from .malojatime import get_range_object from bottle import FormsDict import urllib import math # this also sets defaults! def uri_to_internal(keys,forceTrack=False,forceArtist=False): # output: # 1 keys that define the filtered object like artist or track # 2 keys that define time limits of the whole thing # 3 keys that define interal time ranges # 4 keys that define amount limits # 1 if "title" in keys and not forceArtist: filterkeys = {"track":{"artists":keys.getall("artist"),"title":keys.get("title")}} elif "artist" in keys and not forceTrack: filterkeys = {"artist":keys.get("artist")} if "associated" in keys: resultkeys1["associated"] = True else: filterkeys = {} # 2 limitkeys = {} since,to,within = None,None,None if "since" in keys: since = keys.get("since") elif "from" in keys: since = keys.get("from") elif "start" in keys: since = keys.get("start") if "to" in keys: to = keys.get("to") elif "until" in keys: to = keys.get("until") elif "end" in keys: to = keys.get("end") if "in" in keys: within = keys.get("in") elif "within" in keys: within = keys.get("within") elif "during" in keys: within = keys.get("during") limitkeys["timerange"] = get_range_object(since=since,to=to,within=within) #3 delimitkeys = {"step":"month","stepn":1,"trail":1} if "step" in keys: [delimitkeys["step"],delimitkeys["stepn"]] = (keys["step"].split("-") + [1])[:2] if "stepn" in keys: delimitkeys["stepn"] = keys["stepn"] #overwrite if explicitly given if "stepn" in delimitkeys: delimitkeys["stepn"] = int(delimitkeys["stepn"]) #in both cases, convert it here if "trail" in keys: delimitkeys["trail"] = int(keys["trail"]) if "cumulative" in keys: delimitkeys["trail"] = math.inf #4 amountkeys = {"page":0,"perpage":100} if "max" in keys: amountkeys["page"],amountkeys["perpage"] = 0, int(keys["max"]) #different max than the internal one! the user doesn't get to disable pagination if "page" in keys: amountkeys["page"] = int(keys["page"]) if "perpage" in keys: amountkeys["perpage"] = int(keys["perpage"]) #5 specialkeys = {} if "remote" in keys: specialkeys["remote"] = keys["remote"] return filterkeys, limitkeys, delimitkeys, amountkeys, specialkeys def create_uri(path,*keydicts): return path + "?" + uriencode(*keydicts) def uriencode(*keydicts): keyd = {} for kd in keydicts: keyd.update(kd) return compose_querystring(internal_to_uri(keyd)) def internal_to_uri(keys): urikeys = FormsDict() #filter if "artist" in keys: urikeys.append("artist",keys["artist"]) if keys.get("associated"): urikeys.append("associated","yes") elif "track" in keys: for a in keys["track"]["artists"]: urikeys.append("artist",a) urikeys.append("title",keys["track"]["title"]) #time if "timerange" in keys: keydict = keys["timerange"].urikeys() for k in keydict: urikeys.append(k,keydict[k]) elif "within" in keys: urikeys.append("in",time_str(keys["within"])) else: if "since" in keys and keys["since"] is not None: urikeys.append("since",time_str(keys["since"])) if "to" in keys and keys["to"] is not None: urikeys.append("to",time_str(keys["to"])) # delimit if "step" in keys: urikeys.append("step",keys["step"]) if "stepn" in keys: urikeys.append("stepn",str(keys["stepn"])) if "trail" in keys: if keys["trail"] == math.inf: urikeys.append("cumulative","yes") else: urikeys.append("trail",str(keys["trail"])) # stuff #if "max_" in keys: # urikeys.append("max",str(keys["max_"])) if "page" in keys: urikeys.append("page",str(keys["page"])) if "perpage" in keys: urikeys.append("perpage",str(keys["perpage"])) return urikeys # necessary because urllib.parse.urlencode doesnt handle multidicts def compose_querystring(*dicts,exclude=[]): st = "" keys = remove_identical(*dicts) for k in keys: if k in exclude: continue values = keys.getall(k) st += "&".join([urllib.parse.urlencode({k:v},safe="/") for v in values]) st += "&" return st # takes any number of multidicts and normal dicts and creates a formsdict with duplicate values removed def remove_identical(*dicts): #combine multiple dicts keys = FormsDict() for d in dicts: for k in d: try: #multidicts for v in d.getall(k): keys.append(k,v) except: #normaldicts v = d.get(k) keys.append(k,v) return keys