import sqlalchemy as sql import json import unicodedata import math from datetime import datetime from threading import Lock from ..globalconf import data_dir from .dbcache import cached_wrapper, cached_wrapper_individual from doreah.logging import log from doreah.regular import runhourly, runmonthly ##### DB Technical DBTABLES = { # name - type - foreign key - kwargs 'scrobbles':{ 'columns':[ ("timestamp", sql.Integer, {'primary_key':True}), ("rawscrobble", sql.String, {}), ("origin", sql.String, {}), ("duration", sql.Integer, {}), ("track_id", sql.Integer, sql.ForeignKey(''), {}), ("extra", sql.String, {}) ], 'extraargs':(),'extrakwargs':{} }, 'tracks':{ 'columns':[ ("id", sql.Integer, {'primary_key':True}), ("title", sql.String, {}), ("title_normalized",sql.String, {}), ("length", sql.Integer, {}) ], 'extraargs':(),'extrakwargs':{'sqlite_autoincrement':True} }, 'artists':{ 'columns':[ ("id", sql.Integer, {'primary_key':True}), ("name", sql.String, {}), ("name_normalized", sql.String, {}) ], 'extraargs':(),'extrakwargs':{'sqlite_autoincrement':True} }, 'trackartists':{ 'columns':[ ("id", sql.Integer, {'primary_key':True}), ("artist_id", sql.Integer, sql.ForeignKey(''), {}), ("track_id", sql.Integer, sql.ForeignKey(''), {}) ], 'extraargs':(sql.UniqueConstraint('artist_id', 'track_id'),),'extrakwargs':{} }, 'associated_artists':{ 'columns':[ ("source_artist", sql.Integer, sql.ForeignKey(''), {}), ("target_artist", sql.Integer, sql.ForeignKey(''), {}) ], 'extraargs':(sql.UniqueConstraint('source_artist', 'target_artist'),),'extrakwargs':{} } } DB = {} engine = sql.create_engine(f"sqlite:///{data_dir['scrobbles']('malojadb.sqlite')}", echo = False) meta = sql.MetaData() # create table definitions for tablename in DBTABLES: DB[tablename] = sql.Table( tablename, meta, *[sql.Column(colname,*args,**kwargs) for colname,*args,kwargs in DBTABLES[tablename]['columns']], *DBTABLES[tablename]['extraargs'], **DBTABLES[tablename]['extrakwargs'] ) # actually create tables for new databases meta.create_all(engine) # upgrade old database with new columns with engine.begin() as conn: for tablename in DBTABLES: info = DBTABLES[tablename] table = DB[tablename] for colname,datatype,*args,kwargs in info['columns']: try: statement = f"ALTER TABLE {tablename} ADD {colname} {datatype().compile()}" conn.execute(sql.text(statement)) log(f"Column {colname} was added to table {tablename}!") # TODO figure out how to compile foreign key references! except sql.exc.OperationalError as e: pass # adding a scrobble could consist of multiple write operations that sqlite doesn't # see as belonging together SCROBBLE_LOCK = Lock() # decorator that passes either the provided dbconn, or creates a separate one # just for this function call def connection_provider(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): if kwargs.get("dbconn") is not None: return func(*args,**kwargs) else: with engine.connect() as connection: kwargs['dbconn'] = connection return func(*args,**kwargs) return wrapper ##### DB <-> Dict translations ## ATTENTION ALL ADVENTURERS ## this is what a scrobble dict will look like from now on ## this is the single canonical source of truth ## stop making different little dicts in every single function ## this is the schema that will definitely 100% stay like this and not ## randomly get changed two versions later ## here we go # # { # "time":int, # "track":{ # "artists":list, # "title":string, # "album":{ # "name":string, # "artists":list # }, # "length":None # }, # "duration":int, # "origin":string, # "extra":{string-keyed mapping for all flags with the scrobble} # } # # The dict sent to the DB can have one extra field 'rawscrobble', but this isn't # returned on read ##### Conversions between DB and dicts # These should work on whole lists and collect all the references, # then look them up once and fill them in ### DB -> DICT def scrobbles_db_to_dict(rows): tracks = get_tracks_map(set(row.track_id for row in rows)) return [ { "time":row.timestamp, "track":tracks[row.track_id], "duration":row.duration, "origin":row.origin, "extra":json.loads(row.extra or '{}') } for row in rows ] def scrobble_db_to_dict(row): return scrobbles_db_to_dict([row])[0] def tracks_db_to_dict(rows): artists = get_artists_of_tracks(set( for row in rows)) return [ { "artists":artists[], "title":row.title, #"album": "length":row.length } for row in rows ] def track_db_to_dict(row): return tracks_db_to_dict([row])[0] def artists_db_to_dict(rows): return [ for row in rows ] def artist_db_to_dict(row): return artists_db_to_dict([row])[0] ### DICT -> DB def scrobble_dict_to_db(info): return { "timestamp":info['time'], "origin":info['origin'], "duration":info['duration'], "track_id":get_track_id(info['track']), "extra":json.dumps(info.get('extra',{})), "rawscrobble":json.dumps(info.get('rawscrobble')) } def