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synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00
Cleaned up time range handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,12 +22,16 @@ def register_scrobbletime(timestamp):
# Object that represents a contextual time range relevant for displaying chart information
# there is no smaller unit than days
# also, two distinct objects could represent the same timerange
# (e.g. 2019/03 is not the same as 2019/03/01 - 2019/03/31)
# only for ranges, timestamps are separate
# generic range
class MRangeDescriptor:
# despite the above, ranges that refer to the exact same real time range should evaluate as equal
def __eq__(self,other):
if not isinstance(other,MRangeDescriptor): return False
return (self.first_stamp() == other.first_stamp() and self.last_stamp() == other.last_stamp())
@ -38,14 +42,7 @@ class MRangeDescriptor:
def info(self):
return {
return {**self.__json__(),"uri":self.uri()}
def __json__(self):
return {
@ -62,26 +59,20 @@ class MRangeDescriptor:
def unlimited(self):
return False
# whether we currently live or will ever again live in this range
def active(self):
return (self.last_stamp() > datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
# returns the description of the range including buttons to go back and forth
#def desc_interactive(self,**kwargs):
# if self.next(1) is None:
# return self.desc(**kwargs)
# else:
# prevrange = self.next(-1)
# nextrange = self.next(1)
# a range that is exactly a gregorian calendar unit (year, month or day)
class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
def __init__(self,*ls):
# in case we want to call with non-unpacked arguments
if isinstance(ls[0], (tuple, list)):
ls = ls[0]
if isinstance(ls[0], (tuple, list)): ls = ls[0]
self.tup = tuple(ls)
self.precision = len(ls)
self.year = ls[0]
if len(ls)>1: self.month = ls[1]
if len(ls)>2: self.day = ls[2]
@ -97,15 +88,16 @@ class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
return str(self)
# whether we currently live or will ever again live in this range
def active(self):
tod = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
if tod.year > self.year: return False
if self.precision == 1: return True
if tod.year == self.year:
if tod.month > self.month: return False
if self.precision == 2: return True
if tod.month == self.month and tod.day > self.day: return False
return True
# def active(self):
# tod = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
# if tod.year > self.year: return False
# if self.precision == 1: return True
# if tod.year == self.year:
# if tod.month > self.month: return False
# if self.precision == 2: return True
# if tod.month == self.month and tod.day > self.day: return False
# return True
@ -113,23 +105,17 @@ class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
return {"in":str(self)}
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if self.precision == 3:
if prefix:
return "on " + self.dateobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
if self.precision == 2:
if prefix:
return "in " + self.dateobject.strftime("%B %Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%B %Y")
if self.precision == 1:
if prefix:
return "in " + self.dateobject.strftime("%Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%Y")
prefixes = (None,'in ','in ','on ')
formats = ('%Y','%B','%d')
timeformat = ' '.join(reversed(formats[0:self.precision]))
if prefix: return prefixes[self.precision] + self.dateobject.strftime(timeformat)
else: return self.dateobject.strftime(timeformat)
def informal_desc(self):
# TODO: ignore year when same year etc
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
today = datetime.date(now.year,now.month,now.day)
if self.precision == 3:
@ -142,8 +128,9 @@ class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
# describes only the parts that are different than another range object
def contextual_desc(self,other):
if not isinstance(other, MTime):
return self.desc()
# TODO: more elegant maybe?
if not isinstance(other, MTime): return self.desc()
relevant = self.desc().split(" ")
if self.year == other.year:
@ -153,15 +140,17 @@ class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
return " ".join(relevant)
# gets object with one higher precision that starts this one
# get objects with one higher precision that start or end this one
def start(self):
if self.precision in [1, 2]: return MTime(self.tup + (1,))
# gets object with one higher precision that ends this one
if self.precision in [1, 2]: return MTime(*self.tup,1)
return self
def end(self):
if self.precision == 1: return MTime(self.tup + (12,))
elif self.precision == 2: return MTime(self.tup + (monthrange(self.year,self.month)[1],))
if self.precision == 1: return MTime(*self.tup,12)
elif self.precision == 2: return MTime(*self.tup,monthrange(self.year,self.month)[1])
return self
# get highest precision objects (day) that start or end this one
def first_day(self):
if self.precision == 3: return self
else: return self.start().first_day()
@ -169,6 +158,7 @@ class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
if self.precision == 3: return self
else: return self.end().last_day()
# get first or last timestamp of this range
def first_stamp(self):
day = self.first_day().dateobject
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=TIMEZONE)).timestamp())
@ -192,10 +182,10 @@ class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
dt[0] -= 1
return MTime(*dt)
elif self.precision == 3:
dt = self.dateobject
d = datetime.timedelta(days=step)
newdate = dt + d
newdate = self.dateobject + datetime.timedelta(days=step)
return MTime(newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day)
def prev(self,step=1):
return self.next(step*(-1))
