README for mpdevil ================== mpdevil is a simple music browser for the Music Player Daemon (MPD) which is focused on playing local music without the need of managing playlists. Instead of maintaining a client side database of your music library, mpdevil loads all tags and covers on demand. So you'll never see any outdated information in the browser. mpdevil strongly relies on tags. ![ScreenShot](screenshots/mainwindow_1.7.0.png) Features -------- - display large covers - play songs without double click - lyrics from: - MPRIS interface (based on mpDris2) - manage multiple MPD servers - basic queue manipulation (move and delete single tracks) - save and load playlists See: Package Installation -------------------- See: Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Raspberry Pi OS: - Download the .deb file - Open a console - Navigate into download dir - Run: `sudo apt install ./mpdevil_VERSION.deb` Arch, Manjaro (see: - Download the PKGBUILD from the AUR - Open a console - Navigate into download dir - Run: `makepkg -sirc` - Alternatively install it with an AUR helper Gentoo (see: - Download the .ebuild - Place it into your local tree - Generate manifest file - Run: `emerge mpdevil` Flatpak: Download on Flathub Building -------- Build dependencies: - meson Dependencies: - GTK3 - Python3 Python modules: - mpd (python-mpd2 >=1.1) - gi (Gtk, Gio, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, Pango, GObject, GLib) Run: ```bash git clone cd mpdevil meson builddir --prefix=/usr/local sudo ninja -C builddir install sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas sudo gtk-update-icon-cache sudo update-desktop-database ``` Translation ----------- mpdevil is currently available in English, German, Dutch, Bulgarian and Turkish. If you speak another language, you can easily translate mpdevil by using `poedit`. Just import `po/mpdevil.pot` from this repo into `poedit`. To test your translation, copy the new `.po` file into the `po` directory of your cloned mpdevil repo and proceed as described in the [Building](#building) section. To get your translation integrated into mpdevil, just send me an e-mail or create a pull request. Link to `poedit`: