Doreah no longer included, now a dependency

This commit is contained in:
Krateng 2019-03-31 13:14:41 +02:00
parent 6f9ea32d08
commit 6086a2df23
8 changed files with 3 additions and 591 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ There are only two scrobblers (YouTube Music and Plex, both for Chromium), but a
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* [doreah]( - [GitHub](
## How to install

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
import os
## decorator to set default arguments that are only evaluated at runtime
def defaultarguments(defaultdict,**defaultargs):
def decorator(func): #actual decorator function
def newfunc(*args,**kwargs):
realargs = {}
# evaluate default values at runtime
for k in defaultargs:
realargs[k] = defaultdict[defaultargs[k]]
# overwrite given arguments of function
# execute function with correct arguments
return func(*args,**realargs)
return newfunc
return decorator
## opens file, creates it if necessary (including all folders)
def gopen(filepath,mode):
directory = os.path.dirname(filepath)
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
return open(filepath,mode)
# reads module configuration from file
def doreahconfig(module):
from .settings import get_settings
s = get_settings(files=[".doreah"],prefix=module + ".",cut_prefix=True)
return s

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@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
import datetime
import inspect
import os
from ._internal import defaultarguments, gopen, doreahconfig
_config = {}
_queue = []
_locked = False
# set configuration
# logfolder folder to store logfiles in
# timeformat strftime format for log files
# defaultmodule name for the main running script
# verbosity higher means more (less important) messages are shown on console
def config(logfolder="logs",timeformat="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",defaultmodule="main",verbosity=0):
global _config
_config["logfolder"] = logfolder
_config["timeformat"] = timeformat
_config["defaultmodule"] = defaultmodule
_config["verbosity"] = verbosity
# initial config on import, set everything to default
# Log entry
# module allows discrimination between modules of a program. Will be prepended in console output and will determine the separate file for disk storage
# defaults to actual name of the calling module or "main" for the main script
# header determines the hierarchical position of the entry.
# indent adds indent to the log entry
# importance low means important. if higher than the configured verbosity, entry will not be shown on console
def log(*msgs,module=None,header=None,indent=0,importance=0):
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(_config["timeformat"])
# log() can be used to add empty line
if len(msgs) == 0: msgs = ("",)
# make it easier to log data structures and such
msgs = tuple([str(msg) for msg in msgs])
# header formating
if header == 2:
msgs = ("","","####") + msgs + ("####","")
elif header == 1:
msgs = ("","","","# # # # #","") + msgs + ("","# # # # #","","")
# indent
prefix = "\t" * indent
# module name
if module is None:
module = inspect.getmodule(inspect.stack()[1][0]).__name__
if module == "__main__": module = _config["defaultmodule"]
module = "interpreter"
global _locked, _queue
if _locked:
for msg in msgs:
_queue.append({"time":now,"prefix":prefix,"msg":msg,"module":module,"console":(importance <= _config["verbosity"])})
# console output
if (importance <= _config["verbosity"]):
for msg in msgs:
print("[" + module + "] " + prefix + msg)
# file output
logfilename = _config["logfolder"] + "/" + module + ".log"
#os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logfilename), exist_ok=True)
with gopen(logfilename,"a") as logfile:
for msg in msgs:
logfile.write(now + " " + prefix + msg + "\n")
def flush():
global _queue
for entry in _queue:
# console output
if entry["console"]:
print("[" + entry["module"] + "] " + entry["prefix"] + entry["msg"])
# file output
logfilename = _config["logfolder"] + "/" + entry["module"] + ".log"
#os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logfilename), exist_ok=True)
with gopen(logfilename,"a") as logfile:
logfile.write(entry["time"] + " " + entry["prefix"] + entry["msg"] + "\n")
_queue = []
# Quicker way to add header
def logh1(*args,**kwargs):
return log(*args,**kwargs,header=1)
def logh2(*args,**kwargs):
return log(*args,**kwargs,header=2)
# now check local configuration file