@ -213,43 +203,33 @@ class MTimeWeek(MRangeDescriptor):
self.lastday = self.firstday + datetime.timedelta(days=6)
# now get the actual year and week number (in case of overflow)
y,w,_ = self.firstday.chrcalendar()
self.year,self.week,_ = self.firstday.chrcalendar()
def __str__(self):
return str(self.year) + "/W" + str(self.week)
return f"{self.year}/W{self.week}"
def fromstr(self):
return str(self)
def tostr(self):
return str(self)
# whether we currently live or will ever again live in this range
# def active(self):
# tod = datetime.date.today()
# if tod.year > self.year: return False
# if tod.year == self.year:
# if tod.chrcalendar()[1] > self.week: return False
# return True
def urikeys(self):
return {"in":str(self)}
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if prefix:
return "in " + "Week " + str(self.week) + " " + str(self.year)
return f"in Week {self.week} {self.year}"
return "Week " + str(self.week) + " " + str(self.year)
return f"Week {self.week} {self.year}"
def informal_desc(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
if now.year == self.year: return "Week " + str(self.week)
if now.year == self.year: return f"Week {self.week}"
return self.desc()
def contextual_desc(self,other):
if isinstance(other, MTimeWeek) and other.year == self.year: return "Week " + str(self.week)
if isinstance(other, MTimeWeek) and other.year == self.year: return f"Week {self.week}"
return self.desc()
def start(self):
@ -284,7 +264,7 @@ class MRange(MRangeDescriptor):
if isinstance(self.to,MRange): self.to = self.to.end()
def __str__(self):
return str(self.since) + " - " + str(self.to)
return f"{self.since} - {self.to}"
def fromstr(self):
return str(self.since)
def tostr(self):
@ -307,13 +287,13 @@ class MRange(MRangeDescriptor):
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if self.since is not None and self.to is not None:
if prefix:
return "from " + self.since.contextual_desc(self.to) + " to " + self.to.desc()
return f"from {self.since.contextual_desc(self.to)} to {self.to.desc()}"
return self.since.contextual_desc(self.to) + " to " + self.to.desc()
return f"{self.since.contextual_desc(self.to)} to {self.to.desc()}"
if self.since is not None and self.to is None:
return "since " + self.since.desc()
return f"since {self.since.desc()}"
if self.since is None and self.to is not None:
return "until " + self.to.desc()
return f"until {self.to.desc()}"
if self.since is None and self.to is None:
return ""
@ -355,12 +335,7 @@ class MRange(MRangeDescriptor):
return MRange(newstart,newend)
## test
w = MTimeWeek(2018,40)
d = MTime(2019,4,9)
m = MTime(2019,7)
y = MTime(2020)
@ -546,30 +521,7 @@ def time_stamps(since=None,to=None,within=None,range=None):
if range is None: range = get_range_object(since=since,to=to,within=within)
return range.first_stamp(),range.last_stamp()
# if (since==None): stamp1 = FIRST_SCROBBLE
# else: stamp1 = range.first_stamp()
# if (to==None): stamp2 = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# else: stamp2 = range.last_stamp()
# return stamp1,stamp2
# if (since==None): stamp1 = FIRST_SCROBBLE
# else:
# stamp1 = since1
# since = time_fix(since)
# date = [1970,1,1]
# date[:len(since)] = since
# stamp1 = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# if (to==None): stamp2 = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# else:
# to = time_fix(to)
# to = _get_next(to)
# date = [1970,1,1]
# date[:len(to)] = to
# stamp2 = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# return (stamp1,stamp2-1)
def delimit_desc_p(d):
@ -635,79 +587,3 @@ def ranges(since=None,to=None,within=None,timerange=None,step="month",stepn=1,tr
i += 1
#return ranges
#def _get_start_of(timestamp,unit):
# date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
# if unit == "year":
# #return [date.year,1,1]
# return [date.year]
# elif unit == "month":
# #return [date.year,date.month,1]
# return [date.year,date.month]
# elif unit == "day":
# return [date.year,date.month,date.day]
# elif unit == "week":
# change = (date.weekday() + 1) % 7
# d = datetime.timedelta(days=change)
# newdate = date - d
# return [newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day]
#def _get_next(time,unit="auto",step=1):
# result = time[:]
# if unit == "auto":
# if is_week(time): unit = "week"
# # see how long the list is, increment by the last specified unit
# else: unit = [None,"year","month","day"][len(time)]
# #while len(time) < 3:
# # time.append(1)
# if unit == "year":
# #return [time[0] + step,time[1],time[2]]
# result[0] += step
# return result
# elif unit == "month":
# #result = [time[0],time[1] + step,time[2]]
# result[1] += step
# while result[1] > 12:
# result[1] -= 12
# result[0] += 1
# while result[1] < 1:
# result[1] += 12
# result[0] -= 1
# return result
# elif unit == "day":
# dt = datetime.datetime(time[0],time[1],time[2])
# d = datetime.timedelta(days=step)
# newdate = dt + d
# return [newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day]
# #eugh
# elif unit == "week":
# return _get_next(time,"day",step * 7)
# like _get_next(), but gets the last INCLUDED day / month whatever
#def _get_end(time,unit="auto",step=1):
# if step == 1:
# if unit == "auto": return time[:]
# if unit == "year" and len(time) == 1: return time[:]
# if unit == "month" and len(time) == 2: return time[:]
# if unit == "day" and len(time) == 3: return time[:]
# exc = _get_next(time,unit,step)
# inc = _get_next(exc,"auto",-1)
# return inc
#def _is_past(date,limit):
# date_, limit_ = date[:], limit[:]
# while len(date_) != 3: date_.append(1)
# while len(limit_) != 3: limit_.append(1)
# if not date_[0] == limit_[0]:
# return date_[0] > limit_[0]
# if not date_[1] == limit_[1]:
# return date_[1] > limit_[1]
# return (date_[2] > limit_[2])
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