import os from doreah.settings import get_settings from doreah.settings import config as settingsconfig from doreah.configuration import Configuration from doreah.configuration import types as tp pthj = os.path.join # if DATA_DIRECTORY is specified, this is the directory to use for EVERYTHING, no matter what # but with asynnetrical structure, cache and logs in subfolders # otherwise, each directory is treated seperately # in that case, individual settings for each are respected # DIRECRORY_CONFIG, DIRECRORY_STATE, DIRECTORY_LOGS and DIRECTORY_CACHE # config can only be determined by environment variable, the others can be loaded # from the config files # explicit settings will always be respected. if there are none: # first check if there is any indication of one of the possibilities being populated already # if not, use the first we have permissions for # after we decide which to use, fix it in settings to avoid future heuristics try: HOME_DIR = os.environ["XDG_DATA_HOME"].split(":")[0] assert os.path.exists(HOME_DIR) except: HOME_DIR = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"],".local/share/") usrfol = pthj(HOME_DIR,"maloja") etccfg = '/etc/maloja' varlib = '/var/lib/maloja' varcac = '/var/cache/maloja' varlog = '/var/log/maloja' dir_settings = { "config":None, "state":None, "logs":None, "cache":None, # "clients":None, # "rules":None, # "settings":None, # "auth":None, # "backups":None, # "images":None, # "scrobbles":None, # "logs":None, # "cache":None } dir_options = { "config":[ "/etc/maloja", usrfol ], "state":[ "/var/lib/maloja", "/etc/maloja", usrfol ], "logs":[ "/var/log/maloja", "/etc/maloja/logs", pthj(usrfol,"logs") ], "cache":[ "/var/cache/maloja", "/etc/maloja/cache", pthj(usrfol,"cache") ] } sentinels = { "config":"settings", "state":"scrobbles", "logs":None, "cache":None, } # check environ variables stng_data = get_settings("DATA_DIRECTORY",files=[],environ_prefix="MALOJA_") if stng_data is not None: dir_settings['config'] = stng_data dir_settings['state'] = stng_data dir_settings['cache'] = pthj(stng_data,'cache') dir_settings['logs'] = pthj(stng_data,'logs') else: dir_settings['config'], dir_settings['state'], dir_settings['cache'], dir_settings['logs'] = get_settings("DIRECTORY_CONFIG","DIRECTORY_STATE","DIRECTORY_LOGS","DIRECTORY_CACHE",files=[],environ_prefix="MALOJA_") # as soon as we know the config directory, we can load from settings file if dir_settings['config'] is not None: settingsfiles = [pthj(dir_settings['config'],'settings','default.ini'),pthj(dir_settings['config'],'settings','settings.ini')] dir_settings['config'], dir_settings['state'], dir_settings['cache'], dir_settings['logs'] = get_settings("DIRECTORY_CONFIG","DIRECTORY_STATE","DIRECTORY_LOGS","DIRECTORY_CACHE",files=settingsfiles,environ_prefix="MALOJA_") # now to the stuff no setting has explicitly defined for dirtype in dir_settings: if dir_settings[dirtype] is None: for option in dir_options[dirtype]: if os.path.exists(option): # check if this is really the directory used for this category (/etc/maloja could be used for state or just config) if sentinels[dirtype] is None or os.path.exists(pthj(option,sentinels[dirtype])): dir_settings[dirtype] = option break # if no directory seems to exist, use the first writable one for dirtype in dir_settings: if dir_settings[dirtype] is None: for option in dir_options[dirtype]: try: os.makedirs(option,exist_ok=True) os.mknod(pthj(option,".test")) os.remove(pthj(option,".test")) dir_settings[dirtype] = option break except: pass assert all((dir_settings[s] is not None) for s in