
709 lines
17 KiB

# server
from bottle import request, response, FormsDict, HTTPError
# rest of the project
from ..cleanup import CleanerAgent, CollectorAgent
from .. import utilities
from ..malojatime import register_scrobbletime, time_stamps, ranges
from ..malojauri import uri_to_internal, internal_to_uri, compose_querystring
from ..thirdparty import proxy_scrobble_all
from ..globalconf import data_dir, malojaconfig, apikeystore
from . import sqldb
from .cache import db_query, db_aggregate
# doreah toolkit
from doreah.logging import log
from doreah import tsv
from doreah.caching import Cache, DeepCache
from doreah.auth import authenticated_api, authenticated_api_with_alternate
from import ProgressBar
from doreah.persistence import DiskDict
except: pass
import doreah
# technical
import os
import datetime
import sys
import unicodedata
from collections import namedtuple
from threading import Lock
import yaml, json
import math
# url handling
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
import urllib
dblock = Lock() #global database lock
dbstatus = {
class DatabaseNotBuilt(HTTPError):
def __init__(self):
body="The Maloja Database is still being built. Try again in a few seconds.",
MEDALS_ARTISTS = {} #literally only changes once per year, no need to calculate that on the fly
cla = CleanerAgent()
coa = CollectorAgent()
def checkAPIkey(key):
return apikeystore.check_key(key)
def allAPIkeys():
return [apikeystore[k] for k in apikeystore]
## Getting dict representations of database objects
def get_scrobble_dict(o):
track = get_track_dict(TRACKS[o.track])
return {"artists":track["artists"],"title":track["title"],"time":o.timestamp,"album":o.album,"duration":o.duration}
def get_artist_dict(o):
return o
#technically not a dict, but... you know
def get_track_dict(o):
artists = [get_artist_dict(ARTISTS[a]) for a in o.artists]
return {"artists":artists,"title":o.title}
## Creating or finding existing database entries
def createScrobble(artists,title,time,album=None,duration=None,volatile=False):
if len(artists) == 0 or title == "":
return {}
scrobbledict = {
return scrobbledict
## HTTP requests and their associated functions
# skip regular authentication if api key is present in request
# an api key now ONLY permits scrobbling tracks, no other admin tasks
def api_key_correct(request):
args = request.params
if "key" in args:
apikey = args["key"]
del args["key"]
elif "apikey" in args:
apikey = args["apikey"]
del args["apikey"]
else: return False
return checkAPIkey(apikey)
def get_scrobbles(**keys):
r = db_query(**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["artist","artists","title","since","to","within","timerange","associated","track"]})
return r
def info():
totalscrobbles = get_scrobbles_num()
artists = {}
return {
chartentry["artist"]:round(chartentry["scrobbles"] * 100 / totalscrobbles,3)
for chartentry in get_charts_artists() if chartentry["scrobbles"]/totalscrobbles >= 0
def get_scrobbles_num(**keys):
r = db_query(**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["artist","track","artists","title","since","to","within","timerange","associated"]})
return len(r)
def get_tracks(artist=None):
artistid = ARTISTS.index(artist) if artist is not None else None
return [get_track_dict(t) for t in TRACKS if (artistid in t.artists) or (artistid==None)]
def get_artists():
if not dbstatus['healthy']: raise DatabaseNotBuilt()
return ARTISTS #well
def get_charts_artists(**keys):
return db_aggregate(by="ARTIST",**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["since","to","within","timerange"]})
def get_charts_tracks(**keys):
