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2018-11-27 21:05:50 +03:00
from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, response, FormsDict
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
2018-11-27 21:05:50 +03:00
import urllib
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
import waitress
import os
import datetime
2018-11-26 18:21:07 +03:00
import cleanup
import sys
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
SCROBBLES = [] # Format: tuple(track_ref,timestamp,saved)
ARTISTS = [] # Format: artist
TRACKS = [] # Format: tuple(frozenset(artist_ref,...),title)
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
lastsync = 0
# by id
#def getScrobbleObject(o):
# #return {"artists":getTrackObject(SCROBBLES[o][0])["artists"],"title":getTrackObject(SCROBBLES[o][0])["title"],"time":SCROBBLES[o][1],"saved":SCROBBLES[o][2]}
# return {"artists":getTrackObject(SCROBBLES[o][0])["artists"],"title":getTrackObject(SCROBBLES[o][0])["title"],"time":SCROBBLES[o][1]}
#def getArtistObject(o):
# return ARTISTS[o]
#def getTrackObject(o):
# return {"artists":[getArtistObject(a) for a in TRACKS[o][0]],"title":TRACKS[o][1]}
# by object
def getScrobbleObject(o):
track = getTrackObject(TRACKS[o[0]])
return {"artists":track["artists"],"title":track["title"],"time":o[1]}
def getArtistObject(o):
return o
def getTrackObject(o):
artists = [getArtistObject(ARTISTS[a]) for a in o[0]]
return {"artists":artists,"title":o[1]}
def createScrobble(artists,title,time):
i = getTrackID(artists,title)
obj = (i,time,False)
def readScrobble(artists,title,time):
i = getTrackID(artists,title)
obj = (i,time,True)
def getArtistID(name):
obj = name
i = ARTISTS.index(obj)
i = len(ARTISTS)
return i
def getTrackID(artists,title):
artistset = set()
for a in artists:
obj = (frozenset(artistset),title)
i = TRACKS.index(obj)
i = len(TRACKS)
return i
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
def get_scrobbles():
keys = request.query
2018-11-27 18:21:33 +03:00
r = db_query(artist=keys.get("artist"),track=keys.get("track"),since=keys.get("since"),to=keys.get("to"))
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
2018-11-25 21:31:03 +03:00
return {"list":r} ##json can't be a list apparently???
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
def get_tracks():
artist = request.query.get("artist")
# Option 1
ls = [getTrackObject(t) for t in TRACKS if (artist in t[0]) or (artist==None)]
# Option 2 is a bit more elegant but much slower
#tracklist = [getTrackObject(t) for t in TRACKS]
#ls = [t for t in tracklist if (artist in t["artists"]) or (artist==None)]
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
return {"list":ls}
def get_artists():
2018-11-25 21:31:03 +03:00
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
return {"list":ARTISTS}
def get_charts():
since = request.query.get("since")
to = request.query.get("to")
#better do something here to sum up the totals on db level (before converting to dicts)
#results = db_query(since=since,to=to)
#return {"list":results}
2018-11-26 18:21:07 +03:00
def post_scrobble():
2018-11-27 21:05:50 +03:00
keys = FormsDict.decode(request.query) # The Dal★Shabet handler
#import bottle.FormsDict
#artists = urllib.parse.unquote(keys.get("artist"),encoding='utf-8')
#title = urllib.parse.unquote(keys.get("title"))
2018-11-26 18:21:07 +03:00
artists = keys.get("artist")
title = keys.get("title")
2018-11-28 17:33:30 +03:00
time = int(keys.get("time"))
2018-11-26 18:21:07 +03:00
(artists,title) = cleanup.fullclean(artists,title)
2018-11-28 17:33:30 +03:00
if time is None:
time = int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
2018-11-26 18:21:07 +03:00
## this is necessary for localhost testing
2018-11-26 18:21:07 +03:00
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
if (time - lastsync) > 3600:
return ""
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
def abouttoshutdown():
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
# Starts the server
def runserver(DATABASE_PORT):
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
global lastsync
lastsync = time = int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
run(host='', port=DATABASE_PORT, server='waitress')
def build_db():
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
2018-11-25 21:31:03 +03:00
for t in SCROBBLES:
if not t[2]:
for f in os.listdir("logs/"):
if not (".tsv" in f):
logfile = open("logs/" + f)
for l in logfile:
l = l.replace("\n","")
data = l.split("\t")
## saving album in the scrobbles is supported, but for now we don't use it. It shouldn't be a defining part of the track (same song from Album or EP), but derived information
artists = data[1].split("")
#album = data[3]
title = data[2]
time = int(data[0])
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
# builds database of artists and tracks
# UNUSED as it is very resource-heavy, use buildh() instead
def build():
global ARTISTS
global TRACKS
artistlist = []
tracklist = []
for t in DATABASE:
for a in t["artists"]:
if a in artistlist:
# first check if the title exists at all to quickly rule out most titles
if (t["title"] in [tr["title"] for tr in tracklist]):
#only it same title actually exists do we need to check if the song is the same
if not (set(t["artists"]) in [set(tr["artists"]) for tr in tracklist if tr["title"] == t["title"]]): #wut
#foundexisting = False
#for track in [tr for tr in tracklist if tr["title"] == t["title"]]: #wtf did I just write
