/* * html2canvas v0.26 * Copyright (c) 2011 Niklas von Hertzen. All rights reserved. * http://www.twitter.com/niklasvh * * Released under MIT License */ /* * The MIT License * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * Creates a render of the element el * @constructor */ function html2canvas(el, userOptions) { var options = userOptions || {}; this.opts = this.extendObj(options, { logging: false, ready: function (stack) { document.body.appendChild(stack.canvas); }, storageReady: function(obj){ obj.Renderer(obj.contextStacks); }, iframeDefault: "default", flashCanvasPath: "http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/external/flashcanvas/flashcanvas.js", renderViewport: false, reorderZ: true, throttle:true, letterRendering:false, proxyUrl: null, logger: function(a){ if (window.console && window.console.log){ window.console.log(a); }else{ alert(a); } }, canvasWidth:0, canvasHeight:0, useOverflow: true, renderOrder: "canvas flash html" }); this.element = el; var imageLoaded, canvas, ctx, bgx, bgy, image; this.imagesLoaded = 0; this.images = []; this.fontData = []; this.numDraws = 0; this.contextStacks = []; this.ignoreElements = "IFRAME|OBJECT|PARAM"; this.needReorder = false; this.blockElements = new RegExp("(BR|PARAM)"); this.pageOrigin = window.location.protocol + window.location.host; this.ignoreRe = new RegExp("("+this.ignoreElements+")"); this.support = { rangeBounds: false }; // Test whether we can use ranges to measure bounding boxes // Opera doesn't provide valid bounds.height/bottom even though it supports the method. if (document.createRange){ var r = document.createRange(); //this.support.rangeBounds = new Boolean(r.getBoundingClientRect); if (r.getBoundingClientRect){ var testElement = document.createElement('boundtest'); testElement.style.height = "123px"; testElement.style.display = "block"; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(testElement); r.selectNode(testElement); var rangeBounds = r.getBoundingClientRect(); var rangeHeight = rangeBounds.height; if (rangeHeight==123){ this.support.rangeBounds = true; } document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].removeChild(testElement); } } // Start script this.init(); return this; } html2canvas.prototype.init = function(){ var _ = this; /* this.ctx = new this.stackingContext($(document).width(),$(document).height()); if (!this.ctx){ // canvas not initialized, let's kill it here this.log('Canvas not available'); return; } this.canvas = this.ctx.canvas; */ this.log('Finding background-images'); this.images.push('start'); this.getImages(this.element); this.log('Finding images'); // console.log(this.element.ownerDocument); this.each(this.element.ownerDocument.images,function(i,e){ _.preloadImage(_.getAttr(e,'src')); }); this.images.splice(0,1); // console.log(this.images); if (this.images.length == 0){ this.start(); } } /* * Check whether all assets have been loaded and start traversing the DOM */ html2canvas.prototype.start = function(){ // console.log(this.images); if (this.images.length == 0 || this.imagesLoaded==this.images.length/2){ this.log('Finished loading '+this.imagesLoaded+' images, Started parsing'); this.bodyOverflow = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow = "hidden"; var rootStack = new this.storageContext($(document).width(),$(document).height()); rootStack.opacity = this.getCSS(this.element,"opacity"); var stack = this.newElement(this.element,rootStack); this.parseElement(this.element,stack); } } html2canvas.prototype.stackingContext = function(width,height){ this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = width; if (!this.canvas.getContext){ // TODO include Flashcanvas /* var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = this.opts.flashCanvasPath; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s); if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined") { FlashCanvas.initElement(this.canvas); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); } */ }else{ this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); } // set common settings for canvas this.ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"; return this.ctx; } html2canvas.prototype.storageContext = function(width,height){ this.storage = []; this.width = width; this.height = height; //this.zIndex; // todo simplify this whole section this.fillRect = function(x, y, w, h){ this.storage.push( { type: "function", name:"fillRect", arguments:[x,y,w,h] }); }; this.drawImage = function(image,sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy,dw,dh){ this.storage.push( { type: "function", name:"drawImage", arguments:[image,sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy,dw,dh] }); }; this.fillText = function(currentText,x,y){ this.storage.push( { type: "function", name:"fillText", arguments:[currentText,x,y] }); } return this; } /* * Finished rendering, send callback */ html2canvas.prototype.finish = function(){ this.log("Finished rendering"); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow = this.bodyOverflow; /* if (this.opts.renderViewport){ // let's crop it to viewport only then var newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var newctx = newCanvas.getContext('2d'); newCanvas.width = window.innerWidth; newCanvas.height = window.innerHeight; }*/ this.opts.ready(this); } html2canvas.prototype.drawBackground = function(el,bounds,ctx){ var background_image = this.getCSS(el,"background-image"); var background_repeat = this.getCSS(el,"background-repeat"); if (typeof background_image != "undefined" && /^(1|none)$/.test(background_image)==false && /^(-webkit|-moz|linear-gradient|-o-)/.test(background_image)==false){ background_image = this.backgroundImageUrl(background_image); var image = this.loadImage(background_image); var bgp = this.getBackgroundPosition(el,bounds,image), bgy; if (image){ switch(background_repeat){ case "repeat-x": this.drawbackgroundRepeatX(ctx,image,bgp,bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.width,bounds.height); break; case "repeat-y": this.drawbackgroundRepeatY(ctx,image,bgp,bounds.left,bounds.top,bounds.width,bounds.height); break; case "no-repeat": /* this.drawBackgroundRepeat( ctx, image, bgp.left+bounds.left, // sx bgp.top+bounds.top, // sy Math.min(bounds.width,image.width), Math.min(bounds.height,image.height), bounds.left, bounds.top );*/ // console.log($(el).css('background-image')); var bgw = bounds.width-bgp.left, bgh = bounds.height-bgp.top, bgsx = bgp.left, bgsy = bgp.top, bgdx = bgp.left+bounds.left, bgdy = bgp.top+bounds.top; // // bgw = Math.min(bgw,image.width); // bgh = Math.min(bgh,image.height); if (bgsx<0){ bgsx = Math.abs(bgsx); bgdx += bgsx; bgw = Math.min(bounds.width,image.width-bgsx); }else{ bgw = Math.min(bgw,image.width); bgsx = 0; } if (bgsy<0){ bgsy = Math.abs(bgsy); bgdy += bgsy; // bgh = bgh-bgsy; bgh = Math.min(bounds.height,image.height-bgsy); }else{ bgh = Math.min(bgh,image.height); bgsy = 0; } // bgh = Math.abs(bgh); // bgw = Math.abs(bgw); if (bgh>0 && bgw > 0){ this.drawImage( ctx, image, bgsx, // source X : 0 bgsy, // source Y : 1695 bgw, // source Width : 18 bgh, // source Height : 1677 bgdx, // destination X :906 bgdy, // destination Y : 1020 bgw, // destination width : 18 bgh // destination height : 1677 ); // ctx.drawImage(image,(bounds.left+bgp.left),(bounds.top+bgp.top)); break; } default: var height, add; bgp.top = bgp.top-Math.ceil(bgp.top/image.height)*image.height; for(bgy=(bounds.top+bgp.top);bgyh+bgy){ height = (h+bgy)-bgy; }else{ height = image.height; } // console.log(height); if (bgy0){ bgp.top += add; } bgy = Math.floor(bgy+image.height)-add; } break; } }else{ this.log("Error loading background:" + background_image); //console.log(images); } } } /* * Function to retrieve the actual src of a background-image */ html2canvas.prototype.backgroundImageUrl = function(src){ if (src.substr(0,5)=='url("'){ src = src.substr(5); src = src.substr(0,src.length-2); }else{ src = src.substr(4); src = src.substr(0,src.length-1); } return src; } /* * Function to retrieve background-position, both in pixels and % */ html2canvas.prototype.getBackgroundPosition = function(el,bounds,image){ var bgpos = this.getCSS(el,"backgroundPosition") || "0 0"; // var bgpos = $(el).css("backgroundPosition") || "0 0"; var bgposition = bgpos.split(" "), topPos, left, percentage; if (bgposition.length==1){ var val = bgposition, bgposition = []; bgposition[0] = val, bgposition[1] = val; } if (bgposition[0].toString().indexOf("%")!