Removed remaining doreah tsv dependencies

This commit is contained in:
krateng 2022-04-08 16:08:48 +02:00
parent 4e33f808e4
commit dc192d7444
3 changed files with 27 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -296,9 +296,8 @@ def rebuild(**keys):
dbstatus['rebuildinprogress'] = True
from ..proccontrol.tasks.fixexisting import fix
global cla, coa
global cla
cla = CleanerAgent()
coa = CollectorAgent()
@ -357,7 +356,9 @@ def add_picture(b64,artist:Multi=[],title=None):"newrule")
def newrule(**keys):
tsv.add_entry(data_dir['rules']("webmade.tsv"),[k for k in keys])
# TODO after implementing new rule system
#tsv.add_entry(data_dir['rules']("webmade.tsv"),[k for k in keys])
#addEntry("rules/webmade.tsv",[k for k in keys])

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import re
#from . import images
from doreah import tsv
import os
import csv
from .globalconf import data_dir, malojaconfig
# need to do this as a class so it can retain loaded settings from file
@ -12,19 +13,29 @@ class CleanerAgent:
def updateRules(self):
raw = tsv.parse_all(data_dir["rules"](),"string","string","string","string")
self.rules_belongtogether = [b for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="belongtogether"]
self.rules_notanartist = [b for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="notanartist"]
self.rules_replacetitle = {b.lower():c for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="replacetitle"}
self.rules_replaceartist = {b.lower():c for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="replaceartist"}
self.rules_ignoreartist = [b.lower() for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="ignoreartist"]
self.rules_addartists = {c.lower():(b.lower(),d) for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="addartists"}
self.rules_fixartists = {c.lower():b for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="fixartists"}
self.rules_artistintitle = {b.lower():c for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="artistintitle"}
rawrules = []
for f in os.listdir(data_dir["rules"]()):
if f.split('.')[-1].lower() != 'tsv': continue
filepath = data_dir["rules"](f)
with open(filepath,'r') as filed:
reader = csv.reader(filed,delimiter="\t")
rawrules += [[col for col in entry if col] for entry in reader if len(entry)>0 and not entry[0].startswith('#')]
self.rules_belongtogether = [r[1] for r in rawrules if r[0]=="belongtogether"]
self.rules_notanartist = [r[1] for r in rawrules if r[0]=="notanartist"]
self.rules_replacetitle = {r[1].lower():r[2] for r in rawrules if r[0]=="replacetitle"}
self.rules_replaceartist = {r[1].lower():r[2] for r in rawrules if r[0]=="replaceartist"}
self.rules_ignoreartist = [r[1].lower() for r in rawrules if r[0]=="ignoreartist"]
self.rules_addartists = {r[2].lower():(r[1].lower(),r[3]) for r in rawrules if r[0]=="addartists"}
self.rules_fixartists = {r[2].lower():r[1] for r in rawrules if r[0]=="fixartists"}
self.rules_artistintitle = {r[1].lower():r[2] for r in rawrules if r[0]=="artistintitle"}
#self.rules_regexartist = [[b,c] for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="regexartist"]
#self.rules_regextitle = [[b,c] for [a,b,c,d] in raw if a=="regextitle"]
def fullclean(self,artist,title):
artists = self.parseArtists(self.removespecial(artist))
title = self.parseTitle(self.removespecial(title))
@ -165,65 +176,6 @@ class CleanerAgent:
#this is for all the runtime changes (counting Trouble Maker as HyunA for charts etc)
class CollectorAgent:
def __init__(self):
# rules_countas dict: real artist -> credited artist
# rules_countas_id dict: real artist ID -> credited artist ID
# rules_include dict: credited artist -> all real artists
def updateRules(self):
raw = tsv.parse_all(data_dir["rules"](),"string","string","string")
self.rules_countas = {b:c for [a,b,c] in raw if a=="countas"}
self.rules_countas_id = {}
self.rules_include = {} #Twice the memory, double the performance!
# (Yes, we're saving redundant information here, but it's not unelegant if it's within a closed object!)
for a in self.rules_countas:
self.rules_include[self.rules_countas[a]] = self.rules_include.setdefault(self.rules_countas[a],[]) + [a]
# this agent needs to be aware of the current id assignment in the main program
# unelegant, but the best way i can think of
def updateIDs(self,artistlist):
self.rules_countas_id = {artistlist.index(a):artistlist.index(self.rules_countas[a]) for a in self.rules_countas if a in artistlist}
#self.rules_include_id = {artistlist.index(a):artistlist.index(self.rules_include[a]) for a in self.rules_include}
#this needs to take lists into account
# get who is credited for this artist
def getCredited(self,artist):
if artist in self.rules_countas:
return self.rules_countas[artist]
if artist in self.rules_countas_id:
return self.rules_countas_id[artist]
return artist
# get all credited artists for the artists given
def getCreditedList(self,artists):
updatedArtists = [self.getCredited(artist) for artist in artists]
return list(set(updatedArtists))
# get artists who the given artist is given credit for
def getAllAssociated(self,artist):
return self.rules_include.get(artist,[])
# this function is there to check for artists that we should include in the
# database even though they never have any scrobble.
def getAllArtists(self):
return list({self.rules_countas[a] for a in self.rules_countas})
# artists that count can be nonexisting (counting HyunA as 4Minute even
# though 4Minute has never been listened to)
# but artists that are counted as someone else are only relevant if they
# exist (so we can preemptively declare lots of rules just in case)
#return list(set([a for a in self.rules_countas] + [self.rules_countas[a] for a in self.rules_countas]))

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from bottle import request, response, FormsDict, HTTPError
# rest of the project
from ..cleanup import CleanerAgent, CollectorAgent
from ..cleanup import CleanerAgent
from .. import images
from ..malojatime import register_scrobbletime, time_stamps, ranges, alltime
from ..malojauri import uri_to_internal, internal_to_uri, compose_querystring
@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ def waitfordb(func):
cla = CleanerAgent()
coa = CollectorAgent()