import re import utilities from doreah import tsv, settings # need to do this as a class so it can retain loaded settings from file # apparently this is not true # I'm dumb class CleanerAgent: def __init__(self): self.updateRules() def updateRules(self): raw = tsv.parse_all("rules","string","string","string") self.rules_belongtogether = [b for [a,b,c] in raw if a=="belongtogether"] self.rules_notanartist = [b for [a,b,c] in raw if a=="notanartist"] self.rules_replacetitle = {b.lower():c for [a,b,c] in raw if a=="replacetitle"} self.rules_replaceartist = {b.lower():c for [a,b,c] in raw if a=="replaceartist"} # we always need to be able to tell if our current database is made with the current rules self.checksums = utilities.checksumTSV("rules") def fullclean(self,artist,title): artists = self.parseArtists(self.removespecial(artist)) title = self.parseTitle(self.removespecial(title)) (title,moreartists) = self.parseTitleForArtists(title) artists += moreartists artists = list(set(artists)) artists.sort() return (artists,title) def removespecial(self,s): s = s.replace("\t","").replace("␟","").replace("\n","") s = re.sub(" +"," ",s) return s # if an artist appears in any created rule, we can assume that artist is meant to exist and be spelled like that def confirmedReal(self,a): confirmed = self.rules_belongtogether + [self.rules_replaceartist[r] for r in self.rules_replaceartist] return (a in confirmed) #Delimiters used for extra artists, even when in the title field delimiters_feat = ["ft.","ft","feat.","feat","featuring","Ft.","Ft","Feat.","Feat","Featuring"] #Delimiters in informal artist strings, spaces expected around them delimiters = ["vs.","vs","&"] #Delimiters used specifically to tag multiple artists when only one tag field is available, no spaces used delimiters_formal = ["; ",";","/"] def parseArtists(self,a): if a.strip() in settings.get_settings("INVALID_ARTISTS"): return [] if a.strip() == "": return [] if a.strip() in self.rules_notanartist: return [] if " performing " in a.lower(): return self.parseArtists(re.split(" [Pp]erforming",a)[0]) if a.strip() in self.rules_belongtogether: return [a.strip()] if a.strip().lower() in self.rules_replaceartist: return self.rules_replaceartist[a.strip().lower()].split("␟") for d in self.delimiters_feat: if re.match(r"(.*) \(" + d + " (.*)\)",a) is not None: return self.parseArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) \(" + d + " (.*)\)",r"\1",a)) + \ self.parseArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) \(" + d + " (.*)\)",r"\2",a)) for d in self.delimiters_formal: if (d in a): ls = [] for i in a.split(d): ls += self.parseArtists(i) return ls for d in (self.delimiters_feat + self.delimiters): if ((" " + d + " ") in a): ls = [] for i in a.split(" " + d + " "): ls += self.parseArtists(i) return ls return [a.strip()] def parseTitle(self,t): if t.strip().lower() in self.rules_replacetitle: return self.rules_replacetitle[t.strip().lower()] t = t.replace("[","(").replace("]",")") t = re.sub(r" \(as made famous by .*?\)","",t) t = re.sub(r" \(originally by .*?\)","",t) t = re.sub(r" \(.*?Remaster.*?\)","",t) return t.strip() def parseTitleForArtists(self,t): for d in self.delimiters_feat: if re.match(r"(.*) \(" + d + " (.*?)\)",t) is not None: (title,artists) = self.parseTitleForArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) \(" + d + " (.*?)\)",r"\1",t)) artists += self.parseArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) \(" + d + " (.*?)\).*",r"\2",t)) return (title,artists) if re.match(r"(.*) - " + d + " (.*)",t) is not None: (title,artists) = self.parseTitleForArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) - " + d + " (.*)",r"\1",t)) artists += self.parseArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) - " + d + " (.*).*",r"\2",t)) return (title,artists) if re.match(r"(.*) " + d + " (.*)",t) is not None: (title,artists) = self.parseTitleForArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) " + d + " (.*)",r"\1",t)) artists += self.parseArtists(re.sub(r"(.*) " + d + " (.*).*",r"\2",t)) return (title,artists) return (t,[]) #this is for all the runtime changes (counting Trouble Maker as HyunA for charts etc) class CollectorAgent: def __init__(self): self.updateRules() # rules_countas dict: real artist -> credited artist # rules_countas_id dict: real artist ID -> credited artist ID # rules_include dict: credited artist -> all real artists def updateRules(self): raw = tsv.parse_all("rules","string","string","string") self.rules_countas = {b:c for [a,b,c] in raw if a=="countas"} self.rules_countas_id = {} self.rules_include = {} #Twice the memory, double the performance! # (Yes, we're saving redundant information here, but it's not unelegant if it's within a closed object!) for a in self.rules_countas: self.rules_include[self.rules_countas[a]] = self.rules_include.setdefault(self.rules_countas[a],[]) + [a] # this agent needs to be aware of the current id assignment in the main program # unelegant, but the best way i can think of def updateIDs(self,artistlist): self.rules_countas_id = {artistlist.index(a):artistlist.index(self.rules_countas[a]) for a in self.rules_countas if a in artistlist} #self.rules_include_id = {artistlist.index(a):artistlist.index(self.rules_include[a]) for a in self.rules_include} #this needs to take lists into account # get who is credited for this artist def getCredited(self,artist): if artist in self.rules_countas: return self.rules_countas[artist] if artist in self.rules_countas_id: return self.rules_countas_id[artist] else: return artist # get all credited artists for the artists given def getCreditedList(self,artists): updatedArtists = [] for artist in artists: updatedArtists.append(self.getCredited(artist)) return list(set(updatedArtists)) # get artists who the given artist is given credit for def getAllAssociated(self,artist): return self.rules_include.get(artist,[]) # this function is there to check for artists that we should include in the # database even though they never have any scrobble. def getAllArtists(self): return list(set([self.rules_countas[a] for a in self.rules_countas])) # artists that count can be nonexisting (counting HyunA as 4Minute even # though 4Minute has never been listened to) # but artists that are counted as someone else are only relevant if they # exist (so we can preemptively declare lots of rules just in case) #return list(set([a for a in self.rules_countas] + [self.rules_countas[a] for a in self.rules_countas])) def flatten(lis): newlist = [] for l in lis: if isinstance(l, str): newlist.append(l) else: newlist = newlist + l return list(set(newlist))