mirror of https://github.com/krateng/maloja.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00

Implemented compare in jinja

This commit is contained in:
Krateng 2020-08-30 18:53:02 +02:00
parent 44a2739a3b
commit 65861d4c41
6 changed files with 234 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ countas Shirley Manson Garbage
countas Lewis Brindley The Yogscast
countas Sips The Yogscast
countas Sjin The Yogscast
countas Airi Suzuki ℃-ute

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 5.

View File

@ -681,6 +681,62 @@ def trackInfo(track):
def compare_external(**keys):
results = compare(keys["remote"])
return results
def compare(remoteurl):
import json
compareurl = remoteurl + "/api/info"
response = urllib.request.urlopen(compareurl)
strangerinfo = json.loads(response.read())
owninfo = info()
artists = {}
for a in owninfo["artists"]:
artists[a.lower()] = {"name":a,"self":int(owninfo["artists"][a]*1000),"other":0}
for a in strangerinfo["artists"]:
artists[a.lower()] = artists.setdefault(a.lower(),{"name":a,"self":0})
artists[a.lower()]["other"] = int(strangerinfo["artists"][a]*1000)
for a in artists:
common = min(artists[a]["self"],artists[a]["other"])
artists[a]["self"] -= common
artists[a]["other"] -= common
artists[a]["common"] = common
best = sorted((artists[a]["name"] for a in artists),key=lambda x: artists[x.lower()]["common"],reverse=True)
result = {
"unique_self":sum(artists[a]["self"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] == 0),
"more_self":sum(artists[a]["self"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] != 0),
"common":sum(artists[a]["common"] for a in artists),
"more_other":sum(artists[a]["other"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] != 0),
"unique_other":sum(artists[a]["other"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] == 0)
total = sum(result[c] for c in result)
for r in result:
result[r] = (result[r],result[r]/total)
return {

maloja/malojauri.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
from .malojatime import get_range_object
# this also sets defaults!
def uri_to_internal(keys,forceTrack=False,forceArtist=False):
# output:
# 1 keys that define the filtered object like artist or track
# 2 keys that define time limits of the whole thing
# 3 keys that define interal time ranges
# 4 keys that define amount limits
# 1
if "title" in keys and not forceArtist:
filterkeys = {"track":{"artists":keys.getall("artist"),"title":keys.get("title")}}
elif "artist" in keys and not forceTrack:
filterkeys = {"artist":keys.get("artist")}
if "associated" in keys: resultkeys1["associated"] = True
filterkeys = {}
# 2
limitkeys = {}
since,to,within = None,None,None
if "since" in keys: since = keys.get("since")
elif "from" in keys: since = keys.get("from")
elif "start" in keys: since = keys.get("start")
if "to" in keys: to = keys.get("to")
elif "until" in keys: to = keys.get("until")
elif "end" in keys: to = keys.get("end")
if "in" in keys: within = keys.get("in")
elif "within" in keys: within = keys.get("within")
elif "during" in keys: within = keys.get("during")
limitkeys["timerange"] = get_range_object(since=since,to=to,within=within)
delimitkeys = {"step":"month","stepn":1,"trail":1}
if "step" in keys: [delimitkeys["step"],delimitkeys["stepn"]] = (keys["step"].split("-") + [1])[:2]
if "stepn" in keys: delimitkeys["stepn"] = keys["stepn"] #overwrite if explicitly given
if "stepn" in delimitkeys: delimitkeys["stepn"] = int(delimitkeys["stepn"]) #in both cases, convert it here
if "trail" in keys: delimitkeys["trail"] = int(keys["trail"])
if "cumulative" in keys: delimitkeys["trail"] = math.inf
amountkeys = {"page":0,"perpage":100}
if "max" in keys: amountkeys["page"],amountkeys["perpage"] = 0, int(keys["max"])
#different max than the internal one! the user doesn't get to disable pagination
if "page" in keys: amountkeys["page"] = int(keys["page"])
if "perpage" in keys: amountkeys["perpage"] = int(keys["perpage"])
specialkeys = {}
if "remote" in keys: specialkeys["remote"] = keys["remote"]
return filterkeys, limitkeys, delimitkeys, amountkeys, specialkeys

