function NodeParser(element, renderer, support, imageLoader, options) { log("Starting NodeParser"); this.renderer = renderer; this.options = options; this.range = null; = support; this.renderQueue = []; this.stack = new StackingContext(true, 1, element.ownerDocument, null); var parent = new NodeContainer(element, null); if (element === element.ownerDocument.documentElement) { // var canvasBackground = new NodeContainer(this.renderer.isTransparent(parent.css('backgroundColor')) ? element.ownerDocument.body : element.ownerDocument.documentElement, null); renderer.rectangle(0, 0, renderer.width, renderer.height, canvasBackground.css('backgroundColor')); } parent.visibile = parent.isElementVisible(); this.createPseudoHideStyles(element.ownerDocument); this.disableAnimations(element.ownerDocument); this.nodes = flatten([parent].concat(this.getChildren(parent)).filter(function(container) { return container.visible = container.isElementVisible(); }).map(this.getPseudoElements, this)); this.fontMetrics = new FontMetrics(); log("Fetched nodes, total:", this.nodes.length); log("Calculate overflow clips"); this.calculateOverflowClips(); log("Start fetching images"); this.images = imageLoader.fetch(this.nodes.filter(isElement)); this.ready = this.images.ready.then(bind(function() { log("Images loaded, starting parsing"); log("Creating stacking contexts"); this.createStackingContexts(); log("Sorting stacking contexts"); this.sortStackingContexts(this.stack); this.parse(this.stack); log("Render queue created with " + this.renderQueue.length + " items"); return new Promise(bind(function(resolve) { if (!options.async) { this.renderQueue.forEach(this.paint, this); resolve(); } else if (typeof(options.async) === "function") {, this.renderQueue, resolve); } else if (this.renderQueue.length > 0){ this.renderIndex = 0; this.asyncRenderer(this.renderQueue, resolve); } else { resolve(); } }, this)); }, this)); } NodeParser.prototype.calculateOverflowClips = function() { this.nodes.forEach(function(container) { if (isElement(container)) { if (isPseudoElement(container)) { container.appendToDOM(); } container.borders = this.parseBorders(container); var clip = (container.css('overflow') === "hidden") ? [container.borders.clip] : []; var cssClip = container.parseClip(); if (cssClip && ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(container.css('position')) !== -1) { clip.push([["rect", container.bounds.left + cssClip.left, +, cssClip.right - cssClip.left, cssClip.bottom - ]]); } container.clip = hasParentClip(container) ? container.parent.clip.concat(clip) : clip; container.backgroundClip = (container.css('overflow') !== "hidden") ? container.clip.concat([container.borders.clip]) : container.clip; if (isPseudoElement(container)) { container.cleanDOM(); } } else if (isTextNode(container)) { container.clip = hasParentClip(container) ? container.parent.clip : []; } if (!isPseudoElement(container)) { container.bounds = null; } }, this); }; function hasParentClip(container) { return container.parent && container.parent.clip.length; } NodeParser.prototype.asyncRenderer = function(queue, resolve, asyncTimer) { asyncTimer = asyncTimer ||; this.paint(queue[this.renderIndex++]); if (queue.length === this.renderIndex) { resolve(); } else if (asyncTimer + 20 > { this.asyncRenderer(queue, resolve, asyncTimer); } else { setTimeout(bind(function() { this.asyncRenderer(queue, resolve); }, this), 0); } }; NodeParser.prototype.createPseudoHideStyles = function(document) { this.createStyles(document, '.' + PseudoElementContainer.prototype.PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_BEFORE + ':before { content: "" !important; display: none !important; }' + '.' + PseudoElementContainer.prototype.PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_AFTER + ':after { content: "" !important; display: none !important; }'); }; NodeParser.prototype.disableAnimations = function(document) { this.createStyles(document, '* { -webkit-animation: none !important; -moz-animation: none !important; -o-animation: none !important; animation: none !important; }'); }; NodeParser.prototype.createStyles = function(document, styles) { var hidePseudoElements = document.createElement('style'); hidePseudoElements.innerHTML = styles; document.body.appendChild(hidePseudoElements); }; NodeParser.prototype.getPseudoElements = function(container) { var nodes = [[container]]; if (container.node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var before = this.getPseudoElement(container, ":before"); var after = this.getPseudoElement(container, ":after"); if (before) { nodes.push(before); } if (after) { nodes.push(after); } } return flatten(nodes); }; function toCamelCase(str) { return str.replace(/(\-[a-z])/g, function(match){ return match.toUpperCase().replace('-',''); }); } NodeParser.prototype.getPseudoElement = function(container, type) { var style = container.computedStyle(type); if(!style || !style.content || style.content === "none" || style.content === "-moz-alt-content" || style.display === "none") { return null; } var content = stripQuotes(style.content); var isImage = content.substr(0, 3) === 'url'; var pseudoNode = document.createElement(isImage ? 'img' : 'html2canvaspseudoelement'); var pseudoContainer = new PseudoElementContainer(pseudoNode, container, type); for (var i = style.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var property = toCamelCase(style.item(i));[property] = style[property]; } pseudoNode.className = PseudoElementContainer.prototype.PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_BEFORE + " " + PseudoElementContainer.prototype.PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_AFTER; if (isImage) { pseudoNode.src = parseBackgrounds(content)[0].args[0]; return [pseudoContainer]; } else { var text = document.createTextNode(content); pseudoNode.appendChild(text); return [pseudoContainer, new TextContainer(text, pseudoContainer)]; } }; NodeParser.prototype.getChildren = function(parentContainer) { return flatten([], renderableNode).map(function(node) { var container = [node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? new TextContainer(node, parentContainer) : new NodeContainer(node, parentContainer)].filter(nonIgnoredElement); return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && container.length && node.tagName !== "TEXTAREA" ? (container[0].isElementVisible() ? container.concat(this.getChildren(container[0])) : []) : container; }, this)); }; NodeParser.prototype.newStackingContext = function(container, hasOwnStacking) { var stack = new StackingContext(hasOwnStacking, container.getOpacity(), container.node, container.parent); container.cloneTo(stack); var parentStack = hasOwnStacking ? stack.getParentStack(this) : stack.parent.stack; parentStack.contexts.push(stack); container.stack = stack; }; NodeParser.prototype.createStackingContexts = function() { this.nodes.forEach(function(container) { if (isElement(container) && (this.isRootElement(container) || hasOpacity(container) || isPositionedForStacking(container) || this.isBodyWithTransparentRoot(container) || container.hasTransform())) { this.newStackingContext(container, true); } else if (isElement(container) && ((isPositioned(container) && zIndex0(container)) || isInlineBlock(container) || isFloating(container))) { this.newStackingContext(container, false); } else { container.assignStack(container.parent.stack); } }, this); }; NodeParser.prototype.isBodyWithTransparentRoot = function(container) { return container.node.nodeName === "BODY" && this.renderer.isTransparent(container.parent.css('backgroundColor')); }; NodeParser.prototype.isRootElement = function(container) { return container.parent === null; }; NodeParser.prototype.sortStackingContexts = function(stack) { stack.contexts.sort(zIndexSort(stack.contexts.slice(0))); stack.contexts.forEach(this.sortStackingContexts, this); }; NodeParser.prototype.parseTextBounds = function(container) { return function(text, index, textList) { if (container.parent.css("textDecoration").substr(0, 4) !