return db_aggregate(by="TRACK",**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["since","to","within","timerange","artist"]})
def get_pulse(**keys):
rngs = ranges(**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["since","to","within","timerange","step","stepn","trail"]})
results = []
for rng in rngs:
res = len(db_query(timerange=rng,**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["artists","artist","track","title","associated"]}))
return results
def get_performance(**keys):
rngs = ranges(**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["since","to","within","timerange","step","stepn","trail"]})
results = []
for rng in rngs:
if "track" in keys:
charts = get_charts_tracks(timerange=rng)
rank = None
for c in charts:
if c["track"] == keys["track"]:
rank = c["rank"]
elif "artist" in keys:
charts = get_charts_artists(timerange=rng)
rank = None
for c in charts:
if c["artist"] == keys["artist"]:
rank = c["rank"]
return results
def get_top_artists(**keys):
rngs = ranges(**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["since","to","within","timerange","step","stepn","trail"]})
results = []
for rng in rngs:
res = db_aggregate(timerange=rng,by="ARTIST")[0]
return results
def get_top_tracks(**keys):
rngs = ranges(**{k:keys[k] for k in keys if k in ["since","to","within","timerange","step","stepn","trail"]})
results = []
for rng in rngs:
res = db_aggregate(timerange=rng,by="TRACK")[0]
return results
def artistInfo(artist):
charts = db_aggregate(by="ARTIST")
scrobbles = len(db_query(artists=[artist]))
#we cant take the scrobble number from the charts because that includes all countas scrobbles
c = [e for e in charts if e["artist"] == artist][0]
others = [a for a in coa.getAllAssociated(artist) if a in ARTISTS]
position = c["rank"]
performance = get_performance(artist=artist,step="week")
return {
# if the artist isnt in the charts, they are not being credited and we
# need to show information about the credited one
artist = coa.getCredited(artist)
c = [e for e in charts if e["artist"] == artist][0]
position = c["rank"]
return {"replace":artist,"scrobbles":scrobbles,"position":position}
def trackInfo(track):
charts = db_aggregate(by="TRACK")
#scrobbles = len(db_query(artists=artists,title=title)) #chart entry of track always has right scrobble number, no countas rules here
#c = [e for e in charts if set(e["track"]["artists"]) == set(artists) and e["track"]["title"] == title][0]
c = [e for e in charts if e["track"] == track][0]
scrobbles = c["scrobbles"]
position = c["rank"]
cert = None
threshold_gold, threshold_platinum, threshold_diamond = malojaconfig["SCROBBLES_GOLD","SCROBBLES_PLATINUM","SCROBBLES_DIAMOND"]
if scrobbles >= threshold_diamond: cert = "diamond"
elif scrobbles >= threshold_platinum: cert = "platinum"
elif scrobbles >= threshold_gold: cert = "gold"
return {
def compare(remoteurl):
import json
compareurl = remoteurl + "/api/info"
response = urllib.request.urlopen(compareurl)
strangerinfo = json.loads(
owninfo = info()
artists = {}
for a in owninfo["artists"]:
artists[a.lower()] = {"name":a,"self":int(owninfo["artists"][a]*1000),"other":0}
for a in strangerinfo["artists"]:
artists[a.lower()] = artists.setdefault(a.lower(),{"name":a,"self":0})
artists[a.lower()]["other"] = int(strangerinfo["artists"][a]*1000)
for a in artists:
common = min(artists[a]["self"],artists[a]["other"])
artists[a]["self"] -= common
artists[a]["other"] -= common
artists[a]["common"] = common
best = sorted((artists[a]["name"] for a in artists),key=lambda x: artists[x.lower()]["common"],reverse=True)
result = {
"unique_self":sum(artists[a]["self"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] == 0),
