In this folder, you can save custom images for artists and tracks in case you don't like the ones provided by Last.FM, you don't want to use Last.FM or it's missing some artists / tracks that are important to you. For artists, you can use a .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .gif image that is named like the artist, but with all non-alphanumeric characters removed. You may also chose the safe route and omit everything but numbers and latin characters (except the dot separating the name and the extension). You can either capitalize exactly as the title or use only lower case, but not use arbitrary capizalization. In case you want to have multiple images of the same format, you may create a folder named like the artist and add any images inside. So, for example, if your artist is "Dal★Shabet", all these files would be considered: DalShabet.jpg dalshabet.png DalShabet/bestimage.jpeg dalshabet/serri_only.png The following files would not be considered: Dal★Shabet.png (non-alphanumeric character) Dalshabet.gif (wrong capitalization) DalShabet.webm (wrong extension) DalShabet/SomeoneLikeU_MV.mp4 (wrong extension) Dal★Shabet/party.png (non-alphanumeric character in folder) The same concept applies to tracks, however their name consists of all artists joined by a dash (-), then an underscore (_) and the track title. Artists should be joined in alphabetical order, but filenames with the wrong order might still work for a low artist number. Rules as above apply, so if your track was named "Epic Crossover 파티 협동" and it was performed by HyunA, Dal★Shabet and Taylor Swift, the following files would be considered: DalShabet-HyunA-TaylorSwift_EpicCrossover.jpg DalShabet-TaylorSwift-HyunA_EpicCrossover파티협동.png dalshabet-hyuna-taylorswift_epiccrossover/albumcover.png DalShabet-HyunA-TaylorSwift_EpicCrossover파티협동/dancing.gif Not accepted would be: DalShabet-HyunA-Taylor Swift_epiccrossover.jpg (wrong capitalization)