track_dict_to_db(info): return { "title":info['title'], "title_normalized":normalize_name(info['title']), "length":info.get('length') } def artist_dict_to_db(info): return { "name": info, "name_normalized":normalize_name(info) } ##### Actual Database interactions @connection_provider def add_scrobble(scrobbledict,dbconn=None): add_scrobbles([scrobbledict],dbconn=dbconn) @connection_provider def add_scrobbles(scrobbleslist,dbconn=None): with SCROBBLE_LOCK: ops = [ DB['scrobbles'].insert().values( **scrobble_dict_to_db(s) ) for s in scrobbleslist ] success,errors = 0,0 for op in ops: try: dbconn.execute(op) success += 1 except sql.exc.IntegrityError as e: errors += 1 # TODO check if actual duplicate if errors > 0: log(f"{errors} Scrobbles have not been written to database!",color='red') return success,errors ### these will 'get' the ID of an entity, creating it if necessary @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_track_id(trackdict,dbconn=None): ntitle = normalize_name(trackdict['title']) artist_ids = [get_artist_id(a) for a in trackdict['artists']] op = DB['tracks'].select( DB['tracks'] ).where( DB['tracks'].c.title_normalized==ntitle ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() for row in result: # check if the artists are the same foundtrackartists = [] op = DB['trackartists'].select( DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id ).where( DB['trackartists'].c.track_id==row[0] ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() match_artist_ids = [r.artist_id for r in result] #print("required artists",artist_ids,"this match",match_artist_ids) if set(artist_ids) == set(match_artist_ids): #print("ID for",trackdict['title'],"was",row[0]) return op = DB['tracks'].insert().values( **track_dict_to_db(trackdict) ) result = dbconn.execute(op) track_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0] for artist_id in artist_ids: op = DB['trackartists'].insert().values( track_id=track_id, artist_id=artist_id ) result = dbconn.execute(op) #print("Created",trackdict['title'],track_id) return track_id @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_artist_id(artistname,dbconn=None): nname = normalize_name(artistname) #print("looking for",nname) op = DB['artists'].select( DB['artists'] ).where( DB['artists'].c.name_normalized==nname ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() for row in result: #print("ID for",artistname,"was",row[0]) return op = DB['artists'].insert().values( name=artistname, name_normalized=nname ) result = dbconn.execute(op) #print("Created",artistname,result.inserted_primary_key) return result.inserted_primary_key[0] ### Functions that get rows according to parameters @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_scrobbles_of_artist(artist,since=None,to=None,resolve_references=True,dbconn=None): if since is None: since=0 if to is None: to=now() artist_id = get_artist_id(artist) jointable = sql.join(DB['scrobbles'],DB['trackartists'],DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id == DB['trackartists'].c.track_id) op = DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp<=to, DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp>=since, DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id==artist_id ).order_by(sql.asc('timestamp')) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() if resolve_references: result = scrobbles_db_to_dict(result) #result = [scrobble_db_to_dict(row,resolve_references=resolve_references) for row in result] return result @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_scrobbles_of_track(track,since=None,to=None,resolve_references=True,dbconn=None): if since is None: since=0 if to is None: to=now() track_id = get_track_id(track) op = DB['scrobbles'].select().where( DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp<=to, DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp>=since, DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id==track_id ).order_by(sql.asc('timestamp')) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() if resolve_references: result = scrobbles_db_to_dict(result) #result = [scrobble_db_to_dict(row) for row in result] return result @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_scrobbles(since=None,to=None,resolve_references=True,dbconn=None): if since is None: since=0 if to is None: to=now() op = DB['scrobbles'].select().where( DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp<=to, DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp>=since, ).order_by(sql.asc('timestamp')) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() if resolve_references: result = scrobbles_db_to_dict(result) #result = [scrobble_db_to_dict(row,resolve_references=resolve_references) for i,row in enumerate(result) if i=since, ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() return result[0][0] @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_artists_of_track(track_id,resolve_references=True,dbconn=None): op = DB['trackartists'].select().where( DB['trackartists'].c.track_id==track_id ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() artists = [get_artist(row.artist_id) if resolve_references else row.artist_id for row in result] return artists @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_tracks_of_artist(artist,dbconn=None): artist_id = get_artist_id(artist) op = sql.join(DB['tracks'],DB['trackartists']).select().where( DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id==artist_id ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() return tracks_db_to_dict(result) @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_artists(dbconn=None): op = DB['artists'].select() result = dbconn.execute(op).all() return artists_db_to_dict(result) @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_tracks(dbconn=None): op = DB['tracks'].select() result = dbconn.execute(op).all() return tracks_db_to_dict(result) ### functions that count rows for parameters @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def count_scrobbles_by_artist(since,to,dbconn=None): jointable = sql.join( DB['scrobbles'], DB['trackartists'], DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id == DB['trackartists'].c.track_id ) jointable2 = sql.join( jointable, DB['associated_artists'], DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id == DB['associated_artists'].c.source_artist, isouter=True ) op = sql.func.count(sql.func.distinct(DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp)).label('count'), # only count distinct scrobbles - because of artist replacement, we could end up # with two artists of the same scrobble counting it twice for the same artist # e.g. Irene and Seulgi adding two scrobbles to Red Velvet for one real scrobble sql.func.coalesce(DB['associated_artists'].c.target_artist,DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id).label('artist_id') # use the replaced artist as artist to count if it exists, otherwise original one ).select_from(jointable2).where( DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp<=to, DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp>=since ).group_by( sql.func.coalesce(DB['associated_artists'].c.target_artist,DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id) ).order_by(sql.desc('count')) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() counts = [row.count for row in result] artists = get_artists_map([row.artist_id for row in result]) result = [{'scrobbles':row.count,'artist':artists[row.artist_id]} for row in result] result = rank(result,key='scrobbles') return result @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def count_scrobbles_by_track(since,to,dbconn=None): op = sql.func.count(sql.func.distinct(DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp)).label('count'), DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id ).select_from(DB['scrobbles']).where( DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp<=to, DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp>=since ).group_by(DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id).order_by(sql.desc('count')) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() counts = [row.count for row in result] tracks = get_tracks_map([row.track_id for row in result]) result = [{'scrobbles':row.count,'track':tracks[row.track_id]} for row in result] result = rank(result,key='scrobbles') return result @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def count_scrobbles_by_track_of_artist(since,to,artist,dbconn=None): artist_id = get_artist_id(artist) jointable = sql.join( DB['scrobbles'], DB['trackartists'], DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id == DB['trackartists'].c.track_id ) op = sql.func.count(sql.func.distinct(DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp)).label('count'), DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id ).select_from(jointable).filter( DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp<=to, DB['scrobbles'].c.timestamp>=since, DB['trackartists'].c.artist_id==artist_id ).group_by(DB['scrobbles'].c.track_id).order_by(sql.desc('count')) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() counts = [row.count for row in result] tracks = get_tracks_map([row.track_id for row in result]) result = [{'scrobbles':row.count,'track':tracks[row.track_id]} for row in result] result = rank(result,key='scrobbles') return result ### functions that get mappings for several entities -> rows @cached_wrapper_individual @connection_provider def get_artists_of_tracks(track_ids,dbconn=None): op = sql.join(DB['trackartists'],DB['artists']).select().where( DB['trackartists'].c.track_id.in_(track_ids) ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() artists = {} for row in result: artists.setdefault(row.track_id,[]).append(artist_db_to_dict(row)) return artists @cached_wrapper_individual @connection_provider def get_tracks_map(track_ids,dbconn=None): op = DB['tracks'].select().where( DB['tracks'] ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() tracks = {} result = list(result) # this will get a list of artistdicts in the correct order of our rows trackdicts = tracks_db_to_dict(result) for row,trackdict in zip(result,trackdicts): tracks[] = trackdict return tracks @cached_wrapper_individual @connection_provider def get_artists_map(artist_ids,dbconn=None): op = DB['artists'].select().where( DB['artists'] ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() artists = {} result = list(result) # this will get a list of artistdicts in the correct order of our rows artistdicts = artists_db_to_dict(result) for row,artistdict in zip(result,artistdicts): artists[] = artistdict return artists ### associations @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_associated_artists(*artists,dbconn=None): artist_ids = [get_artist_id(a) for a in artists] jointable = sql.join( DB['associated_artists'], DB['artists'], DB['associated_artists'].c.source_artist == DB['artists'] ) op = DB['associated_artists'].c.target_artist.in_(artist_ids) ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() artists = artists_db_to_dict(result) return artists @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_credited_artists(*artists,dbconn=None): artist_ids = [get_artist_id(a) for a in artists] jointable = sql.join( DB['associated_artists'], DB['artists'], DB['associated_artists'].c.target_artist == DB['artists'] ) op = DB['associated_artists'].c.source_artist.in_(artist_ids) ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() artists = artists_db_to_dict(result) return artists ### get a specific entity by id @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_track(id,dbconn=None): op = DB['tracks'].select().where( DB['tracks'] ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() trackinfo = result[0] return track_db_to_dict(trackinfo) @cached_wrapper @connection_provider def get_artist(id,dbconn=None): op = DB['artists'].select().where( DB['artists'] ) result = dbconn.execute(op).all() artistinfo = result[0] return artist_db_to_dict(artistinfo) ##### MAINTENANCE @runhourly def clean_db(): with SCROBBLE_LOCK: with engine.begin() as conn: #log(f"Database Cleanup...") ### Delete tracks that have no scrobbles (delete their trackartist entries first) a1 = conn.execute(sql.text(''' delete from trackartists where track_id in (select id from tracks where id not in (select track_id from scrobbles)) ''')).rowcount a2 = conn.execute(sql.text(''' delete from tracks where id not in (select track_id from scrobbles) ''')).rowcount if a2+a1>0: log(f"Deleted {a2} tracks without scrobbles ({a1} track artist entries)") ### Delete artists that have no tracks a3 = conn.execute(sql.text(''' delete from artists where id not in (select artist_id from trackartists) and id not in (select target_artist from associated_artists) ''')).rowcount if a3>0: log(f"Deleted {a3} artists without tracks") ### Delete tracks that have no artists (delete their scrobbles first) a4 = conn.execute(sql.text(''' delete from scrobbles where track_id in (select id from tracks where id not in (select track_id from trackartists)) ''')).rowcount a5 = conn.execute(sql.text(''' delete from tracks where id not in (select track_id from trackartists) ''')).rowcount if a5+a4>0: log(f"Deleted {a5} tracks without artists ({a4} scrobbles)") @runmonthly def renormalize_names(): with SCROBBLE_LOCK: with engine.begin() as conn: rows = conn.execute(DB['artists'].select()).all() for row in rows: id = name = norm_actual = row.name_normalized norm_target = normalize_name(name) if norm_actual != norm_target: log(f"{name} should be normalized to {norm_target}, but is instead {norm_actual}, fixing...") with engine.begin() as conn: rows = conn.execute(DB['artists'].update().where(DB['artists'] == id).values(name_normalized=norm_target)) ##### AUX FUNCS # function to turn the name into a representation that can be easily compared, ignoring minor differences remove_symbols = ["'","`","’"] replace_with_space = [" - ",": "] def normalize_name(name): for r in replace_with_space: name = name.replace(r," ") name = "".join(char for char in unicodedata.normalize('NFD',name.lower()) if char not in remove_symbols and unicodedata.category(char) != 'Mn') return name def now(): return int( def rank(ls,key): for rnk in range(len(ls)): if rnk == 0 or ls[rnk][key] < ls[rnk-1][key]: ls[rnk]["rank"] = rnk + 1 else: ls[rnk]["rank"] = ls[rnk-1]["rank"] return ls