#!/usr/bin/env python # server stuff from bottle import Bottle, route, get, post, error, run, template, static_file, request, response, FormsDict, redirect, template, HTTPResponse import waitress # monkey patching import monkey # rest of the project import database from utilities import resolveImage from urihandler import uri_to_internal, remove_identical # doreah toolkit from doreah import settings from doreah.logging import log # technical from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader import _thread import sys import signal import os import setproctitle #settings.config(files=["settings/default.ini","settings/settings.ini"]) #settings.update("settings/default.ini","settings/settings.ini") MAIN_PORT = settings.get_settings("WEB_PORT") HOST = settings.get_settings("HOST") webserver = Bottle() @webserver.route("") @webserver.route("/") def mainpage(): response = static_html("start") return response @webserver.error(400) @webserver.error(403) @webserver.error(404) @webserver.error(405) @webserver.error(408) @webserver.error(500) @webserver.error(505) def customerror(error): code = int(str(error).split(",")[0][1:]) log("HTTP Error: " + str(code),module="error") if os.path.exists("website/errors/" + str(code) + ".html"): return static_file("website/errors/" + str(code) + ".html",root="") else: with open("website/errors/generic.html") as htmlfile: html = htmlfile.read() # apply global substitutions with open("website/common/footer.html") as footerfile: footerhtml = footerfile.read() with open("website/common/header.html") as headerfile: headerhtml = headerfile.read() html = html.replace("</body>",footerhtml + "</body>").replace("</head>",headerhtml + "</head>") html = html.replace("ERROR_CODE",str(code)) return html def graceful_exit(sig=None,frame=None): #urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" + str(DATABASE_PORT) + "/sync") log("Received signal to shutdown") try: database.sync() except Exception as e: log("Error while shutting down!",e) log("Server shutting down...") os._exit(42) @webserver.route("/image") def dynamic_image(): keys = FormsDict.decode(request.query) relevant, _, _, _ = uri_to_internal(keys) result = resolveImage(**relevant) if result == "": return "" redirect(result,307) @webserver.route("/images/<pth:re:.*\\.jpeg>") @webserver.route("/images/<pth:re:.*\\.jpg>") @webserver.route("/images/<pth:re:.*\\.png>") @webserver.route("/images/<pth:re:.*\\.gif>") def static_image(pth): small_pth = pth + "-small" if os.path.exists("images/" + small_pth): response = static_file("images/" + small_pth,root="") else: try: from wand.image import Image img = Image(filename="images/" + pth) x,y = img.size[0], img.size[1] smaller = min(x,y) if smaller > 300: ratio = 300/smaller img.resize(int(ratio*x),int(ratio*y)) img.save(filename="images/" + small_pth) response = static_file("images/" + small_pth,root="") else: response = static_file("images/" + pth,root="") except: response = static_file("images/" + pth,root="") #response = static_file("images/" + pth,root="") response.set_header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=86400") return response #@webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.html>") @webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.js>") @webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.css>") @webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.png>") @webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.jpeg>") @webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.ico>") @webserver.route("/<name:re:.*\\.txt>") def static(name): response = static_file("website/" + name,root="") response.set_header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600") return response @webserver.route("/<name>") def static_html(name): linkheaders = ["</css/maloja.css>; rel=preload; as=style"] keys = remove_identical(FormsDict.decode(request.query)) with open("website/" + name + ".html") as htmlfile: html = htmlfile.read() # apply global substitutions with open("website/common/footer.html") as footerfile: footerhtml = footerfile.read() with open("website/common/header.html") as headerfile: headerhtml = headerfile.read() html = html.replace("</body>",footerhtml + "</body>").replace("</head>",headerhtml + "</head>") # If a python file exists, it provides the replacement dict for the html file if os.path.exists("website/" + name + ".py"): #txt_keys = SourceFileLoader(name,"website/" + name + ".py").load_module().replacedict(keys,DATABASE_PORT) try: content = SourceFileLoader(name,"website/" + name + ".py").load_module().instructions(keys) if isinstance(content,str): redirect(content) txt_keys, resources = content except HTTPResponse as e: raise except Exception as e: log("Error in website generation: " + str(sys.exc_info()),module="error") raise # add headers for server push for resource in resources: if all(ord(c) < 128 for c in resource["file"]): # we can only put ascii stuff in the http header linkheaders.append("<" + resource["file"] + ">; rel=preload; as=" + resource["type"]) # apply key substitutions for k in txt_keys: if isinstance(txt_keys[k],list): # if list, we replace each occurence with the next item for element in txt_keys[k]: html = html.replace(k,element,1) else: html = html.replace(k,txt_keys[k]) response.set_header("Link",",".join(linkheaders)) return html #return static_file("website/" + name + ".html",root="") # Shortlinks @webserver.get("/artist/<artist>") def redirect_artist(artist): redirect("/artist?artist=" + artist) @webserver.get("/track/<artists:path>/<title>") def redirect_track(artists,title): redirect("/track?title=" + title + "&" + "&".join("artist=" + artist for artist in artists.split("/"))) #set graceful shutdown signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, graceful_exit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, graceful_exit) #rename process, this is now required for the daemon manager to work setproctitle.setproctitle("Maloja") ## start database database.start_db() database.dbserver.mount(server=webserver) log("Starting up Maloja server...") run(webserver, host=HOST, port=MAIN_PORT, server='waitress')