false Maximize mpdevil on startup 1006 Default width of window 990 Default height of window 370 Default position of cover/playlist separator 246 Default position of artist/albums separator 572 Default position of paned1/paned0 separator false Start player in mini player mode 170 Size of covers in album view 370 Size of main cover 24 Size of icons in main control bar true Use Client-side decoration true Show stop button true Show audio format true Show lyrics button true Sort albums by year false Send notification on title change false Stop playback on quit false Play selected albums directly true Use 'Album Artist' tag to group albums true Provide MPRIS false Classic previous button behavior [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Column order in playlist [true, false, true, true, true, true, false, false] Visibility of columns in playlist [33, 0, 203, 153, 174, 0, 0, 0] Sizes of columns in playlist false Move playlist to the right 0 Active profile ["default"] List of profile names ["localhost"] List of hosts [6600] List of ports [""] List of passwords [""] List of library paths [""] List of cover regex 100 Main refresh interval This setting should only be used if you know what you are doing! It controls the time in msec. between two status requests to MPD. Too high values (long time) will make mpdevil very slow in terms of showing the latest status of MPD (e.g. current song). Too low values (short time) can cause gui blocks making mpdevil unresponsive and cpu intensive.