
Welcome to your own Maloja server!

Start Scrobbling

If you use Vivaldi, Brave, Iridium or any other Chromium-based browser and listen to music on Plex or YouTube Music, download the extension and simply enter the server URL as well as your API key in the relevant fields. They will turn green if the server is accessible.

You can also use any standard-compliant scrobbler. For GNUFM (audioscrobbler) scrobblers, enter yourserver.tld/api/s/audioscrobbler as your Gnukebox server and your API key as the password. For Listenbrainz scrobblers, use yourserver.tld/api/s/listenbrainz as the API URL and your API key as token.

If you use another browser or another music player, you could try to code your own extension. The API is super simple! Just send a POST HTTP request to yourserver.tld/api/newscrobble (make sure to use the public URL) with the key-value-pairs

artist Artist String
title Title String
key API Key
seconds Duration of Scrobble - optional and currently not used

Finally, you could always manually scrobble!

Import your Last.FM data

Switching from Download all your data and run the command maloja import (the file you just downloaded).

Set up some rules

After you've scrobbled for a bit, you might want to check the Issues page to see if you need to set up some rules. You can also manually add rules in your server's "rules" directory - just add your own .tsv file and read the instructions on how to declare a rule.

You can also set up some predefined rulesets right away! Enter your API key and click the buttons.
API Key:


Say thanks

Coding open source projects is fun, but not really monetizable. If you like Maloja, I would appreciate a small donation via PayPal or Bitcoin.

View your stats

Done! Visit yourserver.tld (or your public / proxy URL) to look at your overview page. Almost everything is clickable!