import os, datetime, re import json, csv from import col, ask, prompt from ...cleanup import * from ...pkg_global.conf import data_dir c = CleanerAgent() outputs = { "CONFIDENT_IMPORT": lambda msg: None, "UNCERTAIN_IMPORT": lambda msg: print(col['orange'](msg)), #"CONFIDENT_SKIP": lambda msg: print(col['ffcba4'](msg)), "CONFIDENT_SKIP": lambda msg: None, "UNCERTAIN_SKIP": lambda msg: print(col['indianred'](msg)), "FAIL": lambda msg: print(col['red'](msg)), } def import_scrobbles(inputf): from ...database.sqldb import add_scrobbles result = { "CONFIDENT_IMPORT": 0, "UNCERTAIN_IMPORT": 0, "CONFIDENT_SKIP": 0, "UNCERTAIN_SKIP": 0, "FAIL": 0 } filename = os.path.basename(inputf) if re.match(".*\.csv",filename): typeid,typedesc = "lastfm","" importfunc = parse_lastfm elif re.match("endsong_[0-9]+\.json",filename): typeid,typedesc = "spotify","Spotify" importfunc = parse_spotify_full elif re.match("StreamingHistory[0-9]+\.json",filename): typeid,typedesc = "spotify","Spotify" importfunc = parse_spotify_lite elif re.match("maloja_export_[0-9]+\.json",filename): typeid,typedesc = "maloja","Maloja" importfunc = parse_maloja # username_lb-YYYY-MM-DD.json elif re.match(".*_lb-[0-9-]+\.json",filename): typeid,typedesc = "listenbrainz","ListenBrainz" importfunc = parse_listenbrainz else: print("File",inputf,"could not be identified as a valid import source.") return result print(f"Parsing {col['yellow'](inputf)} as {col['cyan'](typedesc)} export") print("This could take a while...") timestamps = set() scrobblebuffer = [] for status,scrobble,msg in importfunc(inputf): result[status] += 1 outputs[status](msg) if status in ['CONFIDENT_IMPORT','UNCERTAIN_IMPORT']: # prevent duplicate timestamps while scrobble['scrobble_time'] in timestamps: scrobble['scrobble_time'] += 1 timestamps.add(scrobble['scrobble_time']) # clean up (scrobble['track_artists'],scrobble['track_title']) = c.fullclean(scrobble['track_artists'],scrobble['track_title']) # extra info extrainfo = {} if scrobble.get('album_name'): extrainfo['album_name'] = scrobble['album_name'] # saving this in the scrobble instead of the track because for now it's not meant # to be authorative information, just payload of the scrobble scrobblebuffer.append({ "time":scrobble['scrobble_time'], "track":{ "artists":scrobble['track_artists'], "title":scrobble['track_title'], "length":scrobble['track_length'], }, "duration":scrobble['scrobble_duration'], "origin":"import:" + typeid, "extra":extrainfo }) if (result['CONFIDENT_IMPORT'] + result['UNCERTAIN_IMPORT']) % 1000 == 0: print(f"Imported {result['CONFIDENT_IMPORT'] + result['UNCERTAIN_IMPORT']} scrobbles...") add_scrobbles(scrobblebuffer) scrobblebuffer = [] add_scrobbles(scrobblebuffer) msg = f"Successfully imported {result['CONFIDENT_IMPORT'] + result['UNCERTAIN_IMPORT']} scrobbles" if result['UNCERTAIN_IMPORT'] > 0: warningmsg = col['orange'](f"{result['UNCERTAIN_IMPORT']} Warning{'s' if result['UNCERTAIN_IMPORT'] != 1 else ''}!") msg += f" ({warningmsg})" print(msg) msg = f"Skipped {result['CONFIDENT_SKIP'] + result['UNCERTAIN_SKIP']} scrobbles" if result['UNCERTAIN_SKIP'] > 0: warningmsg = col['indianred'](f"{result['UNCERTAIN_SKIP']} Warning{'s' if result['UNCERTAIN_SKIP'] != 1 else ''}!") msg += f" ({warningmsg})" print(msg) if result['FAIL'] > 0: print(col['red'](f"{result['FAIL']} Error{'s' if result['FAIL'] != 1 else ''}!")) return result def parse_spotify_lite(inputf): pth = os.path inputfolder = pth.relpath(pth.dirname(pth.abspath(inputf))) filenames = re.compile(r'StreamingHistory[0-9]+\.json') inputfiles = [os.path.join(inputfolder,f) for f in os.listdir(inputfolder) if filenames.match(f)] if len(inputfiles) == 0: print("No files found!") return if inputfiles != [inputf]: print("Spotify files should all be imported together to identify duplicates across the whole dataset.") if not ask("Import " + ", ".join(col['yellow'](i) for i in inputfiles) + "?",default=True): inputfiles = [inputf] for inputf in inputfiles: print("Importing",col['yellow'](inputf),"...") with open(inputf,'r') as inputfd: data = json.load(inputfd) for entry in data: try: played = int(entry['msPlayed'] / 1000) timestamp = int( datetime.datetime.strptime(entry['endTime'],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").timestamp() ) artist = entry['artistName'] title = entry['trackName'] if played < 30: yield ('CONFIDENT_SKIP',None,f"{entry} is shorter than 30 seconds, skipping...") continue yield ("CONFIDENT_IMPORT",{ 'track_title':title, 'track_artists': artist, 'track_length': None, 'scrobble_time': timestamp, 'scrobble_duration':played, 'album_name': None },'') except Exception as e: yield ('FAIL',None,f"{entry} could not be parsed. Scrobble not imported. ({repr(e)})") continue print() def parse_spotify_full(inputf): pth = os.path inputfolder = pth.relpath(pth.dirname(pth.abspath(inputf))) filenames = re.compile(r'endsong_[0-9]+\.json') inputfiles = [os.path.join(inputfolder,f) for f in os.listdir(inputfolder) if filenames.match(f)] if len(inputfiles) == 0: print("No files found!") return if inputfiles != [inputf]: print("Spotify