import {testList, ignoredTests} from '../build/reftests'; // @ts-ignore import {default as platform} from 'platform'; // @ts-ignore import Promise from 'es6-promise'; const testRunnerUrl = location.href; const hasHistoryApi = typeof window.history !== 'undefined' && typeof window.history.replaceState !== 'undefined'; const uploadResults = (canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, url: string) => { return new Promise((resolve: () => void, reject: (error: string) => void) => { // @ts-ignore const xhr = 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest() ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new XDomainRequest(); xhr.onload = () => { if (typeof xhr.status !== 'number' || xhr.status === 200) { resolve(); } else { reject(`Failed to send screenshot with status ${xhr.status}`); } }; xhr.onerror = reject;'POST', 'http://localhost:8000/screenshot', true); xhr.send( JSON.stringify({ screenshot: canvas.toDataURL(), test: url, platform: { name:, version: platform.version }, devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, windowWidth: window.innerWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight }) ); }); }; testList .filter(test => { return !Array.isArray(ignoredTests[test]) || ignoredTests[test].indexOf( || '') === -1; }) .forEach(url => { describe(url, function() { this.timeout(60000); this.retries(2); const windowWidth = 800; const windowHeight = 600; const testContainer = document.createElement('iframe'); testContainer.width = windowWidth.toString(); testContainer.height = windowHeight.toString(); = 'hidden'; = 'fixed'; = '10000px'; before(done => { testContainer.onload = () => done(); testContainer.src = url + '?selenium&run=false&reftest&' + Math.random(); if (hasHistoryApi) { // Chrome does not resolve relative background urls correctly inside of a nested iframe try { history.replaceState(null, '', url); } catch (e) {} } document.body.appendChild(testContainer); }); after(() => { if (hasHistoryApi) { try { history.replaceState(null, '', testRunnerUrl); } catch (e) {} } document.body.removeChild(testContainer); }); it('Should render untainted canvas', () => { const contentWindow = testContainer.contentWindow; if (!contentWindow) { throw new Error('Window not found for iframe'); } return ( contentWindow // @ts-ignore .html2canvas(contentWindow.forceElement || contentWindow.document.documentElement, { removeContainer: true, backgroundColor: '#ffffff', proxy: 'http://localhost:8081/proxy', // @ts-ignore ...(contentWindow.h2cOptions || {}) }) .then((canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => { try { (canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D).getImageData( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height ); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject('Canvas is tainted'); } // @ts-ignore if (window.__karma__) { return uploadResults(canvas, url); } }) ); }); }); });