== "none" || text.trim().length !== 0) { if ( && !container.parent.hasTransform()) { var offset = textList.slice(0, index).join("").length; return this.getRangeBounds(container.node, offset, text.length); } else if (container.node && typeof( === "string") { var replacementNode = container.node.splitText(text.length); var bounds = this.getWrapperBounds(container.node, container.parent.hasTransform()); container.node = replacementNode; return bounds; } } else if(! || container.parent.hasTransform()){ container.node = container.node.splitText(text.length); } return {}; }; }; NodeParser.prototype.getWrapperBounds = function(node, transform) { var wrapper = node.ownerDocument.createElement('html2canvaswrapper'); var parent = node.parentNode, backupText = node.cloneNode(true); wrapper.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); parent.replaceChild(wrapper, node); var bounds = transform ? offsetBounds(wrapper) : getBounds(wrapper); parent.replaceChild(backupText, wrapper); return bounds; }; NodeParser.prototype.getRangeBounds = function(node, offset, length) { var range = this.range || (this.range = node.ownerDocument.createRange()); range.setStart(node, offset); range.setEnd(node, offset + length); return range.getBoundingClientRect(); }; function ClearTransform() {} NodeParser.prototype.parse = function(stack) { // var negativeZindex = stack.contexts.filter(negativeZIndex); // 2. the child stacking contexts with negative stack levels (most negative first). var descendantElements = stack.children.filter(isElement); var descendantNonFloats = descendantElements.filter(not(isFloating)); var nonInlineNonPositionedDescendants = descendantNonFloats.filter(not(isPositioned)).filter(not(inlineLevel)); // 3 the in-flow, non-inline-level, non-positioned descendants. var nonPositionedFloats = descendantElements.filter(not(isPositioned)).filter(isFloating); // 4. the non-positioned floats. var inFlow = descendantNonFloats.filter(not(isPositioned)).filter(inlineLevel); // 5. the in-flow, inline-level, non-positioned descendants, including inline tables and inline blocks. var stackLevel0 = stack.contexts.concat(descendantNonFloats.filter(isPositioned)).filter(zIndex0); // 6. the child stacking contexts with stack level 0 and the positioned descendants with stack level 0. var text = stack.children.filter(isTextNode).filter(hasText); var positiveZindex = stack.contexts.filter(positiveZIndex); // 7. the child stacking contexts with positive stack levels (least positive first). negativeZindex.concat(nonInlineNonPositionedDescendants).concat(nonPositionedFloats) .concat(inFlow).concat(stackLevel0).concat(text).concat(positiveZindex).forEach(function(container) { this.renderQueue.push(container); if (isStackingContext(container)) { this.parse(container); this.renderQueue.push(new ClearTransform()); } }, this); }; NodeParser.prototype.paint = function(container) { try { if (container instanceof ClearTransform) { this.renderer.ctx.restore(); } else if (isTextNode(container)) { if (isPseudoElement(container.parent)) { container.parent.appendToDOM(); } this.paintText(container); if (isPseudoElement(container.parent)) { container.parent.cleanDOM(); } } else { this.paintNode(container); } } catch(e) { log(e); } }; NodeParser.prototype.paintNode = function(container) { if (isStackingContext(container)) { this.renderer.setOpacity(container.opacity);; if (container.hasTransform()) { this.renderer.setTransform(container.parseTransform()); } } var bounds = container.parseBounds(); this.renderer.clip(container.backgroundClip, function() { this.renderer.renderBackground(container, bounds,; }, this); this.renderer.clip(container.clip, function() { this.renderer.renderBorders(container.borders.borders); }, this); this.renderer.clip(container.backgroundClip, function() { switch (container.node.nodeName) { case "svg": case "IFRAME": var imgContainer = this.images.get(container.node); if (imgContainer) { this.renderer.renderImage(container, bounds, container.borders, imgContainer); } else { log("Error loading <" + container.node.nodeName + ">", container.node); } break; case "IMG": var imageContainer = this.images.get(container.node.src); if (imageContainer) { this.renderer.renderImage(container, bounds, container.borders, imageContainer); } else { log("Error loading ", container.node.src); } break; case "CANVAS": this.renderer.renderImage(container, bounds, container.borders, {image: container.node}); break; case "SELECT": case "INPUT": case "TEXTAREA": this.paintFormValue(container); break; } }, this); }; NodeParser.prototype.paintFormValue = function(container) { if (container.getValue().length > 0) { var document = container.node.ownerDocument; var wrapper = document.createElement('html2canvaswrapper'); var properties = ['lineHeight', 'textAlign', 'fontFamily', 'fontWeight', 'fontSize', 'color', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'width', 'height', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderTopStyle', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderTopWidth', 'boxSizing', 'whiteSpace', 'wordWrap']; properties.forEach(function(property) { try {[property] = container.css(property); } catch(e) { // Older IE has issues with "border" log("html2canvas: Parse: Exception caught in renderFormValue: " + e.message); } }); var bounds = container.parseBounds(); = "absolute"; = bounds.left + "px"; = + "px"; wrapper.textContent = container.getValue(); document.body.appendChild(wrapper); this.paintText(new TextContainer(wrapper.firstChild, container)); document.body.removeChild(wrapper); } }; NodeParser.prototype.paintText = function(container) { container.applyTextTransform(); var characters = window.html2canvas.punycode.ucs2.decode(; var textList = (!this.options.letterRendering || noLetterSpacing(container)) && !hasUnicode( ? getWords(characters) : { return window.html2canvas.punycode.ucs2.encode([character]); }); var weight = container.parent.fontWeight(); var size = container.parent.css('fontSize'); var family = container.parent.css('fontFamily'); var shadows = container.parent.parseTextShadows(); this.renderer.font(container.parent.css('color'), container.parent.css('fontStyle'), container.parent.css('fontVariant'), weight, size, family); if (shadows.length) { // TODO: support multiple text shadows this.renderer.fontShadow(shadows[0].color, shadows[0].offsetX, shadows[0].offsetY, shadows[0].blur); } else { this.renderer.clearShadow(); } this.renderer.clip(container.parent.clip, function() {, this).forEach(function(bounds, index) { if (bounds) { this.renderer.text(textList[index], bounds.left, bounds.bottom); this.renderTextDecoration(container.parent, bounds, this.fontMetrics.getMetrics(family, size)); } }, this); }, this); }; NodeParser.prototype.renderTextDecoration = function(container, bounds, metrics) { switch(container.css("textDecoration").split(" ")[0]) { case "underline": // Draws a line at the baseline of the font // TODO As some browsers display the line as more than 1px if the font-size is big, need to take that into account both in position and size this.renderer.rectangle(bounds.left, Math.round( + metrics.baseline + metrics.lineWidth), bounds.width, 1, container.css("color")); break; case "overline": this.renderer.rectangle(bounds.left, Math.round(, bounds.width, 1, container.css("color")); break; case "line-through": // TODO try and find exact position for line-through this.renderer.rectangle(bounds.left, Math.ceil( + metrics.middle + metrics.lineWidth), bounds.width, 1, container.css("color")); break; } }; NodeParser.prototype.parseBorders = function(container) { var nodeBounds = container.parseBounds(); var radius = getBorderRadiusData(container); var