from nimrodel import EAPI as API from nimrodel import Multi from ._exceptions import * from copy import deepcopy from types import FunctionType import sys import datetime from doreah.logging import log from bottle import response from ..cleanup import CleanerAgent from .. import database __logmodulename__ = "apis" #def singleton(cls): # return cls() cla = CleanerAgent() class APIHandler: # make these classes singletons _instance = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(cls._instance, cls): cls._instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) return cls._instance def __init_subclass__(cls): # Copy the handle function so we can have a unique docstring sf = cls.__base__.wrapper cls.wrapper = FunctionType(sf.__code__,sf.__globals__,sf.__name__,sf.__defaults__,sf.__closure__) cls.wrapper.__annotations__ = sf.__annotations__ # need to copy annotations so nimrodel properly passes path argument # create docstring doc = "Accepts requests according to the {name} Standard" cls.wrapper.__doc__ = doc.format(name=cls.__apiname__,link=cls.__doclink__) def __init__(self): self.init() # creates a rump api object that exposes one generic endpoint # we don't want the api explorer to show the different structures of # third party apis, just mention they exist self.nimrodelapi = API(delay=True) self.nimrodelapi.get("{path}",pass_headers=True)(self.wrapper)"{path}",pass_headers=True)(self.wrapper) self.nimrodelapi.get("",pass_headers=True)(self.wrapper)"",pass_headers=True)(self.wrapper) def wrapper(self,path:Multi=[],**keys): log(f"{self.__apiname__} API request: {path}")# + " | Keys: " + str({k:keys.get(k) for k in keys})) try: response.status,result = self.handle(path,keys) except: exceptiontype = sys.exc_info()[0] if exceptiontype in self.errors: response.status,result = self.errors[exceptiontype] log(f"Error with {self.__apiname__} API: {exceptiontype} (Request: {path})") else: response.status,result = 500,{"status":"Unknown error","code":500} log(f"Unhandled Exception with {self.__apiname__} API: {exceptiontype} (Request: {path})") return result #else: # result = {"error":"Invalid scrobble protocol"} # response.status = 500 def handle(self,path,keys): try: methodname = self.get_method(path,keys) method = self.methods[methodname] except: log("Could not find a handler for method " + str(methodname) + " in API " + self.__apiname__,module="debug") log("Keys: " + str(keys),module="debug") raise InvalidMethodException() return method(path,keys) def scrobble(self,artiststr,titlestr,time=None,duration=None,album=None): logmsg = f"API {self.__apiname__} receiving scrobble: ARTISTS: {artiststr}, TRACK: {titlestr}" log(logmsg) # fixing etc is handled by the main scrobble function try: database.incoming_scrobble(artists=[artiststr],title=titlestr,time=time,duration=duration,album=album) except: raise ScrobblingException()