/* html2canvas @VERSION@ Copyright (c) 2011 Niklas von Hertzen. All rights reserved. http://www.twitter.com/niklasvh Released under MIT License */ /* * New function for traversing elements */ _html2canvas.Parse = function ( images, options ) { window.scroll(0,0); var support = { rangeBounds: false }, element = (( options.elements === undefined ) ? document.body : options.elements[0]), // select body by default needReorder = false, numDraws = 0, fontData = {}, doc = element.ownerDocument, ignoreElementsRegExp = new RegExp("(" + options.ignoreElements + ")"), body = doc.body, r, testElement, rangeBounds, rangeHeight, stack, ctx, docDim, i, children, childrenLen; images = images || {}; // Test whether we can use ranges to measure bounding boxes // Opera doesn't provide valid bounds.height/bottom even though it supports the method. if (doc.createRange) { r = doc.createRange(); //this.support.rangeBounds = new Boolean(r.getBoundingClientRect); if (r.getBoundingClientRect){ testElement = doc.createElement('boundtest'); testElement.style.height = "123px"; testElement.style.display = "block"; body.appendChild(testElement); r.selectNode(testElement); rangeBounds = r.getBoundingClientRect(); rangeHeight = rangeBounds.height; if (rangeHeight === 123) { support.rangeBounds = true; } body.removeChild(testElement); } } /* var rootStack = new this.storageContext($(document).width(),$(document).height()); rootStack.opacity = this.getCSS(this.element,"opacity"); var stack = this.newElement(this.element,rootStack); this.parseElement(this.element,stack); */ function docSize(){ return { width: Math.max( Math.max(doc.body.scrollWidth, doc.documentElement.scrollWidth), Math.max(doc.body.offsetWidth, doc.documentElement.offsetWidth), Math.max(doc.body.clientWidth, doc.documentElement.clientWidth) ), height: Math.max( Math.max(doc.body.scrollHeight, doc.documentElement.scrollHeight), Math.max(doc.body.offsetHeight, doc.documentElement.offsetHeight), Math.max(doc.body.clientHeight, doc.documentElement.clientHeight) ) }; } var getCSS = _html2canvas.Util.getCSS; function getCSSInt(element, attribute) { var val = parseInt(getCSS(element, attribute), 10); return (isNaN(val)) ? 0 : val; // borders in old IE are throwing 'medium' for demo.html } // Drawing a rectangle function renderRect (ctx, x, y, w, h, bgcolor) { if (bgcolor !=="transparent"){ ctx.setVariable("fillStyle", bgcolor); ctx.fillRect (x, y, w, h); numDraws+=1; } } function textTransform (text, transform) { switch(transform){ case "lowercase": return text.toLowerCase(); case "capitalize": return text.replace( /(^|\s|:|-|\(|\))([a-z])/g , function (m, p1, p2) { if (m.length > 0) { return p1 + p2.toUpperCase(); } } ); case "uppercase": return text.toUpperCase(); default: return text; } } function trimText (text) { return text.replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s*$/g, ""); } function fontMetrics (font, fontSize) { if (fontData[font + "-" + fontSize] !== undefined) { return fontData[font + "-" + fontSize]; } var container = doc.createElement('div'), img = doc.createElement('img'), span = doc.createElement('span'), baseline, middle, metricsObj; container.style.visibility = "hidden"; container.style.fontFamily = font; container.style.fontSize = fontSize; container.style.margin = 0; container.style.padding = 0; body.appendChild(container); // http://probablyprogramming.com/2009/03/15/the-tiniest-gif-ever (handtinywhite.gif) img.src = ""; img.width = 1; img.height = 1; img.style.margin = 0; img.style.padding = 0; img.style.verticalAlign = "baseline"; span.style.fontFamily = font; span.style.fontSize = fontSize; span.style.margin = 0; span.style.padding = 0; span.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Hidden Text')); container.appendChild(span); container.appendChild(img); baseline = (img.offsetTop - span.offsetTop) + 1; container.removeChild(span); container.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('Hidden Text')); container.style.lineHeight = "normal"; img.style.verticalAlign = "super"; middle = (img.offsetTop-container.offsetTop) + 1; metricsObj = { baseline: baseline, lineWidth: 1, middle: middle }; fontData[font + "-" + fontSize] = metricsObj; body.removeChild(container); return metricsObj; } function drawText(currentText, x, y, ctx){ if (trimText(currentText).length>0) { ctx.fillText(currentText,x,y); numDraws+=1; } } function renderText(el, textNode, stack) { var ctx = stack.ctx, family = getCSS(el, "fontFamily"), size = getCSS(el, "fontSize"), color = getCSS(el, "color"), text_decoration = getCSS(el, "textDecoration"), text_align = getCSS(el, "textAlign"), letter_spacing = getCSS(el, "letterSpacing"), bounds, text, metrics, renderList, listLen, bold = getCSS(el, "fontWeight"), font_style = getCSS(el, "fontStyle"), font_variant = getCSS(el, "fontVariant"), align = false, newTextNode, textValue, textOffset = 0, oldTextNode, c, range, parent, wrapElement, backupText; // apply text-transform:ation to the text textNode.nodeValue = textTransform(textNode.nodeValue, getCSS(el, "textTransform")); text = trimText(textNode.nodeValue); if (text.length>0){ if (text_decoration !== "none"){ metrics = fontMetrics(family, size); } text_align = text_align.replace(["-webkit-auto"],["auto"]); if (options.letterRendering === false && /^(left|right|justify|auto)$/.test(text_align) && /^(normal|none)$/.test(letter_spacing)){ // this.setContextVariable(ctx,"textAlign",text_align); renderList = textNode.nodeValue.split(/(\b| )/); }else{ // this.setContextVariable(ctx,"textAlign","left"); renderList = textNode.nodeValue.split(""); } switch(parseInt(bold, 10)){ case 401: bold = "bold"; break; case 400: bold = "normal"; break; } ctx.setVariable("fillStyle", color); /* need to be defined in the order as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/fonts.html#font-shorthand to properly work in Firefox */ ctx.setVariable("font", font_style+ " " + font_variant + " " + bold + " " + size + " " + family); if (align){ ctx.setVariable("textAlign", "right"); }else{ ctx.setVariable("textAlign", "left"); } /* if (stack.clip){ ctx.rect (stack.clip.left, stack.clip.top, stack.clip.width, stack.clip.height); ctx.clip(); } */ oldTextNode = textNode; for ( c=0, listLen = renderList.length; c < listLen; c+=1 ) { textValue = null; if (support.rangeBounds){ // getBoundingClientRect is supported for ranges if (text_decoration !== "none" || trimText(renderList[c]).length !== 0) { textValue = renderList[c]; if (doc.createRange){ range = doc.createRange(); range.setStart(textNode, textOffset); range.setEnd(textNode, textOffset + textValue.length); }else{ // TODO add IE support range = body.createTextRange(); } if (range.getBoundingClientRect()) { bounds = range.getBoundingClientRect(); }else{ bounds = {}; } } }else{ // it isn't supported, so let's wrap it inside an element instead and get the bounds there // IE 9 bug if (typeof oldTextNode.nodeValue !== "string" ){ continue; } newTextNode = oldTextNode.splitText(renderList[c].length); parent = oldTextNode.parentNode; wrapElement = doc.createElement('wrapper'); backupText = oldTextNode.cloneNode(true); wrapElement.appendChild(oldTextNode.cloneNode(true)); parent.replaceChild(wrapElement, oldTextNode); bounds = _html2canvas.Util.Bounds(wrapElement); textValue = oldTextNode.nodeValue; oldTextNode = newTextNode; parent.replaceChild(backupText, wrapElement); } if (textValue !