### This folder can have any number of csv files to group your rules
### the first column defines the type of the rule:
### notanartist: Defines strings that can appear behind "feat" in a song title, but denote additional information about the track instead of another artist. Second column is the string
### belongtogether: defines an artist with an ampersand in their name. Otherwise, amerpsands are interpreted as denoting two different artists (except when there are no spaces). Second column is the full name of the artist
### replacetitle: defines an alternative spelling of a track title that should be replaced. Second column is the 'wrong' spelling, third column the correct spelling
### replaceartist: defines and alternative spelling of an artist that should be replaced. Second column is the 'wrong' spelling, third column the correct spelling
### countas: defines an artist that should be counted together with another artist for chart statistics etc. This will not change the separation in the database and all effects of this rule will disappear as soon as it is no longer active. Second column is the artist, third column the replacement artist