import urllib
import json
from threading import Thread
from datetime import datetime
#import database
def getpictures(ls,result,tracks=False):
from utilities import getArtistsInfo, getTracksInfo
if tracks:
for element in getTracksInfo(ls):
for element in getArtistsInfo(ls):
def instructions(keys,dbport):
from utilities import getArtistsInfo, getTracksInfo
from htmlgenerators import artistLink, artistLinks, trackLink, scrobblesArtistLink, scrobblesLink, keysToUrl, pickKeys, clean, getTimeDesc, getRangeDesc
max_show = 15
posrange = ["#" + str(i) for i in range(1,max_show)]
#timekeys = pickKeys(keys,"since","to","in")
#limitkeys = pickKeys(keys)
# get chart data
# artists
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" + str(dbport) + "/charts/artists")
db_data = json.loads(
charts = db_data["list"][:max_show]
#charts = database.get_charts_artists()[:max_show]
topartist = charts[0]["artist"]
artisttitles = [c["artist"] for c in charts]
artistimages = []
t1 = Thread(target=getpictures,args=(artisttitles,artistimages,))
#artistimages = [info.get("image") for info in getArtistsInfo(artisttitles)]
artistlinks = [artistLink(a) for a in artisttitles]
# tracks
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" + str(dbport) + "/charts/tracks")
db_data = json.loads(
charts = db_data["list"][:max_show]
#charts = database.get_charts_trackss()[:max_show]
trackobjects = [t["track"] for t in charts]
tracktitles = [t["title"] for t in trackobjects]
trackartists = [", ".join(t["artists"]) for t in trackobjects]
trackimages = []
t2 = Thread(target=getpictures,args=(trackobjects,trackimages,),kwargs={"tracks":True})
#trackimages = [info.get("image") for info in getTracksInfo(trackobjects)]
tracklinks = [trackLink(t) for t in trackobjects]
# get scrobbles
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" + str(dbport) + "/scrobbles?max=50")
db_data = json.loads(
scrobblelist = db_data["list"]
#scrobblelist = database.get_scrobbles(max=50)
scrobbletrackobjects = scrobblelist #ignore the extra time attribute, the format should still work
scrobbleartists = [", ".join([artistLink(a) for a in s["artists"]]) for s in scrobblelist]
scrobbletitles = [s["title"] for s in scrobblelist]
scrobbletimes = [getTimeDesc(s["time"],short=True) for s in scrobblelist]
scrobbleimages = []
t3 = Thread(target=getpictures,args=(scrobbletrackobjects,scrobbleimages,),kwargs={"tracks":True})
#scrobbleimages = [info.get("image") for info in getTracksInfo(scrobbletrackobjects)]
scrobbletracklinks = [trackLink(t) for t in scrobbletrackobjects]
# get stats
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" +str(dbport) + "/numscrobbles?since=today")
stats = json.loads(
scrobbles_today = "" + str(stats["amount"]) + ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" +str(dbport) + "/numscrobbles?since=month")
stats = json.loads(
scrobbles_month = "" + str(stats["amount"]) + ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" +str(dbport) + "/numscrobbles?since=year")
stats = json.loads(
scrobbles_year = "" + str(stats["amount"]) + ""
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" +str(dbport) + "/numscrobbles")
stats = json.loads(
scrobbles_total = "" + str(stats["amount"]) + ""
# get pulse
dt = datetime.utcnow()
dtl = [dt.year-1,dt.month+1]
if dtl[1] > 12: dtl = [dtl[0]+1,dtl[1]-12]
dts = "/".join([str(e) for e in dtl])
# this is literally the ugliest piece of code i have written in my entire feckin life
# good lord
response = urllib.request.urlopen("http://[::1]:" + str(dbport) + "/pulse?step=month&trail=1&since=" + dts)
db_data = json.loads(
terms = db_data["list"]
maxbar = max([t["scrobbles"] for t in terms])
#pulse_fromdates = ["/".join([str(e) for e in t["from"]]) for t in terms]
#pulse_todates = ["/".join([str(e) for e in t["to"]]) for t in terms]
pulse_rangedescs = [getRangeDesc(t["from"],t["to"]) for t in terms]
pulse_amounts = [scrobblesLink({"since":"/".join([str(e) for e in t["from"]]),"to":"/".join([str(e) for e in t["to"]])},amount=t["scrobbles"]) for t in terms]
pulse_bars = [scrobblesLink({"since":"/".join([str(e) for e in t["from"]]),"to":"/".join([str(e) for e in t["to"]])},percent=t["scrobbles"]*100/maxbar) for t in terms]
pushresources = [{"file":img,"type":"image"} for img in artistimages + trackimages + scrobbleimages if img.startswith("/")]
replace = {"KEY_ARTISTIMAGE":artistimages,"KEY_ARTISTNAME":artisttitles,"KEY_ARTISTLINK":artistlinks,"KEY_POSITION_ARTIST":posrange,
return (replace,pushresources)