/* * FlashCanvas * * Copyright (c) 2009 Tim Cameron Ryan * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 FlashCanvas Project * Released under the MIT/X License */ // Reference: // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-canvas-element.html // http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/the-canvas-element.html // If the browser is IE and does not support HTML5 Canvas if (window["ActiveXObject"] && !window["CanvasRenderingContext2D"]) { (function(window, document, undefined) { /* * Constant */ var NULL = null; var CANVAS = "canvas"; var CANVAS_RENDERING_CONTEXT_2D = "CanvasRenderingContext2D"; var CANVAS_GRADIENT = "CanvasGradient"; var CANVAS_PATTERN = "CanvasPattern"; var FLASH_CANVAS = "FlashCanvas"; var G_VML_CANVAS_MANAGER = "G_vmlCanvasManager"; var OBJECT_ID_PREFIX = "external"; var ON_FOCUS = "onfocus"; var ON_PROPERTY_CHANGE = "onpropertychange"; var ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE = "onreadystatechange"; var ON_UNLOAD = "onunload"; var config = window[FLASH_CANVAS + "Options"] || {}; var BASE_URL = config["swfPath"] || getScriptUrl().replace(/[^\/]+$/, ""); var SWF_URL = BASE_URL + "flashcanvas.swf"; // DOMException code var INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1; var NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9; var INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11; var SYNTAX_ERR = 12; var TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17; var SECURITY_ERR = 18; /** * @constructor */ function Lookup(array) { for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; i++) this[array[i]] = i; } var properties = new Lookup([ // Canvas element "toDataURL", // CanvasRenderingContext2D "save", "restore", "scale", "rotate", "translate", "transform", "setTransform", "globalAlpha", "globalCompositeOperation", "strokeStyle", "fillStyle", "createLinearGradient", "createRadialGradient", "createPattern", "lineWidth", "lineCap", "lineJoin", "miterLimit", "shadowOffsetX", "shadowOffsetY", "shadowBlur", "shadowColor", "clearRect", "fillRect", "strokeRect", "beginPath", "closePath", "moveTo", "lineTo", "quadraticCurveTo", "bezierCurveTo", "arcTo", "rect", "arc", "fill", "stroke", "clip", "isPointInPath", // "drawFocusRing", "font", "textAlign", "textBaseline", "fillText", "strokeText", "measureText", "drawImage", "createImageData", "getImageData", "putImageData", // CanvasGradient "addColorStop", // Internal use "direction", "resize" ]); // Whether swf is ready for use var isReady = {}; // Cache of images loaded by createPattern() or drawImage() var images = {}; // Monitor the number of loading files var lock = {}; // Callback functions passed to loadImage() var callbacks = {}; // Canvas elements var canvases = {}; // SPAN element embedded in the canvas var spans = {}; /** * 2D context * @constructor */ var CanvasRenderingContext2D = function(canvas, swf) { // back-reference to the canvas this.canvas = canvas; // back-reference to the swf this._swf = swf; // unique ID of canvas this._canvasId = swf.id.slice(8); // initialize drawing states this._initialize(); // Count CanvasGradient and CanvasPattern objects this._gradientPatternId = 0; // Directionality of the canvas element this._direction = ""; // This ensures that font properties of the canvas element is // transmitted to Flash. this._font = ""; // frame update interval var self = this; setInterval(function() { if (lock[self._canvasId] === 0) { self._executeCommand(); } }, 30); }; CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = { /* * state */ save: function() { // write all properties this._setCompositing(); this._setShadows(); this._setStrokeStyle(); this._setFillStyle(); this._setLineStyles(); this._setFontStyles(); // push state this._stateStack.push([ this._globalAlpha, this._globalCompositeOperation, this._strokeStyle, this._fillStyle, this._lineWidth, this._lineCap, this._lineJoin, this._miterLimit, this._shadowOffsetX, this._shadowOffsetY, this._shadowBlur, this._shadowColor, this._font, this._textAlign, this._textBaseline ]); this._queue.push(properties.save); }, restore: function() { // pop state var stateStack = this._stateStack; if (stateStack.length) { var state = stateStack.pop(); this.globalAlpha = state[0]; this.globalCompositeOperation = state[1]; this.strokeStyle = state[2]; this.fillStyle = state[3]; this.lineWidth = state[4]; this.lineCap = state[5]; this.lineJoin = state[6]; this.miterLimit = state[7]; this.shadowOffsetX = state[8]; this.shadowOffsetY = state[9]; this.shadowBlur = state[10]; this.shadowColor = state[11]; this.font = state[12]; this.textAlign = state[13]; this.textBaseline = state[14]; } this._queue.push(properties.restore); }, /* * transformations */ scale: function(x, y) { this._queue.push(properties.scale, x, y); }, rotate: function(angle) { this._queue.push(properties.rotate, angle); }, translate: function(x, y) { this._queue.push(properties.translate, x, y); }, transform: function(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) { this._queue.push(properties.transform, m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy); }, setTransform: function(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) { this._queue.push(properties.setTransform, m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy); }, /* * compositing */ _setCompositing: function() { var queue = this._queue; if (this._globalAlpha !== this.globalAlpha) { this._globalAlpha = this.globalAlpha; queue.push(properties.globalAlpha, this._globalAlpha); } if (this._globalCompositeOperation !== this.globalCompositeOperation) { this._globalCompositeOperation = this.globalCompositeOperation; queue.push(properties.globalCompositeOperation, this._globalCompositeOperation); } }, /* * colors and styles */ _setStrokeStyle: function() { if (this._strokeStyle !== this.strokeStyle) { var style = this._strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle; if (typeof style === "string") { // OK } else if (style instanceof CanvasGradient || style instanceof CanvasPattern) { style = style.id; } else { return; } this._queue.push(properties.strokeStyle, style); } }, _setFillStyle: function() { if (this._fillStyle !== this.fillStyle) { var style = this._fillStyle = this.fillStyle; if (typeof style === "string") { // OK } else if (style instanceof CanvasGradient || style instanceof CanvasPattern) { style = style.id; } else { return; } this._queue.push(properties.fillStyle, style); } }, createLinearGradient: function(x0, y0, x1, y1) { // If any of the arguments are not finite numbers, throws a // NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception. if (!(isFinite(x0) && isFinite(y0) && isFinite(x1) && isFinite(y1))) { throwException(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); } this._queue.push(properties.createLinearGradient, x0, y0, x1, y1); return new CanvasGradient(this); }, createRadialGradient: function(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1) { // If any of the arguments are not finite numbers, throws a // NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception. if (!(isFinite(x0) && isFinite(y0) && isFinite(r0) && isFinite(x1) && isFinite(y1) && isFinite(r1))) { throwException(NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); } // If either of the radii are negative, throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR // exception. if (r0 < 0 || r1 < 0) { throwException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR); } this._queue.push(properties.createRadialGradient, x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1); return new CanvasGradient(this); }, createPattern: function(image, repetition) { // If the image is null, the implementation must raise a // TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR exception. if (!image) { throwException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); } var tagName = image.tagName, src; var canvasId = this._canvasId; // If the first argument isn't an img, canvas, or video element, // throws a TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR exception. if (tagName) { tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName === "img") { src = image.getAttribute("src", 2); } else if (tagName === CANVAS || tagName === "video") { // For now, only HTMLImageElement is supported. return; } else { throwException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); } } // Additionally, we accept any object that has a src property. // This is useful when you'd like to specify a long data URI. else if (image.src) { src = image.src; } else { throwException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); } // If the second argument isn't one of the allowed values, throws a // SYNTAX_ERR exception. if (!