mirror of
synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00
Added web pages for albums
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
{% extends "abstracts/base.jinja" %}
{% block title %}Maloja - {{ info.album.albumtitle }}{% endblock %}
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% block scripts %}
<script src="/rangeselect.js"></script>
<script src="/edit.js"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% set album = filterkeys.album %}
{% set info = dbc.album_info({'album':album}) %}
{% set initialrange ='month' %}
{% set encodedalbum = mlj_uri.uriencode({'album':album}) %}
{% block icon_bar %}
{% if adminmode %}
{% include 'icons/edit.jinja' %}
{% include 'icons/merge.jinja' %}
{% include 'icons/merge_mark.jinja' %}
{% include 'icons/merge_cancel.jinja' %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
const entity_id = {{ info.id }};
const entity_type = 'album';
const entity_name = {{ album.albumtitle | tojson }};
{% import 'partials/awards_album.jinja' as awards %}
<table class="top_info">
<td class="image">
{% if adminmode %}
class="changeable-image" data-uploader="b64=>upload('{{ encodedalbum }}',b64)"
style="background-image:url('{{ images.get_album_image(album) }}');"
title="Drag & Drop to upload new image"
{% else %}
<div style="background-image:url('{{ images.get_album_image(album) }}');">
{% endif %}
<td class="text">
<span>{{ links.links(album.artists) }}</span><br/>
<h1 id="main_entity_name" class="headerwithextra">{{ info.album.albumtitle | e }}</h1>
{# awards.certs(album) #}
<span class="rank"><a href="/charts_albums?max=100">#{{ info.position }}</a></span>
<p class="stats">
<a href="{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/scrobbles",filterkeys) }}">{{ info['scrobbles'] }} Scrobbles</a>
{{ awards.medals(info) }}
{{ awards.topweeks(info) }}
<table class="twopart">
<h2 class="headerwithextra"><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/pulse",filterkeys) }}'>Pulse</a></h2>
{% for r in xranges %}
onclick="showRangeManual('pulse','{{ r.identifier }}')"
class="stat_selector_pulse selector_pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'opacity:0.5;' if initialrange==r.identifier else '' }}">
{{ r.localisation }}
{% if not loop.last %}|{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for r in xranges %}
class="stat_module_pulse pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'display:none;' if initialrange!=r.identifier else '' }}"
{% with limitkeys={"since":r.firstrange},delimitkeys={'step':r.identifier,'trail':1} %}
{% include 'partials/pulse.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- We use the same classes / function calls here because we want it to switch together with pulse -->
<h2 class="headerwithextra"><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/performance",filterkeys) }}'>Performance</a></h2>
{% for r in xranges %}
onclick="showRangeManual('pulse','{{ r.identifier }}')"
class="stat_selector_pulse selector_pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'opacity:0.5;' if initialrange==r.identifier else '' }}">
{{ r.localisation }}
{% if not loop.last %}|{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for r in xranges %}
class="stat_module_pulse pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'display:none;' if initialrange!=r.identifier else '' }}"
{% with limitkeys={"since":r.firstrange},delimitkeys={'step':r.identifier,'trail':1} %}
{% include 'partials/performance.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
<h2><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/scrobbles",filterkeys) }}'>Last Scrobbles</a></h2>
{% with amountkeys = {"perpage":15,"page":0} %}
{% include 'partials/scrobbles.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{% extends "abstracts/base.jinja" %}
{% block title %}Maloja - Album Charts{% endblock %}
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% block scripts %}
<script src="/datechange.js" async></script>
{% endblock %}
{% set charts = dbc.get_charts_albums(filterkeys,limitkeys) %}
{% set pages = math.ceil(charts.__len__() / amountkeys.perpage) %}
{% if charts[0] is defined %}
{% set topalbum = charts[0].album %}
{% set img = images.get_album_image(topalbum) %}
{% else %}
{% set img = "/favicon.png" %}
{% endif %}
{% block content %}
<table class="top_info">
<td class="image">
<div style="background-image:url('{{ img }}')"></div>
<td class="text">
<h1>Album Charts</h1><a href="/top_albums"><span>View #1 Albums</span></a><br/>
{% if filterkeys.get('artist') is not none %}by {{ links.link(filterkeys.get('artist')) }}{% endif %}
<span>{{ limitkeys.timerange.desc(prefix=True) }}</span>
