/* html2canvas v0.30 Copyright (c) 2011 Niklas von Hertzen. All rights reserved. http://www.twitter.com/niklasvh Released under MIT License */ /* The MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var html2canvas = {}; html2canvas.logging = true; html2canvas.log = function (a) { if (html2canvas.logging) { window.console.log(a); } }; html2canvas.Util = {}; html2canvas.Util.backgroundImage = function (src) { if (/data:image\/.*;base64,/i.test( src ) || /^(-webkit|-moz|linear-gradient|-o-)/.test( src )) { return src; } if (src.toLowerCase().substr( 0, 5 ) === 'url("') { src = src.substr( 5 ); src = src.substr( 0, src.length - 2 ); } else { src = src.substr( 4 ); src = src.substr( 0, src.length - 1 ); } return src; }; html2canvas.Util.Bounds = function getBounds (el) { window.scroll(0,0); var clientRect, bounds = {}; if (el.getBoundingClientRect){ clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); // TODO add scroll position to bounds, so no scrolling of window necessary bounds.top = clientRect.top; bounds.bottom = clientRect.bottom || (clientRect.top + clientRect.height); bounds.left = clientRect.left; bounds.width = clientRect.width; bounds.height = clientRect.height; return bounds; } /*else{ p = $(el).offset(); return { left: p.left + getCSS(el,"borderLeftWidth", true), top: p.top + getCSS(el,"borderTopWidth", true), width:$(el).innerWidth(), height:$(el).innerHeight() }; } */ } html2canvas.Util.getCSS = function (el, attribute) { // return jQuery(el).css(attribute); /* var val, left, rsLeft = el.runtimeStyle && el.runtimeStyle[ attribute ], style = el.style; if ( el.currentStyle ) { val = el.currentStyle[ attribute ]; } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { val = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null)[ attribute ]; } */ // Check if we are not dealing with pixels, (Opera has issues with this) // Ported from jQuery css.js // From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards // http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291 // If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number // but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels // if ( !/^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i.test( val ) && /^-?\d/.test( val ) ) { /* // Remember the original values left = style.left; // Put in the new values to get a computed value out if ( rsLeft ) { el.runtimeStyle.left = el.currentStyle.left; } style.left = attribute === "fontSize" ? "1em" : (val || 0); val = style.pixelLeft + "px"; // Revert the changed values style.left = left; if ( rsLeft ) { el.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft; }*/ val = $(el).css(attribute); // } return val; }; html2canvas.Util.Extend = function (options, defaults) { var key; for (key in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) { defaults[key] = options[key]; } } return defaults; }; html2canvas.Util.Children = function(el) { // $(el).contents() !== el.childNodes, Opera / IE have issues with that return $(el).contents(); } html2canvas.Generate = {}; html2canvas.Generate.Gradient = function(src, bounds) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'), ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'), tmp, p0 = 0, p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0, steps = [], position, i, len, lingrad, increment, p, img; canvas.width = bounds.width; canvas.height = bounds.height; function getColors(input) { var j = -1, color = '', chr; while( j++ < input.length ) { chr = input.charAt( j ); if (chr === ')') { color += chr; steps.push( color ); color = ''; j+=2; } else { color += chr; } } } if ( tmp = src.match(/-webkit-linear-gradient\((.*)\)/) ) { position = tmp[1].split( ",", 1 )[0]; getColors( tmp[1].substr( position.length + 2 ) ); position = position.split(' '); for (p = 0; p < position.length; p+=1) { switch(position[p]) { case 'top': p3 = bounds.height; break; case 'right': p0 = bounds.width; break; case 'bottom': p1 = bounds.height; break; case 'left': p2 = bounds.width; break; } } } else if (tmp = src.match(/-webkit-gradient\(linear, (\d+)% (\d+)\%, (\d+)% (\d+)%, from\((.*)\), to\((.*)\)\)/)) { p0 = (tmp[1] * bounds.width) / 100; p1 = (tmp[2] * bounds.height) / 100; p2 = (tmp[3] * bounds.width) / 100; p3 = (tmp[4] * bounds.height) / 100; steps.push(tmp[5]); steps.push(tmp[6]); } else if (tmp = src.match(/-moz-linear-gradient\((\d+)% (\d+)%, (.