from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, response from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader import waitress import os import datetime DATABASE = [] ARTISTS = [] TRACKS = [] @route("/scrobbles") def get_scrobbles(): keys = request.query r = db_query(artist=keys.get("artist")) #print(r) response.content_type = "application/json" return {"object":r} ##json can't be a list apparently??? #r = db_query(artist=keys.get("artist")) #text = "" #for e in r: # entry = "" # for a in e["artists"]: # entry += a + "/" # entry += " " + e["title"] + "\n" # text += entry #return text @route("/tracks") def get_tracks(): artist = request.query.get("artist") ls = [t for t in TRACKS if (artist in t["artists"])] return {"object":ls} # Starts the server def runserver(DATABASE_PORT): reload() buildh() run(host='', port=DATABASE_PORT, server='waitress') # builds database of artists and tracks # UNUSED as it is very resource-heavy, use buildh() instead def build(): global ARTISTS global TRACKS artistlist = [] tracklist = [] for t in DATABASE: for a in t["artists"]: if a in artistlist: continue artistlist.append(a) # first check if the title exists at all to quickly rule out most titles if (t["title"] in [tr["title"] for tr in tracklist]): #only it same title actually exists do we need to check if the song is the same if not (set(t["artists"]) in [set(tr["artists"]) for tr in tracklist if tr["title"] == t["title"]]): #wut tracklist.append({"artists":t["artists"],"title":t["title"]}) ### ALRIGHT #foundexisting = False #for track in [tr for tr in tracklist if tr["title"] == t["title"]]: #wtf did I just write # #print("Check duplicate: " + str(track) + " AND " + str(t)) # if (set(track["artists"]) == set(t["artists"])): # foundexisting = True # #print("MATCH!") # break # #else: # #print("NO MATCH!") #if not foundexisting: # tracklist.append({"artists":t["artists"],"title":t["title"]}) else: tracklist.append({"artists":t["artists"],"title":t["title"]}) ARTISTS = artistlist TRACKS = tracklist # builds database of artists and tracks # uses better data types to quickly find all unique tracks def buildh(): global ARTISTS global TRACKS artistset = set() trackset = set() for t in DATABASE: for a in t["artists"]: if a not in artistset: artistset.add(a) # we list the tracks as tupels of frozenset(artists) and track # this way they're hashable and easily comparable, but we need to change them back after we have the list if ((frozenset(t["artists"]),t["title"])) not in trackset: trackset.add((frozenset(t["artists"]),t["title"])) print("Done, now converting back!") ARTISTS = list(artistset) TRACKS = [{"artists":list(a[0]),"title":a[1]} for a in trackset] # Rebuilds the database from disk, keeps cached entries def reload(): newdb = [t for t in DATABASE if not t["saved"]] for f in os.listdir("logs/"): #print(f) if not (".csv" in f): continue logfile = open("logs/" + f) for l in logfile: l = l.replace("\n","") data = l.split(",") #print(l) artists = data[1].split("/") #album = data[3] title = data[2] time = int(data[0]) DATABASE.append({"artists":artists,"title":title,"time":time,"saved":True}) # Saves all cached entries to disk def flush(): for t in DATABASE: if not t["saved"]: artistss = "/".join(t["artists"]) timestamp =["time"]) entry = ",".join([str(t["time"]),artistss,t["title"]]) monthfile = open("logs/" + str(timestamp.year) + "_" + str(timestamp.month) + ".csv","a") monthfile.write(entry) monthfile.write("\n") monthfile.close() t["saved"] = True # Queries the database def db_query(artist=None,title=None,since=0,to=9999999999): if isinstance(since, str): sdate = [int(x) for x in since.split("/")] date = [1970,1,1,0,0] date[:len(sdate)] = sdate since = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],date[3],date[4],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()) if isinstance(to, str): sdate = [int(x) for x in to.split("/")] date = [1970,1,1,0,0] date[:len(sdate)] = sdate to = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],date[3],date[4],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()) thingsweneed = ["artists","title","time"] return [{key:t[key] for key in thingsweneed} for t in DATABASE if (artist in t["artists"] or artist==None) and (t["title"]==title or title==None) and (since < t["time"] < to)] # Search for strings def db_search(query,type=None): if type=="ARTIST": results = [] for a in ARTISTS: if query.lower() in a.lower(): results.append(a) if type=="TRACK": results = [] for t in TRACKS: if query.lower() in t[1].lower(): results.append(t) return results