mirror of
synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00
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import datetime
from datetime import datetime as dtm
from datetime import timezone, timedelta
from calendar import monthrange
from os.path import commonprefix
import math
from doreah.settings import get_settings
OFFSET = get_settings("TIMEZONE")
TIMEZONE = timezone(timedelta(hours=OFFSET))
UTC = datetime.timezone.utc
FIRST_SCROBBLE = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC).timestamp())
def register_scrobbletime(timestamp):
if timestamp < FIRST_SCROBBLE:
FIRST_SCROBBLE = int(timestamp)
# only for ranges, timestamps are separate
class MRangeDescriptor:
def __eq__(self,other):
if not isinstance(other,MRangeDescriptor): return False
return (self.first_stamp() == other.first_stamp() and self.last_stamp() == other.last_stamp())
# gives a hashable object that uniquely identifies this time range
def hashable(self):
return self.first_stamp(),self.last_stamp()
def info(self):
return {
def __json__(self):
return {
def uri(self):
return "&".join(k + "=" + self.urikeys()[k] for k in self.urikeys())
def unlimited(self):
return False
def active(self):
return (self.last_stamp() > datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
# returns the description of the range including buttons to go back and forth
#def desc_interactive(self,**kwargs):
# if self.next(1) is None:
# return self.desc(**kwargs)
# else:
# prevrange = self.next(-1)
# nextrange = self.next(1)
# a range that is exactly a gregorian calendar unit (year, month or day)
class MTime(MRangeDescriptor):
def __init__(self,*ls):
# in case we want to call with non-unpacked arguments
if isinstance(ls[0],tuple) or isinstance(ls[0],list):
ls = ls[0]
self.tup = tuple(ls)
self.precision = len(ls)
self.year = ls[0]
if len(ls)>1: self.month = ls[1]
if len(ls)>2: self.day = ls[2]
dt = [1970,1,1]
dt[:len(ls)] = ls
self.dateobject = datetime.date(dt[0],dt[1],dt[2])
def __str__(self):
return "/".join(str(part) for part in self.tup)
def fromstr(self):
return str(self)
def tostr(self):
return str(self)
# whether we currently live or will ever again live in this range
def active(self):
tod = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
if tod.year > self.year: return False
if self.precision == 1: return True
if tod.year == self.year:
if tod.month > self.month: return False
if self.precision == 2: return True
if tod.month == self.month:
if tod.day > self.day: return False
return True
def urikeys(self):
return {"in":str(self)}
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if self.precision == 3:
if prefix:
return "on " + self.dateobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%d. %B %Y")
if self.precision == 2:
if prefix:
return "in " + self.dateobject.strftime("%B %Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%B %Y")
if self.precision == 1:
if prefix:
return "in " + self.dateobject.strftime("%Y")
return self.dateobject.strftime("%Y")
def informal_desc(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
today = datetime.date(now.year,now.month,now.day)
if self.precision == 3:
diff = (today - dateobject).days
if diff == 0: return "Today"
if diff == 1: return "Yesterday"
if diff < 7 and diff > 1: return timeobject.strftime("%A")
#elif len(t) == 2:
return self.desc()
# describes only the parts that are different than another range object
def contextual_desc(self,other):
if isinstance(other,MTime):
relevant = self.desc().split(" ")
if self.year == other.year:
if self.precision > 1 and other.precision > 1 and self.month == other.month:
if self.precision > 2 and other.precision > 2 and self.day == other.day:
return " ".join(relevant)
return self.desc()
# gets object with one higher precision that starts this one
def start(self):
if self.precision == 1: return MTime(self.tup + (1,))
elif self.precision == 2: return MTime(self.tup + (1,))
# gets object with one higher precision that ends this one
def end(self):
if self.precision == 1: return MTime(self.tup + (12,))
elif self.precision == 2: return MTime(self.tup + (monthrange(self.year,self.month)[1],))
def first_day(self):
if self.precision == 3: return self
else: return self.start().first_day()
def last_day(self):
if self.precision == 3: return self
else: return self.end().last_day()
def first_stamp(self):
day = self.first_day().dateobject
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=TIMEZONE)).timestamp())
def last_stamp(self):
day = self.last_day().dateobject + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=TIMEZONE)).timestamp() - 1)