*)\)/)) { p0 = (tmp[1] * bounds.width) / 100; p1 = (tmp[2] * bounds.width) / 100; p2 = bounds.width - p0; p3 = bounds.height - p1; getColors( tmp[3] ); } else { return; } lingrad = ctx.createLinearGradient( p0, p1, p2, p3 ); increment = 1 / (steps.length - 1); for (i = 0, len = steps.length; i < len; i+=1) { lingrad.addColorStop(increment * i, steps[i]); } ctx.fillStyle = lingrad; // draw shapes ctx.fillRect(0, 0, bounds.width,bounds.height); img = new Image(); img.src = canvas.toDataURL(); return img; } /* * New function for traversing elements */ html2canvas.Parse = function (element, images, opts) { opts = opts || {}; // select body by default if (element === undefined) { element = document.body; } var support = { rangeBounds: false }, options = { iframeDefault: "default", ignoreElements: "IFRAME|OBJECT|PARAM", useOverflow: true, letterRendering: false }, needReorder = false, numDraws = 0, fontData = {}, doc = element.ownerDocument, ignoreElementsRegExp = new RegExp("(" + options.ignoreElements + ")"), body = doc.body, r, testElement, rangeBounds, rangeHeight, stack, ctx, docDim, i, children, childrenLen; images = images || []; // Test whether we can use ranges to measure bounding boxes // Opera doesn't provide valid bounds.height/bottom even though it supports the method. if (doc.createRange) { r = doc.createRange(); //this.support.rangeBounds = new Boolean(r.getBoundingClientRect); if (r.getBoundingClientRect){ testElement = doc.createElement('boundtest'); testElement.style.height = "123px"; testElement.style.display = "block"; body.appendChild(testElement); r.selectNode(testElement); rangeBounds = r.getBoundingClientRect(); rangeHeight = rangeBounds.height; if (rangeHeight === 123) { support.rangeBounds = true; } body.removeChild(testElement); } } /* var rootStack = new this.storageContext($(document).width(),$(document).height()); rootStack.opacity = this.getCSS(this.element,"opacity"); var stack = this.newElement(this.element,rootStack); this.parseElement(this.element,stack); */ function docSize(){ return { width: Math.max( Math.max(doc.body.scrollWidth, doc.documentElement.scrollWidth), Math.max(doc.body.offsetWidth, doc.documentElement.offsetWidth), Math.max(doc.body.clientWidth, doc.documentElement.clientWidth) ), height: Math.max( Math.max(doc.body.scrollHeight, doc.documentElement.scrollHeight), Math.max(doc.body.offsetHeight, doc.documentElement.offsetHeight), Math.max(doc.body.clientHeight, doc.documentElement.clientHeight) ) }; } function getCSS (element, attribute, intOnly) { if (intOnly !== undefined && intOnly === true) { return parseInt(html2canvas.Util.getCSS(element, attribute), 10); }else{ return html2canvas.Util.getCSS(element, attribute); } } // Drawing a rectangle function renderRect (ctx, x, y, w, h, bgcolor) { if (bgcolor !=="transparent"){ ctx.setVariable("fillStyle", bgcolor); ctx.fillRect (x, y, w, h); numDraws+=1; } } function textTransform (text, transform) { switch(transform){ case "lowercase": return text.toLowerCase(); case "capitalize": return text.replace( /(^|\s|:|-|\(|\))([a-z])/g , function (m, p1, p2) { if (m.length > 0) { return p1 + p2.toUpperCase(); } } ); case "uppercase": return text.toUpperCase(); default: return text; } } function trimText (text) { return text.replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s*$/g, ""); } function fontMetrics (font, fontSize) { if (fontData[font + "-" + fontSize] !== undefined) { return fontData[font + "-" + fontSize]; } var container = doc.createElement('div'), img = doc.createElement('img'), span = doc.createElement('span'), baseline, middle, metricsObj; container.style.visibility = "hidden"; container.style.fontFamily = font; container.style.fontSize = fontSize; container.style.margin = 0; container.style.padding = 0; body.appendChild(container); // TODO add another image img.src = "http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/images/8.jpg"; img.width = 1; img.height = 1; img.style.margin = 0; img.style.padding = 0; span.style.fontFamily = font; span.style.fontSize = fontSize; span.style.margin = 0; span.style.padding = 0; span.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Hidden Text')); container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(img); baseline = (img.offsetTop - span.offsetTop) + 1; container.removeChild(span); container.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Hidden Text')); container.style.lineHeight = "normal"; img.style.verticalAlign = "super"; middle = (img.offsetTop-container.offsetTop) + 1; metricsObj = { baseline: baseline, lineWidth: 1, middle: middle }; fontData[font + "-" + fontSize] = metricsObj; body.removeChild(container); return metricsObj; } function drawText(currentText, x, y, ctx){ if (trimText(currentText).length>0) { ctx.fillText(currentText,x,y); numDraws+=1; } } function renderText(el, textNode, stack){ var ctx = stack.ctx, family = getCSS(el, "fontFamily", false), size = getCSS(el, "fontSize", false), color = getCSS(el, "color", false), text_decoration = getCSS(el, "textDecoration", false), text_align = getCSS(el, "textAlign", false), letter_spacing = getCSS(el, "letterSpacing", false), bounds, text, metrics, renderList, bold = getCSS(el, "fontWeight", false), font_style = getCSS(el, "fontStyle", false), font_variant = getCSS(el, "fontVariant", false), align = false, newTextNode, textValue, textOffset = 0, oldTextNode, c, range, parent, wrapElement, backupText; // apply text-transform:ation to the text textNode.nodeValue = textTransform(textNode.nodeValue, getCSS(el, "textTransform", false)); text = trimText(textNode.nodeValue); if (text.length>0){ if (text_decoration !