import {expect} from 'chai'; import parseRefTest from '../scripts/parse-reftest'; import reftests from './reftests'; import querystring from 'querystring'; import platform from 'platform'; import Promise from 'promise-polyfill'; const DOWNLOAD_REFTESTS = false; const query = querystring.parse(^\?/, '')); const downloadResult = (filename, data) => { const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain'})); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = downloadUrl; = filename; setTimeout(() => {; URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl); document.body.removeChild(a); }, 100); document.body.appendChild(a); }; const assertPath = (result, expected, desc) => { expect(result.length).to.equal(expected.length, `${desc} path length`); expected.forEach((e, i) => { const r = result[i]; expect(r.type).to.equal(e.type, `${desc} type`); if (Array.isArray(r)) { assertPath(r, e, desc); } else { switch (r.type) { case 'Circle': expect(r.x), 10, `${desc} Circle #${i + 1} x`); expect(r.y), 10, `${desc} Circle #${i + 1} y`); expect(r.r), 5, `${desc} Circle #${i + 1} r`); break; case 'Vector': expect(r.x), 10, `${desc} vector #${i + 1} x`); expect(r.y), 10, `${desc} vector #${i + 1} y`); break; case 'BezierCurve': expect(r.x0), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} x0`); expect(r.y0), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} y0`); expect(r.x1), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} x1`); expect(r.y1), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} y1`); expect(r.cx0), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} cx0`); expect(r.cy0), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} cy0`); expect(r.cx1), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} cx1`); expect(r.cy1), 10, `${desc} beziercurve #${i + 1} cy1`); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown path type ${r.type}`); } } }); }; (() => { const testRunnerUrl = location.href; const hasHistoryApi = typeof window.history !== 'undefined' && typeof window.history.replaceState !== 'undefined'; if (typeof reftests === 'undefined') { it('Test harness prerequisite check', () => { throw new Error( 'No reftests list defined, run "npm run create-reftest-list" to create it' ); }); } else { Object.keys(reftests.testList) .filter(test => { return ( !Array.isArray(reftests.ignoredTests[test]) || reftests.ignoredTests[test].indexOf( === -1 ); }) .forEach(url => { describe(url, function() { this.timeout(60000); this.retries(2); const windowWidth = 800; const windowHeight = 600; const testContainer = document.createElement('iframe'); const REFTEST = reftests.testList[url]; testContainer.width = windowWidth; testContainer.height = windowHeight; = 'hidden'; = 'fixed'; = '10000px'; before(done => { testContainer.onload = () => done(); testContainer.src = url + '?selenium&run=false&reftest&' + Math.random(); if (hasHistoryApi) { // Chrome does not resolve relative background urls correctly inside of a nested iframe try { history.replaceState(null, '', url); } catch (e) {} } document.body.appendChild(testContainer); }); after(() => { if (hasHistoryApi) { try { history.replaceState(null, '', testRunnerUrl); } catch (e) {} } document.body.removeChild(testContainer); }); it('Should render untainted canvas', () => { return testContainer.contentWindow .html2canvas( testContainer.contentWindow.forceElement || testContainer.contentWindow.document.documentElement, { removeContainer: true, backgroundColor: '#ffffff', proxy: 'http://localhost:8081/proxy', ...(testContainer.contentWindow.h2cOptions || {}) } ) .then(canvas => { try { canvas .getContext('2d') .getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject('Canvas is tainted'); } const delta = 10; if (REFTEST && query.refTest === 'true') { const RESULTS = parseRefTest(result); REFTEST.forEach(({action, line, ...args}, i) => { const RESULT = RESULTS[i]; expect(RESULT.action).to.equal(action, `Line ${line}`); const desc = `Line ${line} ${action}`; switch (action) { case 'Window': expect(RESULT.width).to.equal( args.width, `${desc} width` ); expect(RESULT.height) args.height, delta, `${desc} height` ); break; case 'Rectangle': expect(RESULT.x).to.equal(args.x, `${desc} x`); expect(RESULT.y).to.equal(args.y, `${desc} y`); expect(RESULT.width).to.equal( args.width, `${desc} width` ); expect(RESULT.height) args.height, delta, `${desc} height` ); break; case 'Fill': expect(RESULT.color).to.equal( args.color, `${desc} color` ); break; case 'Opacity': expect(RESULT.opacity).to.equal( args.opacity, `${desc} opacity` ); break; case 'Text': expect(RESULT.font).to.equal( args.font, `${desc} font` ); break; case 'T': expect(RESULT.x) args.x, 10, `${desc} x` ); expect(RESULT.y) args.y, 10, `${desc} y` ); expect(RESULT.text).to.equal( args.text, `${desc} text` ); break; case 'Transform': expect(RESULT.x) args.x, 10, `${desc} x` ); expect(RESULT.y) args.y, 10, `${desc} y` ); expect(RESULT.matrix).to.equal( args.matrix, `${desc} matrix` ); break; case 'Repeat': expect(RESULT.x) args.x, 10, `${desc} x` ); expect(RESULT.y) args.y, 10, `${desc} y` ); expect(RESULT.width) args.width, 3, `${desc} width` ); expect(RESULT.height) args.height, 3, `${desc} height` ); expect(RESULT.imageSrc).to.equal( args.imageSrc, `${desc} imageSrc` ); assertPath(RESULT.path, args.path, desc); break; case 'Gradient': expect(RESULT.x) args.x, 10, `${desc} x` ); expect(RESULT.y) args.y, 10, `${desc} y` ); expect(RESULT.x0) args.x0, 5, `${desc} x0` ); expect(RESULT.y0) args.y0, 5, `${desc} y0` ); expect(RESULT.x1) args.x1, 5, `${desc} x1` ); expect(RESULT.y1) args.y1, 5, `${desc} y1` ); expect(RESULT.stops).to.equal( args.stops, `${desc} stops` ); expect(RESULT.width).to.equal( args.width, `${desc} width` ); expect(RESULT.height).to.equal( args.height, `${desc} height` ); break; case 'Draw image': expect(RESULT.imageSrc).to.equal( args.imageSrc, `${desc} stops` ); expect(, `${desc} sx`); expect(, `${desc} sy`); expect(RESULT.dx).to.equal(args.dx, `${desc} dx`); expect(RESULT.dy).to.equal(args.dy, `${desc} dy`); expect(RESULT.sw).to.equal(args.sw, `${desc} sw`); expect(, `${desc} sh`); expect(RESULT.dw).to.equal(args.dw, `${desc} dw`); expect(RESULT.dh).to.equal(args.dh, `${desc} dh`); break; case 'Clip': assertPath(RESULT.path, args.path, desc); break; case 'Shape': expect(RESULT.color).to.equal( args.color, `${desc} color` ); assertPath(RESULT.path, args.path, desc); break; default: console.log(RESULT); throw new Error(`Unrecognized action ${action}`); } }); } else if (DOWNLOAD_REFTESTS) { downloadResult( url .slice(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) .replace(/\.html$/i, '.txt'), result ); } if (window.__karma__) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest() ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new XDomainRequest(); xhr.onload = () => { if ( typeof xhr.status !== 'number' || xhr.status === 200 ) { resolve(); } else { reject( `Failed to send screenshot with status ${xhr.status}` ); } }; xhr.onerror = reject;'POST', 'http://localhost:8000/screenshot', true); xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ screenshot: canvas.toDataURL(), test: url, platform: { name:, version: platform.version }, devicePixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, windowWidth: window.innerWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight })); }); } }); }); }); }); } })();