files should all be imported together to identify duplicates across the whole dataset.") if not ask("Import " + ", ".join(col['yellow'](i) for i in inputfiles) + "?",default=True): inputfiles = [inputf] # we keep timestamps here as well to remove duplicates because spotify's export # is messy - this is specific to this import type and should not be mixed with # the outer function timestamp check (which is there to fix duplicate timestamps # that are assumed to correspond to actually distinct plays) timestamps = {} inaccurate_timestamps = {} for inputf in inputfiles: print("Importing",col['yellow'](inputf),"...") with open(inputf,'r') as inputfd: data = json.load(inputfd) for entry in data: try: played = int(entry['ms_played'] / 1000) timestamp = int(entry['offline_timestamp'] / 1000) artist = entry['master_metadata_album_artist_name'] title = entry['master_metadata_track_name'] album = entry['master_metadata_album_album_name'] if title is None: yield ('CONFIDENT_SKIP',None,f"{entry} has no title, skipping...") continue if artist is None: yield ('CONFIDENT_SKIP',None,f"{entry} has no artist, skipping...") continue if played < 30: yield ('CONFIDENT_SKIP',None,f"{entry} is shorter than 30 seconds, skipping...") continue # if offline_timestamp is a proper number, we treat it as # accurate and check duplicates by that exact timestamp if timestamp != 0: if timestamp in timestamps and (artist,title) in timestamps[timestamp]: yield ('CONFIDENT_SKIP',None,f"{entry} seems to be a duplicate, skipping...") continue else: status = 'CONFIDENT_IMPORT' msg = '' timestamps.setdefault(timestamp,[]).append((artist,title)) # if it's 0, we use ts instead, but identify duplicates differently # (cause the ts is not accurate) else: timestamp = int( datetime.datetime.strptime(entry['ts'].replace('Z','+0000'),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z").timestamp() ) ts_group = int(timestamp/10) relevant_ts_groups = [ts_group-3,ts_group-2,ts_group-1,ts_group,ts_group+1,ts_group+2,ts_group+3] similar_scrobbles = [scrob for tsg in relevant_ts_groups for scrob in inaccurate_timestamps.get(tsg,[])] scrobble_describe = (timestamp,entry['spotify_track_uri'],entry['ms_played']) found_similar = False for scr in similar_scrobbles: # scrobbles count as duplicate if: # - less than 30 seconds apart # - exact same track uri # - exact same ms_played if (abs(scr[0] - timestamp) < 30) and scr[1:] == scrobble_describe[1:]: yield ('UNCERTAIN_SKIP',None,f"{entry} might be a duplicate, skipping...") found_similar = True break else: # no duplicates, assume proper scrobble but warn status = 'UNCERTAIN_IMPORT' msg = f"{entry} might have an inaccurate timestamp." inaccurate_timestamps.setdefault(ts_group,[]).append(scrobble_describe) if found_similar: continue yield (status,{ 'track_title':title, 'track_artists': artist, 'track_length': None, 'album_name': album, 'scrobble_time': timestamp, 'scrobble_duration':played },msg) except Exception as e: yield ('FAIL',None,f"{entry} could not be parsed. Scrobble not imported. ({repr(e)})") continue print() def parse_lastfm(inputf): with open(inputf,'r',newline='') as inputfd: reader = csv.reader(inputfd) line = 0 for row in reader: line += 1 try: artist,album,title,time = row except ValueError: yield ('FAIL',None,f"{row} (Line {line}) does not look like a valid entry. Scrobble not imported.") continue if time == '': yield ('FAIL',None,f"{row} (Line {line}) is missing a timestamp.") continue try: yield ('CONFIDENT_IMPORT',{ 'track_title': title, 'track_artists': artist, 'track_length': None, 'album_name': album, 'scrobble_time': int(datetime.datetime.strptime( time + '+0000', "%d %b %Y %H:%M%z" ).timestamp()), 'scrobble_duration':None },'') except Exception as e: yield ('FAIL',None,f"{row} (Line {line}) could not be parsed. Scrobble not imported. ({repr(e)})") continue def parse_listenbrainz(inputf): with open(inputf,'r') as inputfd: data = json.load(inputfd) for entry in data: try: track_metadata = entry['track_metadata'] additional_info = track_metadata.get('additional_info', {}) yield ("CONFIDENT_IMPORT",{ 'track_title': track_metadata['track_name'], 'track_artists': additional_info.get('artist_names') or track_metadata['artist_name'], 'track_length': int(additional_info.get('duration_ms', 0) / 1000) or additional_info.get('duration'), 'album_name': track_metadata.get('release_name'), 'scrobble_time': entry['listened_at'], 'scrobble_duration': None, },'') except Exception as e: yield ('FAIL',None,f"{entry} could not be parsed. Scrobble not imported. ({repr(e)})") continue def parse_maloja(inputf): with open(inputf,'r') as inputfd: data = json.load(inputfd) scrobbles = data['scrobbles'] for s in scrobbles: try: yield ('CONFIDENT_IMPORT',{ 'track_title': s['track']['title'], 'track_artists': s['track']['artists'], 'track_length': s['track']['length'], 'album_name': s['track'].get('album',{}).get('name',''), 'scrobble_time': s['time'], 'scrobble_duration': s['duration'] },'') except Exception as e: yield ('FAIL',None,f"{s} could not be parsed. Scrobble not imported. ({repr(e)})") continue