### TSV files def parseTSV(filename,*args): f = open(filename) result = [] for l in [l for l in f if (not l.startswith("#")) and (not l.strip()=="")]: l = l.replace("\n","").split("#")[0] data = list(filter(None,l.split("\t"))) # Multiple tabs are okay, we don't accept empty fields unless trailing entry = [] * len(args) for i in range(len(args)): if args[i]=="list": try: entry.append(data[i].split("␟")) except: entry.append([]) elif args[i]=="string": try: entry.append(data[i]) except: entry.append("") elif args[i]=="int": try: entry.append(int(data[i])) except: entry.append(0) elif args[i]=="bool": try: entry.append((data[i].lower() in ["true","yes","1","y"])) except: entry.append(False) result.append(entry) f.close() return result def checksumTSV(folder): import hashlib import os sums = "" for f in os.listdir(folder + "/"): if (f.endswith(".tsv")): f = open(folder + "/" + f,"rb") sums += hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() + "\n" f.close() return sums # returns whether checksums match and sets the checksum to invalid if they don't (or sets the new one if no previous one exists) def combineChecksums(filename,checksums): import os if os.path.exists(filename + ".rulestate"): f = open(filename + ".rulestate","r") oldchecksums = f.read() f.close() if oldchecksums == checksums: # the new checksum given by the calling db server represents the rule state that all current unsaved scrobbles were created under # if this is the same as the existing one, we're all good return True elif (oldchecksums != "INVALID"): #if not, the file is not consistent to any single rule state (some scrobbles were created with an old ruleset, some not) f = open(filename + ".rulestate","w") f.write("INVALID") # this will never match any sha256sum f.close() return False else: #if the file already says invalid, no need to open it and rewrite return False else: f = open(filename + ".rulestate","w") f.write(checksums) f.close() return True # checks ALL files for their rule state. if they are all the same as the current loaded one, the entire database can be assumed to be consistent with the current ruleset # in any other case, get out def consistentRulestate(folder,checksums): import os result = [] for scrobblefile in os.listdir(folder + "/"): if (scrobblefile.endswith(".tsv")): try: f = open(folder + "/" + scrobblefile + ".rulestate","r") if f.read() != checksums: return False except: return False finally: f.close() return True def parseAllTSV(path,*args): import os result = [] for f in os.listdir(path + "/"): if (".tsv" in f): result += parseTSV(path + "/" + f,*args) return result def createTSV(filename): import os if not os.path.exists(filename): open(filename,"w").close() def addEntry(filename,a): createTSV(filename) line = "\t".join(a) with open(filename,"a") as f: f.write(line + "\n") def addEntries(filename,al): with open(filename,"a") as f: for a in al: line = "\t".join(a) f.write(line + "\n") ### Logging def log(msg): print(msg) # best function ever ### Media info def getArtistInfo(artist): import re import os import urllib import json import _thread filename = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]","",artist) filepath = "info/artists/" + filename filepath_cache = "info/artists_cache/" + filename # check if custom image exists if os.path.exists(filepath + ".png"): imgurl = "/" + filepath + ".png" elif os.path.exists(filepath + ".jpg"): imgurl = "/" + filepath + ".jpg" elif os.path.exists(filepath + ".jpeg"): imgurl = "/" + filepath + ".jpeg" #check if cached image exists elif os.path.exists(filepath_cache + ".png"): imgurl = "/" + filepath_cache + ".png" elif os.path.exists(filepath_cache + ".jpg"): imgurl = "/" + filepath_cache + ".jpg" elif os.path.exists(filepath_cache + ".jpeg"): imgurl = "/" + filepath_cache + ".jpeg" # check if custom desc exists if os.path.exists(filepath + ".txt"): with open(filepath + ".txt","r") as descfile: desc = descfile.read().replace("\n","") #check if cached desc exists elif os.path.exists(filepath_cache + ".txt"): with open(filepath_cache + ".txt","r") as descfile: desc = descfile.read().replace("\n","") try: return {"image":imgurl,"info":desc} except NameError: pass #is this pythonic? # if we neither have a custom image nor a cached version, we return the address from lastfm, but cache that image for later use with open("apikey","r") as keyfile: apikey = keyfile.read().replace("\n","") try: url = "https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getinfo&artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(artist) + "&api_key=" + apikey + "&format=json" response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) lastfm_data = json.loads(response.read()) try: imgurl except NameError: imgurl = lastfm_data["artist"]["image"][2]["#text"] if imgurl == "": imgurl = "/info/artists/default.jpg" else: _thread.start_new_thread(cacheImage,(imgurl,"info/artists_cache",filename)) try: desc except NameError: desc = lastfm_data["artist"]["bio"]["summary"].split("(1) ")[-1] with open(filepath_cache + ".txt","w") as descfile: descfile.write(desc) # this feels so dirty return {"image":imgurl,"info":desc} except: return {"image":"/info/artists/default.jpg","info":"No information available"} def cacheImage(url,path,filename): import urllib.request response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) target = path + "/" + filename + "." + response.info().get_content_subtype() urllib.request.urlretrieve(url,target)