# #print("Check duplicate: " + str(track) + " AND " + str(t))
# if (set(track["artists"]) == set(t["artists"])):
# foundexisting = True
# #print("MATCH!")
# break
# #else:
# #print("NO MATCH!")
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
#if not foundexisting:
# tracklist.append({"artists":t["artists"],"title":t["title"]})
ARTISTS = artistlist
TRACKS = tracklist
# builds database of artists and tracks
# uses better data types to quickly find all unique tracks
# now also UNUSED since we build everything in one step with build_db()
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
def buildh():
global ARTISTS
global TRACKS
artistset = set()
trackset = set()
for t in DATABASE:
for a in t["artists"]:
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
#if a not in artistset:
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
# we list the tracks as tupels of frozenset(artists) and track
# this way they're hashable and easily comparable, but we need to change them back after we have the list
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
#if ((frozenset(t["artists"]),t["title"])) not in trackset:
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
print("Done, now converting back!")
ARTISTS = list(artistset)
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
#TRACKS = [{"artists":list(a[0]),"title":a[1]} for a in trackset]
#actually lets only convert this once we need it, kinda makes sense to store it in the tuple frozenset form
TRACKS = list(trackset)
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
# Rebuilds the database from disk, keeps cached entries
# unused, this is now done in build_db()
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
def reload():
newdb = [t for t in DATABASE if not t["saved"]]
for f in os.listdir("logs/"):
if not (".csv" in f):
logfile = open("logs/" + f)
for l in logfile:
l = l.replace("\n","")
data = l.split(",")
2018-11-25 16:49:53 +03:00
## saving album in the scrobbles is supported, but for now we don't use it. It shouldn't be a defining part of the track (same song from Album or EP), but derived information
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
artists = data[1].split("/")
#album = data[3]
title = data[2]
time = int(data[0])
# Saves all cached entries to disk
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
def sync():
2018-11-27 21:05:50 +03:00
for idx in range(len(SCROBBLES)):
if not SCROBBLES[idx][2]:
2018-11-25 21:31:03 +03:00
2018-11-27 21:05:50 +03:00
t = getScrobbleObject(SCROBBLES[idx])
2018-11-25 21:31:03 +03:00
artistss = "".join(t["artists"])
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
timestamp = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(t["time"])
entry = "\t".join([str(t["time"]),artistss,t["title"]])
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
monthfile = open("logs/" + str(timestamp.year) + "_" + str(timestamp.month) + ".tsv","a")
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
2018-11-27 21:05:50 +03:00
SCROBBLES[idx] = (SCROBBLES[idx][0],SCROBBLES[idx][1],True)
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
global lastsync
lastsync = time = int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
2018-11-28 17:33:30 +03:00
print("Database saved to disk.")
2018-11-28 15:02:43 +03:00
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
# Queries the database
def db_query(artist=None,track=None,since=0,to=9999999999):
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
if isinstance(since, str):
sdate = [int(x) for x in since.split("/")]
date = [1970,1,1,0,0]
date[:len(sdate)] = sdate
since = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],date[3],date[4],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
if isinstance(to, str):
sdate = [int(x) for x in to.split("/")]
date = [1970,1,1,0,0]
date[:len(sdate)] = sdate
to = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],date[3],date[4],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
2018-11-27 18:21:33 +03:00
if (since==None):
since = 0
if (to==None):
to = 9999999999
# this is not meant as a search function. we *can* query the db with a string, but it only works if it matches exactly (and title string simply picks the first track with that name)
if isinstance(artist, str):
artist = ARTISTS.index(artist)
if isinstance(track, str):
track = TRACKS.index(track)
return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in SCROBBLES if (s[0] == track or track==None) and (artist in TRACKS[s[0]][0] or artist==None) and (since < s[1] < to)]
# pointless to check for artist when track is checked because every track has a fixed set of artists, but it's more elegant this way
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
#thingsweneed = ["artists","title","time"]
#return [{key:t[key] for key in thingsweneed} for t in DATABASE if (artist in t["artists"] or artist==None) and (t["title"]==title or title==None) and (since < t["time"] < to)]
2018-11-24 18:29:24 +03:00
# Search for strings
def db_search(query,type=None):
if type=="ARTIST":
results = []
for a in ARTISTS:
if query.lower() in a.lower():
if type=="TRACK":
results = []
for t in TRACKS:
if query.lower() in t[1].lower():
return results