/* html2canvas @VERSION@ Copyright (c) 2011 Niklas von Hertzen. All rights reserved. http://www.twitter.com/niklasvh Released under MIT License */ html2canvas = function( elements, opts ) { var queue, canvas, options = { // general logging: false, elements: elements, // preload options proxy: "http://html2canvas.appspot.com/", timeout: 0, // no timeout useCORS: false, // try to load images as CORS (where available), before falling back to proxy allowTaint: false, // whether to allow images to taint the canvas, won't need proxy if set to true // parse options svgRendering: false, // use svg powered rendering where available (FF11+) iframeDefault: "default", ignoreElements: "IFRAME|OBJECT|PARAM", useOverflow: true, letterRendering: false, // render options flashcanvas: undefined, // path to flashcanvas width: null, height: null, taintTest: true // do a taint test with all images before applying to canvas }; options = _html2canvas.Util.Extend(opts, options); options.renderer = options.renderer || _html2canvas.Renderer.Canvas( options ); _html2canvas.logging = options.logging; options.complete = function( images ) { if (typeof options.onpreloaded === "function") { if ( options.onpreloaded( images ) === false ) { return; } } queue = _html2canvas.Parse( images, options ); if (typeof options.onparsed === "function") { if ( options.onparsed( queue ) === false ) { return; } } canvas = _html2canvas.Renderer( queue, options ); if (typeof options.onrendered === "function") { options.onrendered( canvas ); } }; // for pages without images, we still want this to be async, i.e. return methods before executing window.setTimeout( function(){ _html2canvas.Preload( options ); }, 0 ); return { render: function( queue, opts ) { return _html2canvas.Renderer( queue, _html2canvas.Util.Extend(opts, options) ); }, parse: function( images, opts ) { return _html2canvas.Parse( images, _html2canvas.Util.Extend(opts, options) ); }, preload: function( opts ) { return _html2canvas.Preload( _html2canvas.Util.Extend(opts, options) ); }, log: h2clog }; }; html2canvas.log = h2clog; // for renderers html2canvas.Renderer = { Canvas: undefined // We are assuming this will be used };