# Do not change settings in this file # Instead, simply write an entry with the same name in your own settings.ini file # Category headers in [brackets] are only for organization and not necessary [Directories] # DATA_DIRECTORY determines the base directory. It should be specified as environment # variable because this file itself is loaded from it. # Configuration is always in this base directory. Other data defaults to be here # too, but can be customized with the options below. DIRECTORY_STATE = None # This is /var/lib/maloja per XDG DIRECTORY_LOGS = None # this is /var/log/maloja per XDG DIRECTORY_CACHE = None # this is /var/cache/maloja per XDG [HTTP] WEB_PORT = 42010 HOST = "::" # You most likely want either :: for IPv6 or for IPv4 here [Login] DEFAULT_PASSWORD = none FORCE_PASSWORD = none # these are only meant for Docker containers # on first start, set the environment variable MALOJA_DEFAULT_PASSWORD # if you forgot and already generated a random password, you can overwrite it with MALOJA_FORCE_PASSWORD [Third Party Services] # order in which to use the metadata providers # keep in mind that musicbrainz is rate-limited and should probably not be used first METADATA_PROVIDERS = [lastfm,spotify,deezer,musicbrainz] # whether to proxy scrobble to other services SCROBBLE_LASTFM = false LASTFM_API_KEY = "ASK" # 'ASK' signifies that the user has not yet indicated to not use any key at all. LASTFM_API_SECRET = "ASK" FANARTTV_API_KEY = "ASK" SPOTIFY_API_ID = "ASK" SPOTIFY_API_SECRET = "ASK" CACHE_EXPIRE_NEGATIVE = 30 # after how many days negative results should be tried again CACHE_EXPIRE_POSITIVE = 300 # after how many days positive results should be refreshed THUMBOR_SERVER = None THUMBOR_SECRET = "" # Can be 'YouTube', 'YouTube Music', 'Spotify', 'Tidal', 'SoundCloud', 'Deezer', 'Amazon Music', 'Apple', 'Beatport', 'Bandcamp', 'Qobuz' # Set to None to disable TRACK_SEARCH_PROVIDER = None [Database] USE_DB_CACHE = yes CACHE_DATABASE_SHORT = true CACHE_DATABASE_PERM = true #more permanent cache for old timeranges DB_CACHE_ENTRIES = 10000 #experiment with this depending on your RAM DB_MAX_MEMORY = 75 # percentage of RAM utilization (whole container, not just maloja) that should trigger a flush INVALID_ARTISTS = ["[Unknown Artist]","Unknown Artist","Spotify"] REMOVE_FROM_TITLE = ["(Original Mix)","(Radio Edit)","(Album Version)","(Explicit Version)","(Bonus Track)"] DELIMITERS_FEAT = ["ft.","ft","feat.","feat","featuring","Ft.","Ft","Feat.","Feat","Featuring"] DELIMITERS_INFORMAL = ["vs.","vs","&"] DELIMITERS_FORMAL = [";","/"] USE_PARSE_PLUGINS = no [Local Images] USE_LOCAL_IMAGES = true LOCAL_IMAGE_ROTATE = 3600 # when multiple images are present locally, how many seconds we wait between rotation [Web Interface] # what range is shown per default for the tile view on the start page # can be week, month, year, alltime DEFAULT_RANGE_CHARTS_ARTISTS = year DEFAULT_RANGE_CHARTS_TRACKS = year # same for pulse view # can be day, week, month, year DEFAULT_STEP_PULSE = month # display top tiles on artist and track chart pages CHARTS_DISPLAY_TILES = false # this does not actually block any requests, it's just an interface feature t # prevent visitors from mindlessly clicking on those options and hogging your cpu DISCOURAGE_CPU_HEAVY_STATS = false # Offset in hours to UTC TIMEZONE = 0 TIME_FORMAT = "%d. %b %Y %I:%M %p" # use '%H:%M' instead of '%I:%M %p' for 24 hour clock [Fluff] # how many scrobbles a track needs to aquire this status SCROBBLES_GOLD = 250 SCROBBLES_PLATINUM = 500 SCROBBLES_DIAMOND = 1000 # name for comparisons NAME = None [Misc] SKIP_SETUP = no LOGGING = true DEV_MODE = false # set this to true if your console output will be processed and should never change existing lines CLEAN_OUTPUT = false