{% with delimitkeys = {} %}
{% include 'snippets/timeselection.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% if settings['CHARTS_DISPLAY_TILES'] %}
{% include 'partials/charts_albums_tiles.jinja' %}
{% endif %}
{% with compare=true %}
{% include 'partials/charts_albums.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% import 'snippets/pagination.jinja' as pagination %}
{{ pagination.pagination(filterkeys,limitkeys,delimitkeys,amountkeys,pages) }}
{% endblock %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
{% macro medals(info) %}
<!-- MEDALS -->
{% for year in info.medals.gold -%}
<a title="Best Album in {{ year }}" class="hidelink medal shiny gold" href='/charts_albums?max=50&in={{ year }}'>
<span>{{ year }}</span>
{%- endfor %}
{% for year in info.medals.silver -%}
<a title="Second best Album in {{ year }}" class="hidelink medal shiny silver" href='/charts_albums?max=50&in={{ year }}'>
<span>{{ year }}</span>
{%- endfor %}
{% for year in info.medals.bronze -%}
<a title="Third best Album in {{ year }}" class="hidelink medal shiny bronze" href='/charts_albums?max=50&in={{ year }}'>
<span>{{ year }}</span>
{%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro topweeks(info) %}
{% set encodedtrack = mlj_uri.uriencode({'album':info.album}) %}
<!-- TOPWEEKS -->
{% if info.topweeks > 0 %}
<a title="{{ info.topweeks }} weeks on #1" href="/performance?{{ encodedalbum }}&step=week">
<img class="star" src="/media/star.png" />{{ info.topweeks }}
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% import 'snippets/entityrow.jinja' as entityrow %}
{% if charts is undefined %}
{% set charts = dbc.get_charts_albums(filterkeys,limitkeys) %}
{% endif %}
{% if compare %}
{% if compare is true %}
{% set compare = limitkeys.timerange.next(step=-1) %}
{% if compare is none %}{% set compare = False %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if compare %}
{% set prevalbums = dbc.get_charts_albums(filterkeys,{'timerange':compare}) %}
{% set lastranks = {} %}
{% for t in prevalbums %}
{% if lastranks.update({"|".join(t.album.artists)+"||"+t.album.albumtitle:t.rank}) %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for t in charts %}
{% if "|".join(t.album.artists)+"||"+t.album.albumtitle in lastranks %}
{% if t.update({'last_rank':lastranks["|".join(t.album.artists)+"||"+t.album.albumtitle]}) %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set firstindex = amountkeys.page * amountkeys.perpage %}
{% set lastindex = firstindex + amountkeys.perpage %}
{% set maxbar = charts[0]['scrobbles'] if charts != [] else 0 %}
<table class='list'>
{% for e in charts %}
{% if loop.index0 >= firstindex and loop.index0 < lastindex %}
<!-- Rank -->
<td class="rank">{%if loop.changed(e.scrobbles) %}#{{ e.rank }}{% endif %}</td>
<!-- Rank change -->
{% if compare %}
{% if e.last_rank is undefined %}<td class='rankup' title='New'>🆕</td>
{% elif e.last_rank < e.rank %}<td class='rankdown' title='Down from #{{ e.last_rank }}'>↘</td>
{% elif e.last_rank > e.rank %}<td class='rankup' title='Up from #{{ e.last_rank }}'>↗</td>
{% elif e.last_rank == e.rank %}<td class='ranksame' title='Unchanged'>➡</td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<!-- artist -->
{{ entityrow.row(e['album']) }}
<!-- scrobbles -->
<td class="amount">{{ links.link_scrobbles([{'album':e.album,'timerange':limitkeys.timerange}],amount=e['scrobbles']) }}</td>
<td class="bar">{{ links.link_scrobbles([{'album':e.album,'timerange':limitkeys.timerange}],percent=e['scrobbles']*100/maxbar) }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% if charts is undefined %}
{% set charts = dbc.get_charts_albums(limitkeys) %}
{% endif %}
{% set charts_14 = charts | fixlength(14) %}
{% set charts_cycler = cycler(*charts_14) %}
<table class="tiles_top"><tr>
{% for segment in range(3) %}
{% if charts_14[0] is none and loop.first %}
{% include 'icons/nodata.jinja' %}
{% else %}
{% set segmentsize = segment+1 %}
<table class="tiles_{{ segmentsize }}x{{ segmentsize }} tiles_sub">
{% for row in range(segmentsize) -%}
{% for col in range(segmentsize) %}
{% set entry = charts_cycler.next() %}
{% if entry is not none %}
{% set album = entry.album %}
{% set rank = entry.rank %}
<a href="{{ links.url(album) }}">
<div class="lazy" data-bg="{{ images.get_album_image(album) }}"'>
<span class='stats'>#{{ rank }}</span> <span>{{ album.title }}</span>
{% else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% import 'snippets/entityrow.jinja' as entityrow %}
{% set ranges = dbc.get_top_albums(filterkeys,limitkeys,delimitkeys) %}
{% set maxbar = ranges|map(attribute="scrobbles")|max|default(1) %}