(repetition === "repeat" || repetition === "no-repeat" || repetition === "repeat-x" || repetition === "repeat-y" || repetition === "" || repetition === NULL)) { throwException(SYNTAX_ERR); } // Special characters in the filename need escaping. this._queue.push(properties.createPattern, encodeXML(src), repetition); // If this is the first time to access the URL, the canvas should be // locked while the image is being loaded asynchronously. if (!images[canvasId][src] && isReady[canvasId]) { this._executeCommand(); ++lock[canvasId]; images[canvasId][src] = true; } return new CanvasPattern(this); }, /* * line caps/joins */ _setLineStyles: function() { var queue = this._queue; if (this._lineWidth !== this.lineWidth) { this._lineWidth = this.lineWidth; queue.push(properties.lineWidth, this._lineWidth); } if (this._lineCap !== this.lineCap) { this._lineCap = this.lineCap; queue.push(properties.lineCap, this._lineCap); } if (this._lineJoin !== this.lineJoin) { this._lineJoin = this.lineJoin; queue.push(properties.lineJoin, this._lineJoin); } if (this._miterLimit !== this.miterLimit) { this._miterLimit = this.miterLimit; queue.push(properties.miterLimit, this._miterLimit); } }, /* * shadows */ _setShadows: function() { var queue = this._queue; if (this._shadowOffsetX !== this.shadowOffsetX) { this._shadowOffsetX = this.shadowOffsetX; queue.push(properties.shadowOffsetX, this._shadowOffsetX); } if (this._shadowOffsetY !== this.shadowOffsetY) { this._shadowOffsetY = this.shadowOffsetY; queue.push(properties.shadowOffsetY, this._shadowOffsetY); } if (this._shadowBlur !== this.shadowBlur) { this._shadowBlur = this.shadowBlur; queue.push(properties.shadowBlur, this._shadowBlur); } if (this._shadowColor !== this.shadowColor) { this._shadowColor = this.shadowColor; queue.push(properties.shadowColor, this._shadowColor); } }, /* * rects */ clearRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this._queue.push(properties.clearRect, x, y, w, h); }, fillRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this._setCompositing(); this._setShadows(); this._setFillStyle(); this._queue.push(properties.fillRect, x, y, w, h); }, strokeRect: function(x, y, w, h) { this._setCompositing(); this._setShadows(); this._setStrokeStyle(); this._setLineStyles(); this._queue.push(properties.strokeRect, x, y, w, h); }, /* * path API */ beginPath: function() { this._queue.push(properties.beginPath); }, closePath: function() { this._queue.push(properties.closePath); }, moveTo: function(x, y) { this._queue.push(properties.moveTo, x, y); }, lineTo: function(x, y) { this._queue.push(properties.lineTo, x, y); }, quadraticCurveTo: function(cpx, cpy, x, y) { this._queue.push(properties.quadraticCurveTo, cpx, cpy, x, y); }, bezierCurveTo: function(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { this._queue.push(properties.bezierCurveTo, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y); }, arcTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { // Throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if the given radius is negative. if (radius < 0 && isFinite(radius)) { throwException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR); } this._queue.push(properties.arcTo, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius); }, rect: function(x, y, w, h) { this._queue.push(properties.rect, x, y, w, h); }, arc: function(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) { // Throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if the given radius is negative. if (radius < 0 && isFinite(radius)) { throwException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR); } this._queue.push(properties.arc, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise ? 1 : 0); }, fill: function() { this._setCompositing(); this._setShadows(); this._setFillStyle(); this._queue.push(properties.fill); }, stroke: function() { this._setCompositing(); this._setShadows(); this._setStrokeStyle(); this._setLineStyles(); this._queue.push(properties.stroke); }, clip: function() { this._queue.push(properties.clip); }, isPointInPath: function(x, y) { // TODO: Implement }, /* * text */ _setFontStyles: function() { var queue = this._queue; if (this._font !== this.font) { try { var span = spans[this._canvasId]; span.style.font = this._font = this.font; var style = span.currentStyle; var fontSize = span.offsetHeight; var font = [style.fontStyle, style.fontWeight, fontSize, style.fontFamily].join(" "); queue.push(properties.font, font); } catch(e) { // If this.font cannot be parsed as a CSS font value, then it // must be ignored. } } if (this._textAlign !