"more_self":sum(artists[a]["self"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] != 0),
"common":sum(artists[a]["common"] for a in artists),
"more_other":sum(artists[a]["other"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] != 0),
"unique_other":sum(artists[a]["other"] for a in artists if artists[a]["common"] == 0)
total = sum(result[c] for c in result)
for r in result:
result[r] = (result[r],result[r]/total)
return {
def incoming_scrobble(artists,title,album=None,duration=None,time=None,fix=True):
if time is None:
time = int(
log("Incoming scrobble (): ARTISTS: " + str(artists) + ", TRACK: " + title,module="debug")
if fix:
(artists,title) = cla.fullclean(artists,title)
trackdict = createScrobble(artists,title,time,album,duration)
return {"status":"success","track":trackdict}
def issues():
return ISSUES
def check_issues():
combined = []
duplicates = []
newartists = []
import itertools
import difflib
sortedartists = ARTISTS.copy()
reversesortedartists = sortedartists.copy()
for a in reversesortedartists:
nochange = cla.confirmedReal(a)
st = a
lis = []
reachedmyself = False
for ar in sortedartists:
if (ar != a) and not reachedmyself:
elif not reachedmyself:
reachedmyself = True
if (ar.lower() == a.lower()) or ("the " + ar.lower() == a.lower()) or ("a " + ar.lower() == a.lower()):
if (ar + " " in st) or (" " + ar in st):
st = st.replace(ar,"").strip()
elif (ar == st):
st = ""
if not nochange:
elif (ar in st) and len(ar)*2 > len(st):
st = st.replace("&","").replace("and","").replace("with","").strip()
if st not in ["", a]:
if len(st) < 5 and len(lis) == 1:
#check if we havent just randomly found the string in another word
#if (" " + st + " ") in lis[0] or (lis[0].endswith(" " + st)) or (lis[0].startswith(st + " ")):
elif len(st) < 5 and len(lis) > 1 and not nochange:
elif len(st) >= 5 and not nochange:
#check if we havent just randomly found the string in another word
if (" " + st + " ") in a or (a.endswith(" " + st)) or (a.startswith(st + " ")):
#for c in itertools.combinations(ARTISTS,3):
# l = list(c)
# print(l)
# l.sort(key=len,reverse=True)
# [full,a1,a2] = l
# if (a1 + " " + a2 in full) or (a2 + " " + a1 in full):
# combined.append((full,a1,a2))
#for c in itertools.combinations(ARTISTS,2):
# if
# if (c[0].lower == c[1].lower):
# duplicates.append((c[0],c[1]))
# elif (c[0] + " " in c[1]) or (" " + c[0] in c[1]) or (c[1] + " " in c[0]) or (" " + c[1] in c[0]):
# if (c[0] in c[1]):
# full, part = c[1],c[0]
# rest = c[1].replace(c[0],"").strip()
# else:
# full, part = c[0],c[1]
# rest = c[0].replace(c[1],"").strip()
# if rest in ARTISTS and full not in [c[0] for c in combined]:
# combined.append((full,part,rest))
# elif (c[0] in c[1]) or (c[1] in c[0]):
# duplicates.append((c[0],c[1]))
return {"duplicates":duplicates,"combined":combined,"newartists":newartists}
def get_predefined_rulesets():
validchars = "-_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
rulesets = []
for f in os.listdir(data_dir['rules']("predefined")):
if f.endswith(".tsv"):
rawf = f.replace(".tsv","")
valid = all(char in validchars for char in rawf)
if not valid: continue
if "_" not in rawf: continue
with open(data_dir['rules']("predefined",f)) as tsvfile:
line1 = tsvfile.readline()
line2 = tsvfile.readline()
if "# NAME: " in line1:
name = line1.replace("# NAME: ","")
else: name = rawf.split("_")[1]
desc = line2.replace("# DESC: ","") if "# DESC: " in line2 else ""
author = rawf.split("_")[0]
ruleset = {"file":rawf}
ruleset["active"] = bool(os.path.exists(data_dir['rules'](f)))
ruleset["name"] = name
ruleset["author"] = author
ruleset["desc"] = desc
return rulesets
## Server operation
def start_db():
