2021-08-13 17:32:55 +08:00

176 lines
6.3 KiB

import {Bounds, parseBounds, parseDocumentSize} from './css/layout/bounds';
import {COLORS, isTransparent, parseColor} from './css/types/color';
import {CloneConfigurations, CloneOptions, DocumentCloner, WindowOptions} from './dom/document-cloner';
import {isBodyElement, isHTMLElement, parseTree} from './dom/node-parser';
import {CacheStorage} from './core/cache-storage';
import {CanvasRenderer, RenderConfigurations, RenderOptions} from './render/canvas/canvas-renderer';
import {ForeignObjectRenderer} from './render/canvas/foreignobject-renderer';
import {Context, ContextOptions} from './core/context';
export type Options = CloneOptions &
WindowOptions &
RenderOptions &
ContextOptions & {
backgroundColor: string | null;
foreignObjectRendering: boolean;
removeContainer?: boolean;
const html2canvas = (element: HTMLElement, options: Partial<Options> = {}): Promise<HTMLCanvasElement> => {
return renderElement(element, options);
export default html2canvas;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
const renderElement = async (element: HTMLElement, opts: Partial<Options>): Promise<HTMLCanvasElement> => {
if (!element || typeof element !== 'object') {
return Promise.reject('Invalid element provided as first argument');
const ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;
if (!ownerDocument) {
throw new Error(`Element is not attached to a Document`);
const defaultView = ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (!defaultView) {
throw new Error(`Document is not attached to a Window`);
const resourceOptions = {
allowTaint: opts.allowTaint ?? false,
imageTimeout: opts.imageTimeout ?? 15000,
proxy: opts.proxy,
useCORS: opts.useCORS ?? false
const contextOptions = {
logging: opts.logging ?? true,
cache: opts.cache,
const windowOptions = {
windowWidth: opts.windowWidth ?? defaultView.innerWidth,
windowHeight: opts.windowHeight ?? defaultView.innerHeight,
scrollX: opts.scrollX ?? defaultView.pageXOffset,
scrollY: opts.scrollY ?? defaultView.pageYOffset
const windowBounds = new Bounds(
const context = new Context(contextOptions, windowBounds);
const foreignObjectRendering = opts.foreignObjectRendering ?? false;
const cloneOptions: CloneConfigurations = {
allowTaint: opts.allowTaint ?? false,
onclone: opts.onclone,
ignoreElements: opts.ignoreElements,
inlineImages: foreignObjectRendering,
copyStyles: foreignObjectRendering
`Starting document clone with size ${windowBounds.width}x${
} scrolled to ${-windowBounds.left},${}`
const documentCloner = new DocumentCloner(context, element, cloneOptions);
const clonedElement = documentCloner.clonedReferenceElement;
if (!clonedElement) {
return Promise.reject(`Unable to find element in cloned iframe`);
const container = await documentCloner.toIFrame(ownerDocument, windowBounds);
const {width, height, left, top} =
isBodyElement(clonedElement) || isHTMLElement(clonedElement)
? parseDocumentSize(clonedElement.ownerDocument)
: parseBounds(context, clonedElement);
const backgroundColor = parseBackgroundColor(context, clonedElement, opts.backgroundColor);
const renderOptions: RenderConfigurations = {
canvas: opts.canvas,
scale: opts.scale ?? defaultView.devicePixelRatio ?? 1,
x: (opts.x ?? 0) + left,
y: (opts.y ?? 0) + top,
width: opts.width ?? Math.ceil(width),
height: opts.height ?? Math.ceil(height)
let canvas;
if (foreignObjectRendering) {
context.logger.debug(`Document cloned, using foreign object rendering`);
const renderer = new ForeignObjectRenderer(context, renderOptions);
canvas = await renderer.render(clonedElement);
} else {
`Document cloned, element located at ${left},${top} with size ${width}x${height} using computed rendering`
context.logger.debug(`Starting DOM parsing`);
const root = parseTree(context, clonedElement);
if (backgroundColor === root.styles.backgroundColor) {
root.styles.backgroundColor = COLORS.TRANSPARENT;
`Starting renderer for element at ${renderOptions.x},${renderOptions.y} with size ${renderOptions.width}x${renderOptions.height}`
const renderer = new CanvasRenderer(context, renderOptions);
canvas = await renderer.render(root);
if (opts.removeContainer ?? true) {
if (!DocumentCloner.destroy(container)) {
context.logger.error(`Cannot detach cloned iframe as it is not in the DOM anymore`);
context.logger.debug(`Finished rendering`);
return canvas;
const parseBackgroundColor = (context: Context, element: HTMLElement, backgroundColorOverride?: string | null) => {
const ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;
const documentBackgroundColor = ownerDocument.documentElement
? parseColor(context, getComputedStyle(ownerDocument.documentElement).backgroundColor as string)
const bodyBackgroundColor = ownerDocument.body
? parseColor(context, getComputedStyle(ownerDocument.body).backgroundColor as string)
const defaultBackgroundColor =
typeof backgroundColorOverride === 'string'
? parseColor(context, backgroundColorOverride)
: backgroundColorOverride === null
: 0xffffffff;
return element === ownerDocument.documentElement
? isTransparent(documentBackgroundColor)
? isTransparent(bodyBackgroundColor)
? defaultBackgroundColor
: bodyBackgroundColor
: documentBackgroundColor
: defaultBackgroundColor;