== "none"){ metrics = fontMetrics(family, size); } text_align = text_align.replace(["-webkit-auto"],["auto"]); if (options.letterRendering === false && /^(left|right|justify|auto)$/.test(text_align) && /^(normal|none)$/.test(letter_spacing)){ // this.setContextVariable(ctx,"textAlign",text_align); renderList = textNode.nodeValue.split(/(\b| )/); }else{ // this.setContextVariable(ctx,"textAlign","left"); renderList = textNode.nodeValue.split(""); } switch(parseInt(bold, 10)){ case 401: bold = "bold"; break; case 400: bold = "normal"; break; } ctx.setVariable("fillStyle", color); ctx.setVariable("font", font_variant + " " + bold + " " + font_style + " " + size + " " + family); if (align){ ctx.setVariable("textAlign", "right"); }else{ ctx.setVariable("textAlign", "left"); } /* if (stack.clip){ ctx.rect (stack.clip.left, stack.clip.top, stack.clip.width, stack.clip.height); ctx.clip(); } */ oldTextNode = textNode; for (c=0; c < renderList.length; c+=1) { textValue = null; if (support.rangeBounds){ // getBoundingClientRect is supported for ranges if (text_decoration !== "none" || trimText(renderList[c]).length !== 0) { textValue = renderList[c]; if (doc.createRange){ range = doc.createRange(); range.setStart(textNode, textOffset); range.setEnd(textNode, textOffset + textValue.length); }else{ // TODO add IE support range = body.createTextRange(); } if (range.getBoundingClientRect()) { bounds = range.getBoundingClientRect(); }else{ bounds = {}; } } }else{ // it isn't supported, so let's wrap it inside an element instead and get the bounds there // IE 9 bug if (typeof oldTextNode.nodeValue !== "string" ){ continue; } newTextNode = oldTextNode.splitText(renderList[c].length); parent = oldTextNode.parentNode; wrapElement = doc.createElement('wrapper'); backupText = oldTextNode.cloneNode(true); wrapElement.appendChild(oldTextNode.cloneNode(true)); parent.replaceChild(wrapElement, oldTextNode); bounds = html2canvas.Util.Bounds(wrapElement); textValue = oldTextNode.nodeValue; oldTextNode = newTextNode; parent.replaceChild(backupText, wrapElement); } if (textValue !== null){ drawText(textValue, bounds.left, bounds.bottom, ctx); } switch(text_decoration) { case "underline": // Draws a line at the baseline of the font // TODO As some browsers display the line as more than 1px if the font-size is big, need to take that into account both in position and size renderRect(ctx, bounds.left, Math.round(bounds.top + metrics.baseline + metrics.lineWidth), bounds.width, 1, color); break; case "overline": renderRect(ctx, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, 1, color); break; case "line-through": // TODO try and find exact position for line-through renderRect(ctx, bounds.left, Math.ceil(bounds.top + metrics.middle + metrics.lineWidth), bounds.width, 1, color); break; } textOffset += renderList[c].length; } } } function loadImage (src){ var imgIndex = -1, i, imgLen; if (images.indexOf){ imgIndex = images.indexOf(src); }else{ for(i = 0, imgLen = images.length; i < imgLen.length; i+=1){ if(images[i] === src) { imgIndex = i; break; } } } if (imgIndex > -1){ return images[imgIndex+1]; }else{ return false; } } function clipBounds(src, dst){ var x = Math.max(src.left, dst.left), y = Math.max(src.top, dst.top), x2 = Math.min((src.left + src.width), (dst.left + dst.width)), y2 = Math.min((src.top + src.height), (dst.top + dst.height)); return { left:x, top:y, width:x2-x, height:y2-y }; } function setZ(zIndex, parentZ){ // TODO fix static elements overlapping relative/absolute elements under same stack, if they are defined after them if (!parentZ){ this.zStack = new html2canvas.zContext(0); return this.zStack; } if (zIndex !== "auto"){ needReorder = true; var newContext = new html2canvas.zContext(zIndex); parentZ.children.push(newContext); return newContext; } return parentZ; } function renderBorders(el, ctx, bounds, clip){ /* * TODO add support for different border-style's than solid */ var x = bounds.left, y = bounds.top, w = bounds.width, h = bounds.height, borderSide, borderData, bx, by, bw, bh, borderBounds, borders = (function(el){ var borders = [], sides = ["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"], s; for (s = 0; s < 4; s+=1){ borders.push({ width: getCSS(el, 'border' + sides[s] + 'Width', true), color: getCSS(el, 'border' + sides[s] + 'Color', false) }); } return borders; }(el)); for (borderSide = 0; borderSide < 4; borderSide+=1){ borderData = borders[borderSide]; if (borderData.width>0){ bx = x; by = y; bw = w; bh = h - (borders[2].width); switch(borderSide){ case 0: // top border bh = borders[0].width; break; case 1: // right border bx = x + w - (borders[1].width); bw = borders[1].width; break; case 2: // bottom