View File

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ from . import htmlgenerators
from . import malojatime
from . import utilities
from .utilities import resolveImage
from .urihandler import uri_to_internal, remove_identical
from .urihandler import remove_identical
from .malojauri import uri_to_internal
from . import urihandler
from . import globalconf
from . import jinja_filters
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ def graceful_exit(sig=None,frame=None):
def dynamic_image():
keys = FormsDict.decode(request.query)
relevant, _, _, _ = uri_to_internal(keys)
relevant, _, _, _, _ = uri_to_internal(keys)
result = resolveImage(**relevant)
if result == "": return ""
@ -265,7 +266,8 @@ def static_html(name):
"apikey":request.cookies.get("apikey") if adminmode else None,
"_urikeys":keys, #temporary!
LOCAL_CONTEXT["filterkeys"], LOCAL_CONTEXT["limitkeys"], LOCAL_CONTEXT["delimitkeys"], LOCAL_CONTEXT["amountkeys"] = uri_to_internal(keys)
lc["filterkeys"], lc["limitkeys"], lc["delimitkeys"], lc["amountkeys"], lc["specialkeys"] = uri_to_internal(keys)
template = jinjaenv.get_template(name + '.jinja')

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@ -698,6 +698,8 @@ table.tiles_top td div {
table.tiles_top td span {
display: inline-block;
padding: 3px;
table.tiles_top td a:hover {
text-decoration: none;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
{% extends "abstracts/base.jinja" %}
{% block title %}Maloja - Compare{% endblock %}
{% block scripts %}
.comparecircle {
border: 1px solid rgba(245,245,220,0.3);
/* background-image: linear-gradient(to right,KEY_CIRCLE_CSS); */
table tr td:first-child {
text-align: left;
table tr td {
text-align: center;
table tr td:last-child {
text-align: right;
{% endblock %}
{% set data = db.compare(specialkeys.remote) %}
{% set comparedata = data.result %}
{% set info = data.info %}
{% set bestartist = data.commonartist %}
{% set categories =
{% set css = [] %}
{% set cumulative = 0 %}
{% for cat in categories %}
{% set cumulative = cumulative + (comparedata[cat][1]*100) %}
{% set _ = css.append(categories[cat] + " " + cumulative.__str__() + "%") %}
{% endfor %}-->
{% set fullmatch = comparedata.common[1]*100 %}
{% set partialmatch = comparedata.more_self[1]*100 + comparedata.more_other[1]*100 %}
{% set match = fullmatch + (partialmatch)/2 %}
{% set pixel_fullmatch = fullmatch * 2.5 %}
{% set pixel_partialmatch = (fullmatch+partialmatch) * 2.5 %}
{% set match = [match,100] | min %}
{% set r = [255*match/50,255] | min %}
{% set g = [255*match/50,255] | min %}
{% set b = [255*(match/50-1),0] | max %}
{% block content %}
<table style="width:99%;">
<td><h1>{{ info.ownname }}</h1></td>
<div class="comparecircle"
style="background-image: radial-gradient(rgb({{ r }},{{ g }}, {{ b }}) {{ pixel_fullmatch }}px, transparent {{ pixel_partialmatch }}px);">
{{ match | round(1) }}%
<td><h1>{{ info.remotename }}</h1></td>
<td style="font-size:70%;color:grey;">
The size of the circle shows matching music taste.
The fuzziness of its border indicates differences in quantity.
<span>Common Favorite</span>
<h2 style="margin:7px;">{{ htmlgenerators.artistLink(bestartist) }}</h2>
<img src="{{ utilities.getArtistImage(bestartist) }}" style="width:80px;" />
{% endblock %}