# This module should take care of recognizing old install data and upgrading it before the actual server deals with it import os import re import csv from doreah.logging import log from doreah.io import col from .globalconf import data_dir, dir_settings from .apis import _apikeys # Dealing with old style tsv files - these should be phased out everywhere def read_tsvs(path,types): result = [] for f in os.listdir(path): if f.split('.')[-1].lower() != 'tsv': continue filepath = os.path.join(path,f) result += read_tsv(filepath,types) return result def read_tsv(filename,types): with open(filename,'r') as filed: reader = csv.reader(filed,delimiter="\t") rawentries = [[col for col in entry if col] for entry in reader if len(entry)>0 and not entry[0].startswith('#')] converted_entries = [[coltype(col) for col,coltype in zip(entry,types)] for entry in rawentries] return converted_entries def upgrade_apikeys(): oldfile = os.path.join(dir_settings['config'],"clients","authenticated_machines.tsv") if os.path.exists(oldfile): try: entries = read_tsv(oldfile) for key,identifier in entries: _apikeys.apikeystore[identifier] = key os.remove(oldfile) except Exception: pass def upgrade_db(callback_add_scrobbles): oldfolder = os.path.join(dir_settings['state'],"scrobbles") newfolder = os.path.join(dir_settings['state'],".v2scrobbles") os.makedirs(newfolder,exist_ok=True) if os.path.exists(oldfolder): scrobblefiles = [f for f in os.listdir(oldfolder) if f.endswith(".tsv")] if len(scrobblefiles) > 0: log("Upgrading v2 Database to v3 Database. This could take a while...",color='yellow') idx = 0 for sf in scrobblefiles: idx += 1 if re.match(r"[0-9]+_[0-9]+\.tsv",sf): origin = 'legacy' elif sf == "lastfmimport.tsv": origin = 'import:lastfm' elif sf == "spotifyimport.tsv": origin = 'import:spotify' else: origin = 'unknown' scrobbles = read_tsv(os.path.join(oldfolder,sf),[int,str,str,str,str]) #scrobbles = tsv.parse(os.path.join(oldfolder,sf),"int","string","string","string","string",comments=False) scrobblelist = [] log(f"\tImporting from {sf} ({idx}/{len(scrobblefiles)}) - {len(scrobbles)} Scrobbles") for scrobble in scrobbles: timestamp, artists, title, album, duration, *_ = scrobble + [None,None] if album in ('-',''): album = None if duration in ('-',''): duration = None scrobblelist.append({ "time":int(timestamp), "track":{ "artists":artists.split('␟'), "title":title, "length":None }, "duration":duration, "origin":origin, "extra":{ "album_name":album # saving this in the scrobble instead of the track because for now it's not meant # to be authorative information, just payload of the scrobble } }) callback_add_scrobbles(scrobblelist) os.rename(os.path.join(oldfolder,sf),os.path.join(newfolder,sf)) log("Done!",color='yellow')