border by = (by + h) - (borders[2].width); bh = borders[2].width; break; case 3: // left border bw = borders[3].width; break; } borderBounds = { left:bx, top:by, width: bw, height:bh }; if (clip){ borderBounds = clipBounds(borderBounds, clip); } if (borderBounds.width>0 && borderBounds.height>0){ renderRect(ctx, bx, by, borderBounds.width, borderBounds.height, borderData.color); } } } return borders; } function renderFormValue (el, bounds, stack){ var valueWrap = doc.createElement('valuewrap'), cssArr = ['lineHeight','textAlign','fontFamily','color','fontSize','paddingLeft','paddingTop','width','height','border','borderLeftWidth','borderTopWidth'], i, textValue, textNode, arrLen, style; for (i = 0, arrLen = cssArr.length; i < arrLen; i+=1){ style = cssArr[i]; valueWrap.style[style] = getCSS(el, style, false); } valueWrap.style.borderColor = "black"; valueWrap.style.borderStyle = "solid"; valueWrap.style.display = "block"; valueWrap.style.position = "absolute"; if (/^(submit|reset|button|text|password)$/.test(el.type) || el.nodeName === "SELECT"){ valueWrap.style.lineHeight = getCSS(el, "height", false); } valueWrap.style.top = bounds.top + "px"; valueWrap.style.left = bounds.left + "px"; if (el.nodeName === "SELECT"){ // TODO increase accuracy of text position textValue = el.options[el.selectedIndex].text; } else{ textValue = el.value; } textNode = doc.createTextNode(textValue); valueWrap.appendChild(textNode); body.appendChild(valueWrap); renderText(el, textNode, stack); body.removeChild(valueWrap); } function getBackgroundPosition(el, bounds, image){ // TODO add support for multi image backgrounds var bgpos = getCSS(el, "backgroundPosition").split(",")[0] || "0 0", bgposition = bgpos.split(" "), topPos, left, percentage, val; if (bgposition.length === 1){ val = bgposition; bgposition = []; bgposition[0] = val; bgposition[1] = val; } if (bgposition[0].toString().indexOf("%") !== -1){ percentage = (parseFloat(bgposition[0])/100); left = ((bounds.width * percentage)-(image.width*percentage)); }else{ left = parseInt(bgposition[0],10); } if (bgposition[1].toString().indexOf("%") !== -1){ percentage = (parseFloat(bgposition[1])/100); topPos = ((bounds.height * percentage)-(image.height*percentage)); }else{ topPos = parseInt(bgposition[1],10); } return { top: topPos, left: left }; } function renderImage (ctx, image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) { ctx.drawImage( image, sx, //sx sy, //sy sw, //sw sh, //sh dx, //dx dy, // dy dw, //dw dh //dh ); numDraws+=1; } function renderBackgroundRepeat (ctx, image, x, y, width, height, elx, ely){ var sourceX = 0, sourceY=0; if (elx-x>0){ sourceX = elx-x; } if (ely-y>0){ sourceY = ely-y; } renderImage( ctx, image, sourceX, // source X sourceY, // source Y width-sourceX, // source Width height-sourceY, // source Height x+sourceX, // destination X y+sourceY, // destination Y width-sourceX, // destination width height-sourceY // destination height ); } function renderBackgroundRepeatY (ctx, image, bgp, x, y, w, h){ var height, width = Math.min(image.width,w),bgy; bgp.top = bgp.top-Math.ceil(bgp.top/image.height)*image.height; for(bgy=(y+bgp.top);bgyh+y){ height = (h+y)-bgy; }else{ height = image.height; } renderBackgroundRepeat(ctx,image,x+bgp.left,bgy,width,height,x,y); bgy = Math.floor(bgy+image.height); } } function renderBackgroundRepeatX(ctx, image, bgp, x, y, w, h){ var height = Math.min(image.height,h), width,bgx; bgp.left = bgp.left-Math.ceil(bgp.left/image.width)*image.width; for (bgx=(x+bgp.left);bgxw+x){ width = (w+x)-bgx; }else{ width = image.width; } renderBackgroundRepeat(ctx,image,bgx,(y+bgp.top),width,height,x,y); bgx = Math.floor(bgx+image.width); } } function renderBackground(el,bounds,ctx){ // TODO add support for multi background-images var background_image = getCSS(el, "backgroundImage", false), background_repeat = getCSS(el, "backgroundRepeat", false).split(",")[0], image, bgp, bgy, bgw, bgsx, bgsy, bgdx, bgdy, bgh, h, height, add; // if (typeof background_image !== "undefined" && /^(1|none)$/.test(background_image) === false && /^(-webkit|-moz|linear-gradient|-o-)/.test(background_image)===false){ if ( !/data:image\/.*;base64,/i.test(background_image) && !/^(-webkit|-moz|linear-gradient|-o-)/.test(background_image) ) { background_image = background_image.split(",")[0]; } if ( typeof background_image !