=-1){ percentage = (parseFloat(bgposition[0])/100); left = ((bounds.width * percentage)-(image.width*percentage)); }else{ left = parseInt(bgposition[0],10); } if (bgposition[1].toString().indexOf("%")!=-1){ percentage = (parseFloat(bgposition[1])/100); topPos = ((bounds.height * percentage)-(image.height*percentage)); }else{ topPos = parseInt(bgposition[1],10); } var returnObj = {} /* "top": topPos, "left": left };*/ returnObj.top = topPos; returnObj.left = left; return returnObj; } html2canvas.prototype.drawbackgroundRepeatY = function(ctx,image,bgp,x,y,w,h){ var height, width = Math.min(image.width,w),bgy; bgp.top = bgp.top-Math.ceil(bgp.top/image.height)*image.height; for(bgy=(y+bgp.top);bgyh+y){ height = (h+y)-bgy; }else{ height = image.height; } this.drawBackgroundRepeat(ctx,image,x+bgp.left,bgy,width,height,x,y); bgy = Math.floor(bgy+image.height); } } html2canvas.prototype.drawbackgroundRepeatX = function(ctx,image,bgp,x,y,w,h){ var height = Math.min(image.height,h), width,bgx; bgp.left = bgp.left-Math.ceil(bgp.left/image.width)*image.width; for(bgx=(x+bgp.left);bgxw+x){ width = (w+x)-bgx; }else{ width = image.width; } this.drawBackgroundRepeat(ctx,image,bgx,(y+bgp.top),width,height,x,y); bgx = Math.floor(bgx+image.width); } } html2canvas.prototype.drawBackgroundRepeat = function(ctx,image,x,y,width,height,elx,ely){ var sourceX = 0, sourceY=0; if (elx-x>0){ sourceX = elx-x; } if (ely-y>0){ sourceY = ely-y; } this.drawImage( ctx, image, sourceX, // source X sourceY, // source Y width-sourceX, // source Width height-sourceY, // source Height x+sourceX, // destination X y+sourceY, // destination Y width-sourceX, // destination width height-sourceY // destination height ); } /* * Function to provide border details for an element */ html2canvas.prototype.getBorderData = function(el){ var borders = []; var _ = this; this.each(["top","right","bottom","left"],function(i,borderSide){ borders.push({ width: parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'border-'+borderSide+'-width'),10), color: _.getCSS(el,'border-'+borderSide+'-color') }); }); return borders; } html2canvas.prototype.drawBorders = function(el,ctx, bounds,clip){ var x = bounds.left; var y = bounds.top; var w = bounds.width; var h = bounds.height; /* * TODO add support for different border-style's than solid */ var borders = this.getBorderData(el); var _ = this; this.each(borders,function(borderSide,borderData){ if (borderData.width>0){ var bx = x, by = y, bw = w, bh = h-(borders[2].width); switch(borderSide){ case 0: // top border bh = borders[0].width; break; case 1: // right border bx = x+w-(borders[1].width); bw = borders[1].width; break; case 2: // bottom border by = (by+h)-(borders[2].width); bh = borders[2].width; break; case 3: // left border bw = borders[3].width; break; } var borderBounds = { left:bx, top:by, width: bw, height:bh }; if (clip){ borderBounds = _.clipBounds(borderBounds,clip); } if (borderBounds.width>0 && borderBounds.height>0){ _.newRect(ctx,bx,by,borderBounds.width,borderBounds.height,borderData.color); } } }); return borders; }; html2canvas.prototype.newElement = function(el,parentStack){ var bounds = this.getBounds(el); var x = bounds.left; var y = bounds.top; var w = bounds.width; var h = bounds.height; var _ = this, image; var bgcolor = this.getCSS(el,"background-color"); var cssPosition = this.getCSS(el,"position"); parentStack = parentStack || {}; var zindex = this.formatZ(this.getCSS(el,"zIndex"),cssPosition,parentStack.zIndex,el.parentNode); //console.log(el.nodeName+":"+zindex+":"+this.getCSS(el,"position")+":"+this.numDraws+":"+this.getCSS(el,"z-index")) var opacity = this.getCSS(el,"opacity"); var stack = { ctx: new this.storageContext(), zIndex: zindex, opacity: opacity*parentStack.opacity, cssPosition: cssPosition }; // TODO correct overflow for absolute content residing under a static position if (parentStack.clip){ stack.clip = $.extend({}, parentStack.clip); //stack.clip = parentStack.clip; stack.clip.height = stack.clip.height - parentStack.borders[2].width; } if (this.opts.useOverflow && /(hidden|scroll|auto)/.test(this.getCSS(el,"overflow")) && !