borders = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"].map(function(side) { return { width: container.cssInt('border' + side + 'Width'), color: container.css('border' + side + 'Color'), args: null }; }); var borderPoints = calculateCurvePoints(nodeBounds, radius, borders); return { clip: this.parseBackgroundClip(container, borderPoints, borders, radius, nodeBounds), borders:, borderSide) { if (border.width > 0) { var bx = nodeBounds.left; var by =; var bw = nodeBounds.width; var bh = nodeBounds.height - (borders[2].width); switch(borderSide) { case 0: // top border bh = borders[0].width; border.args = drawSide({ c1: [bx, by], c2: [bx + bw, by], c3: [bx + bw - borders[1].width, by + bh], c4: [bx + borders[3].width, by + bh] }, radius[0], radius[1], borderPoints.topLeftOuter, borderPoints.topLeftInner, borderPoints.topRightOuter, borderPoints.topRightInner); break; case 1: // right border bx = nodeBounds.left + nodeBounds.width - (borders[1].width); bw = borders[1].width; border.args = drawSide({ c1: [bx + bw, by], c2: [bx + bw, by + bh + borders[2].width], c3: [bx, by + bh], c4: [bx, by + borders[0].width] }, radius[1], radius[2], borderPoints.topRightOuter, borderPoints.topRightInner, borderPoints.bottomRightOuter, borderPoints.bottomRightInner); break; case 2: // bottom border by = (by + nodeBounds.height) - (borders[2].width); bh = borders[2].width; border.args = drawSide({ c1: [bx + bw, by + bh], c2: [bx, by + bh], c3: [bx + borders[3].width, by], c4: [bx + bw - borders[3].width, by] }, radius[2], radius[3], borderPoints.bottomRightOuter, borderPoints.bottomRightInner, borderPoints.bottomLeftOuter, borderPoints.bottomLeftInner); break; case 3: // left border bw = borders[3].width; border.args = drawSide({ c1: [bx, by + bh + borders[2].width], c2: [bx, by], c3: [bx + bw, by + borders[0].width], c4: [bx + bw, by + bh] }, radius[3], radius[0], borderPoints.bottomLeftOuter, borderPoints.bottomLeftInner, borderPoints.topLeftOuter, borderPoints.topLeftInner); break; } } return border; }) }; }; NodeParser.prototype.parseBackgroundClip = function(container, borderPoints, borders, radius, bounds) { var backgroundClip = container.css('backgroundClip'), borderArgs = []; switch(backgroundClip) { case "content-box": case "padding-box": parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[0], radius[1], borderPoints.topLeftInner, borderPoints.topRightInner, bounds.left + borders[3].width, + borders[0].width); parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[1], radius[2], borderPoints.topRightInner, borderPoints.bottomRightInner, bounds.left + bounds.width - borders[1].width, + borders[0].width); parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[2], radius[3], borderPoints.bottomRightInner, borderPoints.bottomLeftInner, bounds.left + bounds.width - borders[1].width, + bounds.height - borders[2].width); parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[3], radius[0], borderPoints.bottomLeftInner, borderPoints.topLeftInner, bounds.left + borders[3].width, + bounds.height - borders[2].width); break; default: parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[0], radius[1], borderPoints.topLeftOuter, borderPoints.topRightOuter, bounds.left,; parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[1], radius[2], borderPoints.topRightOuter, borderPoints.bottomRightOuter, bounds.left + bounds.width,; parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[2], radius[3], borderPoints.bottomRightOuter, borderPoints.bottomLeftOuter, bounds.left + bounds.width, + bounds.height); parseCorner(borderArgs, radius[3], radius[0], borderPoints.bottomLeftOuter, borderPoints.topLeftOuter, bounds.left, + bounds.height); break; } return borderArgs; }; function getCurvePoints(x, y, r1, r2) { var kappa = 4 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3); var ox = (r1) * kappa, // control point offset horizontal oy = (r2) * kappa, // control point