dir_settings) data_directories = { "auth":pthj(dir_settings['state'],"auth"), "backups":pthj(dir_settings['state'],"backups"), "images":pthj(dir_settings['state'],"images"), "scrobbles":pthj(dir_settings['state'],"scrobbles"), "rules":pthj(dir_settings['config'],"rules"), "clients":pthj(dir_settings['config'],"clients"), "settings":pthj(dir_settings['config'],"settings"), "css":pthj(dir_settings['config'],"custom_css"), "logs":pthj(dir_settings['logs']), "cache":pthj(dir_settings['cache']), } data_dir = { k:lambda *x,k=k: pthj(data_directories[k],*x) for k in data_directories } ### DOREAH CONFIGURATION from doreah import config config( settings={ "files":[ data_dir['settings']("default.ini"), data_dir['settings']("settings.ini") ], "environ_prefix":"MALOJA_" }, caching={ "folder": data_dir['cache']() }, auth={ "multiuser":False, "cookieprefix":"maloja", "stylesheets":["/style.css"], "dbfile":data_dir['auth']("auth.ddb") } ) # because we loaded a doreah module already before setting the config, we need to to that manually settingsconfig._readpreconfig() config( logging={ "logfolder": data_dir['logs']() if get_settings("LOGGING") else None }, regular={ "autostart": False, "offset": get_settings("TIMEZONE") } ) settingsconfig._readpreconfig() # thumbor THUMBOR_SERVER, THUMBOR_SECRET = get_settings("THUMBOR_SERVER","THUMBOR_SECRET") try: USE_THUMBOR = THUMBOR_SERVER is not None and THUMBOR_SECRET is not None if USE_THUMBOR: from libthumbor import CryptoURL THUMBOR_GENERATOR = CryptoURL(key=THUMBOR_SECRET) OWNURL = get_settings("PUBLIC_URL") assert OWNURL is not None except: USE_THUMBOR = False log("Thumbor could not be initialized. Is libthumbor installed?") # new config malojaconfig = Configuration( settings={ "Setup":{ "data_directory":(tp.String(), "Data Directory", None, "Folder for all user data. Overwrites all choices for specific directories."), "directory_config":(tp.String(), "Config Directory", "/etc/maloja", "Folder for config data. Only applied when global data directory is not set."), "directory_state":(tp.String(), "State Directory", "/var/lib/maloja", "Folder for state data. Only applied when global data directory is not set."), "directory_logs":(tp.String(), "Log Directory", "/var/log/maloja", "Folder for log data. Only applied when global data directory is not set."), "directory_cache":(tp.String(), "Cache Directory", "/var/cache/maloja", "Folder for cache data. Only applied when global data directory is not set."), "skip_setup":(tp.Boolean(), "Skip Setup", False, "Make server setup process non-interactive. Vital for Docker."), "force_password":(tp.String(), "Force Password", None, "On startup, overwrite admin password with this one. This should usually only be done via environment variable in Docker."), "clean_output":(tp.Boolean(), "Avoid Mutable Console Output", False, "Use if console output will be redirected e.g. to a web interface.") }, "Debug":{ "logging":(tp.Boolean(), "Enable Logging", True), "dev_mode":(tp.Boolean(), "Enable developer mode", False), }, "Network":{ "host":(tp.String(), "Host", "::", "Host for your server - most likely :: for IPv6 or for IPv4"), "port":(tp.Integer(), "Port", 42010), }, "Technical":{ "cache_expire_positive":(tp.Integer(), "Image Cache Expiration", 300, "Days until images are refetched"), "cache_expire_negative":(tp.Integer(), "Image Cache Negative Expiration", 30, "Days until failed image fetches are reattempted"), "use_db_cache":(tp.Boolean(), "Use DB Cache", True), "cache_database_short":(tp.Boolean(), "Use volatile Database Cache", True), "cache_database_perm":(tp.Boolean(), "Use