from doreah.settings import get_settings, update_settings import urllib.request import hashlib import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from bottle import redirect, request from database import checkAPIkey from external import lfmbuild def instructions(keys): authenticated = False if "Cookie" in request.headers: cookies = request.headers["Cookie"].split(";") for c in cookies: if c.strip().startswith("apikey="): authenticated = checkAPIkey(c.strip()[7:]) if "token" in keys and authenticated: token = keys.get("token") parameters = { "method":"auth.getSession", "token":token, "api_key":get_settings("LASTFM_API_KEY") } response = urllib.request.urlopen("" + lfmbuild(parameters)) xml = data = ET.fromstring(xml) if data.attrib.get("status") == "ok": username = data.find("session").find("name").text sessionkey = data.find("session").find("key").text update_settings("settings/settings.ini",{"LASTFM_API_SK":sessionkey,"LASTFM_USERNAME":username},create_new=True) return "/proxy" else: key,secret,sessionkey,name = get_settings("LASTFM_API_KEY","LASTFM_API_SECRET","LASTFM_API_SK","LASTFM_USERNAME") if key is None: lastfm = "No key provided" elif secret is None: lastfm = "No secret provided" elif sessionkey is None and authenticated: url = "" + key + "&cb=" lastfm = "
" elif sessionkey is None: lastfm = "Not active" else: lastfm = "Account: " + name + "" return {"KEY_STATUS_LASTFM":lastfm},[]