offset vertical xm = x + r1, // x-middle ym = y + r2; // y-middle return { topLeft: bezierCurve({x: x, y: ym}, {x: x, y: ym - oy}, {x: xm - ox, y: y}, {x: xm, y: y}), topRight: bezierCurve({x: x, y: y}, {x: x + ox,y: y}, {x: xm, y: ym - oy}, {x: xm, y: ym}), bottomRight: bezierCurve({x: xm, y: y}, {x: xm, y: y + oy}, {x: x + ox, y: ym}, {x: x, y: ym}), bottomLeft: bezierCurve({x: xm, y: ym}, {x: xm - ox, y: ym}, {x: x, y: y + oy}, {x: x, y:y}) }; } function calculateCurvePoints(bounds, borderRadius, borders) { var x = bounds.left, y =, width = bounds.width, height = bounds.height, tlh = borderRadius[0][0], tlv = borderRadius[0][1], trh = borderRadius[1][0], trv = borderRadius[1][1], brh = borderRadius[2][0], brv = borderRadius[2][1], blh = borderRadius[3][0], blv = borderRadius[3][1]; var topWidth = width - trh, rightHeight = height - brv, bottomWidth = width - brh, leftHeight = height - blv; return { topLeftOuter: getCurvePoints(x, y, tlh, tlv).topLeft.subdivide(0.5), topLeftInner: getCurvePoints(x + borders[3].width, y + borders[0].width, Math.max(0, tlh - borders[3].width), Math.max(0, tlv - borders[0].width)).topLeft.subdivide(0.5), topRightOuter: getCurvePoints(x + topWidth, y, trh, trv).topRight.subdivide(0.5), topRightInner: getCurvePoints(x + Math.min(topWidth, width + borders[3].width), y + borders[0].width, (topWidth > width + borders[3].width) ? 0 :trh - borders[3].width, trv - borders[0].width).topRight.subdivide(0.5), bottomRightOuter: getCurvePoints(x + bottomWidth, y + rightHeight, brh, brv).bottomRight.subdivide(0.5), bottomRightInner: getCurvePoints(x + Math.min(bottomWidth, width + borders[3].width), y + Math.min(rightHeight, height + borders[0].width), Math.max(0, brh - borders[1].width), Math.max(0, brv - borders[2].width)).bottomRight.subdivide(0.5), bottomLeftOuter: getCurvePoints(x, y + leftHeight, blh, blv).bottomLeft.subdivide(0.5), bottomLeftInner: getCurvePoints(x + borders[3].width, y + leftHeight, Math.max(0, blh - borders[3].width), Math.max(0, blv - borders[2].width)).bottomLeft.subdivide(0.5) }; } function bezierCurve(start, startControl, endControl, end) { var lerp = function (a, b, t) { return { x: a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t, y: a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t }; }; return { start: start, startControl: startControl, endControl: endControl, end: end, subdivide: function(t) { var ab = lerp(start, startControl, t), bc = lerp(startControl, endControl, t), cd = lerp(endControl, end, t), abbc = lerp(ab, bc, t), bccd = lerp(bc, cd, t), dest = lerp(abbc, bccd, t); return [bezierCurve(start, ab, abbc, dest), bezierCurve(dest, bccd, cd, end)]; }, curveTo: function(borderArgs) { borderArgs.push(["bezierCurve", startControl.x, startControl.y, endControl.x, endControl.y, end.x, end.y]); }, curveToReversed: function(borderArgs) { borderArgs.push(["bezierCurve", endControl.x, endControl.y, startControl.x, startControl.y, start.x, start.y]); } }; } function drawSide(borderData, radius1, radius2, outer1, inner1, outer2, inner2) { var borderArgs = []; if (radius1[0] > 0 || radius1[1] > 0) { borderArgs.push(["line", outer1[1].start.x, outer1[1].start.y]); outer1[1].curveTo(borderArgs); } else { borderArgs.push([ "line", borderData.c1[0], borderData.c1[1]]); } if (radius2[0] > 0 || radius2[1] > 0) { borderArgs.push(["line", outer2[0].start.x, outer2[0].start.y]); outer2[0].curveTo(borderArgs); borderArgs.push(["line", inner2[0].end.x, inner2[0].end.y]); inner2[0].curveToReversed(borderArgs); } else { borderArgs.push(["line", borderData.c2[0], borderData.c2[1]]); borderArgs.push(["line", borderData.c3[0], borderData.c3[1]]); } if (radius1[0] > 0 || radius1[1] > 0) { borderArgs.push(["line", inner1[1].end.x, inner1[1].end.y]); inner1[1].curveToReversed(borderArgs); } else { borderArgs.push(["line", borderData.c4[0], borderData.c4[1]]); } return borderArgs; } function parseCorner(borderArgs, radius1, radius2, corner1, corner2, x, y) { if (radius1[0] > 0 || radius1[1] > 0) { borderArgs.push(["line", corner1[0].start.x, corner1[0].start.y]); corner1[0].curveTo(borderArgs); corner1[1].curveTo(borderArgs); } else { borderArgs.push(["line", x, y]); } if (radius2[0] > 0 || radius2[1] > 0) { borderArgs.push(["line", corner2[0].start.x, corner2[0].start.y]); } } function negativeZIndex(container) { return container.cssInt("zIndex") < 0; } function positiveZIndex(container) { return container.cssInt("zIndex") > 0; } function zIndex0(container) { return container.cssInt("zIndex") === 0; } function inlineLevel(container) { return ["inline", "inline-block", "inline-table"].indexOf(container.css("display")) !== -1; } function isStackingContext(container) { return (container instanceof StackingContext); } function hasText(container) { return > 0; } function noLetterSpacing(container) { return (/^(normal|none|0px)$/.test(container.parent.css("letterSpacing"))); } function getBorderRadiusData(container) { return ["TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomRight", "BottomLeft"].map(function(side) { var value = container.css('border' + side + 'Radius'); var arr = value.split(" "); if (arr.length <= 1) { arr[1] = arr[0]; } return; }); } function renderableNode(node) { return (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE); } function isPositionedForStacking(container) { var position = container.css("position"); var zIndex = (["absolute", "relative", "fixed"].indexOf(position) !== -1) ? container.css("zIndex") : "auto"; return zIndex !== "auto"; } function isPositioned(container) { return container.css("position") !== "static"; } function isFloating(container) { return container.css("float") !== "none"; } function isInlineBlock(container) { return ["inline-block", "inline-table"].indexOf(container.css("display")) !== -1; } function not(callback) { var context = this; return function() { return !callback.apply(context, arguments); }; } function isElement(container) { return container.node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; } function isPseudoElement(container) { return container.isPseudoElement === true; } function isTextNode(container) { return container.node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; } function zIndexSort(contexts) { return function(a, b) { return (a.cssInt("zIndex") + (contexts.indexOf(a) / contexts.length)) - (b.cssInt("zIndex") + (contexts.indexOf(b) / contexts.length)); }; } function hasOpacity(container) { return container.getOpacity() < 1; } function bind(callback, context) { return function() { return callback.apply(context, arguments); }; } function asInt(value) { return parseInt(value, 10); } function getWidth(border) { return border.width; } function nonIgnoredElement(nodeContainer) { return (nodeContainer.node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE || ["SCRIPT", "HEAD", "TITLE", "OBJECT", "BR", "OPTION"].indexOf(nodeContainer.node.nodeName) === -1); } function flatten(arrays) { return [].concat.apply([], arrays); } function stripQuotes(content) { var first = content.substr(0, 1); return (first === content.substr(content.length - 1) && first.match(/'|"/)) ? content.substr(1, content.length - 2) : content; } function getWords(characters) { var words = [], i = 0, onWordBoundary = false, word; while(characters.length) { if (isWordBoundary(characters[i]) === onWordBoundary) { word = characters.splice(0, i); if (word.length) { words.push(window.html2canvas.punycode.ucs2.encode(word)); } onWordBoundary =! onWordBoundary; i = 0; } else { i++; } if (i >= characters.length) { word = characters.splice(0, i); if (word.length) { words.push(window.html2canvas.punycode.ucs2.encode(word)); } } } return words; } function isWordBoundary(characterCode) { return [ 32, // 13, // \r 10, // \n 9, // \t 45 // - ].indexOf(characterCode) !== -1; } function hasUnicode(string) { return (/[^\u0000-\u00ff]/).test(string); }