# next range of equal length (not exactly same amount of days, but same precision level)
def next(self,step=1):
if abs(step) == math.inf: return None
if self.precision == 1:
return MTime(self.year + step)
elif self.precision == 2:
dt = [self.year,self.month]
dt[1] += step
while dt[1] > 12:
dt[1] -= 12
dt[0] += 1
while dt[1] < 1:
dt[1] += 12
dt[0] -= 1
return MTime(*dt)
elif self.precision == 3:
dt = self.dateobject
d = datetime.timedelta(days=step)
newdate = dt + d
return MTime(newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day)
# a range that is exactly one christian week (starting on sunday)
class MTimeWeek(MRangeDescriptor):
def __init__(self,year=None,week=None):
# do this so we can construct the week with overflow (eg 2020/-3)
thisisoyear_firstday = datetime.date.fromchrcalendar(year,1,1)
self.firstday = thisisoyear_firstday + datetime.timedelta(days=7*(week-1))
self.firstday = datetime.date(self.firstday.year,self.firstday.month,self.firstday.day)
# for compatibility with pre python3.8 (https://bugs.python.org/issue32417)
self.lastday = self.firstday + datetime.timedelta(days=6)
# now get the actual year and week number (in case of overflow)
y,w,_ = self.firstday.chrcalendar()
self.year,self.week,_ = self.firstday.chrcalendar()
def __str__(self):
return str(self.year) + "/W" + str(self.week)
def fromstr(self):
return str(self)
def tostr(self):
return str(self)
# whether we currently live or will ever again live in this range
# def active(self):
# tod = datetime.date.today()
# if tod.year > self.year: return False
# if tod.year == self.year:
# if tod.chrcalendar()[1] > self.week: return False
# return True
def urikeys(self):
return {"in":str(self)}
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if prefix:
return "in " + "Week " + str(self.week) + " " + str(self.year)
return "Week " + str(self.week) + " " + str(self.year)
def informal_desc(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
if now.year == self.year: return "Week " + str(self.week)
return self.desc()
def contextual_desc(self,other):
if isinstance(other,MTimeWeek):
if other.year == self.year: return "Week " + str(self.week)
return self.desc()
def start(self):
return self.first_day()
def end(self):
return self.last_day()
def first_day(self):
return MTime(self.firstday.year,self.firstday.month,self.firstday.day)
def last_day(self):
return MTime(self.lastday.year,self.lastday.month,self.lastday.day)
def first_stamp(self):
day = self.firstday
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=TIMEZONE)).timestamp())
def last_stamp(self):
day = self.lastday + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return int(datetime.datetime.combine(day,datetime.time(tzinfo=TIMEZONE)).timestamp() - 1)
def next(self,step=1):
if abs(step) == math.inf: return None
return MTimeWeek(self.year,self.week + step)
# a range that is defined by separate start and end
class MRange(MRangeDescriptor):
def __init__(self,since=None,to=None):
since,to = time_pad(since,to)
self.since = since
self.to = to
if isinstance(self.since,MRange): self.since = self.since.start()
if isinstance(self.to,MRange): self.to = self.to.end()
def __str__(self):
return str(self.since) + " - " + str(self.to)
def fromstr(self):
return str(self.since)
def tostr(self):
return str(self.to)
# whether we currently live or will ever again live in this range
def active(self):
if self.to is None: return True
return self.to.active()
def unlimited(self):
return (self.since is None and self.to is None)
def urikeys(self):
keys = {}
if self.since is not None: keys["since"] = str(self.since)
if self.to is not None: keys["to"] = str(self.to)
return keys
def desc(self,prefix=False):
if self.since is not None and self.to is not None:
if prefix:
return "from " + self.since.contextual_desc(self.to) + " to " + self.to.desc()
return self.since.contextual_desc(self.to) + " to " + self.to.desc()
if self.since is not None and self.to is None:
return "since " + self.since.desc()
if self.since is None and self.to is not None:
return "until " + self.to.desc()
if self.since is None and self.to is None:
return ""
def informal_desc(self):
# dis gonna be hard
return "Not implemented"
def start(self):
return self.since
def end(self):
return self.to
def first_day(self):
return self.since.first_day()
def last_day(self):
return self.to.last_day()
def first_stamp(self):
if self.since is None: return FIRST_SCROBBLE
else: return self.since.first_stamp()
def last_stamp(self):
if self.to is None: return int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
