mirror of https://github.com/krateng/maloja.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00

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# these different interfaces are for the different roles a third party service
# can fulfill. implementing them adds some generic functionality to attempt to
# actually perform the role, but this will have to be overwritten in most cases.
# functionality is separated into different layers to allow partial override
# also yes, we're using singleton classes for the different providers
# pls don't sue me
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import json
import urllib.parse, urllib.request
import base64
from doreah.logging import log
from threading import BoundedSemaphore
from ..pkg_global.conf import malojaconfig
from .. import database
services = {
# have a limited number of worker threads so we don't completely hog the cpu with
# these requests. they are mostly network bound, so python will happily open up 200 new
# requests and then when all the responses come in we suddenly can't load pages anymore
thirdpartylock = BoundedSemaphore(4)
def import_scrobbles(identifier):
for service in services['import']:
if service.identifier == identifier:
return service.import_scrobbles()
return False
def proxy_scrobble_all(artists,title,timestamp):
for service in services["proxyscrobble"]:
def get_image_track_all(track):
with thirdpartylock:
for service in services["metadata"]:
res = service.get_image_track(track)
if res is not None:
log("Got track image for " + str(track) + " from " + service.name)
return res
log("Could not get track image for " + str(track) + " from " + service.name)
except Exception as e:
log("Error getting track image from " + service.name + ": " + repr(e))
def get_image_artist_all(artist):
with thirdpartylock:
for service in services["metadata"]:
res = service.get_image_artist(artist)
if res is not None:
log("Got artist image for " + str(artist) + " from " + service.name)
return res
log("Could not get artist image for " + str(artist) + " from " + service.name)
except Exception as e:
log("Error getting artist image from " + service.name + ": " + repr(e))
class GenericInterface:
def active_proxyscrobble(self):
return False
def active_import(self):
return False
def active_metadata(self):
return False
settings = {}
proxyscrobble = {}
scrobbleimport = {}
metadata = {}
def __init__(self):
# populate from settings file once on creation
# avoid constant disk access, restart on adding services is acceptable
for key in self.settings:
self.settings[key] = malojaconfig[self.settings[key]]
# this makes sure that of every class we define, we immediately create an
# instance (de facto singleton). then each instance checks if the requirements
# are met to use that service in each particular role and registers as such
def __init_subclass__(cls,abstract=False):
if not abstract:
s = cls()
if s.active_proxyscrobble():
#log(cls.name + " registered as proxy scrobble target")
if s.active_import():
#log(cls.name + " registered as scrobble import source")
if s.active_metadata():
#log(cls.name + " registered as metadata provider")
def authorize(self):
return True
# per default. no authorization is necessary
# wrapper method
def request(self,url,data,responsetype):
response = urllib.request.urlopen(
responsedata = response.read()
if responsetype == "xml":
data = ElementTree.fromstring(responsedata)
return data
# proxy scrobbler
class ProxyScrobbleInterface(GenericInterface,abstract=True):
proxyscrobble = {
# service provides this role only if the setting is active AND all
# necessary auth settings exist
def active_proxyscrobble(self):
return (
all(self.settings[key] not in [None,"ASK",False] for key in self.proxyscrobble["required_settings"]) and
def scrobble(self,artists,title,timestamp):
response = urllib.request.urlopen(
responsedata = response.read()
if self.proxyscrobble["response_type"] == "xml":
data = ElementTree.fromstring(responsedata)
return self.proxyscrobble_parse_response(data)
# scrobble import
class ImportInterface(GenericInterface,abstract=True):
scrobbleimport = {
# service provides this role only if the setting is active AND all
# necessary auth settings exist
def active_import(self):
return (
all(self.settings[key] not in [None,"ASK",False] for key in self.scrobbleimport["required_settings"])
#and malojaconfig[self.scrobbleimport["activated_setting"]]
# registering as import source doesnt do anything on its own, so no need for a setting
def import_scrobbles(self):
for scrobble in self.get_remote_scrobbles():
# metadata
class MetadataInterface(GenericInterface,abstract=True):
metadata = {
# service provides this role only if the setting is active AND all
# necessary auth settings exist
def active_metadata(self):
return (
all(self.settings[key] not in [None,"ASK",False] for key in self.metadata["required_settings"]) and
self.identifier in malojaconfig["METADATA_PROVIDERS"]
def get_image_track(self,track):
artists, title = track
artiststring = urllib.parse.quote(", ".join(artists))
titlestring = urllib.parse.quote(title)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(
responsedata = response.read()
if self.metadata["response_type"] == "json":
data = json.loads(responsedata)
imgurl = self.metadata_parse_response_track(data)
imgurl = None
if imgurl is not None: imgurl = self.postprocess_url(imgurl)
return imgurl
def get_image_artist(self,artist):
artiststring = urllib.parse.quote(artist)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(
responsedata = response.read()
if self.metadata["response_type"] == "json":
data = json.loads(responsedata)
imgurl = self.metadata_parse_response_artist(data)
imgurl = None
if imgurl is not None: imgurl = self.postprocess_url(imgurl)
return imgurl
# default function to parse response by descending down nodes
# override if more complicated
def metadata_parse_response_artist(self,data):
return self._parse_response("response_parse_tree_artist", data)
def metadata_parse_response_track(self,data):
return self._parse_response("response_parse_tree_track", data)
def _parse_response(self, resp, data):
res = data
for node in self.metadata[resp]:
res = res[node]
return None
return res
def postprocess_url(self,url):
url = url.replace("http:","https:",1)
return url
### useful stuff
def utf(st):
return st.encode(encoding="UTF-8")
def b64(inp):
return base64.b64encode(inp)
### actually create everything
__all__ = [
from . import *
key=lambda provider : malojaconfig["METADATA_PROVIDERS"].index(provider.identifier)