permanent Database Cache", True), "db_cache_entries":(tp.Integer(), "Maximal Cache entries", 10000), "db_max_memory":(tp.Integer(max=100,min=20), "RAM Percentage Theshold", 75, "Maximal percentage of RAM that should be used by whole system before Maloja discards cache entries. Use a higher number if your Maloja runs on a dedicated instance (e.g. a container)") }, "Fluff":{ "scrobbles_gold":(tp.Integer(), "Scrobbles for Gold", 250, "How many scrobbles a track needs to be considered 'Gold' status"), "scrobbles_platinum":(tp.Integer(), "Scrobbles for Platinum", 500, "How many scrobbles a track needs to be considered 'Platinum' status"), "scrobbles_diamond":(tp.Integer(), "Scrobbles for Diamond", 1000, "How many scrobbles a track needs to be considered 'Diamond' status"), "name":(tp.String(), "Name", "Generic Maloja User") }, "Third Party Services":{ "metadata_providers":(tp.List(tp.String()), "Metadata Providers", ['lastfm','spotify','deezer','musicbrainz'], "Which metadata providers should be used in what order. Musicbrainz is rate-limited and should not be used first."), "scrobble_lastfm":(tp.Boolean(), "Proxy-Scrobble to", False), "lastfm_api_key":(tp.String(), " API Key", None), "lastfm_api_secret":(tp.String(), " API Secret", None), "spotify_api_id":(tp.String(), "Spotify API ID", None), "spotify_api_secret":(tp.String(), "Spotify API Secret", None), "lastfm_api_key":(tp.String(), " API Key", None), "audiodb_api_key":(tp.String(), "TheAudioDB API Key", None), "track_search_provider":(tp.String(), "Track Search Provider", None), "send_stats":(tp.Boolean(), "Send Statistics", None), }, "Database":{ "invalid_artists":(tp.Set(tp.String()), "Invalid Artists", ["[Unknown Artist]","Unknown Artist","Spotify"], "Artists that should be discarded immediately"), "remove_from_title":(tp.Set(tp.String()), "Remove from Title", ["(Original Mix)","(Radio Edit)","(Album Version)","(Explicit Version)","(Bonus Track)"], "Phrases that should be removed from song titles"), "delimiters_feat":(tp.Set(tp.String()), "Featuring Delimiters", ["ft.","ft","feat.","feat","featuring","Ft.","Ft","Feat.","Feat","Featuring"], "Delimiters used for extra artists, even when in the title field"), "delimiters_informal":(tp.Set(tp.String()), "Informal Delimiters", ["vs.","vs","&"], "Delimiters in informal artist strings with spaces expected around them"), "delimiters_formal":(tp.Set(tp.String()), "Formal Delimiters", [";","/"], "Delimiters used to tag multiple artists when only one tag field is available") }, "Web Interface":{ "default_range_charts_artists":(tp.Choice({'alltime':'All Time','year':'Year','month':"Month",'week':'Week'}), "Default Range Artist Charts", "year"), "default_range_charts_tracks":(tp.Choice({'alltime':'All Time','year':'Year','month':"Month",'week':'Week'}), "Default Range Track Charts", "year"), "default_step_pulse":(tp.Choice({'year':'Year','month':"Month",'week':'Week','day':'Day'}), "Default Pulse Step", "month"), "charts_display_tiles":(tp.Boolean(), "Display Chart Tiles", False), "discourage_cpu_heavy_stats":(tp.Boolean(), "Discourage CPU-heavy stats", False, "Prevent visitors from mindlessly clicking on CPU-heavy options. Does not actually disable them for malicious actors!"), "use_local_images":(tp.Boolean(), "Use Local Images", True), "local_image_rotate":(tp.Integer(), "Local Image Rotate", 3600), "timezone":(tp.Integer(), "UTC Offset", 0), "time_format":(tp.String(), "Time Format", "%d. %b %Y %I:%M %p") } }, configfile=data_dir['settings']("settings.ini"), save_endpoint="/apis/mlj_1/settings", env_prefix="MALOJA_" )