== this.textAlign) { this._textAlign = this.textAlign; queue.push(properties.textAlign, this._textAlign); } if (this._textBaseline !== this.textBaseline) { this._textBaseline = this.textBaseline; queue.push(properties.textBaseline, this._textBaseline); } if (this._direction !== this.canvas.currentStyle.direction) { this._direction = this.canvas.currentStyle.direction; queue.push(properties.direction, this._direction); } }, fillText: function(text, x, y, maxWidth) { this._setCompositing(); this._setFillStyle(); this._setShadows(); this._setFontStyles(); this._queue.push(properties.fillText, encodeXML(text), x, y, maxWidth === undefined ? Infinity : maxWidth); }, strokeText: function(text, x, y, maxWidth) { this._setCompositing(); this._setStrokeStyle(); this._setShadows(); this._setFontStyles(); this._queue.push(properties.strokeText, encodeXML(text), x, y, maxWidth === undefined ? Infinity : maxWidth); }, measureText: function(text) { var span = spans[this._canvasId]; try { span.style.font = this.font; } catch(e) { // If this.font cannot be parsed as a CSS font value, then it must // be ignored. } // Replace space characters with tab characters because innerText // removes trailing white spaces. span.innerText = text.replace(/[ \n\f\r]/g, "\t"); return new TextMetrics(span.offsetWidth); }, /* * drawing images */ drawImage: function(image, x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2) { // If the image is null, the implementation must raise a // TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR exception. if (!image) { throwException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); } var tagName = image.tagName, src, argc = arguments.length; var canvasId = this._canvasId; // If the first argument isn't an img, canvas, or video element, // throws a TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR exception. if (tagName) { tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tagName === "img") { src = image.getAttribute("src", 2); } else if (tagName === CANVAS || tagName === "video") { // For now, only HTMLImageElement is supported. return; } else { throwException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); } } // Additionally, we accept any object that has a src property. // This is useful when you'd like to specify a long data URI. else if (image.src) { src = image.src; } else { throwException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR); } this._setCompositing(); this._setShadows(); // Special characters in the filename need escaping. src = encodeXML(src); if (argc === 3) { this._queue.push(properties.drawImage, argc, src, x1, y1); } else if (argc === 5) { this._queue.push(properties.drawImage, argc, src, x1, y1, w1, h1); } else if (argc === 9) { // If one of the sw or sh arguments is zero, the implementation // must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception. if (w1 === 0 || h1 === 0) { throwException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR); } this._queue.push(properties.drawImage, argc, src, x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2); } else { return; } // If this is the first time to access the URL, the canvas should be // locked while the image is being loaded asynchronously. if (!images[canvasId][src] && isReady[canvasId]) { this._executeCommand(); ++lock[canvasId]; images[canvasId][src] = true; } }, /* * pixel manipulation */ // ImageData createImageData(in float sw, in float sh); // ImageData createImageData(in ImageData imagedata); createImageData: function() { // TODO: Implement }, // ImageData getImageData(in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh); getImageData: function(sx, sy, sw, sh) { // TODO: Implement }, // void putImageData(in ImageData imagedata, in float dx, in float dy, [Optional] in float dirtyX, in float dirtyY, in float dirtyWidth, in float dirtyHeight); putImageData: function(imagedata, dx, dy, dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight) { // TODO: Implement }, /* * extended functions */ loadImage: function(image, onload, onerror) { var tagName = image.tagName, src; var canvasId = this._canvasId; // Get the URL of the image. if (tagName) { if (tagName.toLowerCase() === "img") { src = image.getAttribute("src", 2); } } else if (image.src) { src = image.src; } // Do nothing in the following cases: // - The first argument is neither an img element nor an object // with a src property, // - The image has been already cached. if (!src || images[canvasId][src]) { return; } // Store the objects. if (onload || onerror) { callbacks[canvasId][src] = [image, onload, onerror]; } // Load the image without drawing. this._queue.push(properties.drawImage, 1, encodeXML(src)); // Execute the command immediately if possible. if (isReady[canvasId]) { this._executeCommand(); ++lock[canvasId]; images[canvasId][src] = true; } }, /* * private methods */ _initialize: function() { // compositing this.globalAlpha = this._globalAlpha = 1.0; this.globalCompositeOperation = this._globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; // colors and styles this.strokeStyle = this._strokeStyle = "#000000"; this.fillStyle = this._fillStyle = "#000000"; // line caps/joins this.lineWidth = this._lineWidth = 1.0; this.lineCap = this._lineCap = "butt"; this.lineJoin = this._lineJoin = "miter"; this.miterLimit = this._miterLimit = 10.0; // shadows this.shadowOffsetX = this._shadowOffsetX = 0; this.shadowOffsetY = this._shadowOffsetY = 0; this.shadowBlur = this._shadowBlur = 0; this.shadowColor = this._shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)"; // text this.font = this._font = "10px sans-serif"; this.textAlign = this._textAlign = "start"; this.textBaseline = this._textBaseline = "alphabetic"; // command queue this._queue = []; // stack of drawing states this._stateStack = []; }, _flush: function() { var queue = this._queue; this._queue = []; return queue; }, _executeCommand: function() { // execute commands var commands = this._flush(); if (commands.length > 0) { return eval(this._swf.CallFunction( '' + commands.join("�") + "" )); } }, _resize: function(width, height) { // Flush commands in the queue this._executeCommand(); // Clear back to the initial state this._initialize(); // Adjust the size of Flash to that of the canvas if (width > 0) { this._swf.width = width; } if (height > 0) { this._swf.height = height; } // Execute a resize command at the start of the next frame this._queue.push(properties.resize, width, height); } }; /** * CanvasGradient stub * @constructor */ var CanvasGradient = function(ctx) { this._ctx = ctx; this.id = ctx._gradientPatternId++; }; CanvasGradient.prototype = { addColorStop: function(offset, color) { // Throws an INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if the offset is out of range. if (isNaN(offset) || offset < 0 || offset > 1) { throwException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR); } this._ctx._queue.push(properties.addColorStop, this.id, offset, color); } }; /** * CanvasPattern stub * @constructor */ var CanvasPattern = function(ctx) { this.id = ctx._gradientPatternId++; }; /** * TextMetrics stub * @constructor */ var TextMetrics = function(width) { this.width = width; }; /** * DOMException * @constructor */ var DOMException = function(code) { this.code = code; this.message = DOMExceptionNames[code]; }; DOMException.prototype = new Error; var DOMExceptionNames = { 1: "INDEX_SIZE_ERR", 9: "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", 11: "INVALID_STATE_ERR", 12: "SYNTAX_ERR", 17: "TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR", 18: "SECURITY_ERR" }; /* * Event handlers */ function onReadyStateChange() { if (document.readyState === "complete") { document.detachEvent(ON_READY_STATE_CHANGE, onReadyStateChange); var canvases = document.getElementsByTagName(CANVAS); for (var i = 0, n = canvases.length; i < n; ++i) { FlashCanvas.initElement(canvases[i]); } } } function onFocus() { // forward the event to the parent var swf = event.srcElement, canvas = swf.parentNode; swf.blur(); canvas.focus(); } function onPropertyChange() { var prop = event.propertyName; if (prop === "width" || prop === "height") { var canvas = event.srcElement; var value = canvas[prop]; var number = parseInt(value, 10); if (isNaN(number) || number < 0) { number = (prop === "width") ? 