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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import pickle
import os
from ._internal import defaultarguments, gopen, doreahconfig
_config = {}
# set configuration
# folder folder to store log files
def config(folder="storage"):
global _config
_config["folder"] = folder
# initial config on import, set everything to default
def save(data,name,folder):
filename = os.path.join(folder,name + ".gilly")
fl = gopen(filename,"wb")
stream = pickle.dumps(data)
def load(name,folder):
filename = os.path.join(folder,name + ".gilly")
fl = gopen(filename,"rb")
ob = pickle.loads(
except: ob = None
return ob
# now check local configuration file

View File

@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
import os
import shutil
from ._internal import defaultarguments, doreahconfig
_config = {}
# set configuration
# defaultextension unused
# files list of all files that will be used for configuration. high indicies overwrite low indicies
# comment symbols that indicate comments. careful!
# category symbols that indicate start and end of category name. only works at start of line
# onlytext interpret everything as a string. if False, strings can be put into quotes to avoid confusion
def config(defaultextension=".ini",files=["settings.ini","settings.conf","configuration.ini","configuration.conf"],
global _config
_config["defaultextension"] = defaultextension
_config["files"] = files
_config["comment"] = comment
_config["category"] = category
_config["onlytext"] = onlytext
# initial config on import, set everything to default
def _interpret(text):
if _config["onlytext"]: return text
if text.lower() in ["true","yes"]: return True
if text.lower() in ["false","no"]: return False
if text.lower() in ["none","nan","n/a",""]: return None
if text.startswith("[") and text.endswith("]"):
list = []
buffer = ""
string = None
stringended = False
for c in text[1:-1]:
if stringended and c != ",": pass #after a string is done, skip to the next delimiter
elif c == '"' and string is None:
string = '"' # start new string
buffer = '"'
elif c == "'" and string is None:
string = "'" # start new string
buffer = "'"
elif c == '"' and string is '"':
string = None # terminate string
stringended = True
buffer += '"'
elif c == "'" and string is "'":
string = None # terminate string
stringended = True
buffer += "'"
elif c == "," and string is None:
buffer = ""
stringended = False
else: buffer += c
return [_interpret(entry) for entry in list]
if text.startswith("'") and text.endswith("'"): return text[1:-1]
if text.startswith('"') and text.endswith('"'): return text[1:-1]
return int(text)
return float(text)
return text
# get settings
# keys list of requested keys. if present, will return list of according values, if not, will return dict of key-value pairs
# files which files to parse. later files (higher indicies) will overload earlier ones
# prefix only request keys with a certain prefix. key filter will still be applied if present
# cut_prefix return keys without the prefix
# category return only keys of specific category
# raw do not interpret data type, only return strings
def get_settings(*keys,files,prefix="",cut_prefix=False,category=None,raw=False):
allsettings = {}
for f in files:
if not os.path.exists(f): continue
# if category is specified, ignore all entries by default and switch when we encounter the right heading
ignore = False if category is None else True
with open(f) as file:
lines = file.readlines()
for l in lines:
# clean up line
l = l.replace("\n","")
for symbol in _config["comment"]:
l = l.split(symbol)[0]
l = l.strip()
# check if valid settings entry
if l == "": continue
if l.startswith(_config["category"][0]):
# ignore category headers if we don't care
if category is None: continue
# otherwise, find out if this is the category we want
if l.endswith(_config["category"][1]):
cat = l[len(_config["category"][0]):-len(_config["category"][1])]
ignore = not (cat == category) #if this is the right heading, set ignore to false
if ignore: continue
if "=" not in l: continue
# read
(key,val) = l.split("=")
key = key.strip()
val = val.strip() if raw else _interpret(val.strip())
if key.startswith(prefix):
# return keys without the common prefix
if cut_prefix:
allsettings[key[len(prefix):]] = val
# return full keys
allsettings[key] = val
# no arguments means all settings
if len(keys) == 0:
return allsettings
# specific keys requested
if len(keys) == 1: return allsettings.get(keys[0])
else: return [allsettings.get(k) for k in keys]
def update_settings(file,settings,create_new=False):
if not os.path.exists(file): open(file,"w").close()
with open(file,"r") as origfile:
lines = origfile.readlines()
newlines = []
for origline in lines:
l = origline
# clean up line
l = l.replace("\n","")
for symbol in _config["comment"]:
l = l.split(symbol)[0]
l = l.strip()
# check if valid settings entry
if l == "":
if l.startswith(_config["category"][0]):
if "=" not in l:
# read
(key,val) = l.split("=")
key = key.strip()
val = val.strip()
if key not in settings:
#print("Found key")
newline = origline.split("=",1)
newline[1] = newline[1].replace(val,str(settings[key]),1)
newline = "=".join(newline)
del settings[key]
if create_new:
# settings that were not present in the file
for key in settings:
newlines.append(key + " = " + settings[key] + "\n")
with open(file,"w") as newfile:
# updates a user settings file to a newer format from a default file without overwriting user's settings
def update(source="default_settings.ini",target="settings.ini"):
if not os.path.exists(target):
usersettings = get_settings(files=[target],raw=True)
# now check local configuration file