else: return self.to.last_stamp()
def next(self,step=1):
if abs(step) == math.inf: return None
if self.since is None or self.to is None: return None
# hop from the start element by one until we reach the end element
diff = 1
nxt = self.since
while (nxt != self.to):
diff += 1
nxt = nxt.next(step=1)
newstart = self.since.next(step=diff*step)
newend = self.to.next(step=diff*step)
return MRange(newstart,newend)
## test
w = MTimeWeek(2018,40)
d = MTime(2019,4,9)
m = MTime(2019,7)
y = MTime(2020)
def today():
tod = datetime.datetime.now(tz=TIMEZONE)
return MTime(tod.year,tod.month,tod.day)
def thisweek():
tod = datetime.datetime.now(tz=TIMEZONE)
tod = datetime.date(tod.year,tod.month,tod.day)
y,w,_ = tod.chrcalendar()
return MTimeWeek(y,w)
def thismonth():
tod = datetime.datetime.now(tz=TIMEZONE)
return MTime(tod.year,tod.month)
def thisyear():
tod = datetime.datetime.now(tz=TIMEZONE)
return MTime(tod.year)
def alltime():
return MRange(None,None)
def range_desc(r,**kwargs):
if r is None: return ""
return r.desc(**kwargs)
def time_str(t):
obj = time_fix(t)
return obj.desc()
currenttime_string_representations = (
month_string_representations = (
weekday_string_representations = (
def get_last_instance(category,current,target,amount):
offset = (target-current) % -(amount)
return category().next(offset)
str_to_time_range = {
**{s:callable for callable,strlist in currenttime_string_representations for s in strlist},
**{s:(lambda i=index:get_last_instance(thismonth,dtm.utcnow().month,i,12)) for index,strlist in enumerate(month_string_representations,1) for s in strlist},
**{s:(lambda i=index:get_last_instance(today,dtm.utcnow().isoweekday()+1%7,i,7)) for index,strlist in enumerate(weekday_string_representations,1) for s in strlist}
# converts strings and stuff to objects
def time_fix(t):
if t is None or isinstance(t,MRangeDescriptor): return t
if isinstance(t, str):
t = t.lower()
if t in str_to_time_range:
return str_to_time_range[t]()
if isinstance(t,str): t = t.split("/")
#if isinstance(t,tuple): t = list(t)
t = [int(p) for p in t]
return MTime(t[:3])
if isinstance(t[1],str) and t[1].startswith("w"):
year = int(t[0])
weeknum = int(t[1][1:])
return MTimeWeek(year=year,week=weeknum)
def get_range_object(since=None,to=None,within=None):
since,to,within = time_fix(since),time_fix(to),time_fix(within)
# check if we can simplify
if since is not None and to is not None and since == to: within = since
if within is not None:
return within
return MRange(since,to)
# makes times the same precision level
def time_pad(f,t,full=False):
if f is None or t is None: return f,t
# week handling
if isinstance(f,MTimeWeek) and isinstance(t,MTimeWeek):
if full: return f.start(),t.end()
else: return f,t
if not isinstance(f,MTimeWeek) and isinstance(t,MTimeWeek):
t = t.end()
if isinstance(f,MTimeWeek) and not isinstance(t,MTimeWeek):
f = f.start()
while (f.precision < t.precision) or (full and f.precision < 3):
f = f.start()
while (f.precision > t.precision) or (full and t.precision < 3):
t = t.end()
return f,t
def timestamp_desc(t,short=False):
if short:
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
difference = int(now.timestamp() - t)
if difference < 10: return "just now"
if difference < 60: return str(difference) + " seconds ago"
difference = int(difference/60)
if difference < 60: return str(difference) + " minutes ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " minute ago"
difference = int(difference/60)
if difference < 24: return str(difference) + " hours ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " hour ago"
difference = int(difference/24)
timeobject = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
if difference < 5: return timeobject.strftime("%A")
if difference < 31: return str(difference) + " days ago" if difference>1 else str(difference) + " day ago"
if difference < 300 or timeobject.year == now.year: return timeobject.strftime("%B")
#if difference < 300: return tim.strftime("%B %Y")
return timeobject.strftime("%Y")
timeobject = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t,tz=TIMEZONE)
return timeobject.strftime("%d. %b %Y %I:%M %p")
def time_stamps(since=None,to=None,within=None,range=None):
if range is None: range = get_range_object(since=since,to=to,within=within)
return range.first_stamp(),range.last_stamp()