300 : 150; } if (value === number) { canvas.style[prop] = number + "px"; canvas.getContext("2d")._resize(canvas.width, canvas.height); } else { canvas[prop] = number; } } } function onUnload() { window.detachEvent(ON_UNLOAD, onUnload); for (var canvasId in canvases) { var canvas = canvases[canvasId], swf = canvas.firstChild, prop; // clean up the references of swf.executeCommand and swf.resize for (prop in swf) { if (typeof swf[prop] === "function") { swf[prop] = NULL; } } // clean up the references of canvas.getContext and canvas.toDataURL for (prop in canvas) { if (typeof canvas[prop] === "function") { canvas[prop] = NULL; } } // remove event listeners swf.detachEvent(ON_FOCUS, onFocus); canvas.detachEvent(ON_PROPERTY_CHANGE, onPropertyChange); } // delete exported symbols window[CANVAS_RENDERING_CONTEXT_2D] = NULL; window[CANVAS_GRADIENT] = NULL; window[CANVAS_PATTERN] = NULL; window[FLASH_CANVAS] = NULL; window[G_VML_CANVAS_MANAGER] = NULL; } /* * FlashCanvas API */ var FlashCanvas = { initElement: function(canvas) { // Check whether the initialization is required or not. if (canvas.getContext) { return canvas; } // initialize lock var canvasId = getUniqueId(); var objectId = OBJECT_ID_PREFIX + canvasId; isReady[canvasId] = false; images[canvasId] = {}; lock[canvasId] = 1; callbacks[canvasId] = {}; // Set the width and height attributes. setCanvasSize(canvas); // embed swf and SPAN element canvas.innerHTML = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''; canvases[canvasId] = canvas; var swf = canvas.firstChild; spans[canvasId] = canvas.lastChild; // Check whether the canvas element is in the DOM tree var documentContains = document.body.contains; if (documentContains(canvas)) { // Load swf file immediately swf["movie"] = SWF_URL; } else { // Wait until the element is added to the DOM tree var intervalId = setInterval(function() { if (documentContains(canvas)) { clearInterval(intervalId); swf["movie"] = SWF_URL; } }, 0); } // If the browser is IE6 or in quirks mode if (document.compatMode === "BackCompat" || !window.XMLHttpRequest) { spans[canvasId].style.overflow = "hidden"; } // initialize context var ctx = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(canvas, swf); // canvas API canvas.getContext = function(contextId) { return contextId === "2d" ? ctx : NULL; }; canvas.toDataURL = function(type, quality) { if (("" + type).replace(/[A-Z]+/g, toLowerCase) === "image/jpeg") { ctx._queue.push(properties.toDataURL, type, typeof quality === "number" ? quality : ""); } else { ctx._queue.push(properties.toDataURL, type); } return ctx._executeCommand(); }; // add event listener swf.attachEvent(ON_FOCUS, onFocus); return canvas; }, saveImage: function(canvas) { var swf = canvas.firstChild; swf.saveImage(); }, setOptions: function(options) { // TODO: Implement }, trigger: function(canvasId, type) { var canvas = canvases[canvasId]; canvas.fireEvent("on" + type); }, unlock: function(canvasId, url, error) { var canvas, swf, width, height; var _callback, image, callback; if (lock[canvasId]) { --lock[canvasId]; } // If Flash becomes ready if (url === undefined) { canvas = canvases[canvasId]; swf = canvas.firstChild; // Set the width and height attributes of the canvas element. setCanvasSize(canvas); width = canvas.width; height = canvas.height; canvas.style.width = width + "px"; canvas.style.height = height + "px"; // Adjust the size of Flash to that of the canvas if (width > 0) { swf.width = width; } if (height > 0) { swf.height = height; } swf.resize(width, height); // Add event listener canvas.attachEvent(ON_PROPERTY_CHANGE, onPropertyChange); // ExternalInterface is now ready for use isReady[canvasId] = true; // Call the onload event handler if (typeof canvas.onload === "function") { setTimeout(function() { canvas.onload(); }, 0); } } // If callback functions were defined else if (_callback = callbacks[canvasId][url]) { image = _callback[0]; callback = _callback[1 + error]; delete callbacks[canvasId][url]; // Call the onload or onerror callback function. if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.call(image); } } } }; /* * Utility methods */ // Get the absolute URL of flashcanvas.js function getScriptUrl() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var script = scripts[scripts.length - 1]; // @see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429(VS.85).aspx if (document.documentMode >= 8) { return script.src; } else { return script.getAttribute("src", 4); } } // Get a unique ID composed of alphanumeric characters. function getUniqueId() { return Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) || "0"; } // Escape characters not permitted in XML. function encodeXML(str) { return ("" + str).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/