241]: passages,
[272, 1241]: and
[20, 1259]: more
[61, 1259]: recently
[121, 1259]: with
[154, 1259]: desktop
[215, 1259]: publishing
[20, 1277]: software
[85, 1277]: like
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[251, 1277]: including
[20, 1295]: versions
[84, 1295]: of
[102, 1295]: Lorem
[152, 1295]: Ipsum.
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 14, y: 360) > Vector(x: 314, y: 360) > Vector(x: 314, y: 560) > Vector(x: 14, y: 560))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial solid rgb(0,0,0) underline
[20, 989]: position:relative
[131, 989]:
[136, 989]: within
[176, 989]:
[181, 989]: a
[190, 989]:
[194, 989]: overflow:hidden
[306, 989]:
[20, 1007]: element
Clip: Path (Vector(x: 14, y: 360) > Vector(x: 314, y: 360) > Vector(x: 314, y: 560) > Vector(x: 14, y: 560))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 700 16px Arial
[113, 1277]: Aldus
[162, 1277]: PageMaker

View File

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[239, 105]: root
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[13, 123]: root
[45, 123]: before!
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Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 306, y: 118) > Vector(x: 306, y: 145) > Vector(x: 301, y: 140) > Vector(x: 301, y: 123))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 306, y: 145) > Vector(x: 215, y: 145) > Vector(x: 220, y: 140) > Vector(x: 301, y: 140))
Shape: rgb(255,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 215, y: 145) > Vector(x: 215, y: 118) > Vector(x: 220, y: 123) > Vector(x: 220, y: 140))
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
[220, 123]: root
[252, 123]: before!
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Arial
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View File

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[8, 76]: Then
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[190, 8]: by
[211, 8]: text
[241, 8]: in
[258, 8]: span

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Window: [800, 600]
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Times New Roman
[8, 8]: Fontawesome
[101, 8]: icons
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px Times New Roman
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[104, 98]: -
[110, 98]: 5x
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Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 35) > Vector(x: 792, y: 37) > Vector(x: 791, y: 36) > Vector(x: 791, y: 36))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 792, y: 37) > Vector(x: 8, y: 37) > Vector(x: 9, y: 36) > Vector(x: 791, y: 36))
Shape: rgb(0,0,0) Path (Vector(x: 8, y: 37) > Vector(x: 8, y: 35) > Vector(x: 9, y: 36) > Vector(x: 9, y: 36))
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[55, 242]: fa
[67, 242]: -
[72, 242]: twitter
[118, 242]: on
[138, 242]: fa
[151, 242]: -
[156, 242]: square
[198, 242]: -
[203, 242]: o
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[67, 285]: -
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[101, 285]: on
[121, 285]: fa
[134, 285]: -
[139, 285]: circle
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[55, 328]: fa
[67, 328]: -
[72, 328]: terminal
[130, 328]: on
[150, 328]: fa
[162, 328]: -
[168, 328]: square
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[72, 371]: ban
[100, 371]: on
[120, 371]: fa
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[137, 371]: camera
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[18, 143]: 
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[69, 160]: be
[87, 160]: used
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[18, 162]: 
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Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 16px FontAwesome
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[42, 198]: in
[59, 198]: lists
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[18, 199]: 
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[13, 232]: 
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 21.3333px FontAwesome
[19, 242]: 
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 42.6667px FontAwesome
[11, 274]: 
Text: rgb(255,255,255) normal normal 400 21.3333px FontAwesome
[19, 285]: 
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 42.6667px FontAwesome
[11, 317]: 
Text: rgb(255,255,255) normal normal 400 21.3333px FontAwesome
[19, 328]: 
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 21.3333px FontAwesome
[18, 370]: 
Text: rgb(0,0,0) normal normal 400 42.6667px FontAwesome
[11, 360]: 

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