== "undefined" && /^(1|none)$/.test( background_image ) === false ) { background_image = html2canvas.Util.backgroundImage( background_image ); image = loadImage( background_image ); bgp = getBackgroundPosition(el, bounds, image); if ( image ){ switch ( background_repeat ) { case "repeat-x": renderBackgroundRepeatX( ctx, image, bgp, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, bounds.height ); break; case "repeat-y": renderBackgroundRepeatY( ctx, image, bgp, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, bounds.height ); break; case "no-repeat": /* this.drawBackgroundRepeat( ctx, image, bgp.left+bounds.left, // sx bgp.top+bounds.top, // sy Math.min(bounds.width,image.width), Math.min(bounds.height,image.height), bounds.left, bounds.top );*/ // console.log($(el).css('background-image')); bgw = bounds.width - bgp.left; bgh = bounds.height - bgp.top; bgsx = bgp.left; bgsy = bgp.top; bgdx = bgp.left+bounds.left; bgdy = bgp.top+bounds.top; // // bgw = Math.min(bgw,image.width); // bgh = Math.min(bgh,image.height); if (bgsx<0){ bgsx = Math.abs(bgsx); bgdx += bgsx; bgw = Math.min(bounds.width,image.width-bgsx); }else{ bgw = Math.min(bgw,image.width); bgsx = 0; } if (bgsy<0){ bgsy = Math.abs(bgsy); bgdy += bgsy; // bgh = bgh-bgsy; bgh = Math.min(bounds.height,image.height-bgsy); }else{ bgh = Math.min(bgh,image.height); bgsy = 0; } // bgh = Math.abs(bgh); // bgw = Math.abs(bgw); if (bgh>0 && bgw > 0){ renderImage( ctx, image, bgsx, // source X : 0 bgsy, // source Y : 1695 bgw, // source Width : 18 bgh, // source Height : 1677 bgdx, // destination X :906 bgdy, // destination Y : 1020 bgw, // destination width : 18 bgh // destination height : 1677 ); // ctx.drawImage(image,(bounds.left+bgp.left),(bounds.top+bgp.top)); } break; default: bgp.top = bgp.top-Math.ceil(bgp.top/image.height)*image.height; for(bgy=(bounds.top+bgp.top);bgyh+bgy){ height = (h+bgy)-bgy; }else{ height = image.height; } // console.log(height); if (bgy0){ bgp.top += add; } bgy = Math.floor(bgy+image.height)-add; } break; } }else{ html2canvas.log("Error loading background:" + background_image); //console.log(images); } } } function renderElement(el, parentStack){ var bounds = html2canvas.Util.Bounds(el), x = bounds.left, y = bounds.top, w = bounds.width, h = bounds.height, image, bgcolor = getCSS(el, "backgroundColor", false), cssPosition = getCSS(el, "position", false), zindex, opacity = getCSS(el, "opacity", false), stack, stackLength, borders, ctx, bgbounds, imgSrc, paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom; if (parentStack === undefined){ docDim = docSize(); parentStack = { opacity: 1 }; }else{ docDim = {}; } //var zindex = this.formatZ(this.getCSS(el,"zIndex"),cssPosition,parentStack.zIndex,el.parentNode); zindex = setZ( getCSS( el, "zIndex", false ), parentStack.zIndex ); stack = { ctx: new html2canvas.canvasContext( docDim.width || w , docDim.height || h ), zIndex: zindex, opacity: opacity * parentStack.opacity, cssPosition: cssPosition }; // TODO correct overflow for absolute content residing under a static position if (parentStack.clip){ stack.clip = html2canvas.Util.Extend( {}, parentStack.clip ); //stack.clip = parentStack.clip; // stack.clip.height = stack.clip.height - parentStack.borders[2].width; } if ( options.useOverflow === true && /(hidden|scroll|auto)/.test(getCSS(el, "overflow")) === true && /(BODY)/i.test(el.nodeName) === false ){ if (stack.clip){ stack.clip = clipBounds(stack.clip, bounds); }else{ stack.clip = bounds; } } stackLength = zindex.children.push(stack); ctx = zindex.children[stackLength-1].ctx; ctx.setVariable("globalAlpha", stack.opacity); // draw element borders borders = renderBorders(el, ctx, bounds); stack.borders = borders; // let's modify clip area for child elements, so borders dont get overwritten /* if (stack.clip){ stack.clip.width = stack.clip.width-(borders[1].width); stack.clip.height = stack.clip.height-(borders[2].width); } */ if (ignoreElementsRegExp.test(el.nodeName) && options.iframeDefault !== "transparent"){ if (options.iframeDefault === "default"){ bgcolor = "#efefef"; }else{ bgcolor = options.iframeDefault; } } // draw base element bgcolor bgbounds = { left: x + borders[3].width, top: y + borders[0].width, width: w - (borders[1].width + borders[3].width), height: h - (borders[0].width + borders[2].width) }; //if (this.withinBounds(stack.clip,bgbounds)){ if (stack.clip){ bgbounds = clipBounds(bgbounds, stack.clip); //} } if (bgbounds.height > 0 && bgbounds.width > 0){ renderRect( ctx, bgbounds.left, bgbounds.top, bgbounds.width, bgbounds.height, bgcolor ); renderBackground(el, bgbounds, ctx); } switch(el.nodeName){ case "IMG": imgSrc = el.getAttribute('src'); image = loadImage(imgSrc); if (image){ paddingLeft = getCSS(el, 'paddingLeft', true); paddingTop = getCSS(el, 'paddingTop', true); paddingRight = getCSS(el, 'paddingRight', true); paddingBottom = getCSS(el, 'paddingBottom', true); renderImage( ctx, image, 0, //sx 0, //sy image.width, //sw image.height, //sh x + paddingLeft + borders[3].width, //dx y + paddingTop + borders[0].width, // dy bounds.width - (borders[1].width + borders[3].width + paddingLeft + paddingRight), //dw bounds.height - (borders[0].width + borders[2].width + paddingTop + paddingBottom) //dh ); }else { html2canvas.log("Error loading :" + imgSrc); } break; case "INPUT": // TODO add all relevant type's, i.e. HTML5 new stuff // todo add support for placeholder attribute for browsers which support it if (/^(text|url|email|submit|button|reset)$/.test(el.type) && el.value.length > 0){ renderFormValue(el, bounds, stack); /* this just doesn't work well enough this.newText(el,{ nodeValue:el.value, splitText: function(){ return this; }, formValue:true },stack); */ } break; case "TEXTAREA": if (el.value.length > 0){ renderFormValue(el, bounds, stack); } break; case "SELECT": if (el.options.length > 0){ renderFormValue(el, bounds, stack); } break; case "LI": // this.drawListItem(el,stack,bgbounds); break; } return zindex.children[stackLength - 1]; } function parseElement (el, stack) { // skip hidden elements and their children if (getCSS(el, 'display') !