mirror of https://github.com/krateng/maloja.git synced 2023-08-10 21:12:55 +03:00
2022-03-27 22:02:24 +02:00

161 lines
4.1 KiB

{% extends "abstracts/base.jinja" %}
{% block title %}Maloja - {{ info.artist }}{% endblock %}
{% import 'snippets/links.jinja' as links %}
{% import 'partials/awards_artist.jinja' as awards %}
{% block scripts %}
<script src="/rangeselect.js"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% set artist = filterkeys.artist %}
{% set info = db.artist_info(artist=artist) %}
{% set credited = info.get('replace') %}
{% set included = info.get('associated') %}
{% set initialrange ='month' %}
{% if credited is not none %}
{% set competes = false %}
{% else %}
{% set credited = artist %}
{% set competes = true %}
{% endif %}
{% set encodedartist = mlj_uri.uriencode({'artist':artist}) %}
{% block content %}
<table class="top_info">
<td class="image">
{% if adminmode %}
class="changeable-image" data-uploader="b64=>upload('{{ encodedartist }}',b64)"
style="background-image:url('{{ images.get_artist_image(artist) }}');"
{% else %}
<div style="background-image:url('{{ images.get_artist_image(artist) }}');">
{% endif %}
<td class="text">
<h1 class="headerwithextra">{{ info.artist }}</h1>
{% if competes %}<span class="rank"><a href="/charts_artists?max=100">#{{ info.position }}</a></span>{% endif %}
{% if competes and included %}
<span>associated: {{ links.links(included) }}</span>
{% elif not competes %}
<span>Competing under {{ links.link(credited) }} (#{{ info.position }})</span>
{% endif %}
<p class="stats"><a href="{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/scrobbles",filterkeys) }}">{{ info['scrobbles'] }} Scrobbles</a></p>
{% if competes %}
{{ awards.medals(info) }}
{{ awards.topweeks(info) }}
{% endif %}
{{ awards.certs(artist) }}
<h2><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/charts_tracks",filterkeys) }}'>Top Tracks</a></h2>
{% with amountkeys={"perpage":15,"page":0} %}
{% include 'partials/charts_tracks.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
<table class="twopart">
<h2 class="headerwithextra"><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/pulse",filterkeys) }}'>Pulse</a></h2>
{% for r in xranges %}
onclick="showRangeManual('pulse','{{ r.identifier }}')"
class="stat_selector_pulse selector_pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'opacity:0.5;' if initialrange==r.identifier else '' }}">
{{ r.localisation }}
{% if not loop.last %}|{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for r in xranges %}
class="stat_module_pulse pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'display:none;' if initialrange!=r.identifier else '' }}"
{% with limitkeys={"since":r.firstrange},delimitkeys={'step':r.identifier,'trail':1} %}
{% include 'partials/pulse.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- We use the same classes / function calls here because we want it to switch together with pulse -->
<h2 class="headerwithextra"><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/performance",{'artist':credited}) }}'>Performance</a></h2>
{% if not competes %}<span class="afterheader">of {{ links.link(credited) }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% for r in xranges %}
onclick="showRangeManual('pulse','{{ r.identifier }}')"
class="stat_selector_pulse selector_pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'opacity:0.5;' if initialrange==r.identifier else '' }}">
{{ r.localisation }}
{% if not loop.last %}|{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for r in xranges %}
class="stat_module_pulse pulse_{{ r.identifier }}"
style="{{ 'display:none;' if initialrange!=r.identifier else '' }}"
{% with filterkeys={'artist':credited},limitkeys={"since":r.firstrange},delimitkeys={'step':r.identifier,'trail':1} %}
{% include 'partials/performance.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
<h2><a href='{{ mlj_uri.create_uri("/scrobbles",filterkeys) }}'>Last Scrobbles</a></h2>
{% with amountkeys = {"perpage":15,"page":0} %}
{% include 'partials/scrobbles.jinja' %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}