# if (since==None): stamp1 = FIRST_SCROBBLE
# else: stamp1 = range.first_stamp()
# if (to==None): stamp2 = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# else: stamp2 = range.last_stamp()
# return stamp1,stamp2
# if (since==None): stamp1 = FIRST_SCROBBLE
# else:
# stamp1 = since1
# since = time_fix(since)
# date = [1970,1,1]
# date[:len(since)] = since
# stamp1 = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# if (to==None): stamp2 = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# else:
# to = time_fix(to)
# to = _get_next(to)
# date = [1970,1,1]
# date[:len(to)] = to
# stamp2 = int(datetime.datetime(date[0],date[1],date[2],tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp())
# return (stamp1,stamp2-1)
def delimit_desc_p(d):
return delimit_desc(**d)
def delimit_desc(step="month",stepn=1,trail=1):
txt = ""
if stepn != 1: txt += str(stepn) + "-"
txt += {"year":"Yearly","month":"Monthly","week":"Weekly","day":"Daily"}[step.lower()]
if trail is math.inf: txt += " Cumulative"
elif trail != 1: txt += " Trailing" #we don't need all the info in the title
return txt
def day_from_timestamp(stamp):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stamp,tz=TIMEZONE)
return MTime(dt.year,dt.month,dt.day)
def month_from_timestamp(stamp):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stamp,tz=TIMEZONE)
return MTime(dt.year,dt.month)
def year_from_timestamp(stamp):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stamp,tz=TIMEZONE)
return MTime(dt.year)
def week_from_timestamp(stamp):
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(stamp,tz=TIMEZONE)
d = datetime.date(dt.year,dt.month,dt.day)
y,w,_ = d.chrcalendar()
return MTimeWeek(y,w)
def from_timestamp(stamp,unit):
if unit == "day": return day_from_timestamp(stamp)
if unit == "week": return week_from_timestamp(stamp)
if unit == "month": return month_from_timestamp(stamp)
if unit == "year": return year_from_timestamp(stamp)
# since, to and within can accept old notations or objects. timerange can only be a new object.
def ranges(since=None,to=None,within=None,timerange=None,step="month",stepn=1,trail=1,max_=None):
(firstincluded,lastincluded) = time_stamps(since=since,to=to,within=within,range=timerange)
d_start = from_timestamp(firstincluded,step)
d_start = d_start.next(stepn-1) #last part of first included range
i = 0
current_end = d_start
current_start = current_end.next((stepn*trail-1)*-1)
#ranges = []
while current_end.first_stamp() < lastincluded and (max_ is None or i < max_):
if current_start == current_end:
yield current_start
yield MRange(current_start,current_end)
current_end = current_end.next(stepn)
current_start = current_end.next((stepn*trail-1)*-1)
i += 1
#return ranges
#def _get_start_of(timestamp,unit):
# date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
# if unit == "year":
# #return [date.year,1,1]
# return [date.year]
# elif unit == "month":
# #return [date.year,date.month,1]
# return [date.year,date.month]
# elif unit == "day":
# return [date.year,date.month,date.day]
# elif unit == "week":
# change = (date.weekday() + 1) % 7
# d = datetime.timedelta(days=change)
# newdate = date - d
# return [newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day]
#def _get_next(time,unit="auto",step=1):
# result = time[:]
# if unit == "auto":
# if is_week(time): unit = "week"
# # see how long the list is, increment by the last specified unit
# else: unit = [None,"year","month","day"][len(time)]
# #while len(time) < 3:
# # time.append(1)
# if unit == "year":
# #return [time[0] + step,time[1],time[2]]
# result[0] += step
# return result
# elif unit == "month":
# #result = [time[0],time[1] + step,time[2]]
# result[1] += step
# while result[1] > 12:
# result[1] -= 12
# result[0] += 1
# while result[1] < 1:
# result[1] += 12
# result[0] -= 1
# return result
# elif unit == "day":
# dt = datetime.datetime(time[0],time[1],time[2])
# d = datetime.timedelta(days=step)
# newdate = dt + d
# return [newdate.year,newdate.month,newdate.day]
# #eugh
# elif unit == "week":
# return _get_next(time,"day",step * 7)
# like _get_next(), but gets the last INCLUDED day / month whatever
#def _get_end(time,unit="auto",step=1):
# if step == 1:
# if unit == "auto": return time[:]
# if unit == "year" and len(time) == 1: return time[:]
# if unit == "month" and len(time) == 2: return time[:]
# if unit == "day" and len(time) == 3: return time[:]
# exc = _get_next(time,unit,step)
# inc = _get_next(exc,"auto",-1)
# return inc
#def _is_past(date,limit):
# date_, limit_ = date[:], limit[:]
# while len(date_) != 3: date_.append(1)
# while len(limit_) != 3: limit_.append(1)
# if not date_[0] == limit_[0]:
# return date_[0] > limit_[0]
# if not date_[1] == limit_[1]:
# return date_[1] > limit_[1]
# return (date_[2] > limit_[2])