== "none" && getCSS(el, 'visibility') !== "hidden") { stack = renderElement(el, stack) || stack; ctx = stack.ctx; if ( !ignoreElementsRegExp.test( el.nodeName ) ) { var elementChildren = html2canvas.Util.Children( el ), i, node, childrenLen; for (i = 0, childrenLen = elementChildren.length; i < childrenLen; i+=1) { node = elementChildren[i]; if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { parseElement(node, stack); }else if ( node.nodeType === 3 ) { renderText(el, node, stack); } } } } } stack = renderElement(element); // parse every child element for (i = 0, children = element.children, childrenLen = children.length; i < childrenLen; i+=1){ parseElement(children[i], stack); } return stack; }; html2canvas.zContext = function(zindex) { return { zindex: zindex, children: [] }; }; html2canvas.Preload = function(element, opts){ var options = { "proxy": "http://html2canvas.appspot.com/" }, images = [], pageOrigin = window.location.protocol + window.location.host, imagesLoaded = 0, methods, i, count = 0, doc = element.ownerDocument, domImages = doc.images, // TODO probably should limit it to images present in the element only imgLen = domImages.length, link = doc.createElement("a"); opts = opts || {}; options = html2canvas.Util.Extend(opts, options); element = element || doc.body; function isSameOrigin(url){ link.href = url; return ((link.protocol + link.host) === pageOrigin); } function getIndex(array,src){ var i, arrLen; if (array.indexOf){ return array.indexOf(src); }else{ for(i = 0, arrLen = array.length; i < arrLen; i+=1){ if(this[i] === src) { return i; } } return -1; } } function start(){ if (images.length === 0 || imagesLoaded === images.length/2){ /* this.log('Finished loading '+this.imagesLoaded+' images, Started parsing'); this.bodyOverflow = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.overflow = "hidden"; */ if (typeof options.complete === "function"){ options.complete(images); } } } function proxyGetImage(url, img){ link.href = url; url = link.href; // work around for pages with base href="" set var callback_name, scriptUrl = options.proxy, script; callback_name = 'html2canvas_' + count; if (scriptUrl.indexOf("?") > -1) { scriptUrl += "&"; } else { scriptUrl += "?"; } scriptUrl += 'url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&callback=' + callback_name; window[callback_name] = function(a){ if (a.substring(0,6) === "error:"){ images.splice(getIndex(images, url), 2); start(); }else{ img.onload = function(){ imagesLoaded+=1; start(); }; img.src = a; } delete window[callback_name]; }; count += 1; script = doc.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("src", scriptUrl); script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); window.document.body.appendChild(script); /* // enable xhr2 requests where available (no need for base64 / json) $.ajax({ data:{ xhr2:false, url:url }, url: options.proxy, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(a){ if (a.substring(0,6) === "error:"){ images.splice(getIndex(images, url), 2); start(); }else{ img.onload = function(){ imagesLoaded+=1; start(); }; img.src = a; } }, error: function(){ images.splice(getIndex(images, url), 2); start(); } }); */ } function getImages (el) { // if (!this.ignoreRe.test(el.nodeName)){ // var contents = html2canvas.Util.Children(el), i, contentsLen = contents.length, background_image, src, img; for (i = 0; i < contentsLen; i+=1 ){ // var ignRe = new RegExp("("+this.ignoreElements+")"); // if (!ignRe.test(element.nodeName)){ getImages(contents[i]); // } } // } if (el.nodeType === 1 || el.nodeType === undefined){ background_image = html2canvas.Util.getCSS(el, 'backgroundImage'); if ( background_image && background_image !== "1" && background_image !== "none" ) { // TODO add multi image background support if (background_image.substring(0,7) === "-webkit" || background_image.substring(0,3) === "-o-" || background_image.substring(0,4) === "-moz") { img = html2canvas.Generate.Gradient( background_image, html2canvas.Util.Bounds( el ) ); if ( img !== undefined ){ images.push(background_image); images.push(img); imagesLoaded++; start(); } } else { src = html2canvas.Util.backgroundImage(background_image.match(/data:image\/.*;base64,/i) ? background_image : background_image.split(",")[0]); methods.loadImage(src); } /* if (background_image && background_image !