/(BODY)/i.test(el.nodeName)){ if (stack.clip){ stack.clip = this.clipBounds(stack.clip,bounds); }else{ stack.clip = bounds; } } var stackLength = this.contextStacks.push(stack); var ctx = this.contextStacks[stackLength-1].ctx; this.setContextVariable(ctx,"globalAlpha",stack.opacity); // draw element borders var borders = this.drawBorders(el, ctx, bounds); stack.borders = borders; // let's modify clip area for child elements, so borders dont get overwritten /* if (stack.clip){ stack.clip.width = stack.clip.width-(borders[1].width); stack.clip.height = stack.clip.height-(borders[2].width); } */ if (this.ignoreRe.test(el.nodeName) && this.opts.iframeDefault != "transparent"){ if (this.opts.iframeDefault=="default"){ bgcolor = "#efefef"; /* * TODO write X over frame */ }else{ bgcolor = this.opts.iframeDefault; } } // draw base element bgcolor var bgbounds = { left: x+borders[3].width, top: y+borders[0].width, width: w-(borders[1].width+borders[3].width), height: h-(borders[0].width+borders[2].width) }; //if (this.withinBounds(stack.clip,bgbounds)){ if (stack.clip){ bgbounds = this.clipBounds(bgbounds,stack.clip); //} } if (bgbounds.height>0 && bgbounds.width>0){ this.newRect( ctx, bgbounds.left, bgbounds.top, bgbounds.width, bgbounds.height, bgcolor ); this.drawBackground(el,bgbounds,ctx); } if (el.nodeName=="IMG"){ image = _.loadImage(_.getAttr(el,'src')); if (image){ // console.log(image.width); this.drawImage( ctx, image, 0, //sx 0, //sy image.width, //sw image.height, //sh x+parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'padding-left'),10) + borders[3].width, //dx y+parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'padding-top'),10) + borders[0].width, // dy bounds.width - (borders[1].width + borders[3].width + parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'padding-left'),10) + parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'padding-right'),10)), //dw bounds.height - (borders[0].width + borders[2].width + parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'padding-top'),10) + parseInt(_.getCSS(el,'padding-bottom'),10)) //dh ); }else { this.log("Error loading :" + _.getAttr(el,'src')); } } return this.contextStacks[stackLength-1]; } /* * Function to draw the text on the canvas */ html2canvas.prototype.printText = function(currentText,x,y,ctx){ if (this.trim(currentText).length>0){ ctx.fillText(currentText,x,y); this.numDraws++; } } // Drawing a rectangle html2canvas.prototype.newRect = function(ctx,x,y,w,h,bgcolor){ if (bgcolor!="transparent"){ this.setContextVariable(ctx,"fillStyle",bgcolor); ctx.fillRect (x, y, w, h); this.numDraws++; } } html2canvas.prototype.drawImage = function(ctx,image,sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy,dw,dh){ ctx.drawImage( image, sx, //sx sy, //sy sw, //sw sh, //sh dx, //dx dy, // dy dw, //dw dh //dh ); this.numDraws++; } /* * Function to find all images from and background-image */ html2canvas.prototype.getImages = function(el) { var self = this; if (!this.ignoreRe.test(el.nodeName)){ // TODO remove jQuery dependancy this.each($(el).contents(),function(i,element){ var ignRe = new RegExp("("+this.ignoreElements+")"); if (!ignRe.test(element.nodeName)){ self.getImages(element); } }) } if (el.nodeType==1 || typeof el.nodeType == "undefined"){ var background_image = this.getCSS(el,'background-image'); if (background_image && background_image != "1" && background_image != "none" && background_image.substring(0,7)!="-webkit" && background_image.substring(0,3)!="-o-" && background_image.substring(0,4)!="-moz"){ var src = this.backgroundImageUrl(background_image); this.preloadImage(src); } } } /* * Load image from storage */ html2canvas.prototype.loadImage = function(src){ var imgIndex = this.getIndex(this.images,src); if (imgIndex!