mirror of https://github.com/krateng/maloja.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00

Some testing utilities

This commit is contained in:
Krateng 2019-03-11 20:04:23 +01:00
parent 713975d0cb
commit 936c3892b9
4 changed files with 62 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ def getTrackObject(o):
def createScrobble(artists,title,time):
def createScrobble(artists,title,time,volatile=False):
while (time in STAMPS_SET):
time += 1
i = getTrackID(artists,title)
obj = (i,time,False)
obj = (i,time,volatile) # if volatile generated, we simply pretend we have already saved it to disk
# immediately insert scrobble correctly so we can guarantee sorted list
index = insert(SCROBBLES,obj,key=lambda x:x[1])
@ -731,7 +731,6 @@ def build_db():
log("Database fully built!")
# Saves all cached entries to disk
@ -815,15 +814,14 @@ def db_query(artist=None,artists=None,title=None,track=None,since=None,to=None,w
artist = artists.pop()
# right now we always request everything by name, maybe we don't actually need the request by number, but i'll leave it in for now
if associated:
#return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in SCROBBLES if (s[0] == track or track==None) and (artist==None or artist in coa.getCreditedList(TRACKS[s[0]][0])) and (since < s[1] < to)]
return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in scrobbles_in_range(since,to) if (s[0] == track or track==None) and (artist==None or artist in coa.getCreditedList(TRACKS[s[0]][0]))]
return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in scrobbles_in_range(since,to) if (track is None or s[0] == track) and (artist is None or artist in coa.getCreditedList(TRACKS[s[0]][0]))]
#return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in SCROBBLES if (s[0] == track or track==None) and (artist==None or artist in TRACKS[s[0]][0]) and (since < s[1] < to)]
return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in scrobbles_in_range(since,to) if (s[0] == track or track==None) and (artist==None or artist in TRACKS[s[0]][0])]
return [getScrobbleObject(s) for s in scrobbles_in_range(since,to) if (track is None or s[0] == track) and (artist is None or artist in TRACKS[s[0]][0])]
# pointless to check for artist when track is checked because every track has a fixed set of artists, but it's more elegant this way
@ -924,14 +922,42 @@ def insert(list_,item,key=lambda x:x):
return i
def scrobbles_in_range(start,end):
for stamp in STAMPS:
#print("Checking " + str(stamp))
if stamp < start: continue
if stamp > end: return
yield SCROBBLESDICT[stamp]
def scrobbles_in_range(start,end,reverse=False):
if reverse:
for stamp in reversed(STAMPS):
#print("Checking " + str(stamp))
if stamp < start: return
if stamp > end: continue
yield SCROBBLESDICT[stamp]
for stamp in STAMPS:
#print("Checking " + str(stamp))
if stamp < start: continue
if stamp > end: return
yield SCROBBLESDICT[stamp]
#for stamp in range(start,end+1):
# if stamp%1000 == 0: print("testing " + str(stamp))
# if stamp in SCROBBLESDICT:
# yield SCROBBLESDICT[stamp]
# for performance testing
def generateStuff(num=0,pertrack=0,mult=0):
import random
for i in range(num):
track = random.choice(TRACKS)
t = getTrackObject(track)
time = random.randint(STAMPS[0],STAMPS[-1])
for track in TRACKS:
t = getTrackObject(track)
for i in range(pertrack):
time = random.randint(STAMPS[0],STAMPS[-1])
for scrobble in SCROBBLES:
s = getScrobbleObject(scrobble)
for i in range(mult):
createScrobble(s["artists"],s["title"],s["time"] - i*500,volatile=True)

View File

@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ def static_html(name):
with open("website/common/header.html") as headerfile:
headerhtml = headerfile.read()
html = html.replace("</body>",footerhtml + "</body>").replace("</head>",headerhtml + "</head>")
# If a python file exists, it provides the replacement dict for the html file
if os.path.exists("website/" + name + ".py"):
@ -158,7 +159,6 @@ def static_html(name):
html = html.replace(k,element,1)
html = html.replace(k,txt_keys[k])

View File

@ -174,7 +174,16 @@ def log(msg,module=None):
with open("logs/" + module + ".log","a") as logfile:
logfile.write(now + " " + msg + "\n")
### not meant to be precise, just for a rough idea
measurement = 0
def clock(*args):
import time
global measurement
now = time.time()
if len(args) > 0:
print(args[0] + ": " + str(now - measurement))
measurement = now
### Media info

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import urllib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import database
from utilities import clock
from htmlmodules import module_scrobblelist, module_pulse, module_artistcharts_tiles, module_trackcharts_tiles
@ -14,6 +15,8 @@ def instructions(keys):
newdate = tod - d
weekstart = [newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day]
# artists
topartists_total = module_artistcharts_tiles()
@ -21,7 +24,8 @@ def instructions(keys):
topartists_month = module_artistcharts_tiles(since="month")
topartists_week = module_artistcharts_tiles(since=weekstart)
# tracks
toptracks_total = module_trackcharts_tiles()
@ -30,9 +34,13 @@ def instructions(keys):
toptracks_week = module_trackcharts_tiles(since=weekstart)
# scrobbles
html_scrobbles, _, _ = module_scrobblelist(max_=15,shortTimeDesc=True,pictures=True)
# stats
amount = database.get_scrobbles_num(since="today")
@ -48,6 +56,8 @@ def instructions(keys):
scrobbles_total = "<a href='/scrobbles'>" + str(amount) + "</a>"
# pulse
dt = datetime.utcnow()
first_month = [dt.year-1,dt.month+1]
@ -68,7 +78,7 @@ def instructions(keys):
#html_pulse_month = module_pulse(max_=30,since=[dt.year,dt.month],step="day",trail=1)
#html_pulse_year = module_pulse(max_=12,since=[dt.year],step="month",trail=1)
#pushresources = [{"file":img,"type":"image"} for img in artistimages + trackimages] #can't push scrobble images as we don't get them from the module function, need to think about that
pushresources = []