== "1" && background_image !== "none" && background_image.substring(0,7) !== "-webkit" && background_image.substring(0,3)!== "-o-" && background_image.substring(0,4) !== "-moz"){ // TODO add multi image background support src = html2canvas.Util.backgroundImage(background_image.split(",")[0]); methods.loadImage(src); */ } } } methods = { loadImage: function( src ) { var img; if ( getIndex(images, src) === -1 ) { if ( src.match(/data:image\/.*;base64,/i) ) { //Base64 src img = new Image(); img.src = src.replace(/url\(['"]{0,}|['"]{0,}\)$/ig, ''); images.push( src ); images.push( img ); imagesLoaded+=1; start(); }else if ( isSameOrigin( src ) ) { images.push( src ); img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { imagesLoaded+=1; start(); }; img.onerror = function() { images.splice( getIndex( images, img.src ), 2 ); start(); }; img.src = src; images.push(img); }else if ( options.proxy ){ // console.log('b'+src); images.push( src ); img = new Image(); proxyGetImage( src, img ); images.push( img ); } } } }; // add something to array images.push('start'); getImages( element ); // load images for (i = 0; i < imgLen; i+=1){ methods.loadImage( domImages[i].getAttribute( "src" ) ); } // remove 'start' images.splice(0, 1); if ( images.length === 0 ) { start(); } return methods; }; html2canvas.canvasContext = function (width, height) { this.storage = []; this.width = width; this.height = height; //this.zIndex; this.fillRect = function(){ this.storage.push( { type: "function", name: "fillRect", 'arguments': arguments }); }; this.drawImage = function () { this.storage.push( { type: "function", name: "drawImage", 'arguments': arguments }); }; this.fillText = function () { this.storage.push( { type: "function", name: "fillText", 'arguments': arguments }); }; this.setVariable = function(variable, value) { this.storage.push( { type: "variable", name: variable, 'arguments': value }); }; return this; }; html2canvas.Renderer = function(parseQueue, opts){ var options = { "width": 0, "height": 0, "renderer": "canvas" }, queue = [], canvas, doc = document; options = html2canvas.Util.Extend(opts, options); function sortZ(zStack){ var subStacks = [], stackValues = [], zStackChildren = zStack.children, s, i, stackLen, zValue, zLen, stackChild, b, subStackLen; for (s = 0, zLen = zStackChildren.length; s < zLen; s+=1){ stackChild = zStackChildren[s]; if (stackChild.children && stackChild.children.length > 0){ subStacks.push(stackChild); stackValues.push(stackChild.zindex); }else{ queue.push(stackChild); } } stackValues.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); for (i = 0, stackLen = stackValues.length; i < stackLen; i+=1){ zValue = stackValues[i]; for (b = 0, subStackLen = subStacks.length; b <= subStackLen; b+=1){ if (subStacks[b].zindex === zValue){ stackChild = subStacks.splice(b, 1); sortZ(stackChild[0]); break; } } } } function canvasRenderer(zStack){ sortZ(zStack.zIndex); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), storageContext, i, queueLen, a, storageLen, renderItem; canvas.width = Math.max(zStack.ctx.width, options.width); canvas.height = Math.max(zStack.ctx.height, options.height); for (i = 0, queueLen = queue.length; i < queueLen; i+=1){ storageContext = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]; storageContext.canvasPosition = storageContext.canvasPosition || {}; //this.canvasRenderContext(storageContext,parentctx); // set common settings for canvas ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"; if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); // console.log(storageContext); ctx.rect(storageContext.clip.left, storageContext.clip.top, storageContext.clip.width, storageContext.clip.height); ctx.clip(); } if (storageContext.ctx.storage){ for (a = 0, storageLen = storageContext.ctx.storage.length; a < storageLen; a+=1){ renderItem = storageContext.ctx.storage[a]; switch(renderItem.type){ case "variable": ctx[renderItem.name] = renderItem['arguments']; break; case "function": if (renderItem.name === "fillRect") { ctx.fillRect( renderItem['arguments'][0], renderItem['arguments'][1], renderItem['arguments'][2], renderItem['arguments'][3] ); }else if(renderItem.name === "fillText") { // console.log(renderItem.arguments[0]); ctx.fillText(renderItem['arguments'][0],renderItem['arguments'][1],renderItem['arguments'][2]); }else if(renderItem.name === "drawImage") { // console.log(renderItem); // console.log(renderItem.arguments[0].width); if (renderItem['arguments'][8] > 0 && renderItem['arguments'][7]){ ctx.drawImage( renderItem['arguments'][0], renderItem['arguments'][1], renderItem['arguments'][2], renderItem['arguments'][3], renderItem['arguments'][4], renderItem['arguments'][5], renderItem['arguments'][6], renderItem['arguments'][7], renderItem['arguments'][8] ); } } break; default: } } } if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.restore(); } } // this.canvasRenderStorage(queue,this.ctx); return canvas; } function svgRenderer(zStack){ sortZ(zStack.zIndex); var svgNS = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", svg = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg"), xlinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", defs = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "defs"), i, a, queueLen, storageLen, storageContext, renderItem, el, settings = {}, text, fontStyle, clipId = 0; svg.