from .. import upgrade
dbstatus['healthy'] = True
dbstatus['complete'] = True
## Database queries
# Queries the database
def db_query_full(artist=None,artists=None,title=None,track=None,timerange=None,associated=False,max_=None):
if not dbstatus['healthy']: raise DatabaseNotBuilt()
(since, to) = time_stamps(range=timerange)
if artists is not None and title is not None:
print(col['red']("THIS SHOULD NO LONGER HAPPEN"))
track = {'artists':artists,'title':title}
if track is not None:
return sqldb.get_scrobbles_of_track(track=track,since=since,to=to)
if artist is not None:
return sqldb.get_scrobbles_of_artist(artist=artist,since=since,to=to)
return sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to)
# Queries that... well... aggregate
def db_aggregate_full(by=None,timerange=None,artist=None):
if not dbstatus['healthy']: raise DatabaseNotBuilt()
(since, to) = time_stamps(range=timerange)
if (by=="ARTIST"):
trackcharts = {}
charts = {}
scrobbles = sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to,resolve_references=False)
for s in scrobbles:
trackcharts[s['track']] = trackcharts.setdefault(s['track'],0) + 1
for t in trackcharts:
artists = sqldb.get_artists_of_track(t,resolve_references=False)
for a in coa.getCreditedList(artists):
charts[a] = charts.setdefault(a,0) + trackcharts[t]
ls = [{"artist":sqldb.get_artist(a),"scrobbles":charts[a],"counting":[]} for a in charts]
ls.sort(key=lambda k:k["scrobbles"],reverse=True)
# add ranks
for rnk in range(len(ls)):
if rnk == 0 or ls[rnk]["scrobbles"] < ls[rnk-1]["scrobbles"]:
ls[rnk]["rank"] = rnk + 1
ls[rnk]["rank"] = ls[rnk-1]["rank"]
return ls
elif (by=="TRACK"):
charts = {}
if artist is None:
scrobbles = sqldb.get_scrobbles(since=since,to=to,resolve_references=False)
scrobbles = sqldb.get_scrobbles_of_artist(since=since,to=to,artist=artist,resolve_references=False)
for s in scrobbles:
charts[s['track']] = charts.setdefault(s['track'],0) + 1
ls = [{"track":sqldb.get_track(t),"scrobbles":charts[t]} for t in charts]
ls.sort(key=lambda k:k["scrobbles"],reverse=True)
# add ranks
for rnk in range(len(ls)):
if rnk == 0 or ls[rnk]["scrobbles"] < ls[rnk-1]["scrobbles"]:
ls[rnk]["rank"] = rnk + 1
ls[rnk]["rank"] = ls[rnk-1]["rank"]
return ls
#return len([scr for scr in SCROBBLES if since < scr[1] < to])
return len(list(scrobbles_in_range(since,to)))
# Search for strings
def db_search(query,type=None):
results = []
if type=="ARTIST":
results = [a for a in ARTISTS if simplestr(query) in simplestr(a)]
if type=="TRACK":
results = [
get_track_dict(t) for t in TRACKS if simplestr(query) in simplestr(t[1])
return results
## Useful functions
# makes a string usable for searching (special characters are blanks, accents and stuff replaced with their real part)
def simplestr(input,ignorecapitalization=True):
norm = unicodedata.normalize("NFKD",input)
norm = [c for c in norm if not unicodedata.combining(c)]
norm = [c if len(c.encode())==1 else " " for c in norm]
clear = ''.join(c for c in norm)
if ignorecapitalization: clear = clear.lower()
return clear
#def getArtistId(nameorid):
# if isinstance(nameorid,int):
# return nameorid
# else:
# try:
# return ARTISTS.index(nameorid)
# except:
# return -1
def insert(list_,item,key=lambda x:x):
i = 0
while len(list_) > i:
if key(list_[i]) > key(item):
return i
i += 1
return i
def scrobbles_in_range(start,end,reverse=False):
if reverse:
for stamp in reversed(STAMPS):
#print("Checking " + str(stamp))
if stamp < start: return
if stamp > end: continue
yield SCROBBLESDICT[stamp]
for stamp in STAMPS:
#print("Checking " + str(stamp))
if stamp < start: continue
if stamp > end: return
yield SCROBBLESDICT[stamp]