import os import shutil # set configuration # defaultextension unused # files list of all files that will be used for configuration. high indicies overwrite low indicies # comment symbols that indicate comments. careful! # category symbols that indicate start and end of category name. only works at start of line # onlytext interpret everything as a string. if False, strings can be put into quotes to avoid confusion def config(defaultextension=".ini",files=["settings.ini","settings.conf","configuration.ini","configuration.conf"], comment=["#","//"],category=("[","]"),onlytext=False): global _defaultextension, _files, _comment, _category, _onlytext _defaultextension = defaultextension _files = files _comment = comment _category = category _onlytext = onlytext global Settings, get_settings, set_settings, update # manager object so we can read settings once and retain them class Settings: def __init__(self,**kwargs): self.settings = get_settings(**kwargs) def get(self,*keys): result = (self.settings.get(k) for k in keys) if len(result) == 1: result = result[0] return result def _interpret(text): if _onlytext: return text if text.lower() in ["true","yes"]: return True if text.lower() in ["false","no"]: return False if text.lower() in ["none","nan","n/a",""]: return None if text.startswith("'") and text.endswith("'"): return text[1:-1] if text.startswith('"') and text.endswith('"'): return text[1:-1] try: return int(text) except: pass try: return float(text) except: pass return text # get settings # keys list of requested keys. if present, will return list of according values, if not, will return dict of key-value pairs # files which files to parse. later files (higher indicies) will overload earlier ones # prefix only request keys with a certain prefix. key filter will still be applied if present # cut_prefix return keys without the prefix # category return only keys of specific category # raw do not interpret data type, only return strings def get_settings(*keys,files=_files,prefix="",cut_prefix=False,category=None,raw=False): allsettings = {} for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): continue # if category is specified, ignore all entries by default and switch when we encounter the right heading ignore = False if category is None else True with open(f) as file: lines = file.readlines() for l in lines: # clean up line l = l.replace("\n","") for symbol in _comment: l = l.split(symbol)[0] l = l.strip() # check if valid settings entry if l == "": continue if l.startswith(_category[0]): # ignore category headers if we don't care if category is None: continue # otherwise, find out if this is the category we want else: if l.endswith(_category[1]): cat = l[len(_category[0]):-len(_category[1])] ignore = not (cat == category) #if this is the right heading, set ignore to false continue if ignore: continue if "=" not in l: continue # read (key,val) = l.split("=") key = key.strip() val = val.strip() if raw else _interpret(val.strip()) if key.startswith(prefix): # return keys without the common prefix if cut_prefix: allsettings[key[len(prefix):]] = val # return full keys else: allsettings[key] = val # no arguments means all settings if len(keys) == 0: return allsettings # specific keys requested else: if len(keys) == 1: return allsettings[keys[0]] else: return [allsettings[k] for k in keys] def set_settings(file,settings): if not os.path.exists(file): return with open(file,"r") as origfile: lines = origfile.readlines() newlines = [] for origline in lines: l = origline # clean up line l = l.replace("\n","") for symbol in _comment: l = l.split(symbol)[0] l = l.strip() # check if valid settings entry if l == "": newlines.append(origline) continue if l.startswith(_category[0]): newlines.append(origline) continue if "=" not in l: newlines.append(origline) continue # read (key,val) = l.split("=") key = key.strip() val = val.strip() if key not in settings: newlines.append(origline) continue else: #print("Found key") newline = origline.split("=",1) #print({"linepart":newline[1],"keytoreplace":val,"new":settings[key]}) newline[1] = newline[1].replace(val,str(settings[key])) newline = "=".join(newline) newlines.append(newline) with open(file,"w") as newfile: newfile.write("".join(newlines)) # updates a user settings file to a newer format from a default file without overwriting user's settings def update(source="default_settings.ini",target="settings.ini"): if not os.path.exists(target): shutil.copyfile(source,target) else: usersettings = get_settings(files=[target],raw=True) shutil.copyfile(source,target) set_settings(target,usersettings) # initial config on import, set everything to default config()