from htmlgenerators import * import database from utilities import getArtistsInfo, getTracksInfo from malojatime import * import urllib def getpictures(ls,result,tracks=False): from utilities import getArtistsInfo, getTracksInfo if tracks: for element in getTracksInfo(ls): result.append(element.get("image")) else: for element in getArtistsInfo(ls): result.append(element.get("image")) # artist=None,track=None,since=None,to=None,within=None,associated=False,max_=None,pictures=False def module_scrobblelist(max_=None,pictures=False,shortTimeDesc=False,**kwargs): kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","track","associated") kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within") scrobbles = database.get_scrobbles(**kwargs_time,**kwargs_filter) #we're getting all scrobbles for the number and only filtering them on site if pictures: scrobbleswithpictures = scrobbles if max_ is None else scrobbles[:max_] #scrobbleimages = [e.get("image") for e in getTracksInfo(scrobbleswithpictures)] #will still work with scrobble objects as they are a technically a subset of track objects scrobbleimages = ["/image?title=" + urllib.parse.quote(t["title"]) + "&" + "&".join(["artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(a) for a in t["artists"]]) for t in scrobbleswithpictures] representative = scrobbles[0] if len(scrobbles) is not 0 else None # build list i = 0 html = "<table class='list'>" for s in scrobbles: html += "<tr>" html += "<td class='time'>" + time_desc(s["time"],short=shortTimeDesc) + "</td>" if pictures: html += """<td class='icon'><div style="background-image:url('""" + scrobbleimages[i] + """')"></div></td>""" html += "<td class='artists'>" + artistLinks(s["artists"]) + "</td>" html += "<td class='title'>" + trackLink({"artists":s["artists"],"title":s["title"]}) + "</td>" # Alternative way: Do it in one cell #html += "<td class='title'><span>" + artistLinks(s["artists"]) + "</span> — " + trackLink({"artists":s["artists"],"title":s["title"]}) + "</td>" html += "</tr>" i += 1 if max_ is not None and i>=max_: break html += "</table>" return (html,len(scrobbles),representative) def module_pulse(max_=None,**kwargs): kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","track","associated") kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within","step","stepn","trail") ranges = database.get_pulse(**kwargs_time,**kwargs_filter) if max_ is not None: ranges = ranges[:max_] # if time range not explicitly specified, only show from first appearance # if "since" not in kwargs: # while ranges[0]["scrobbles"] == 0: # del ranges[0] maxbar = max([t["scrobbles"] for t in ranges]) maxbar = max(maxbar,1) #build list html = "<table class='list'>" for t in ranges: fromstr = "/".join([str(e) for e in t["from"]]) tostr = "/".join([str(e) for e in t["to"]]) html += "<tr>" html += "<td>" + range_desc(t["from"],t["to"],short=True) + "</td>" html += "<td class='amount'>" + scrobblesLink({"since":fromstr,"to":tostr},amount=t["scrobbles"],**kwargs_filter) + "</td>" html += "<td class='bar'>" + scrobblesLink({"since":fromstr,"to":tostr},percent=t["scrobbles"]*100/maxbar,**kwargs_filter) + "</td>" html += "</tr>" html += "</table>" return html def module_trackcharts(max_=None,**kwargs): kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","associated") kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within") tracks = database.get_charts_tracks(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time) if tracks != []: maxbar = tracks[0]["scrobbles"] representative = tracks[0]["track"] else: representative = None i = 0 html = "<table class='list'>" for e in tracks: i += 1 if max_ is not None and i>max_: break html += "<tr>" html += "<td class='rank'>#" + str(i) + "</td>" html += "<td class='artists'>" + artistLinks(e["track"]["artists"]) + "</td>" html += "<td class='title'>" + trackLink(e["track"]) + "</td>" html += "<td class='amount'>" + scrobblesTrackLink(e["track"],kwargs_time,amount=e["scrobbles"]) + "</td>" html += "<td class='bar'>" + scrobblesTrackLink(e["track"],kwargs_time,percent=e["scrobbles"]*100/maxbar) + "</td>" html += "</tr>" html += "</table>" return (html,representative) def module_artistcharts(max_=None,**kwargs): kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"associated") #not used right now kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within") artists = database.get_charts_artists(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time) if artists != []: maxbar = artists[0]["scrobbles"] representative = artists[0]["artist"] else: representative = None i = 0 html = "<table class='list'>" for e in artists: i += 1 if max_ is not None and i>max_: break html += "<tr>" html += "<td class='rank'>#" + str(i) + "</td>" html += "<td class='artist'>" + artistLink(e["artist"]) if (e["counting"] != []): html += " <span class='extra'>incl. " + ", ".join([artistLink(a) for a in e["counting"]]) + "</span>" html += "</td>" html += "<td class='amount'>" + scrobblesArtistLink(e["artist"],kwargs_time,amount=e["scrobbles"],associated=True) + "</td>" html += "<td class='bar'>" + scrobblesArtistLink(e["artist"],kwargs_time,percent=e["scrobbles"]*100/maxbar,associated=True) + "</td>" html += "</tr>" html += "</table>" return (html, representative) def module_artistcharts_tiles(**kwargs) : kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"associated") #not used right now kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within") artists = database.get_charts_artists(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)[:14] while len(artists)<14: artists.append(None) i = 1 bigpart = [0,1,2,6,15] smallpart = [0,1,2,4,6,9,12,15] rnk = (0,0) #temporary store so entries with the same scrobble amount get the same rank html = """<table class="tiles_top"><tr>""" for e in artists: if i in bigpart: n = bigpart.index(i) html += """<td><table class="tiles_""" + str(n) + """x""" + str(n) + """ tiles_sub">""" if i in smallpart: html += "<tr>" if e is not None: rank = i if e["scrobbles"] != rnk[1] else rnk[0] rnk = (rank,e["scrobbles"]) rank = "#" + str(rank) image = "/image?artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(e["artist"]) link = artistLink(e["artist"]) else: rank = "" image = "" link = "" html += """<td style="background-image:url('""" + image + """')"><span class="stats">""" + rank + "</span> <span>" + link + "</span></td>" i += 1 if i in smallpart: html += "</tr>" if i in bigpart: html += "</table></td>" html += """</tr></table>""" return html def module_trackcharts_tiles(**kwargs) : kwargs_filter = pickKeys(kwargs,"artist","associated") kwargs_time = pickKeys(kwargs,"since","to","within") tracks = database.get_charts_tracks(**kwargs_filter,**kwargs_time)[:14] while len(tracks)<14: tracks.append(None) #{"track":{"title":"","artists":[]}} i = 1 bigpart = [0,1,2,6,15] smallpart = [0,1,2,4,6,9,12,15] rnk = (0,0) #temporary store so entries with the same scrobble amount get the same rank html = """<table class="tiles_top"><tr>""" for e in tracks: if i in bigpart: n = bigpart.index(i) html += """<td><table class="tiles_""" + str(n) + """x""" + str(n) + """ tiles_sub">""" if i in smallpart: html += "<tr>" if e is not None: rank = i if e["scrobbles"] != rnk[1] else rnk[0] rnk = (rank,e["scrobbles"]) rank = "#" + str(rank) image = "/image?title=" + urllib.parse.quote(e["track"]["title"]) + "&" + "&".join(["artist=" + urllib.parse.quote(a) for a in e["track"]["artists"]]) link = trackLink(e["track"]) else: rank = "" image = "" link = "" html += """<td style="background-image:url('""" + image + """')"><span class="stats">""" + rank + "</span> <span>" + link + "</span></td>" i += 1 if i in smallpart: html += "</tr>" if i in bigpart: html += "</table></td>" html += """</tr></table>""" return html