== null){ drawText(textValue, bounds.left, bounds.bottom, ctx); } switch(text_decoration) { case "underline": // Draws a line at the baseline of the font // TODO As some browsers display the line as more than 1px if the font-size is big, need to take that into account both in position and size renderRect(ctx, bounds.left, Math.round(bounds.top + metrics.baseline + metrics.lineWidth), bounds.width, 1, color); break; case "overline": renderRect(ctx, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, 1, color); break; case "line-through": // TODO try and find exact position for line-through renderRect(ctx, bounds.left, Math.ceil(bounds.top + metrics.middle + metrics.lineWidth), bounds.width, 1, color); break; } textOffset += renderList[c].length; } } } function listPosition (element, val) { var boundElement = doc.createElement( "boundelement" ), type, bounds; boundElement.style.display = "inline"; //boundElement.style.width = "1px"; //boundElement.style.height = "1px"; type = element.style.listStyleType; element.style.listStyleType = "none"; boundElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( val ) ); element.insertBefore(boundElement, element.firstChild); bounds = _html2canvas.Util.Bounds( boundElement ); element.removeChild( boundElement ); element.style.listStyleType = type; return bounds; } function renderListItem(element, stack, elBounds) { var position = getCSS(element, "listStylePosition"), x, y, type = getCSS(element, "listStyleType"), currentIndex, text, listBounds, bold = getCSS(element, "fontWeight"); if (/^(decimal|decimal-leading-zero|upper-alpha|upper-latin|upper-roman|lower-alpha|lower-greek|lower-latin|lower-roman)$/i.test(type)) { // TODO remove jQuery dependency currentIndex = $(element).index()+1; switch(type){ case "decimal": text = currentIndex; break; case "decimal-leading-zero": if (currentIndex.toString().length === 1){ text = currentIndex = "0" + currentIndex.toString(); }else{ text = currentIndex.toString(); } break; case "upper-roman": text = _html2canvas.Generate.ListRoman( currentIndex ); break; case "lower-roman": text = _html2canvas.Generate.ListRoman( currentIndex ).toLowerCase(); break; case "lower-alpha": text = _html2canvas.Generate.ListAlpha( currentIndex ).toLowerCase(); break; case "upper-alpha": text = _html2canvas.Generate.ListAlpha( currentIndex ); break; } text += ". "; listBounds = listPosition(element, text); switch(bold){ case 401: bold = "bold"; break; case 400: bold = "normal"; break; } ctx.setVariable( "fillStyle", getCSS(element, "color") ); ctx.setVariable( "font", getCSS(element, "fontVariant") + " " + bold + " " + getCSS(element, "fontStyle") + " " + getCSS(element, "fontSize") + " " + getCSS(element, "fontFamily") ); if ( position === "inside" ) { ctx.setVariable("textAlign", "left"); // this.setFont(stack.ctx, element, false); x = elBounds.left; }else{ return; /* TODO really need to figure out some more accurate way to try and find the position. as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#propdef-list-style-position, it does not even have a specified "correct" position, so each browser may display it whatever way it feels like. "The position of the list-item marker adjacent to floats is undefined in CSS 2.1. CSS 2.1 does not specify the precise location of the marker box or its position in the painting order" ctx.setVariable("textAlign", "right"); // this.setFont(stack.ctx, element, true); x = elBounds.left - 10; */ } y = listBounds.bottom; drawText(text, x, y, ctx); } } function loadImage (src){ var img = images[src]; if (img && img.succeeded === true) { return img.img; } else { return false; } } function clipBounds(src, dst){ var x = Math.max(src.left, dst.left), y = Math.max(src.top, dst.top), x2 = Math.min((src.left + src.width), (dst.left + dst.width)), y2 = Math.min((src.top + src.height), (dst.top + dst.height)); return { left:x, top:y, width:x2-x, height:y2-y }; } function setZ(zIndex, parentZ){ // TODO fix static elements overlapping relative/absolute elements under same stack, if they are defined after them var newContext; if (!parentZ){ newContext = h2czContext(0); return newContext; } if (zIndex !