=-1){ return this.images[imgIndex+1]; }else{ return false; } } html2canvas.prototype.preloadImage = function(src){ if (this.getIndex(this.images,src)==-1){ if (this.isSameOrigin(src)){ this.images.push(src); // console.log('a'+src); var img = new Image(); // TODO remove jQuery dependancy var _ = this; $(img).load(function(){ _.imagesLoaded++; _.start(); }); img.onerror = function(){ _.images.splice(_.images.indexOf(img.src),2); // _.imagesLoaded++; _.start(); } img.src = src; this.images.push(img); }else if (this.opts.proxyUrl){ // console.log('b'+src); this.images.push(src); var img = new Image(); this.proxyGetImage(src,img); this.images.push(img); } } } html2canvas.prototype.proxyGetImage = function(url,img){ var _ = this; var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = url; url = link.href; // work around for pages with base href="" set // todo remove jQuery dependency and enable xhr2 requests where available (no need for base64 / json) $.ajax({ data:{ xhr2:false, url:url }, url: this.opts.proxyUrl, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(a){ if (a.substring(0,6)=="error:"){ _.images.splice(_.images.indexOf(url),2); _.start(); _.log('Proxy was unable to load '+url+' '+a); }else{ // document.createElement(a); // console.log(img); img.onload = function(){ // console.log('w'+img.width); _.imagesLoaded++; _.start(); } img.src = a; } }, error: function(){ _.images.splice(_.images.indexOf(url),2); // _.imagesLoaded++; _.start(); } }); } html2canvas.prototype.Renderer = function(queue){ var _ = this; this.log('Renderer initiated'); this.each(this.opts.renderOrder.split(" "),function(i,renderer){ switch(renderer){ case "canvas": _.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); if (_.canvas.getContext){ _.canvasRenderer(queue); _.log('Using canvas renderer'); return false; } break; case "flash": /* var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = _.opts.flashCanvasPath; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s); if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined") { _.canvas = initCanvas(document.getElementById("testflash")); FlashCanvas.initElement(_.canvas); _.ctx = _.canvas.getContext("2d"); // _.canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // _.log('Using Flashcanvas renderer'); _.canvasRenderer(queue); return false; } */ break; case "html": // TODO add renderer _.log("Using HTML renderer"); return false; break; } }); // this.log('No renderer chosen, rendering quit'); return this; // this.canvasRenderer(queue); /* if (!this.canvas.getContext){ }*/ // TODO include Flashcanvas /* var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = this.opts.flashCanvasPath; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s); if (typeof FlashCanvas != "undefined") { FlashCanvas.initElement(this.canvas); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d'); } */ } html2canvas.prototype.throttler = function(queue){ }; html2canvas.prototype.canvasRenderContext = function(storageContext,ctx){ // set common settings for canvas ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"; var _ = this; if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); // console.log(storageContext); ctx.rect(storageContext.clip.left,storageContext.clip.top,storageContext.clip.width,storageContext.clip.height); ctx.clip(); } if (storageContext.ctx.storage){ _.each(storageContext.ctx.storage,function(a,renderItem){ switch(renderItem.type){ case "variable": ctx[renderItem.name] = renderItem.arguments; break; case "function": if (renderItem.name=="fillRect"){ ctx.fillRect( renderItem.arguments[0]-(storageContext.canvasPosition.x || 0), renderItem.arguments[1]-(storageContext.canvasPosition.y || 0), renderItem.arguments[2], renderItem.arguments[3] ); }else if(renderItem.name=="fillText"){ // console.log(renderItem.arguments[0]); ctx.fillText(renderItem.arguments[0],renderItem.arguments[1]-(storageContext.canvasPosition.x || 0),renderItem.arguments[2]-(storageContext.canvasPosition.y || 0)); /* if (renderItem.arguments[0]=="Highlights"){ console.log(renderItem); console.log(storageContext); $('body').append(ctx.canvas); }*/ }else if(renderItem.name=="drawImage"){ // console.log(renderItem); // console.log(renderItem.arguments[0].width); if (renderItem.arguments[8] > 0 && renderItem.arguments[7]){ ctx.drawImage( renderItem.arguments[0], renderItem.arguments[1], renderItem.arguments[2], renderItem.arguments[3], renderItem.arguments[4], renderItem.arguments[5]-(storageContext.canvasPosition.x || 0), renderItem.arguments[6]-(storageContext.canvasPosition.y || 0), renderItem.arguments[7], renderItem.arguments[8] ); } }else{ _.log(renderItem); } break; default: } }); } if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.restore(); } } /* html2canvas.prototype.canvasRenderContextChildren = function(storageContext,parentctx){ var ctx = storageContext.canvas.getContext('2d'); storageContext.canvasPosition = storageContext.canvasPosition || {}; this.canvasRenderContext(storageContext,ctx); for (var s = 0; s0 && storageContext.canvas.height > 0){ parentctx.drawImage(storageContext.canvas,(storageContext.canvasPosition.x || 0),(storageContext.canvasPosition.y || 0)); } } */ html2canvas.prototype.canvasRenderStorage = function(queue,parentctx){ for (var i = 0; i0 && storageContext.canvas.height > 0){ parentctx.drawImage(storageContext.canvas,(storageContext.canvasPosition.x || 0),(storageContext.canvasPosition.y || 0)); } ctx = parentctx; }else{ */ storageContext.canvasPosition = storageContext.canvasPosition || {}; this.canvasRenderContext(storageContext,parentctx); // } /* if (storageContext.newCanvas){ var ctx = _.canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(canvas,(storageContext.removeOverflow.left || 0),(storageContext.removeOverflow.top || 0)); _.ctx = ctx; }*/ } } html2canvas.prototype.canvasRenderer = function(queue){ var _ = this; queue = this.sortQueue(queue); this.canvas.width = Math.max($(document).width(),this.opts.canvasWidth); this.canvas.height = Math.max($(document).height(),this.opts.canvasHeight); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvasRenderStorage(queue,this.ctx); }; /* * Sort elements based on z-index and position attributes */ html2canvas.prototype.sortQueue = function(queue){ if (!this.opts.reorderZ || !this.needReorder) return queue; var longest = 0; this.each(queue,function(i,e){ if (longeste.zIndex.length){ e.zIndex += "0"; } e.zIndex = e.zIndex+counter; while((longest+more+(counter).toString().length)>e.zIndex.length){ e.zIndex += "0"; } counter++; // console.log(e.zIndex); }); queue = queue.sort(function(a,b){ if (a.zIndex < b.zIndex) return -1; if (a.zIndex > b.zIndex) return 1; return 0; }); /* console.log('after'); this.each(queue,function(i,e){ console.log(i+":"+e.zIndex); // console.log(e.ctx.storage); }); */ return queue; } html2canvas.prototype.setContextVariable = function(ctx,variable,value){ if (!ctx.storage){ ctx[variable] = value; }else{ ctx.storage.push( { type: "variable", name:variable, arguments:value }); } } html2canvas.prototype.newText = function(el,textNode,stack){ var ctx = stack.ctx; var family = this.getCSS(el,"font-family"); var size = this.getCSS(el,"font-size"); var color = this.getCSS(el,"color"); var bold = this.getCSS(el,"font-weight"); var font_style = this.getCSS(el,"font-style"); var font_variant = this.getCSS(el,"font-variant"); var text_decoration = this.getCSS(el,"text-decoration"); var text_align = this.getCSS(el,"text-align"); var letter_spacing = this.getCSS(el,"letter-spacing"); // apply text-transform:ation to the text textNode.nodeValue = this.textTransform(textNode.nodeValue,this.getCSS(el,"text-transform")); var text = this.trim(textNode.nodeValue); //text = $.trim(text); if (text.length>0){ switch(bold){ case 401: bold = "bold"; break; case 400: bold = "normal"; break; } if (text_decoration!="none"){ var metrics = this.fontMetrics(family,size); } var font = font_variant+" "+bold+" "+font_style+" "+size+" "+family, renderList, renderWords = false; text_align = text_align.replace(["-webkit-auto"],["auto"]) if (this.opts.letterRendering == false && /^(left|right|justify|auto)$/.test(text_align) && /^(normal|none)$/.test(letter_spacing)){ // this.setContextVariable(ctx,"textAlign",text_align); renderWords = true; renderList = textNode.nodeValue.split(/(\b| )/); }else{ // this.setContextVariable(ctx,"textAlign","left"); renderList = textNode.nodeValue.split(""); } this.setContextVariable(ctx,"fillStyle",color); this.setContextVariable(ctx,"font",font); /* if (stack.clip){ ctx.rect (stack.clip.left, stack.clip.top, stack.clip.width, stack.clip.height); ctx.clip(); } */ var oldTextNode = textNode; for(var c=0;c-1){ return this.fontData[findMetrics+1]; } var container = document.createElement('div'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(container); // jquery to speed this up, TODO remove jquery dependancy $(container).css({ visibility:'hidden', fontFamily:font, fontSize:fontSize, margin:0, padding:0 }); var img = document.createElement('img'); // TODO add another image img.src = "http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/images/8.jpg"; img.width = 1; img.height = 1; $(img).css({ margin:0, padding:0 }); var span = document.createElement('span'); $(span).css({ fontFamily:font, fontSize:fontSize, margin:0, padding:0 }); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hidden Text')); container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(img); var baseline = (img.offsetTop-span.offsetTop)+1; container.removeChild(span); container.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hidden Text')); $(container).css('line-height','normal'); $(img).css("vertical-align","super"); var middle = (img.offsetTop-container.offsetTop)+1; var metricsObj = { baseline: baseline, lineWidth: 1, middle: middle }; this.fontData.push(font+"-"+fontSize); this.fontData.push(metricsObj); $(container).remove(); return metricsObj; } /* * Function to apply text-transform attribute to text */ html2canvas.prototype.textTransform = function(text,transform){ switch(transform){ case "lowercase": return text.toLowerCase(); break; case "capitalize": return text.replace( /(^|\s|:|-|\(|\))([a-z])/g , function(m,p1,p2){ return p1+p2.toUpperCase(); } ); break; case "uppercase": return text.toUpperCase(); break; default: return text; } } /* *Function to trim whitespace from text */ html2canvas.prototype.trim = function(text) { return text.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, ""); } html2canvas.prototype.parseElement = function(element,stack){ var _ = this; this.each(element.children,function(index,el){ _.parsing(el,stack); }); this.log('Render queue stored'); this.opts.storageReady(this); this.finish(); } html2canvas.prototype.parsing = function(el,stack){ if (this.getCSS(el,'display') != "none" && this.getCSS(el,'visibility')!="hidden"){ var _ = this; stack = this.newElement(el,stack) || stack; var ctx = stack.ctx; if (!this.ignoreRe.test(el.nodeName)){ // TODO remove jQuery dependancy this.each(this.contentsInZ(el),function(cid,node){ if (node.nodeType==1){ // element _.parsing(node,stack); }else if (node.nodeType==3){ _.newText(el,node,stack); } }); } } // } } // Simple logger html2canvas.prototype.log = function(a){ if (this.opts.logging){ this.opts.logger(a); } } html2canvas.prototype.withinBounds = function(src,dst){ if (!src) return true; // return true; return ( (src.left <= dst.left || dst.left+dst.width < src.left) && (src.top <= dst.top || dst.top+dst.height < src.top) ); } html2canvas.prototype.clipBounds = function(src,dst){ var x = Math.max(src.left,dst.left); var y = Math.max(src.top,dst.top); var x2 = Math.min((src.left+src.width),(dst.left+dst.width)); var y2 = Math.min((src.top+src.height),(dst.top+dst.height)); return { left:x, top:y, width:x2-x, height:y2-y }; } /** * Function to provide bounds for element * @return {Bounds} object with position and dimension information */ html2canvas.prototype.getBounds = function(el){ window.scroll(0,0); if (el.getBoundingClientRect){ var clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var bounds = {}; // need to create new object, as clientrect bounds can't be modified, thanks pufuwozu // TODO add scroll position to bounds, so no scrolling of window necessary bounds.top = clientRect.top; bounds.left = clientRect.left; bounds.width = clientRect.width; bounds.height = clientRect.height; return bounds; }else{ // TODO remove jQuery dependancy var p = $(el).offset(); return { left: p.left + parseInt(this.getCSS(el,"border-left-width"),10), top: p.top + parseInt(this.getCSS(el,"border-top-width"),10), width:$(el).innerWidth(), height:$(el).innerHeight() } } } /* * Function for looping through array */ html2canvas.prototype.each = function(arrayLoop,callbackFunc){ callbackFunc = callbackFunc || function(){}; for (var i=0;i