_html2canvas.Renderer.Canvas = function( options ) { options = options || {}; var doc = document, canvas = options.canvas || doc.createElement('canvas'), usingFlashcanvas = false, _createCalled = false, canvasReadyToDraw = false, methods, flashMaxSize = 2880; // flash bitmap limited to 2880x2880px // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2033792/argumenterror-error-2015-invalid-bitmapdata if (canvas.getContext){ h2clog("html2canvas: Renderer: using canvas renderer"); canvasReadyToDraw = true; } else if ( options.flashcanvas !== undefined ){ usingFlashcanvas = true; h2clog("html2canvas: Renderer: canvas not available, using flashcanvas"); var script = doc.createElement("script"); script.src = options.flashcanvas; script.onload = (function(script, func){ var intervalFunc; if (script.onload === undefined) { // IE lack of support for script onload if( script.onreadystatechange !== undefined ) { intervalFunc = function() { if (script.readyState !== "loaded" && script.readyState !== "complete") { window.setTimeout( intervalFunc, 250 ); } else { // it is loaded func(); } }; window.setTimeout( intervalFunc, 250 ); } else { h2clog("html2canvas: Renderer: Can't track when flashcanvas is loaded"); } } else { return func; } })(script, function(){ if (typeof window.FlashCanvas !== "undefined") { h2clog("html2canvas: Renderer: Flashcanvas initialized"); window.FlashCanvas.initElement( canvas ); canvasReadyToDraw = true; if ( _createCalled !== false ) { methods._create.apply( null, _createCalled ); } } }); doc.body.appendChild( script ); } methods = { _create: function( zStack, options, doc, queue, _html2canvas ) { if ( !canvasReadyToDraw ) { _createCalled = arguments; return canvas; } var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), storageContext, i, queueLen, a, newCanvas, bounds, testCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"), hasCTX = ( testCanvas.getContext !== undefined ), storageLen, renderItem, testctx = ( hasCTX ) ? testCanvas.getContext("2d") : {}, safeImages = [], fstyle; canvas.width = canvas.style.width = (!usingFlashcanvas) ? options.width || zStack.ctx.width : Math.min(flashMaxSize, (options.width || zStack.ctx.width) ); canvas.height = canvas.style.height = (!usingFlashcanvas) ? options.height || zStack.ctx.height : Math.min(flashMaxSize, (options.height || zStack.ctx.height) ); fstyle = ctx.fillStyle; ctx.fillStyle = zStack.backgroundColor; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = fstyle; var drawShape = function(args) { var i, len = args.length; ctx.beginPath(); for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { ctx[ args[ i ].name ].apply( ctx, args[ i ]['arguments'] ); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); }; if ( options.svgRendering && zStack.svgRender !== undefined ) { // TODO: enable async rendering to support this ctx.drawImage( zStack.svgRender, 0, 0 ); } else { for ( i = 0, queueLen = queue.length; i < queueLen; i+=1 ) { storageContext = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]; storageContext.canvasPosition = storageContext.canvasPosition || {}; //this.canvasRenderContext(storageContext,parentctx); // set common settings for canvas ctx.textBaseline = "bottom"; if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.save(); ctx.beginPath(); // console.log(storageContext); ctx.rect(storageContext.clip.left, storageContext.clip.top, storageContext.clip.width, storageContext.clip.height); ctx.clip(); } if (storageContext.ctx.storage){ for (a = 0, storageLen = storageContext.ctx.storage.length; a < storageLen; a+=1){ renderItem = storageContext.ctx.storage[a]; switch(renderItem.type){ case "variable": ctx[renderItem.name] = renderItem['arguments']; break; case "function": if (renderItem.name === "fillRect") { if (!usingFlashcanvas || renderItem['arguments'][0] + renderItem['arguments'][2] < flashMaxSize && renderItem['arguments'][1] + renderItem['arguments'][3] < flashMaxSize) { ctx.fillRect.apply( ctx, renderItem['arguments'] ); } } else if (renderItem.name === "drawShape") { drawShape(renderItem['arguments']); } else if (renderItem.name === "fillText") { if (!usingFlashcanvas || renderItem['arguments'][1] < flashMaxSize && renderItem['arguments'][2] < flashMaxSize) { ctx.fillText.apply( ctx, renderItem['arguments'] ); } } else if (renderItem.name === "drawImage") { if (renderItem['arguments'][8] > 0 && renderItem['arguments'][7] > 0) { if ( hasCTX && options.taintTest ) { if ( safeImages.indexOf( renderItem['arguments'][ 0 ].src ) === -1 ) { testctx.drawImage( renderItem['arguments'][ 0 ], 0, 0 ); try { testctx.getImageData( 0, 0, 1, 1 ); } catch(e) { testCanvas = doc.createElement("canvas"); testctx = testCanvas.getContext("2d"); continue; } safeImages.push( renderItem['arguments'][ 0 ].src ); } } ctx.drawImage.apply( ctx, renderItem['arguments'] ); } } break; default: } } } if (storageContext.clip){ ctx.restore(); } } } h2clog("html2canvas: Renderer: Canvas renderer done - returning canvas obj"); queueLen = options.elements.length; if (queueLen === 1) { if (typeof options.elements[ 0 ] === "object" && options.elements[ 0 ].nodeName !== "BODY" && usingFlashcanvas === false) { // crop image to the bounds of selected (single) element bounds = _html2canvas.Util.Bounds( options.elements[ 0 ] ); newCanvas = doc.createElement('canvas'); newCanvas.width = bounds.width; newCanvas.height = bounds.height; ctx = newCanvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage( canvas, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, bounds.height, 0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height ); canvas = null; return newCanvas; } } /*else { // TODO clip and resize multiple elements for ( i = 0; i < queueLen; i+=1 ) { if (options.elements[ i ] instanceof Element) { } } } */ return canvas; } }; return methods; };