== "auto"){ needReorder = true; newContext = h2czContext(zIndex); parentZ.children.push(newContext); return newContext; } return parentZ; } function renderBorders(el, ctx, bounds, clip){ /* * TODO add support for different border-style's than solid */ var x = bounds.left, y = bounds.top, w = bounds.width, h = bounds.height, borderSide, borderData, bx, by, bw, bh, borderBounds, borders = (function(el){ var borders = [], sides = ["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"], s; for (s = 0; s < 4; s+=1){ borders.push({ width: getCSSInt(el, 'border' + sides[s] + 'Width'), color: getCSS(el, 'border' + sides[s] + 'Color') }); } return borders; }(el)); for (borderSide = 0; borderSide < 4; borderSide+=1){ borderData = borders[borderSide]; if (borderData.width>0){ bx = x; by = y; bw = w; bh = h - (borders[2].width); switch(borderSide){ case 0: // top border bh = borders[0].width; break; case 1: // right border bx = x + w - (borders[1].width); bw = borders[1].width; break; case 2: // bottom border by = (by + h) - (borders[2].width); bh = borders[2].width; break; case 3: // left border bw = borders[3].width; break; } borderBounds = { left:bx, top:by, width: bw, height:bh }; if (clip){ borderBounds = clipBounds(borderBounds, clip); } if (borderBounds.width>0 && borderBounds.height>0){ renderRect(ctx, bx, by, borderBounds.width, borderBounds.height, borderData.color); } } } return borders; } function renderFormValue (el, bounds, stack){ var valueWrap = doc.createElement('valuewrap'), cssArr = ['lineHeight','textAlign','fontFamily','color','fontSize','paddingLeft','paddingTop','width','height','border','borderLeftWidth','borderTopWidth'], i, textValue, textNode, arrLen, style; for (i = 0, arrLen = cssArr.length; i < arrLen; i+=1){ style = cssArr[i]; try { valueWrap.style[style] = getCSS(el, style); } catch( e ) { // Older IE has issues with "border" h2clog("html2canvas: Parse: Exception caught in renderFormValue: " + e.message); } } valueWrap.style.borderColor = "black"; valueWrap.style.borderStyle = "solid"; valueWrap.style.display = "block"; valueWrap.style.position = "absolute"; if (/^(submit|reset|button|text|password)$/.test(el.type) || el.nodeName === "SELECT"){ valueWrap.style.lineHeight = getCSS(el, "height"); } valueWrap.style.top = bounds.top + "px"; valueWrap.style.left = bounds.left + "px"; if (el.nodeName === "SELECT"){ // TODO increase accuracy of text position textValue = el.options[el.selectedIndex].text; } else{ textValue = el.value; } textNode = doc.createTextNode(textValue); valueWrap.appendChild(textNode); body.appendChild(valueWrap); renderText(el, textNode, stack); body.removeChild(valueWrap); } function renderImage (ctx, image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) { ctx.drawImage( image, sx, //sx sy, //sy sw, //sw sh, //sh dx, //dx dy, // dy dw, //dw dh //dh ); numDraws+=1; } function renderBackgroundRepeat (ctx, image, x, y, width, height, elx, ely){ var sourceX = 0, sourceY=0; if (elx-x>0){ sourceX = elx-x; } if (ely-y>0){ sourceY = ely-y; } renderImage( ctx, image, sourceX, // source X sourceY, // source Y width-sourceX, // source Width height-sourceY, // source Height x+sourceX, // destination X y+sourceY, // destination Y width-sourceX, // destination width height-sourceY // destination height ); } function renderBackgroundRepeatY (ctx, image, bgp, x, y, w, h){ var height, width = Math.min(image.width,w),bgy; bgp.top = bgp.top-Math.ceil(bgp.top/image.height)*image.height; for(bgy=(y+bgp.top);bgyh+y){ height = (h+y)-bgy; }else{ height = image.height; } renderBackgroundRepeat(ctx,image,x+bgp.left,bgy,width,height,x,y); bgy = Math.floor(bgy+image.height); } } function renderBackgroundRepeatX(ctx, image, bgp, x, y, w, h){ var height = Math.min(image.height,h), width,bgx; bgp.left = bgp.left-Math.ceil(bgp.left/image.width)*image.width; for (bgx=(x+bgp.left);bgxw+x){ width = (w+x)-bgx; }else{ width = image.width; } renderBackgroundRepeat(ctx,image,bgx,(y+bgp.top),width,height,x,y); bgx = Math.floor(bgx+image.width); } } function renderBackground(el,bounds,ctx){ // TODO add support for multi background-images var background_image = getCSS(el, "backgroundImage"), background_repeat = getCSS(el, "backgroundRepeat").split(",")[0], image, bgp, bgy, bgw, bgsx, bgsy, bgdx, bgdy, bgh, h, height, add; // if (typeof background_image !