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); svg.setAttribute("baseProfile", "full"); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + Math.max(zStack.ctx.width, options.width) + " " + Math.max(zStack.ctx.height, options.height)); svg.setAttribute("width", Math.max(zStack.ctx.width, options.width) + "px"); svg.setAttribute("height", Math.max(zStack.ctx.height, options.height) + "px"); svg.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "none"); svg.appendChild(defs); for (i = 0, queueLen = queue.length; i < queueLen; i+=1){ storageContext = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]; storageContext.canvasPosition = storageContext.canvasPosition || {}; //this.canvasRenderContext(storageContext,parentctx); /* if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); // console.log(storageContext); ctx.rect(storageContext.clip.left, storageContext.clip.top, storageContext.clip.width, storageContext.clip.height); ctx.clip(); }*/ if (storageContext.ctx.storage){ for (a = 0, storageLen = storageContext.ctx.storage.length; a < storageLen; a+=1){ renderItem = storageContext.ctx.storage[a]; switch(renderItem.type){ case "variable": settings[renderItem.name] = renderItem['arguments']; break; case "function": if (renderItem.name === "fillRect") { el = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect"); el.setAttribute("x", renderItem['arguments'][0]); el.setAttribute("y", renderItem['arguments'][1]); el.setAttribute("width", renderItem['arguments'][2]); el.setAttribute("height", renderItem['arguments'][3]); el.setAttribute("fill", settings.fillStyle); svg.appendChild(el); } else if(renderItem.name === "fillText") { el = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "text"); fontStyle = settings.font.split(" "); el.style.fontVariant = fontStyle.splice(0, 1)[0]; el.style.fontWeight = fontStyle.splice(0, 1)[0]; el.style.fontStyle = fontStyle.splice(0, 1)[0]; el.style.fontSize = fontStyle.splice(0, 1)[0]; el.setAttribute("x", renderItem['arguments'][1]); el.setAttribute("y", renderItem['arguments'][2] - (parseInt(el.style.fontSize, 10) + 3)); el.setAttribute("fill", settings.fillStyle); // TODO get proper baseline el.style.dominantBaseline = "text-before-edge"; el.style.fontFamily = fontStyle.join(" "); text = doc.createTextNode(renderItem['arguments'][0]); el.appendChild(text); svg.appendChild(el); } else if(renderItem.name === "drawImage") { if (renderItem['arguments'][8] > 0 && renderItem['arguments'][7]){ // TODO check whether even any clipping is necessary for this particular image el = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "clipPath"); el.setAttribute("id", "clipId" + clipId); text = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "rect"); text.setAttribute("x", renderItem['arguments'][5] ); text.setAttribute("y", renderItem['arguments'][6]); text.setAttribute("width", renderItem['arguments'][3]); text.setAttribute("height", renderItem['arguments'][4]); el.appendChild(text); defs.appendChild(el); el = doc.createElementNS(svgNS, "image"); el.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, "xlink:href", renderItem['arguments'][0].src); el.setAttribute("width", renderItem['arguments'][0].width); el.setAttribute("height", renderItem['arguments'][0].height); el.setAttribute("x", renderItem['arguments'][5] - renderItem['arguments'][1]); el.setAttribute("y", renderItem['arguments'][6] - renderItem['arguments'][2]); el.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#clipId" + clipId + ")"); // el.setAttribute("xlink:href", ); el.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "none"); svg.appendChild(el); clipId += 1; /* ctx.drawImage( renderItem['arguments'][0], renderItem['arguments'][1], renderItem['arguments'][2], renderItem['arguments'][3], renderItem['arguments'][4], renderItem['arguments'][5], renderItem['arguments'][6], renderItem['arguments'][7], renderItem['arguments'][8] ); */ } } break; default: } } } /* if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.restore(); } */ } return svg; } //this.each(this.opts.renderOrder.split(" "),function(i,renderer){ //options.renderer = "svg"; switch(options.renderer.toLowerCase()){ case "canvas": canvas = doc.createElement('canvas'); if (canvas.getContext){ return canvasRenderer(parseQueue); } break; case "svg": if (doc.createElementNS){ return svgRenderer(parseQueue); } break; } //}); return this; };