{% if maxbar < 1 %}{% set maxbar = 1 %}{% endif %}
<table class="list">
{% for e in ranges %}
{% set thisrange = e.range %}
{% set album = e.album %}
<td>{{ thisrange.desc() }}</td>
{% if album is none %}
<td class='stats'>n/a</td>
<td class='amount'>0</td>
<td class='bar'></td>
{% else %}
{{ entityrow.row(album) }}
<td class='amount'>{{ links.link_scrobbles([{'album':album,'timerange':thisrange}],amount=e.scrobbles) }}</td>
<td class='bar'> {{ links.link_scrobbles([{'album':album,'timerange':thisrange}],percent=e.scrobbles*100/maxbar) }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% if entity is mapping and 'artists' in entity %}
{% if entity is mapping and 'title' in entity %}
{% set img = images.get_track_image(entity) %}
{% set img = images.get_track_image(entity) %}
{% elif entity is mapping and 'albumtitle' in entity %}
{% set img = images.get_album_image(entity) %}
{% else %}
{% else %}
{% set img = images.get_artist_image(entity) %}
{% set img = images.get_artist_image(entity) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -20,6 +22,10 @@
<td class='track'>
<td class='track'>
<span class='artist_in_trackcolumn'>{{ links.links(entity.artists) }}</span> – {{ links.link(entity) }}
<span class='artist_in_trackcolumn'>{{ links.links(entity.artists) }}</span> – {{ links.link(entity) }}
{% elif entity is mapping and 'albumtitle' in entity %}
<td class='album'>
<span class='artist_in_trackcolumn'>{{ links.links(entity.artists) }}</span> – {{ links.link(entity) }}
{% else %}
{% else %}
<td class='artist'>{{ links.link(entity) }}
<td class='artist'>{{ links.link(entity) }}
{% if counting != [] %}
{% if counting != [] %}
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
{% elif filterkeys.get('track') is not none %}
{% elif filterkeys.get('track') is not none %}
of {{ links.link(filterkeys.get('track')) }}
of {{ links.link(filterkeys.get('track')) }}
by {{ links.links(filterkeys["track"]["artists"]) }}
by {{ links.links(filterkeys["track"]["artists"]) }}
{% elif filterkeys.get('album') is not none %}
of {{ links.link(filterkeys.get('album')) }}
by {{ links.links(filterkeys["album"]["artists"]) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ limitkeys.timerange.desc(prefix=True) }}
{{ limitkeys.timerange.desc(prefix=True) }}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% macro link(entity) -%}
{% macro link(entity) -%}
{% if entity is mapping and 'artists' in entity %}
{% if entity is mapping and 'artists' in entity %}
{% set name = entity.title %}
{% set name = entity.title or entity.albumtitle %}
{% else %}
{% else %}
{% set name = entity %}
{% set name = entity %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
{% macro url(entity) %}
{% macro url(entity) %}
{% if entity is mapping and 'artists' in entity -%}
{% if entity is mapping and 'albumtitle' in entity -%}
{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/album",{'album':entity}) }}
{% elif entity is mapping and 'artists' in entity -%}
{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/track",{'track':entity}) }}
{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/track",{'track':entity}) }}
{%- else -%}
{%- else -%}
{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/artist",{'artist':entity}) }}
{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/artist",{'artist':entity}) }}
@ -43,6 +45,8 @@
{% if 'track' in filterkeys %}
{% if 'track' in filterkeys %}
{% set url = mlj_uri.create_uri("/charts_tracks",{'timerange':timerange}) %}
{% set url = mlj_uri.create_uri("/charts_tracks",{'timerange':timerange}) %}
{% elif 'album' in filterkeys %}
{% set url = mlj_uri.create_uri("/charts_albums",{'timerange':timerange}) %}
{% elif 'artist' in filterkeys %}
{% elif 'artist' in filterkeys %}
{% set url = mlj_uri.create_uri("/charts_artists",{'timerange':timerange}) %}
{% set url = mlj_uri.create_uri("/charts_artists",{'timerange':timerange}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
{% extends "abstracts/base.jinja" %}
{% block title %}Maloja - #1 Albums{% endblock %}
<!-- find representative -->
{% set entries = dbc.get_top_albums(filterkeys,limitkeys,delimitkeys) %}
{% set repr = entries | find_representative('album','scrobbles') %}
{% set img = "/favicon.png" if repr is none else images.get_album_image(repr.album) %}
{% block content %}
<table class="top_info">
<td class="image">
<div style="background-image:url('{{ img }}')"></div>
<td class="text">
<h1>#1 Albums</h1><br/>
<span>{{ limitkeys.timerange.desc(prefix=True) }}</span>
{% include 'snippets/timeselection.jinja' %}
{% include 'partials/top_albums.jinja' %}
{% endblock %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user