== "undefined" && /^(1|none)$/.test(background_image) === false && /^(-webkit|-moz|linear-gradient|-o-)/.test(background_image)===false){ if ( !/data:image\/.*;base64,/i.test(background_image) && !/^(-webkit|-moz|linear-gradient|-o-)/.test(background_image) ) { background_image = background_image.split(",")[0]; } if ( typeof background_image !== "undefined" && /^(1|none)$/.test( background_image ) === false ) { background_image = _html2canvas.Util.backgroundImage( background_image ); image = loadImage( background_image ); bgp = _html2canvas.Util.BackgroundPosition(el, bounds, image); if ( image ){ switch ( background_repeat ) { case "repeat-x": renderBackgroundRepeatX( ctx, image, bgp, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, bounds.height ); break; case "repeat-y": renderBackgroundRepeatY( ctx, image, bgp, bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.width, bounds.height ); break; case "no-repeat": /* this.drawBackgroundRepeat( ctx, image, bgp.left+bounds.left, // sx bgp.top+bounds.top, // sy Math.min(bounds.width,image.width), Math.min(bounds.height,image.height), bounds.left, bounds.top );*/ // console.log($(el).css('background-image')); bgw = bounds.width - bgp.left; bgh = bounds.height - bgp.top; bgsx = bgp.left; bgsy = bgp.top; bgdx = bgp.left+bounds.left; bgdy = bgp.top+bounds.top; // // bgw = Math.min(bgw,image.width); // bgh = Math.min(bgh,image.height); if (bgsx<0){ bgsx = Math.abs(bgsx); bgdx += bgsx; bgw = Math.min(bounds.width,image.width-bgsx); }else{ bgw = Math.min(bgw,image.width); bgsx = 0; } if (bgsy<0){ bgsy = Math.abs(bgsy); bgdy += bgsy; // bgh = bgh-bgsy; bgh = Math.min(bounds.height,image.height-bgsy); }else{ bgh = Math.min(bgh,image.height); bgsy = 0; } if (bgh>0 && bgw > 0){ renderImage( ctx, image, bgsx, // source X : 0 bgsy, // source Y : 1695 bgw, // source Width : 18 bgh, // source Height : 1677 bgdx, // destination X :906 bgdy, // destination Y : 1020 bgw, // destination width : 18 bgh // destination height : 1677 ); } break; default: bgp.top = bgp.top-Math.ceil(bgp.top/image.height)*image.height; for(bgy=(bounds.top+bgp.top);bgyh+bgy){ height = (h+bgy)-bgy; }else{ height = image.height; } // console.log(height); if (bgy0){ bgp.top += add; } bgy = Math.floor(bgy+image.height)-add; } break; } }else{ h2clog("html2canvas: Error loading background:" + background_image); //console.log(images); } } } function renderElement(el, parentStack){ var bounds = _html2canvas.Util.Bounds(el), x = bounds.left, y = bounds.top, w = bounds.width, h = bounds.height, image, bgcolor = getCSS(el, "backgroundColor"), cssPosition = getCSS(el, "position"), zindex, opacity = getCSS(el, "opacity"), stack, stackLength, borders, ctx, bgbounds, imgSrc, paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom; if (!parentStack){ docDim = docSize(); parentStack = { opacity: 1 }; }else{ docDim = {}; } //var zindex = this.formatZ(this.getCSS(el,"zIndex"),cssPosition,parentStack.zIndex,el.parentNode); zindex = setZ( getCSS( el, "zIndex"), parentStack.zIndex ); stack = { ctx: h2cRenderContext( docDim.width || w , docDim.height || h ), zIndex: zindex, opacity: opacity * parentStack.opacity, cssPosition: cssPosition }; // TODO correct overflow for absolute content residing under a static position if (parentStack.clip){ stack.clip = _html2canvas.Util.Extend( {}, parentStack.clip ); //stack.clip = parentStack.clip; // stack.clip.height = stack.clip.height - parentStack.borders[2].width; } if ( options.useOverflow === true && /(hidden|scroll|auto)/.test(getCSS(el, "overflow")) === true && /(BODY)/i.test(el.nodeName) === false ){ if (stack.clip){ stack.clip = clipBounds(stack.clip, bounds); }else{ stack.clip = bounds; } } stackLength = zindex.children.push(stack); ctx = zindex.children[stackLength-1].ctx; ctx.setVariable("globalAlpha", stack.opacity); // draw element borders borders = renderBorders(el, ctx, bounds, false); stack.borders = borders; // let's modify clip area for child elements, so borders dont get overwritten /* if (stack.clip){ stack.clip.width = stack.clip.width-(borders[1].width); stack.clip.height = stack.clip.height-(borders[2].width); } */ if (ignoreElementsRegExp.test(el.nodeName) && options.iframeDefault !