_html2canvas.Preload = function( options ) { var images = { numLoaded: 0, // also failed are counted here numFailed: 0, numTotal: 0, cleanupDone: false }, pageOrigin, methods, i, count = 0, element = options.elements[0] || document.body, doc = element.ownerDocument, domImages = doc.images, // TODO probably should limit it to images present in the element only imgLen = domImages.length, link = doc.createElement("a"), supportCORS = (function( img ){ return (img.crossOrigin !== undefined); })(new Image()), timeoutTimer; link.href = window.location.href; pageOrigin = link.protocol + link.host; function isSameOrigin(url){ link.href = url; link.href = link.href; // YES, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, that is required for IE9 - http://jsfiddle.net/niklasvh/2e48b/ var origin = link.protocol + link.host; return (origin === pageOrigin); } function start(){ h2clog("html2canvas: start: images: " + images.numLoaded + " / " + images.numTotal + " (failed: " + images.numFailed + ")"); if (!images.firstRun && images.numLoaded >= images.numTotal){ h2clog("Finished loading images: # " + images.numTotal + " (failed: " + images.numFailed + ")"); if (typeof options.complete === "function"){ options.complete(images); } } } // TODO modify proxy to serve images with CORS enabled, where available function proxyGetImage(url, img, imageObj){ var callback_name, scriptUrl = options.proxy, script; link.href = url; url = link.href; // work around for pages with base href="" set - WARNING: this may change the url callback_name = 'html2canvas_' + (count++); imageObj.callbackname = callback_name; if (scriptUrl.indexOf("?") > -1) { scriptUrl += "&"; } else { scriptUrl += "?"; } scriptUrl += 'url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '&callback=' + callback_name; script = doc.createElement("script"); window[callback_name] = function(a){ if (a.substring(0,6) === "error:"){ imageObj.succeeded = false; images.numLoaded++; images.numFailed++; start(); } else { setImageLoadHandlers(img, imageObj); img.src = a; } window[callback_name] = undefined; // to work with IE<9 // NOTE: that the undefined callback property-name still exists on the window object (for IE<9) try { delete window[callback_name]; // for all browser that support this } catch(ex) {} script.parentNode.removeChild(script); script = null; delete imageObj.script; delete imageObj.callbackname; }; script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); script.setAttribute("src", scriptUrl); imageObj.script = script; window.document.body.appendChild(script); } function loadPseudoElement(element, type) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(element, type), content = style.content; if (content.substr(0, 3) === 'url') { methods.loadImage(_html2canvas.Util.parseBackgroundImage(content)[0].args[0]); } loadBackgroundImages(style.backgroundImage, element); } function loadPseudoElementImages(element) { loadPseudoElement(element, ":before"); loadPseudoElement(element, ":after"); } function loadGradientImage(backgroundImage, bounds) { var img = _html2canvas.Generate.Gradient(backgroundImage, bounds); if (img !== undefined){ images[backgroundImage] = { img: img, succeeded: true }; images.numTotal++; images.numLoaded++; start(); } } function invalidBackgrounds(background_image) { return (background_image && background_image.method && background_image.args && background_image.args.length > 0 ); } function loadBackgroundImages(background_image, el) { var bounds; _html2canvas.Util.parseBackgroundImage(background_image).filter(invalidBackgrounds).forEach(function(background_image) { if (background_image.method === 'url') { methods.loadImage(background_image.args[0]); } else if(background_image.method.match(/\-?gradient$/)) { if(bounds === undefined) { bounds = _html2canvas.Util.Bounds(el); } loadGradientImage(background_image.value, bounds); } }); } function getImages (el) { var elNodeType = false; // Firefox fails with permission denied on pages with iframes try { _html2canvas.Util.Children(el).forEach(function(img) { getImages(img); }); } catch( e ) {} try { elNodeType = el.nodeType; } catch (ex) { elNodeType = false; h2clog("html2canvas: failed to access some element's nodeType - Exception: " + ex.message); } if (elNodeType === 1 || elNodeType === undefined) { loadPseudoElementImages(el); try { loadBackgroundImages(_html2canvas.Util.getCSS(el, 'backgroundImage'), el); } catch(e) { h2clog("html2canvas: failed to get background-image - Exception: " + e.message); } loadBackgroundImages(el); } } function setImageLoadHandlers(img, imageObj) { img.onload = function() { if ( imageObj.timer !