/* @flow */ 'use strict'; import type ImageLoader from './ImageLoader'; import type Logger from './Logger'; import StackingContext from './StackingContext'; import NodeContainer from './NodeContainer'; import TextContainer from './TextContainer'; import {inlineInputElement, inlineTextAreaElement, inlineSelectElement} from './Input'; export const NodeParser = ( node: HTMLElement, imageLoader: ImageLoader, logger: Logger ): StackingContext => { const container = new NodeContainer(node, null, imageLoader); const stack = new StackingContext(container, null, true); createPseudoHideStyles(node.ownerDocument); if (__DEV__) { logger.log(`Starting node parsing`); } parseNodeTree(node, container, stack, imageLoader); if (__DEV__) { logger.log(`Finished parsing node tree`); } return stack; }; const IGNORED_NODE_NAMES = ['SCRIPT', 'HEAD', 'TITLE', 'OBJECT', 'BR', 'OPTION']; const URL_REGEXP = /^url\((.+)\)$/i; const PSEUDO_BEFORE = ':before'; const PSEUDO_AFTER = ':after'; const PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_BEFORE = '___html2canvas___pseudoelement_before'; const PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_AFTER = '___html2canvas___pseudoelement_after'; const parseNodeTree = ( node: HTMLElement, parent: NodeContainer, stack: StackingContext, imageLoader: ImageLoader ): void => { for (let childNode = node.firstChild, nextNode; childNode; childNode = nextNode) { nextNode = childNode.nextSibling; const defaultView = childNode.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (childNode instanceof defaultView.Text || childNode instanceof Text) { if (childNode.data.trim().length > 0) { parent.childNodes.push(TextContainer.fromTextNode(childNode, parent)); } } else if ( childNode instanceof defaultView.HTMLElement || childNode instanceof HTMLElement ) { if (IGNORED_NODE_NAMES.indexOf(childNode.nodeName) === -1) { inlinePseudoElement(childNode, PSEUDO_BEFORE); inlinePseudoElement(childNode, PSEUDO_AFTER); const container = new NodeContainer(childNode, parent, imageLoader); if (container.isVisible()) { if (childNode.tagName === 'INPUT') { // $FlowFixMe inlineInputElement(childNode, container); } else if (childNode.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { // $FlowFixMe inlineTextAreaElement(childNode, container); } else if (childNode.tagName === 'SELECT') { // $FlowFixMe inlineSelectElement(childNode, container); } const SHOULD_TRAVERSE_CHILDREN = childNode.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA'; const treatAsRealStackingContext = createsRealStackingContext( container, childNode ); if (treatAsRealStackingContext || createsStackingContext(container)) { // for treatAsRealStackingContext:false, any positioned descendants and descendants // which actually create a new stacking context should be considered part of the parent stacking context const parentStack = treatAsRealStackingContext || container.isPositioned() ? stack.getRealParentStackingContext() : stack; const childStack = new StackingContext( container, parentStack, treatAsRealStackingContext ); parentStack.contexts.push(childStack); if (SHOULD_TRAVERSE_CHILDREN) { parseNodeTree(childNode, container, childStack, imageLoader); } } else { stack.children.push(container); if (SHOULD_TRAVERSE_CHILDREN) { parseNodeTree(childNode, container, stack, imageLoader); } } } } } } }; const inlinePseudoElement = (node: HTMLElement, pseudoElt: ':before' | ':after'): void => { const style = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, pseudoElt); if ( !style || !style.content || style.content === 'none' || style.content === '-moz-alt-content' || style.display === 'none' ) { return; } const content = stripQuotes(style.content); const image = content.match(URL_REGEXP); const anonymousReplacedElement = node.ownerDocument.createElement( image ? 'img' : 'html2canvaspseudoelement' ); if (image) { // $FlowFixMe anonymousReplacedElement.src = stripQuotes(image[1]); } else { anonymousReplacedElement.textContent = content; } anonymousReplacedElement.style = style.cssText; anonymousReplacedElement.className = `${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_BEFORE} ${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_AFTER}`; node.className += pseudoElt === PSEUDO_BEFORE ? ` ${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_BEFORE}` : ` ${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_AFTER}`; if (pseudoElt === PSEUDO_BEFORE) { node.insertBefore(anonymousReplacedElement, node.firstChild); } else { node.appendChild(anonymousReplacedElement); } }; const createsRealStackingContext = (container: NodeContainer, node: HTMLElement): boolean => { return ( container.isRootElement() || container.isPositionedWithZIndex() || container.style.opacity < 1 || container.isTransformed() || isBodyWithTransparentRoot(container, node) ); }; const createsStackingContext = (container: NodeContainer): boolean => { return container.isPositioned() || container.isFloating(); }; const isBodyWithTransparentRoot = (container: NodeContainer, node: HTMLElement): boolean => { return ( node.nodeName === 'BODY' && container.parent instanceof NodeContainer && container.parent.style.background.backgroundColor.isTransparent() ); }; const stripQuotes = (content: string): string => { const first = content.substr(0, 1); return first === content.substr(content.length - 1) && first.match(/['"]/) ? content.substr(1, content.length - 2) : content; }; const PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_STYLE = `{ content: "" !important; display: none !important; }`; const createPseudoHideStyles = (document: Document) => { createStyles( document, `.${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_BEFORE}${PSEUDO_BEFORE}${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_STYLE} .${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_CLASS_AFTER}${PSEUDO_AFTER}${PSEUDO_HIDE_ELEMENT_STYLE}` ); }; const createStyles = (document: Document, styles) => { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = styles; if (document.body) { document.body.appendChild(style); } };