== "transparent"){ if (options.iframeDefault === "default"){ bgcolor = "#efefef"; }else{ bgcolor = options.iframeDefault; } } // draw base element bgcolor bgbounds = { left: x + borders[3].width, top: y + borders[0].width, width: w - (borders[1].width + borders[3].width), height: h - (borders[0].width + borders[2].width) }; //if (this.withinBounds(stack.clip,bgbounds)){ if (stack.clip){ bgbounds = clipBounds(bgbounds, stack.clip); //} } if (bgbounds.height > 0 && bgbounds.width > 0){ renderRect( ctx, bgbounds.left, bgbounds.top, bgbounds.width, bgbounds.height, bgcolor ); renderBackground(el, bgbounds, ctx); } switch(el.nodeName){ case "IMG": imgSrc = el.getAttribute('src'); image = loadImage(imgSrc); if (image){ paddingLeft = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingLeft'); paddingTop = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingTop'); paddingRight = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingRight'); paddingBottom = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingBottom'); renderImage( ctx, image, 0, //sx 0, //sy image.width, //sw image.height, //sh x + paddingLeft + borders[3].width, //dx y + paddingTop + borders[0].width, // dy bounds.width - (borders[1].width + borders[3].width + paddingLeft + paddingRight), //dw bounds.height - (borders[0].width + borders[2].width + paddingTop + paddingBottom) //dh ); }else{ h2clog("html2canvas: Error loading :" + imgSrc); } break; case "INPUT": // TODO add all relevant type's, i.e. HTML5 new stuff // todo add support for placeholder attribute for browsers which support it if (/^(text|url|email|submit|button|reset)$/.test(el.type) && el.value.length > 0){ renderFormValue(el, bounds, stack); /* this just doesn't work well enough this.newText(el,{ nodeValue:el.value, splitText: function(){ return this; }, formValue:true },stack); */ } break; case "TEXTAREA": if (el.value.length > 0){ renderFormValue(el, bounds, stack); } break; case "SELECT": if (el.options.length > 0){ renderFormValue(el, bounds, stack); } break; case "LI": renderListItem(el, stack, bgbounds); break; case "CANVAS": paddingLeft = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingLeft'); paddingTop = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingTop'); paddingRight = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingRight'); paddingBottom = getCSSInt(el, 'paddingBottom'); renderImage( ctx, el, 0, //sx 0, //sy el.width, //sw el.height, //sh x + paddingLeft + borders[3].width, //dx y + paddingTop + borders[0].width, // dy bounds.width - (borders[1].width + borders[3].width + paddingLeft + paddingRight), //dw bounds.height - (borders[0].width + borders[2].width + paddingTop + paddingBottom) //dh ); break; } return zindex.children[stackLength - 1]; } function parseElement (el, stack) { // skip hidden elements and their children if (getCSS(el, 'display') !== "none" && getCSS(el, 'visibility') !== "hidden") { stack = renderElement(el, stack) || stack; ctx = stack.ctx; if ( !ignoreElementsRegExp.test( el.nodeName ) ) { var elementChildren = _html2canvas.Util.Children( el ), i, node, childrenLen; for (i = 0, childrenLen = elementChildren.length; i < childrenLen; i+=1) { node = elementChildren[i]; if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) { parseElement(node, stack); }else if ( node.nodeType === 3 ) { renderText(el, node, stack); } } } } } stack = renderElement(element, null); // parse every child element for (i = 0, children = element.children, childrenLen = children.length; i < childrenLen; i+=1){ parseElement(children[i], stack); } stack.backgroundColor = getCSS( body, "backgroundColor" ); return stack; }; function h2czContext(zindex) { return { zindex: zindex, children: [] }; }