== undefined ) { // CORS succeeded window.clearTimeout( imageObj.timer ); } images.numLoaded++; imageObj.succeeded = true; img.onerror = img.onload = null; start(); }; img.onerror = function() { if (img.crossOrigin === "anonymous") { // CORS failed window.clearTimeout( imageObj.timer ); // let's try with proxy instead if ( options.proxy ) { var src = img.src; img = new Image(); imageObj.img = img; img.src = src; proxyGetImage( img.src, img, imageObj ); return; } } images.numLoaded++; images.numFailed++; imageObj.succeeded = false; img.onerror = img.onload = null; start(); }; } methods = { loadImage: function( src ) { var img, imageObj; if ( src && images[src] === undefined ) { img = new Image(); if ( src.match(/data:image\/.*;base64,/i) ) { img.src = src.replace(/url\(['"]{0,}|['"]{0,}\)$/ig, ''); imageObj = images[src] = { img: img }; images.numTotal++; setImageLoadHandlers(img, imageObj); } else if ( isSameOrigin( src ) || options.allowTaint === true ) { imageObj = images[src] = { img: img }; images.numTotal++; setImageLoadHandlers(img, imageObj); img.src = src; } else if ( supportCORS && !options.allowTaint && options.useCORS ) { // attempt to load with CORS img.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; imageObj = images[src] = { img: img }; images.numTotal++; setImageLoadHandlers(img, imageObj); img.src = src; // work around for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=80028 img.customComplete = function () { if (!this.img.complete) { this.timer = window.setTimeout(this.img.customComplete, 100); } else { this.img.onerror(); } }.bind(imageObj); img.customComplete(); } else if ( options.proxy ) { imageObj = images[src] = { img: img }; images.numTotal++; proxyGetImage( src, img, imageObj ); } } }, cleanupDOM: function(cause) { var img, src; if (!images.cleanupDone) { if (cause && typeof cause === "string") { h2clog("html2canvas: Cleanup because: " + cause); } else { h2clog("html2canvas: Cleanup after timeout: " + options.timeout + " ms."); } for (src in images) { if (images.hasOwnProperty(src)) { img = images[src]; if (typeof img === "object" && img.callbackname && img.succeeded === undefined) { // cancel proxy image request window[img.callbackname] = undefined; // to work with IE<9 // NOTE: that the undefined callback property-name still exists on the window object (for IE<9) try { delete window[img.callbackname]; // for all browser that support this } catch(ex) {} if (img.script && img.script.parentNode) { img.script.setAttribute("src", "about:blank"); // try to cancel running request img.script.parentNode.removeChild(img.script); } images.numLoaded++; images.numFailed++; h2clog("html2canvas: Cleaned up failed img: '" + src + "' Steps: " + images.numLoaded + " / " + images.numTotal); } } } // cancel any pending requests if(window.stop !== undefined) { window.stop(); } else if(document.execCommand !== undefined) { document.execCommand("Stop", false); } if (document.close !== undefined) { document.close(); } images.cleanupDone = true; if (!(cause && typeof cause === "string")) { start(); } } }, renderingDone: function() { if (timeoutTimer) { window.clearTimeout(timeoutTimer); } } }; if (options.timeout > 0) { timeoutTimer = window.setTimeout(methods.cleanupDOM, options.timeout); } h2clog('html2canvas: Preload starts: finding background-images'); images.firstRun = true; getImages(element); h2clog('html2canvas: Preload: Finding images'); // load images for (i = 0; i < imgLen; i+=1){ methods.loadImage( domImages[i].getAttribute( "src" ) ); } images.firstRun = false; h2clog('html2canvas: Preload: Done.'); if ( images.numTotal === images.numLoaded ) { start(); } return methods; };