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import time
from ._internal import defaultarguments, doreahconfig
_config = {}
# set configuration
# si 0 means seconds, 1 ms, 2 μs, 3 ns etc
def config(si=0):
global _config
_config["si"] = si
# initial config on import, set everything to default
# Take clock. Returns time passed since last call of this function. if called with an identifier, will only
# consider calls with that identifier. No identifier means any call is valid.
# identifiers arbitrary strings to remember different timers. guaranteed to set all timers to exactly the same time for
# all identifiers in one call. will return tuple of all identifiers, singular value if only one identifier
def clock(*identifiers,lastcalls={None:None}):
if len(identifiers) == 0: identifiers = (None,)
now = time.time()
# get last calls
stamps = (lastcalls.get(i) for i in identifiers)
results = tuple(None if lc is None else (now - lc) * (1000**_config["si"]) for lc in stamps)
if len(results) == 1: results = results[0]
# set new stamps
for i in identifiers:
lastcalls[i] = now
lastcalls[None] = now # always save last overall call so we can directly access it
return results
def clockp(name,*identifiers):
time = clock(*identifiers)
print(name + ": " + str(time))
# now check local configuration file

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
import os
from ._internal import defaultarguments, doreahconfig
_config = {}
# set configuration
# defaultextension files with this extension will be regarded as valid files. can be overwritten per request.
# comments whether files may include commenting (indicated by #)
# multitab whether fields can be separated by multiple tabs (this makes empty fields impossible except when trailing)
def config(defaultextension=".tsv",comments=True,multitab=True):
global _config
_config["defaultextension"] = defaultextension
_config["comments"] = comments
_config["multitab"] = multitab
# initial config on import, set everything to default
def parse(filename,*args,comments,multitab):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
filename = filename + _config["defaultextension"]
f = open(filename)
result = []
for l in [l for l in f if (not l.startswith("#")) and (not l.strip()=="")]:
l = l.replace("\n","")
# if the file allows comments, we need to replace the escape sequence and properly stop parsing for inline comments
if comments:
l = l.split("#")[0]
l = l.replace(r"\num","#")
l = l.replace(r"\hashtag","#")
# we either allow multiple tabs, or we don't (in which case empty fields are possible)
if multitab:
data = list(filter(None,l.split("\t")))
data = list(l.split("\t"))
entry = [] * len(args)
for i in range(len(args)):
if args[i] in ["list","ls","array"]:
elif args[i] in ["string","str","text"]:
elif args[i] in ["int","integer","num","number"]:
elif args[i] in ["bool","boolean"]:
entry.append((data[i].lower() in ["true","yes","1","y"]))
raise TypeError()
return result
def parse_all(path,*args,extension,**kwargs):
result = []
for f in os.listdir(path + "/"):
if (f.endswith(extension)): # use "" if all files are valid
result += parse(path + "/" + f,*args,**kwargs)
return result
def create(filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
def add_entry(filename,a,comments):
# remove all tabs and create tab-separated string
line = "\t".join([str(e).replace("\t"," ") for e in a])
# replace comment symbol
if comments: line = line.replace("#",r"\num")
with open(filename,"a") as f:
f.write(line + "\n")
def add_entries(filename,al,comments):
with open(filename,"a") as f:
for a in al:
line = "\t".join([str(e).replace("\t"," ") for e in a])
if comments: line = line.replace("#",r"\num")
f.write(line + "\n")
# now check local configuration file

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ from doreah import settings
neededmodules = [
recommendedmodules = [